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HomeHow To Take Care Of Knees After 40

How To Take Care Of Knees After 40

What Is A Knee Meniscectomy

How to treat Joint Pain naturally after age 40 -Hakim Suleman Khan(à¤à¥à¤¡à¤¼à¥à¤ à¤à¥ दरà¥?द à¤à¤¾ पà¥?राà¤à¤°à¥?तिठà¤à¤²à¤¾à¤)

The surgical removal of a torn meniscus is called a meniscectomy, which is a type of arthroscopic knee surgery. The meniscus is a cushion for your knee and helps keep your knee steady by balancing your weight.

Meniscus tears are most common in the knee joints and are usually caused by twisting or turning the knee quickly.

Anatomy Of A Healthy Knee

The knee joins the largest bone in the bodythe femurto the tibia. The bottom of the femur, or thigh bone, is connected to the tibia by a cap-shaped piece of bone called the patella, or knee cap. Each of these bones is covered with a thin, smooth coating called articular cartilage.

There are two tough, rubbery pieces of cartilage between the femur and tibia. Combined, these pieces of cartilage are called the meniscus, and act as shock absorbers between the two bones.

The four main ligaments that help control movement and support the joint are the anterior , posterior , medial , and lateral cruciate ligaments. The entire knee is also surrounded by a fluid-filled membrane called a synovial membrane. This membrane produces a fluid that lubricates the cartilage in the joint to reduce friction during movement.

It can be difficult to maintain this joint when each step you take puts about one-and-a-half times of your body weight worth of pressure on it. This is why it’s important to take care of your joint early to prevent knee damage.

An active person takes about 10,000 steps each day. This means that each knee is shouldering about 5,000 steps every single day. For an adult weighing 150 pounds, each knee joint bears about 225 pounds per step, or more than 1.1 million pounds per day.

Your Best Skin Starts Now

Aging: Its a process that elicits mixed emotions. Some signs appear slowly and softly, while others can demand attention. For the most part, early attention with topical treatments is the first line of all-natural defense, especially for those in their 20s and 30s. But if expensive creams and chemical peels are no longer effective, then this guide is for you.

Most of aging is influenced by genetics, , and what you do to care for your skin. According to Jeremy Brauer, MD, clinical assistant professor at New York University, the most noticeable changes are:

  • pronounced fine lines
  • overall thinning of the muscle and fat of the face

If you feel your skin isnt acting your age, heres what modern skin care can do for you.

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Caring For A Loved One Who Had Recent Knee Surgery

The prospect of going through a surgical procedure on your knee, as well as the postoperative recovery, can be daunting for a patient. Knowing how to help as a caregiver can also be difficult. Here are some of the obstacles that people undergoing a surgical procedure on their knee joint may face and what a caregiver can do to help make the recovery process a little easier.

The restrictions that somebody may face after undergoing knee surgery will depend on a number of factors. Probably, most importantly, is the type of knee surgery performed. Some of the common surgical procedures that may impair someone’s function after surgery include:

Exercising To Strengthen Your Knees

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  • 1Stretch your IT band. Spending some time stretching and warming up your IT band before diving into a strenuous activity is a good way to keep your knees strong.XResearch source
  • Stand with your left foot crossed over your right and stretch your arms above your head. Lean your upper body as far as you can to the left without bending your knees. Repeat with your right foot crossed over your left, leaning your upper body to the right.
  • Sit on the floor with your legs stretched in front of you. Cross one over the other and pull your knee as close as you can toward your chest, holding it in place for a few seconds. Repeat with your other leg.
  • Take a brisk walk before launching into a more complicated exercise to give your IT band a chance to loosen up.
  • 2Do rehabilitative exercises after surgery. If you have had knee surgery or a knee replacement, you may need to do certain exercises and stretches to increase your range of motion. Follow your doctor’s instructions on when to start stretching after surgery. Some general moves you can try include:
  • Seated knee flexion: Sit on a firm chair, and slide one foot back under the chair as far as you can. Your thighs should remain firm on the chair. Hold for five seconds before sliding back forward. Repeat with the other leg.
  • Seated knee kick: sit on a firm chair with your legs bent. Raise one leg slowly until it is completely straight. Hold for five seconds before lowering the leg. Repeat on the other side.
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    Knee Replacement Recovery Time Guide

    Here we will look at total knee replacement recovery time, including what happens at what stage post-op and how long it typically takes to get back to your usual activity.

    If are having or have had only one side of your knee replaced, visit the partial knee replacement recovery time section instead to found out how it will be for you.

    Knee replacement recovery time will vary from person to person, and may be affected by:

    • Severity of arthritis
    • Compliance with exercises pre and post-op

    Let’s have a look at a typical knee replacement recovery time process.

    What Happens When We Lose Muscle

    Women are at several disadvantages when it comes to optimal muscle health. With age, our muscles deteriorate at a faster rate than mens, explains Michael Bemben, an exercise physiologist and professor in the department of health and exercise science at the University of Oklahoma. The neurons that control muscles in both genders are programmed to die off with age.Men typically have more muscle to begin with so they can afford to lose some, whereas women cant, he adds.

