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Why Does The Back Side Of My Knee Hurt

What Can Help Back Of Knee Pain

Top 5 Causes Of Knee Pain – Why Does My Knee Hurt

So what’s the best back of knee pain treatment? The best treatment for pain behind the knee will depend on what’s causing the pain. Generally, the first step is to reduce any swelling, then work on knee exercises to improve the strength and stability of the knee to reduce the force that goes through the knee joint.

Just because there is back of knee pain, it doesnt necessarily mean the problem is there. Pain can refer to different places so a problem around the front of the knee can produce a feeling of posterior knee pain.

Remember, the best way to accurately diagnose the cause of your pain behind the knee is to see your doctor.

How Is Knee Pain In Teens Treated

Treatments depend on the cause of your teens pain.

Pain from overuse and general knee pain management tips include:

  • Apply ice to the knee. Ice, wrapped in a towel, relieves inflammation and swelling. Apply up to 20 minutes at a time.
  • Take anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen , naproxen or aspirin, to reduce pain and swelling.
  • Rest. Rest allows tissue to heal. Your teen should take some time off from the activity that caused the pain.
  • Use compression around your knee if prescribed by your healthcare provider or physical therapist.
  • Elevate the knee to reduce swelling. Keep the injured knee elevated above the level of the heart anytime your teen is sitting or icing their knee.
  • Follow through with the physical therapy plan. Physical therapy can help relieve pain, reduce swelling, increase strength and flexibility, improve range of motion, increase speed and endurance and improve coordination and balance. Physical therapists teach strengthening and stretching exercises and can suggest braces, insoles or other orthotics as appropriate.
  • Lose weight if overweight. Extra weight puts strain on the knee joint.

Osgood-Schlatter disease:

  • Take anti-inflammatories to reduce pain.
  • Apply ice to reduce pain and swelling.
  • Commit to an exercise program.
  • Relieve pain and discomfort through electrotherapy and/or hydrotherapy .

Sindling-Larsen Johansson syndrome:

  • Soft tissue treatments, including myofascial release, trigger points, massage.

Ligament treatment:

Why Does My Knee Hurt

Anterior knee pain, or pain near the front of the knee, is one of the most common types of knee pain in teens and athletes of all ages. For young athletes this is no exception, and there are some unique causes to know about. One thing that all of these causes of anterior knee pain have in common is that they are usually OVERUSE INJURIES and can be treated and prevented without surgery.

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How To Prepare For Acl Reconstruction

You will have appointments with your doctor and surgeon prior to surgery. Youll discuss treatment options, undergo several knee examinations, and make a decision about which type of anesthesia to use during surgery. During these meetings, its important to ask questions.

Discuss with your doctor where the surgically-implanted tendon will come from. Typical sources for these tendons include:

  • patellar tendon: the tendon that attaches the bottom of your kneecap, or patella, to your tibia
  • hamstring: the tendon that connects the long muscles in the back of your leg to the back of your knee
  • quadriceps: a tendon from the front of the thigh. This type of graft is typically reserved for taller or heavier patients, or for people who have had previous unsuccessful grafts.
  • cadaver: tissue from a dead body, which is called an allograft

While all cadavers are carefully screened for disease prior to surgery, some people have concerns about using dead tissue. Discuss any concerns you have with your doctor.

Your doctor will give you complete instructions for the day of your surgery. Instructions may include fasting for 12 hours prior to surgery and refraining from taking aspirin or blood-thinning medications.

Make sure to arrange to have someone come with you for surgery. Its helpful to have another person listen to post-operative instructions and to drive you home.

Can Dehydration Cause Pain In The Back Of The Knee

Why does the back of my knee hurt

In general, dehydration does not cause pain in the back of the knee. However, if you are dehydrated, you may experience cramping of your muscles. This is due to electrolyte imbalances leading to muscle irritation. This can lead to pain in the back of your leg if those muscles cramp. Most commonly, dehydration leads to exhaustion, thirst, muscle cramps, and dizziness.

