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Pain In Knee After Fall

Helpful Ways How To Treat Swollen Knee From Fall

Knee Pain? Try These 3 Exercises …

There are injuries that could happen while you are out doing your activities. However, one of those activities may accidentally cause you to fall and hurt your knee. As a result, your knee starts to hurt and become swollen. No need to panic as this article will tell you the 13 How to Treat Swollen Knee from Fall.

There are causes and effects about the swollen knee that you might want to read first to understand your injury better.

You may want to read:

Causes of Swollen Knee from Fall

When you fall, the knee can become injured due to a number of reasons. Most of these causes are the things that you cannot see with the eye. The swelling process happens inside the knee part of your body which includes the following:

Effects of Swollen Knee from Fall

Of course, there are effects from a swollen knee. Most of them may cause a disruption in the daily life. Here are some of the effects of swollen knee from falling:

  • Limited activities

Knee Contusions: When To Seek Medical Attention

There are some who say that knee contusions are not always serious. If an athlete does not improve within 2-4 weeks after a contusion, he or she should consult with a physician. If you have a contusion and a hematoma , do not begin to lose size after a few days, or show any signs of fracture or serious injury, consult a doctor.

Signs Of Serious Knee Injury

The following are recognized signs of a serious knee injury that should be evaluated by an orthopaedic knee specialist:

  • The knee has more than minor swelling.
  • There is an obvious deformity.
  • You cant put weight on it or the knee buckles easily when you do.
  • You cant straighten the affected leg.
  • You felt or heard a pop.
  • Your knee feels loose and unnatural when you try to rotate or stress it.

Dont let knee pain linger. Walk into our orthopaedic urgent care or make an appointment with one of our knee specialists at OrthoNebraska.

Also Check: Why Do My Knees Hurt In The Morning

Things To Know About Knee Injury

The knee is a hinge joint that has a simple purpose. It needs to flex or extend to allow the body to perform many activities, like running, walking, kicking, and sitting. Imagine standing up from a chair if your knees couldn’t bend.

While four bones come together at the knee, only the femur and the tibia form the joint itself. The head of the fibula provides some stability, and the patella helps with joint and muscle function. Movement and weight-bearing occur where the ends of the femur called the femoral condyles match up with the top flat surfaces of the tibia .

Two major muscle groups are balanced and allow movement of the knee joint. When the quadriceps muscles on the front of the thigh contract, the knee extends or straightens.

  • The hamstring muscles on the back of the thigh flex or bend the knee when they contract.
  • The muscles cross the knee joint and are attached to the tibia by tendons.
  • The quadriceps tendon is special, in that it contains the patella within its fibers.
  • The patella allows the quadriceps muscle/tendon unit to work more efficiently.
  • The quadriceps tendon is renamed the patellar tendon from the kneecap to its attachment in the tibia.

The stability of the knee joint is maintained by four ligaments, and thick bands of tissue that stabilize the joint.

Inside the knee, there are two shock-absorbing pieces of cartilage called menisci that sit on the top surface of the tibia.

Knee Replacement Pain At Night

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Knee replacement surgery is often the treatment of last resort when other conservative measures have failed to address painful damage to the knee. A total knee replacement removes the kneecap and removes or repairs damaged bone and other surfaces before inserting an artificial replacement. Partial knee replacement surgery is less invasive and preserves the parts of the joint that are healthy.

The level of your knee replacement pain at night depends on which type of knee replacement surgery you get. The recovery time for total knee replacement can be from one to three months. Partial knee replacement offers a faster recovery time of a week or two. Regardless, during recovery, knee replacement pain at night can be extreme and make daytime activities even more challenging.

Recommended Reading: How To Reduce Swelling In Knee From Gout

How Are Knee Injuries Treated

Often knee injuries will get better using R.I.C.E.:

  • Rest avoid using the injured joint for at least 2 days.
  • Ice apply ice packs for 20 minutes every 2 hours .
  • Compress firmly bandage the injury or use a compression stocking.
  • Elevate lie or sit with leg raised.

You can use pain relief medicines as advised by your doctor or pharmacist. Dont use heat or massage to treat an injured knee. Avoid drinking alcohol and dont go running while it is healing.

Your doctor may order an x-ray, CT or MRI scan. However, these imaging tests are not always recommended for knee injuries. Often, talking about what happened and a doctors physical examination will be just as useful.

Most people with a knee injury will need physiotherapy and a guided rehabilitation program.

Different treatments may be required for more serious knee injuries:

  • ACL rupture: ACL ruptures almost always need surgery followed by up to a year of rehabilitation.
  • PCL rupture: The knee will probably be immobilized in a long hinged knee brace. Rehabilitation will be needed for 6 to 10 weeks.
  • Other ligament injuries: Treatment involves wearing a hinged knee brace followed by 6 to 12 weeks of rehabilitation.
  • Meniscal tear: Usually rest and physiotherapy is recommended. Sometimes arthroscopy may be needed.
  • Dislocated kneecap or fracture: The knee joint will be immobilised and arthroscopy may be needed followed by physiotherapy to prevent another dislocation.

