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Is Magnesium Good For Knee Pain

Can Lack Of Magnesium Cause Joint Pain

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Video Transcription:

Hello, everyone. I’m Meaghan Esser, I’m a Registered Holistic Nutritionist with ITL Health. We had somebody write to us this week and ask, can a lack of magnesium cause joint pain?

And the answer is yes. So, magnesium is often associated with muscle pain or lack of magnesium with muscle cramps, muscle pain, or bone health with weak bones, but it is actually a very key player in joint pain as well. One of the biggest reasons for this is because magnesium helps maintain joint cartilage. So, if you don’t have enough magnesium, you will not be able to have proper joint cartilage in your body.

Magnesium is responsible for 80% of biochemical reactions in the body. So, you can imagine there’s a lot that goes wrong when you lack magnesium. Another reason why magnesium can help joint pain is because sometimes joint pain has to do with bone pain or a buildup of calcium in the body. So, what can happen if we take too much calcium and not enough of the cofactors. Or the things that help calcium absorb and go into the right places in the body is that the calcium finds a place to build up.

Our MAG365 BF has magnesium, a full daily dose, plus some of the other cofactors I mentioned. Vitamin D, vitamin K2 along with others such as Boron, Zinc, Potassium, other key players in terms of electrolyte minerals and bone health. If you’re looking for just a straight magnesium, we recommend our MAG365 Ionic Magnesium Powder or our PrizMAG Magnesium Bisglycinate Capsules.

Acts As A Pain Reliever

Magnesium is broadly known for its pain management benefits in part due to its effects on the way nerve signals are transmitted, and because it allows your muscles to relax. For those who suffer from neuropathy the pain relief actions of magnesium can be transformational.

Academic evidence backs up the ways in which magnesium can relieve pain. Magnesium acts as a blocker of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor and can play a role in reducing pain hypersensitivity. Several animal and clinical studies have shown that magnesium can have a beneficial effect when neuropathic pain is present.

Why The Body Needs Magnesium

As an abundant mineral in the body, magnesium plays a role in many biological reactions, including protein synthesis, blood glucose control, blood pressure regulation, and muscle and nerve function. Its necessary for the development of bones, and it actively transports potassium and calcium across cell membranes, which is needed for normal heartbeats and muscle contractions. Additionally, magnesium is required for DNA and RNA synthesis and reproduction.

Most people get magnesium through nutrition. Magnesium is added to foods like bread, though it naturally occurs in foods like almonds, spinach, fish, meat, and avocados. You can get magnesium by taking dietary supplements and some medications, like antacids and laxatives. Although many people have an abundance of magnesium in their bodies, certain groups, such as older people or those with Type 2 diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases, or alcohol dependencies, are prone to magnesium deficiencies. Common early signs of a deficiency include nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite, and weakness. As a deficiency worsens, you may begin to feel cramps, seizures, personality changes, coronary spasms, or abnormal heart rhythms.

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Magnesium For Pain: Mental

And its not just physical pain that can have an effect on our quality of life. Many people with recurring mental health issues also experience a co-occurring or recurring physical illness. This tends to make their symptoms worse, and thus recovery is more difficult. Major depressive disorder is the biggest cause of disability in America for people aged 15 to 44. With mental health issues often comes a lack of energy, as well as physical aches and pains.

In addition, physical ailments also bring about anxiety, stress and insomnia. As we worry about the state of our physical health, our mental health is likely to suffer, too.

Thankfully, as weve explored, magnesium can effectively help to maintain a steady energy level, as well as playing a critical role in our brain function. With increased energy levels throughout the day, a steadier mood, and improved concentration, our mental and physical health is likely to improve.

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When it comes to aches, pains and poor joint health, finding a natural solution to help is of interest to many. Poor joint health can negatively affect a persons life and therefore finding a remedy will improve overall health and wellbeing. Some consider magnesium a miracle mineral. Its biological functions are endless and its protective functions are impressive, with studies showing it can reduce a personâs risk of cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, cholesterol metabolism, problems of fatigue, problems of sleep, and problems of depression and anxiety. How can magnesiumsupplements help improve your joint health?

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Other Factors To Consider

  • Supplements can still be okay to take. The magnesium studies note that magnesium supplements are safe and are not expensive.
  • You might be low in something else. One possible reason for the lack of effectiveness on cramps in the magnesium studies is the complex relationship between magnesium and other basic nutrients. For example, calcium and potassium are also involved in muscle cramping. If a lack of one of these other nutrients is causing the muscle cramps, then magnesium wouldnt help.
  • Magnesium does help some people. Although the majority of the available research shows no overall correlation between using magnesium and reducing leg cramps, some study participants did report magnesium more effective than a placebo.

When increasing your magnesium intake doesnt help stop your cramps, there are other things you can try. Stretching can be most effective, according to a 2016 review of studies.