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Causes Of Pain Behind The Knee

Pain behind the knee can be simple or difficult to diagnose, depending upon the cause. Here are some of the most common causes of posterior knee pain:

Baker’s cyst

A lump-like swelling behind the knee is characteristic of Baker’s cyst, making it fairly easy to diagnose. This type of cyst is also called a popliteal cyst because it is located in the popliteal fossa, a small hollow at the back of the knee.

It forms when synovial fluid gathers at the back of the knee. Injury or stress from arthritis can trigger the accumulation of fluid.

Different forms of arthritis

Arthritis is the generic name given to diseases that affect the joint. Arthritis can cause pain anywhere in the knee joint, including the back.

Knee pain is most often associated with osteoarthritis, the type that is related to aging or overuse. Knee pain can also occur with rheumatoid arthritis, but it will occur in both knees at once.

Gout is a type of arthritis that first attacks the big toe, but later attacks may strike the knees. Septic or infectious arthritis is caused by an infection that lodges in a joint, usually a knee.


Besides infection in the knee joint , posterior knee pain could result from several other infections, including:

  • Infection in the bone
  • Infection of one of the fluid-filled sacs called bursae

These infections have different causes and symptoms, although pain, redness, heat, and swelling are typical of most infections.



Deep vein thrombosis

Exercise Program For Pain In The Front Of Your Knee :

Many of you are afraid to exercise. Yes, some of you may have pain with a few of these exercises. You can start with quadriceps isometric exercises, or simply dont go too low with the squat, lunge or wall sit until your strength improves. Most of you will find that after doing these exercises 3 days/week for two weeks that your pain will start to improve. As I mentioned previously, this is a program that can take 6-12 months to fully correct the weakness pattern that led to pain in the front of your knee. So stick with it.

Squat: I like the variations that this group throws in. You do not and should not start with 100 if you are just starting out.

Chair Squats are the place to start if you dont have the strength or confidence.

Wall Sits: A great quadriceps exercise. This video is a little mechanical, but it contains the dos and donts of how to perform a wall sit.

Reverse Lunges: Easier than forward lunges. Dont lunge back further than you can handle. That distance will get further over time. Focus on your front knee so it doesnt wobble back and forth.

Planks: This video includes a good description of the proper technique, and it gives you 10 different variations to try.

Hamstring bridge exercise. If this is too easy you can rest a barbell across your pelvis, or a kettlebell on your lower abdomen.

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What Are Some Common Knee Problems

Many knee problems are a result of the aging process and continual wear and stress on the knee joint . Other knee problems are a result of an injury or a sudden movement that strains the knee. Common knee problems include the following:

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Sports injury prevention isn’t a one-stop shop, especially for injuries like ACL tears, which are four to eight times more common among women than men. Discover ways for women to help prevent this common injury.

Does Back Pain Cause Knee Pain

Why Does My Left Knee Hurt

As one of the most complex joints in the body, the knee allows the entire leg to move, flex, and have a good range of motion. Meanwhile, with its vertebrae and shock-absorbing discs, the back has a myriad of responsibilities it holds you physically together and secures the high-speed conduit for your complex and delicate nervous system.

Together, the knees and the back provide flexibility, motion, and support. However, they also rely on each other to maintain balance and equilibrium. Therefore, when your back hurts, so might your knees.

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Burning Pain In Knee When Kneeling

Many people immediately believe they have knee arthritis when they feel pain as they kneel. However, sharp burning pain in knee areas when kneeling does not mean you have to acquiesce to a lifetime of painful arthritis.

Sharp, burning pain in your knee might just mean you have sore muscles.

Picture the anatomy of your knee. The thigh muscles and lower-leg muscles are both attached to your patella or knee cap with tendons.

When you strain your muscles, they fill up with lactic acid, giving them that painful tight sensation after you exercise. Tight muscles d not flex. So as you attempt to flex your knee and muscles do not respond with proper stretching, you may feel a burning sensation in your knees.