Go back to your doctor if:

Inability To Fully Extend The Knee

Things such as inflammation, swelling, aches, or pains can restrict the knees range of motion. However, there are certain situations where such symptoms could be a sign of a larger problem like a torn ACL, patellar dislocation, meniscus, or other knee problems.

Inability to fully extend the knee is serious and requires medical attention. Visit a knee doctor in the Bay Area to get the treatment you need.

Read Also: Back Of The Knee Tendon

Muscle Tendon Injuries Mcl And Lcl Injuries Acl Injuries And Meniscus Tears

Muscle Tendon Injuries

Almost all of these strains are treated with ice, elevation, and rest. Sometimes compression with an Ace wrap or knee sleeve is recommended, and crutches may be used for a short time to assist with walking. Ibuprofen or naproxen can be used as an anti-inflammatory medication.

The mechanism of injury is either hyperextension, in which the hamstring muscles can be stretched or torn, or hyperflexion, in which the quadriceps muscle is injured. Uncommonly, with a hyperflexion injury, the patellar or quadriceps tendon can be damaged and ruptured. This injury is characterized by the inability to extend or straighten the knee and a defect that can be felt either above or below the patella . Surgery is usually required to repair this injury.

Except for elite athletes, tears of the hamstring muscle are treated conservatively without any operation, allowing time, exercise, and perhaps physical therapy to return the muscle to normal function.

MCL and LCL Injuries

ACL Injuries

Meniscus Tears

Is It Normal For The Back Of Your Knee To Hurt

How to Relieve Knee Arthritis Pain in 30 SECONDS

If someone straightens their leg due to a variety of issues, such as a blood clot, muscle or tendon injury, arthritis, or cysts, the back of their knee may occasionally experience pain. Physical therapy, rest, and pain medications are frequently used as a treatment for the majority of these conditions, but surgery may be required in rare cases.

Signs And Symptoms That May Require Surgery

If you have any of these symptoms or signs, you should consult a doctor to determine the extent of the injury. If the injury is only minor, rest and ice may be all that is required. However, if the injury is severe enough, it may necessitate surgery.

Don’t Miss: What To Take For Knee Pain And Swelling

Pain In Back Of Knee After A Fall

Have you recently been experiencing pain in the back of your knee after a fall? Are you in need of Telehealth Physical Therapy in New York? Our amazing team at First Health Physical Therapy can help fulfill these needs. With the rise of COVID-19, our professional experts can help you recover from your injury quickly without face-to-face contact through our Telehealth Physical Therapy.

What Does A Knee Injury Feel Like

Obviously, it hurts! But the type of pain and where you feel it can vary, depending on what the problem is. You may have:

  • Pain, usually when you bend or straighten the knee
  • Trouble putting weight on the knee
  • Problems moving your knee
  • Knee buckling or âlockingâ

If you have these symptoms, see your doctor. They will check your knee. You may also need X-rays or an MRI to see more detail of the joint.

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Surgery For Knee Injuries

Your doctor or physiotherapist may refer you to an orthopaedic surgeon for some knee injuries. You may need surgery to repair the damage to your knee especially if other treatments havent worked.

Your surgeon is more likely to suggest you have an operation if you have one of the following injuries.

  • Youve torn your anterior cruciate ligament , especially if you do a lot of sport or have also torn a meniscus. In ACL reconstruction, your surgeon will take a piece of tendon to replace the damaged ligament.
  • Your knee is still painful or locks after an injury to your meniscus. Your surgeon may repair or partially remove your damaged meniscus.
  • Youve injured your medial collateral ligament and it hasnt healed after three months of other treatments. Your surgeon may repair or reconstruct your MCL.

You may be able to have a type of keyhole surgery called knee arthroscopy to get to the damaged area of your knee.

Common Causes Of Swelling After A Severe Knee Injury Include:

8 Most Common Knee Injuries from Falling
  • A tear of the ACL
  • Injury to the articular cartilage.
  • Over 70% of athletes with a swollen knee who felt a pop while running and pivoting will have an ACL tear or a patella dislocation. Patella dislocations are more common than you think. All of you dread an ACL tear. But most of you are surprised when we see you in the office and tell you that your kneecap dislocated. Most dislocated kneecaps will reduce spontaneously on the field. That means that the kneecap will go back into place on its own.

    Patellar dislocations may hurt just as much as an ACL tear. Because patella dislocations are such a common sports injury we wrote this post to go into far more detail about them.

    With any of the above issues, most of you will find it very difficult to walk without severe knee pain. Crutches, icing, and elevation are beneficial in these cases. These knee joint injuries need to be evaluated for an X-ray. Fractures are rare, but they do occur. Very few knee injuries will require a brace unless you want to use it for comfort. The most important reason for seeing a sports medicine physician after an injury that causes swelling is to look for these most common severe injuries.

    Many of these severe knee joint injuries should be evaluated sooner rather than later. The initial treatment will be a reliable examination to arrive at a diagnosis, which will be followed with an MRI to confirm the diagnosis. Depending on what we think you injured, we may consider rest, physical therapy, or surgery.