Ingredients For Diy Magnesium Cream With Essential Oils

This recipe makes approximately 2 cups of cream. You can halve the recipe, if youd like, but Id just make the whole batch! You can gift half of it to a friend or coworker, if youd like.

This rub is so great for aching feet at the end of a long day!

Whether youre making this magnesium body butter for yourself or as gifts, make sure to grab the free printable jar toppers! Theres more info on them below the tutorial. Theres also a printable recipe card for the muscle rub towards the bottom of the post!

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Is It This Simple Could Magnesium Help Your Arthritis

For individuals who are suffering with arthritis, some relief may come in the form of a common mineral that is deficient in far too many people. That mineral is magnesium, and approximately half of Americans or even as many as 80 percent dont get enough of this essential nutrient.

Since magnesium is intimately involved with more than 700 enzyme processes in the body, according to magnesium expertCarolyn Dean, MD, ND, harboring low levels could have a significant impact on your health.

Read more: 13 Signs You Are Deficient in Magnesium

If you already have arthritis or you are at risk for developing this disease, getting sufficient magnesium could help, and heres why. Magnesium modulates cell activity involved in the process of inflammation. One of the characteristics of the two most common types of arthritis-osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis-is inflammation.

Osteoarthritis develops when the protective cartilage on the ends of your bones in your joints wears down. Even though osteoarthritis traditionally has not been viewed as involving inflammation, recent research has shown that it does indeed have a significant role and needs to be addressed. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, progressive condition in which inflammation in the joints typically causes immobility and painful deformities in the fingers, feet, ankles, and wrists.

Magnesium and Osteoarthritis

The authors concluded that their study supports potential role of Mg in the prevention of knee OA.

Joint Pain And Magnesium Deficiency

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Low magnesium can cause problems with the functioning of your skeletal muscles, including twitching, sore muscles, back and neck pain, and headaches. Additionally, patients who suffer from chronic joint pain conditions such as osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis often have abnormally low levels of magnesium, and may also be at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis, according to the National Institutes of Health Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases National Resource Center. Osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis are linked to a magnesium deficiency, either due to low dietary intake or malabsorption problems, says clinical nutritionist Krispin Sullivan on her website. The recommended intake of magnesium for women is between 310 and 320 milligrams per day, and for men it is 400 to 420 milligrams per day as per the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements.

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Should I Take A Magnesium Supplement

If you really want to reap the benefits of magnesium then a supplement is a good option however, you will have to be careful about which product you choose. Some tablet varieties for example, are not well absorbed by the body, whilst others contain too much magnesium remember you get lots of magnesium through your diet so only a small supplement is necessary. Too much magnesium can lead to unpleasant symptoms such as diarrhoea, low blood pressure, nausea, muscle weakness and lethargy.

Balance Mineral Drink makes a great alternative to such products though, as it contains 30% of your daily magnesium allowance so you can still top up your intake using your diet too. Alongside magnesium Balance contains zinc, calcium, potassium and vitamin D which together support normal muscle function and bone maintenance. The combination also works well to reduce tiredness and fatigue, plus it can be used in the period after a workout to replace lost minerals and replenish energy levels.

What People Are Saying About Natural Calm For Pain Relief

I am a 42 year old and have had migraines and insomnia for years. With recommendations of a friend I decided to try Natural Calm six months ago.My migraines are less frequent and less severe. Finding this product has helped me in so many complaints have always been unbalanced sleep, headaches similar to migraines, but frequent cluster headaches that would not go away. On top of it, I went to my family doctor for some advice on the charlie horses, in my left leg that woke me up in the middle of the night, almost every day.Leg cramps, charlie horses, very little sleep = cluster headaches and feeling horrible! When I started to take the Natural Calm as directed, I made only one change. I stopped taking my calcium supplements. To my amazement, within one week.I started to notice a dramatic change and almostIMMEDIATELY! The charlie horses, disappeared! NO LEG CRAMPING! I slept throughout the night without the painstaking leg cramps waking me up and felt more refreshed upon awakening rather than feeling fatigued! The headaches became minimal and almost down to one a week, instead of several a day! The second week and third week only got better and I have been on it for a month now. The only change I made was to not take calcium supplements any longer but started taking Natural Calm. What a HUGE difference this has made!

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Why Is Topical Magnesium For Pain Relief So Effective

Topical simply means it is a cream or oil that can be directly applied to the skin, so topical magnesium for pain can target acute pains and get to work reducing inflammation as soon as possible.

Topical magnesium is an easy, convenient and affordable way to ensure that the additional magnesium youre taking is getting to the most affected areas. Creams and ointments are also often more effective ways of absorbing certain minerals than capsules or tablets, because they can get into the bloodstream more quickly. Topical magnesium has been shown to reduce the inflammation that causes physical pain and is also helpful to those who are pregnant as it supports healthy lactation.