    Its also more difficult for women to replace lost muscle than it is for men. A study in the journal PLoS One found older women have less effective muscle protein synthesis, the process that breaks down food to build muscle, than men. So the researchers advise us to eat enough protein.

    We also need power, endurance and strength. Older women saw only a 10 percent increase in muscle power versus a 50 percent rise for younger women doing comparable exercises, according to a recent study in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. Power is more closely related to the ability to perform daily activities and reduce the risk of falls than muscle strength alone, states Dain LaRoche, the studys co-author and assistant professor of exercise science in the department of kinesiology at the University of New Hampshire.

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    When To Call Your Doctor

    If your pain and swelling are gettingworse and you can no longer put weight on your knee, see your doctor. A simpleX-ray can show if there is osteoarthritis and, if needed, an MRI scan can checkfor meniscal tears or loose chips of cartilage.

    Arthroscopic surgery can sometimes remove loose cartilage. Partial or total knee replacements are other surgical options, especially for those who can no longer stay as active as theyd like. Sometimes computer assistance is used for some complicated knee replacements.

    Surgery is a last resort, though,says Dr. Nickodem. Its something to consider when nonoperative treatmentsarent helping.

    When Should You See A Doctor For Joint Pain

    11 years of knee pain, inability to stand, walk due to pain improved immediately via PNM dentistry

    Its sometimes possible to treat you joint pain without surgery, either with OTC anti-inflammatory medications, the RICE method or by changing your exercise routine.

    But if none of that helps, or you experience additional symptoms such as swelling, redness, tenderness or warmth around the joint, it may be time to see a doctor. And if you experience an injury that causes intense pain, sudden swelling, or loss of movement in the joint, see your doctor right away.

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    What Is Wear And Tear Arthritis

    How can you tell if you have osteoarthritis?

    If you have pain inside your knee, under your kneecap,especially when kneeling, squatting or going up and down steps, its usuallywear-and-tear arthritis, says Dr. Nickodem.

    Cartilage, the cushioning betweenbones, deteriorates throughout life. It can erode more quickly in some peopledue to injury or genetics. As cartilage thins, your bones begin to rubtogether, causing pain, swelling and stiffness.

    Sometimes the level of pain does notalways correlate to the severity of the condition.

    Chill Out Before Your Period

    Another way to presevre a womans knees? Its wise to skip knee-taxing activities that involve jumping, such as soccer and basketball, the week prior to, or at the start of, your period. A Texas Tech University study discovered that women are more prone to knee injuries when estrogen levels are highest.

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    Rehab Phase : Weeks 2

    During weeks 2-6 on the ACL surgery recovery timeline, emphasis shifts to strengthening and stability.

    Your physio will give you a range of strengthening exercises to target the quads, hamstrings and glutes as well as proprioception exercises. With proprioceptive exercises, you are working on regaining the awareness of the position of your knee and leg.

    This is done by re-educating the knee with balance exercises. The ACL plays a vital role in proprioception you can read more about that here. Care should also be taken in this phase of the donor graft site while that is healing.

    • Have full range of movement
    • Have minimal or no swelling
    • Be able to balance on your affected leg for at least 20 seconds
    • Be able to drive do notify your insurance company about your operation

    You may be able to return to work during this phase but it will depend on the nature of your job discuss this with your physical therapist or surgeon.

    Maintain A Healthy Weight

    Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

    Obesity is a major risk factor for problems in the knee. The knee bears a lot of pressure from the body during activities like walking and running. A heavy weight increases the pressure placed on the knee jointparticularly as your level of activity increases. Even small weight losses can help. Maintaining a healthy body mass index is a good goal to set to protect your joints.

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    How Can I Protect My Aging Joints

    One of the best ways to keep your joints moving is to keep your joints moving. Stretching and exercising them every day is essential to fend off stiffness.

    What you eat can also play a role in limiting joint pain. Cherries, citrus fruits, peppers and fatty fish are just a few of the foods that can help keep your joints healthy. Eating well can also help you maintain a healthy weight another factor that can exacerbate pain.

    If you exercise, be sure to stretch first in order to avoid injury. Consider low-impact activities, such as swimming or walking, that wont be so hard on your joints, and drink lots of water.

    Finally, avoid lifestyle habits that can put added pressure on your joints, such as wearing unsupportive shoes, repetitive motion or heavy lifting.

    Arthroscopic Knee Surgery Recovery

    After a meniscectomy, your surgeon will likely advise physical therapy to put you on the best path toward recovery. The day after your surgery, you will need to see your physical therapist to:

    • Change your dressings
    • Take initial measurements
    • Learn an initial home exercise program

    Your physical therapist will also review information about what to expect, how to take care of your incisions and how to manage your pain. Handouts outlining everything you will learn will be provided.

    Physical therapy appointments will be scheduled twice a week for approximately 6 to 8 weeks.