    Read Also: Stress Fracture Of The Knee

    Rest During The Day To Avoid Further Damage

    Bursae are fluid-filled sacs located between tissues. They help reduce the friction between them so we can move our joints easier.

    Bursitis happens when theres inflammation on the bursa. The most common cause is constant pressure on the area, like kneeling often. The excessive friction from overuse can also cause swelling on the bursa.

    This means that excessive movement can make this type of knee pain worse. And, resting during the day may reduce knee pain at night.

    But, we do understand that some people cant afford to rest because of their jobs. If thats your case, try taking a small break before you feel like you need to.

    Wearing knee pads can also reduce the pressure on the bursa and should help reduce nighttime knee pain.

    Change Your Sleep Position

    Try these sleeping positions if you have knee pain at night:

    • If youre a back sleeper, place a pillow under your knees and/or feet.
    • For side-sleepers, place it between your knees and/or feet.
    • If you sleep on your stomach, bend the affected knee.

    These variations help you keep your knees bent which, in turn, will reduce the strain within your knee joint.

    Try different heights, adding more pillows or a rolled towel. Test until you find the right amount of knee flexion for you.

    Also Check: Types Of Knee Surgery For Arthritis

    Ways To Treat Swollen Knee From Fall

    Below are the different ways in which you can treat your swollen knee from a fall. Read on to find out the different treatments and pick the ones that suit your condition best to lessen the swell.

    1. Give Ice

    Apply ice to your swollen knee. If you dont have ice then use anything cold that you have in your freezer. The cold will help ease the swelling. Do not apply for too long. Give the swollen knee ice for 10 up to 20 minutes only. Repeat later on in the day. You may continue doing this for around 3 times a day.

    2. Rest Swollen Knee

    Completely rest your swollen knee. Do not move it too much. Keep it steady and avoid doing heavy activities. This will help the knee to recover and repair whatever it that is causing it to swell. Once in a while, you can carefully and slowly flex it. But if it becomes painful then you should immediately stop.

    3. Protect Swollen Knee

    Protect your swollen knee. Do not let anything or anyone touch it too much. The knee needs some time to recover. Avoid bumping or hitting against the furnitures as much as you can as that might cause the swelling to become worse. Not to mention painful too.

    4. Place a Pillow Under Knee

    Keep your knee elevated or at a levelled height as your body when you are lying down. When you keep your leg elevated, you help the blood to keep flowing into the area. That will help to reduce the pain and the swelling. You can add pillows under the injured knee.

    5. Wear Elastic Bandage

    Also read:

    6. Give Gentle Massage

    Read more:

    Use A Soft Mattress Or A Body Pillow

    4 Quadriceps (VMO) Strengthening Exercises for Painful Knees

    If youre experiencing aches and pains as a result of bursitis, consider using a soft mattress. The right soft mattress for you should provide optimal support and pressure relief. Nurse Cobb also recommends placing a small body pillow between your knees for more comfortable rest. Dr. McEneaney suggests those with bursitis in the elbow or heel should consider keeping those areas off the bed when sleeping.

    Recommended Reading: Can You Reverse Arthritis In Your Knees

    How To Deal With A Knee Scrape

    A knee scrape can be quite painful, but you can minimize the severity of the injury by taking care of the bleeding. If your scrape is more than a quarter-inch deep, you should seek medical attention. If the scrape is less than a quarter inch deep, it should be covered with a bandage and allowed to heal on its own. If the scrape is more than half an inch deep, it is critical that you seek medical attention.

    Common Knee Injuries From Falling

    If youre experiencing knee pain after a fall, this could indicate a range of common knee injuries ranging from mild bruising to something needing medical intervention like a fracture or ligament tear. Knee injuries from falling are common, and you may benefit from physical therapy after a fall. If you think your knee has been injured from falling, its important to stay attuned to where your pain is and if it worsens or spreads with any motion or activity. At AICA Atlanta, were experienced with every kind of slip and fall injuries, and we are here to help you assess your pain and show you how we can help you recover.

    Well walk you through the different types of common knee injuries from falling and provide a guide to you so you know which can be managed at home and which injuries from falling may require medical attention.

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    Knee Injury Recovery Time

    A knee injury can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to recover from, depending on the severity of the injury. If you have a mild knee injury, such as a sprained ligament, you may be able to recover within a few weeks with the help of some at-home treatments, such as ice and elevation. However, if you have a more severe knee injury, such as a torn ligament, you may need surgery and could be looking at a recovery time of several months.

    The knee joint is suddenly twisted, causing a knee sprain. Extreme actions, such as running, abrupt changes of direction, and quick landings, can all cause twisting of the knee. Basketball, football, skiing, and hockey are just a few of the sports that put you at risk. Soft tissue treatment can help with the reduction of scar tissue in the ligaments. The use of ultrasound in conjunction with other knee injury treatment and rehabilitation methods is beneficial. The goal of exercise rehabilitation is to improve all aspects of ones life. A physician or physical therapist must ensure that this is done under their supervision.

    When you suffer a traumatic knee injury, it is possible that it will take a year or longer for your knee to heal completely. A physiotherapist is required if you want to speed up your recovery. A physio will assist you in coming up with exercise routines that are tailored to your specific requirements.


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