Best Form Of Magnesium For Arthritis

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There is much anecdotal evidence to show that magnesium can help reduce the pain and inflammation of arthritis. In point of fact, there is clinical evidence demonstrating that magnesium deficiency actually induces increased inflammation in the body, by ramping up production of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

In a 2015 study, the relative odds of developing knee osteoarthritis went up as magnesium consumption decreased.

The take-home? Ensure a healthy magnesium intake to avoid getting arthritis and if you already suffer from the condition, magnesium may offer relief. But which form is best?

Unfortunately, there hasnt been enough studies to conclusively say. Nevertheless, magnesium oil is most frequently recommended for sufferers of arthritis perhaps because its massaged directly onto the skin, on the area of pain and discomfort. The vast majority of anecdotal reports were written by sufferers who used a form of magnesium oil, spray or lotion, i.e. magnesium chloride.

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What Exactly Is Neuropathy

Neuropathy occurs when nerves in the extremities of the body sustain damage for example, the arms, hands, and feet.

Sufferers have different symptoms depending on which nerves are affected.

Nerves that can be affected by neuropathy include autonomic nerves, which regulate blood pressure and bladder function, motor nerves, which are necessary for muscle control, and sensory nerves, which transmit pain and touch sensations.

Symptoms associated with neuropathy can be excruciating, including pains that burn, stab, and shoot in the body parts or areas affected.

Those suffering from neuropathy can also experience other problems including issues with coordination, muscle weakness, and difficulty with balance.

Best Type Of Magnesium For Arthritis

What is the best brand of magnesium and the best type of magnesium for arthritis? The best magnesium for joint pain is a natural organic full spectrum magnesium supplement called Magnesium Breakthrough It is what you are looking for if you want the best form of magnesium that is fully absorbable and gives you all the benefits of magnesium. It is a natural anti-inflammatory with the right type of collagen and joint fluid so you can finally use your joints without discomfort or pain.

Dont just cover up your pain, but actually heal your joint and you wont need harmful prescription medicines and side effects again. Full spectrum Magnesium Breakthrough is the absolute best magnesium for joint pain and is highly recommended if you need lasting pain relief AND actual joint healing from any type of arthritis You also get skin, hair and muscle rejuvenating benefits of hyaluronic acid. To get the Best Joint Supplement with the above the recommended nutrients, dosage, and purity levels

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How Does Magnesium Oil Relieve Arthritis Pain Better Than Aspirin

One of hundreds of ways the body uses magnesium is to regulate calcium. And calcium, it turns out, does a lot more than just build healthy teeth and bones. It also activates the nerves that sense pain.

Magnesium is chemically just close enough to calcium that it can occupy the same spots on the switch on the surface of neurons that sense pain.

When a site called an NMDA receptor is activated by calcium, electrical charges flood into the neuron and allow it to send a pain signal to the brain.

When the NMDA receptor is occupied by magnesium, the pain nerve is switched off.

Only these unique receptors are affected, so other kinds of sensory information, and even some pain signals that the brain really needs to receive, continue to be transmitted.

But magnesium turns off the transmission of pain without interfering with the health of the cartilage that holds joints in place.

Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

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First, magnesium regulates blood sugar levels. Why is this important? For people who have diabetes, blood sugar regulation can be tough. Poorly controlled blood sugar, particularly high blood sugar, can cause nerve damage.

There is an apparent link between low magnesium intake and type 2 diabetes, and many studies have found that magnesium supplements can assist in improving insulin resistance which in turn helps stabilize blood sugar levels.

Therefore, by stabilizing blood sugar levels, magnesium can help reduce the side effects of diabetes which, as weve discussed earlier, includes neuropathy. Over time as blood sugar levels are better-managed thanks to magnesium supplements, patients should experience less nerve damage, giving the body the opportunity to heal nerves. As such, magnesium can reduce the pain caused by neuropathy while also reducing the chance that neuropathy will get worse with time.

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Assists With Nerve Repair

Damaged nerves stand a chance of recovery which means that the symptoms of neuropathy can improve over time. Interestingly, magnesium has been found to improve the speed at which nerves repair. In a 2011 study, a group of researchers in Taiwan found that animal subjects which took magnesium supplements experienced a significant improvement in the rate in which neurological problems recovered.

In their research, the team found that magnesium supplements improved nerve regeneration while boosting electrophysical functions. The study was on mice with sciatic nerve injury and confidently concluded that nerve regeneration in the mice enhanced thanks to magnesium.

It is easy to see why magnesium will, therefore, be of benefit to sufferers of neuropathy. If neuropathy is the result of nerve damage, faster healing nerves will reduce the symptoms of neuropathy. Taking magnesium will speed up the healing process. Interestingly the same study also found that magnesium can alleviate inflammation and reduce the rate of cell death, further boosting the recovery chances of damaged nerves due to diabetes.


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