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    Knee Pain Symptoms: Pressing on the Knee Doesnt Hurt

    Sometimes, knee pain can be caused by problems elsewhere in the body. Sciatica a condition in which a disc in the lower back presses on a nerve can cause pain down the leg through the knee, for example. Hip problems can also cause pain in the knee area, Gotlin says. If youre unable to increase your pain level by pressing or touching your knee, your knee might not be injured at all and you should consult your doctor to figure out whats going on. If you cant make it hurt, its possible that the injury may have come from somewhere else, Gotlin says.

    Knee Pain Symptoms: The Pain Lasts for Weeks

    Injuries like knee sprains can take a while to begin healing. When they occur, a good method of treatment is to rest the knee, ice and bandage it, and elevate it a treatment method known as RICE . Over-the-counter medications can also be used to help with the discomfort. But if these treatments are used and the pain doesnt lessen or disappear after about three weeks, a doctors visit is probably in order. A sore knee that refuses to get better could point to a torn muscle or torn cartilage, which usually wont get better without professional intervention. Or it may simply be a minor injury that needs a doctors care to improve. Whatever it is, its an injury that the body cant handle by itself, Gotlin says. It needs some outside help.

    Changing Your Lifestyle To Strengthen Your Knees

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  • 1Add anti-inflammatory foods to your diet. Joints become weakened and painful when they are inflamed, so adding foods that are known to be anti-inflammatory to your diet may help keep your knees strong. XResearch source
  • Fish, flax seeds, olive oil, avocados, and whole fruits and vegetables are said to have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • 2Make sure you get enough vitamin E. Vitamin E is believed to hinder enzymes that break down the cartilage in the joints. Spinach, broccoli, peanuts, mango, and kiwi are excellent sources of vitamin E. XResearch source
  • 3Eat more calcium. Bone health is also important for knee strength, so take measures to prevent osteoporosis. Cow milk, yogurt, soy, cheese, and goat milk are good sources are calcium. Leafy greens are also beneficial.
  • 4Stop doing activities that hurt. If you experience a lot of knee pain doing certain activities, chances are you arent strengthening your knees by continuing. Try lower impact exercises for a while to give your knees a rest. After a few months of focusing on leg muscle strength and flexibility, you may find youre able to do your favorite activities without pain.Advertisement
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    Articles On Knee Pain

    You can do many things to help knee pain, whether it’s due to a recent injury or arthritis you’ve had for years.

    Follow these 11 dos and donâts to help your knees feel their best.

    Donât rest too much. Too much rest can weaken your muscles, which can worsen joint pain. Find an exercise program that is safe for your knees and stick with it. If you’re not sure which motions are safe or how much you can do, talk with your doctor or a physical therapist.

    Do exercise. Cardio exercises strengthen the muscles that support your knee and increase flexibility. Weight training and stretching do, too. For cardio, some good choices include walking, swimming, water aerobics, stationary cycling, and elliptical machines. Tai chi may also help ease stiffness and improve balance.

    Donât risk a fall. A painful or unstable knee can make a fall more likely, which can cause more knee damage. Curb your risk of falling by making sure your home is well lit, using handrails on staircases, and using a sturdy ladder or foot stool if you need to reach something from a high shelf.

    Do use “RICE.” Rest, ice, compression, and elevation is good for knee pain caused by a minor injury or an arthritis flare. Give your knee some rest, apply ice to reduce swelling, wear a compressive bandage, and keep your knee elevated.

    Don’t overlook your weight. If you’re overweight, losing weight reduces the stress on your knee. You donât even need to get to your “ideal” weight. Smaller changes still make a difference.

    Stay Strong As You Age With Core Exercise

    Why its important

    We usually think of the core muscles as only the rectus abdominis . But there are deeper muscle layers, including the internal and external oblique, transversus abdominis and multifidus muscles, that need to be strong to avoid placing extra strain on our much-imposed-upon lower back. A little prevention goes a long way for back pain, which makes even the most basic tasks, like sitting or bending over, excruciating.

    To target all the core muscles, activate them during a workout. Tense them as though youare bracing to be punched in the stomach, explains Sherry Swanburg, a certified exercise physiologist in Kentville, N.S.

    Exercises that work

    Swanburg recommends the forearm plank, which strengthens and builds endurance in key core muscles. Lie face down on the floor , resting on your forearms with your elbows tucked into your sides. Raise your body on your forearms and toes, and hold it in a straight line for 10 to 30 seconds, being careful not to let your knees or hips sink, or to raise or lower your head out of line with your back . Gradually build up the duration until you can hold for the full 30 seconds. Do four daily.

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    Rehab Phase : Weeks 1

    The first 2 weeks of ACL surgery recovery concentrates on regaining full range of movement at the knee, particularly extension . Flexion the knee, tends to be easier to regain.

    You will work on a rehab programme with your physio which you need to do daily.

    • Be off crutches
    • Have regained nearly full range of movement at your knee


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