What Should I Do If I’m Experiencing Pain At The Back Of My Knee

If you are dealing with back-of-knee pain, Dr. James makes the point that it is imperative to “see your healthcare provider to rule out some of these more serious causes.” Dr. Holder agrees, recommending a “clinical assessment of the knee is comprehensive and includes for instability, edema, and clicking or popping along with pain.” Dr. James mentions that if the diagnosis is related to overuse or muscle imbalances like tendonitis or bursitis, an exercise regimen that “focuses on proper form, good posture, and rebalancing the muscles around the knee” would be very helpful. Whether the pain is due to something more serious or not, Dr. Holder asserts that an orthopedic assessment and a physician evaluation are crucial to providing an accurate diagnosis, and that it’s important to get treatment as soon as possible.

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Torn Anterior Cruciate Ligament

You hear a pop and can’t move after you suddenly change direction — often while playing soccer, football, or basketball. You may have torn your ACL, which connects the femur and the tibia and prevents the tibia from moving too far forward. Your knee will hurt and swell and feel unstable.

You can tear or strain any of the tissues that hold your knee together: Ligaments connect bones to each other tendons connect muscle to bone. Irritated tendons from using them too much? That’s tendinitis.

What Causes Pain Behind The Knee When Bending

Why Does My Knee Hurt? Everything You Need To Know About ...

The most common cause of pain behind the knee when bending is a Bakers Cyst. This is when there is inflammation of the semimembranosus bursa, a small sac filled with fluid that sits at the back of the knee.

If the bursa gets inflamed, then any time you bend your knee, the bursa gets squashed, causing posterior knee pain.

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Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries

The posterior cruciate ligament plays a similar role to the ACL, though it is less likely to become injured than the ACL.

PCL injuries may happen during traumatic events, such as falling directly onto the knee from a height or being in a vehicle accident. With enough force, the ligament may tear completely.

PCL injuries cause symptoms such as:

  • knee pain
  • stiffness in the knee if bending
  • difficulty walking
  • swelling in the knee

Completely resting the knee may help a PCL strain heal. However, a severe PCL injury may require surgery.

Patellar And Quadriceps Tendinitis

These two types of tendinitis also occur in the setting of repetitive, forceful contractions of the quadriceps or thigh muscles. Erratic exercise, poor conditioning and flexibility, or over-aggressive training all contribute to this problem. Some examples might include doing certain exercises before good baseline conditioning, strengthening and flexibility have been achieved. Some of the more common offenders include squats, plyometrics, and hill or stair running. For patella tendinitis, a patella tendon strap can provide relief of symptoms while healing and rehabilitation is taking place.

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Burning Pain In The Back Of The Knee

Pain behind your knee could come from any of a handful of causes. You may have an overuse injury similar to what causes runner’s knee.

You could also have something more severe like a ligament tear. If you tear a ligament or cartilage, you will most likely have pain no matter what you do, even if you stop the activity. You will also have swelling shortly after you injure your knee.

You could also have a Baker’s cyst. A Baker’s cyst is an accumulation of fluid in the bursa behind your knee. You may have pain, or you may just have swelling.

The burning pain behind your knee could be your only symptom. Best of all, a Baker’s cyst isn’t a debilitating diagnosis. You can get the fluid drained and then return to normal activities.

If you suspect a cartilage or ligament tear, begin with cold therapy. This could include a sleeve with an ice pack that you slide over your knee and keep on the knee for fifteen minutes at a time.

Conditions Associated With Pain Behind The Knee

Why does my knee hurt? Common causes & symptoms of knee pain | BMI Healthcare

Two common conditions that cause pain behind the knee are:

A cyst is a collection of fluid inside a thin layer. A popliteal cyst is a cyst in the shallow depression at the back of the knee. Its often linked to other conditions affecting the knee, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, cartilage injuries and inflammation of the knee joint. Many types of injury can cause a collection of fluid. Often it will be a heavy blow to the front of the knee, from falling forwards or playing a contact sport. The natural mechanism of the knee pushes this excess fluid backwards and it collects in the depression at the back of the knee, over time, causing a cyst to form.

A posterior cruciate ligament injury is caused by overstretching or tearing of this ligament, which runs across the knee from the thigh to the shin bone. It often results from a heavy blow to the front of a bent knee, sometimes from falling forwards or during a contact sport, such as rugby. Other typical injuries can occur when the knee hits the dashboard during a car accident or when the leg is over-straightened and the knee is bent backwards. Doctors call this hyperextension.

You can access a range of treatments on a pay as you go basis, including physiotherapy. Find out more about physiotherapy >

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What Is The Anatomy Of The Knee

The knee is a hinge joint that has a simple purpose. It needs to flex or extend to allow the body to perform many activities, like running, walking, kicking, and sitting. Imagine standing up from a chair if your knees couldn’t bend.

While there are four bones that come together at the knee, only the femur and the tibia form the joint itself. The head of the fibula provides some stability, and the patella helps with joint and muscle function. Movement and weight-bearing occur where the ends of the femur called the femoral condyles match up with the top flat surfaces of the tibia .

There are two major muscle groups that are balanced and allow movement of the knee joint. When the quadriceps muscles on the front of the thigh contract, the knee extends or straightens. The hamstring muscles on the back of the thigh flex or bend the knee when they contract. The muscles cross the knee joint and are attached to the tibia by tendons. The quadriceps tendon is special, in that it contains the patella within its fibers. The patella allows the quadriceps muscle/tendon unit to work more efficiently. The quadriceps tendon is renamed the patellar tendon from the kneecap to its attachment in the tibia.

Bursas surround the knee joint and are fluid-filled sacs that cushion the knee during its range of motion. In the front of the knee, there is a bursa between the skin and the kneecap called the prepatellar bursa and another above the kneecap called the suprapatellar bursa .

Knee Pain And Problems

Knee pain is a common complaint among adults and most often associated with general wear and tear from daily activities like walking, bending, standing and lifting. Athletes who run or play sports that involve jumping or quick pivoting are also more likely to experience knee pain and problems. But whether an individuals knee pain is caused by aging or injury, it can be a nuisance and even debilitating in some circumstances.

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What Causes Sharp Pain Behind The Knee

If you are a runner, then sharp back of knee pain often indicates a problem with the hamstring tendons, such as tendonitis. If you do a lot of cycling, then a sharp pain behind your knee is usually caused by a problem in one of the calf muscles, gastrocnemius.

If you have recently twisted your knee or had a fall, then a meniscus tear is probably causing the sharp pain.

What Are The Symptoms Of Patellar Tendonitis

Carpet Burn Sensation On Knee

Pain and tenderness at the base of your kneecap are usually the first symptoms of patellar tendonitis. You may also have some swelling and a burning feeling in the kneecap. Kneeling down or getting up from a squat can be especially painful.

The pain may at first be sporadic, occurring only after sports or exercise activity. As the tendon becomes more damaged, the pain can become progressively worse. It can interfere with any athletic activity, as well as with daily activities, such as climbing stairs or sitting in a car.

See your doctor if any pain or swelling lasts more than a day or two.

At the start of your appointment, your doctor will ask about:

  • your physical activity
  • what symptoms youre experiencing
  • when the symptoms occur
  • any remedy youve tried that eases the pain

Your doctor will physically examine your knee, probe for where you feel pain, and test your range of knee motion by bending and extending your leg.

Your doctor may also order imaging tests to look at your kneecap and tendon to determine if theres any damage to the tendon or bone. These tests can also help rule out other possible causes of your pain, such as a fracture.

Your doctor may perform:

  • an X-ray to look at the bone to determine whether you have a kneecap fracture or if your kneecap is displaced
  • an MRI to look at the tendon and show any damage to the soft tissue
  • an ultrasound to look at the tendon and show any soft tissue damage

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