Simple Stretch To Pop Your Knee
There are two types of knee pops:
- Pathological knee pops are those that only you can feel or hear.
- Physiological knee pops are loud enough that everyone can hear.
Knee cracking thats physiological and frequent is a sign you may need physical therapy or further testing to determine the underlying issue with your knee joint.
Bending The Knee Joint To Pop It
- You can do this while seated or lying on your back. In either of these positions, you can intentionally move as well as control the popping. However, for effective popping, youll need to do it gently, and you should take all pressure off the feet.
- Straighten your leg, and let your knee extend as far as it can go. In this position, the joint is fully extended, and moves your ligaments and the knee cap across the leg bones, allowing air into the joint this should cause the knee to pop.
- However, if your knee doesnt pop with an extension, bend your leg at the knee. If you are in a sitting position, bend the bottom of the leg towards the chair. And if you are lying on your back, raise your leg and bend your foot towards your buttocks. When you bend the leg, it causes the bones and ligaments to cross each other. When the ligaments pass over an uneven surface or when air moves through the joint, it will create a pop.
- If you dont get a pop, continue extending and contracting the knee joint till you get a pop. Keep in mind; it can take several rounds before you get a crack. Move your leg slowly and stop when you feel uncomfortable or painful.
Note: your knee may not crack even with these movements. In such cases, I suggest that you put a little bit of pressure to make the knee crack.
Is It Bad If My Knee Feels Like It Needs To Pop Should I See A Doctor
If your knee feels like it wants to pop is that a sign of a serious medical problem? Should you see a doctor about it? Fortunately, when your knee feels like it wants to pop, the cause is usually not serious. Rest and home remedies are usually enough to make the issue go away. However, there are some cases when a knee that feels like it needs to pop can indicate a more serious problem.
See a doctor if you have any of these symptoms and your knee feels like it needs to pop:
- The issue has been going on for a long time and hasnt improved
- The issue has recently gotten worse
- You cant complete normal movements because of your knee
- You cant straighten your leg completely
- You recently injured your knee
- Youve had knee surgery
- Theres significant pain or swelling
As mentioned above, its rare for a knee that feels like it needs to pop to be a serious medical condition. In the next section we discuss the most likely causes behind the issue.
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What Happens When You Crack Your Knuckles
The need to pop your joints is a medical mystery. No one really knows why this phenomenon exists or its purpose. The mechanics behind joints cracking is well understood, though. A joint is an intersection where two bones connect. The human body has around 360 joints that bring bones together to form a skeleton that is able to bend and move freely.
Joints are surrounded by a membrane full of fluid. The membrane serves to protect the bone caps from friction damage as you move. When you yank on a joint trying to pop it, you create negative space that pulls in some of the fluid. That popping sound that makes Mom cringe is the influx of that fluid.
Tips To Stop The Clicking In Your Knees
Now that you know the potential causes and exercises for knee clicking, here are some other tips to help stop the clicking in your knees.
- Strengthen your knees with exercise and stretches.
- Squat correctly by sitting back, keeping your feet on the floor.
- Always warm up prior to any physical activity.
- Improve hip mobility.
- Use a foam roller to target soft tissue trigger points.
- Learn to jump properly by landing with knees slightly bent, not straight.
- Eat healthy what you eat can help lubricate your joints.
- Stop activities that cause pain.
- Wear proper footwear.
Emily Lunardo studied medical sociology at York University with a strong focus on the social determinants of health and mental illness. She is a registered Zumba instructor, as well as a Canfit Pro trainer, who teaches fitness classes on a weekly basis. Emily practices healthy habits in her own life as well as helps others with their own personal health goals. Emily joined Bel Marra Health as a health writer in 2013.
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Three Ways To Treat A Pop In The Knee
While the above orthopaedic conditions should be directly diagnosed and treated by a specialist, we have provided a few common recommendations knee doctors make when knee popping occurs. Talk to your physician before attempting to treat any injury yourself.
R.I.C.E.: For many injuries, to the knee or another part of the body, doctors suggest using the R.I.C.E. first. Rest, ice, compression, and elevation can reduce inflammation and pain and promote faster healing.
Proper immobilization:;In addition to rest and compression, your physician may advise that you use a brace to prevent your knee from moving and to help you reduce discomfort. Depending on the type of brace and the particular patients living conditions, crutches may also be prescribed.
Rehabilitation exercises:;Sometimes, a pop in the knee indicates instability, and thus the knee requires stronger surrounding muscles to support it during activity. Strengthening rehabilitation exercises, either given by your knee specialist or a physical therapist, can assist in stabilizing the area. While performing these activities, make sure to report any sensations of discomfort to a medical professional immediately. On a similar note, do not exercise too much at once, as overexertion of the area may worsen the condition.
You Cant Straighten Your Knee Or Leg
If you have trouble straightening your leg or it hurts to do so, you probably have a serious knee injury.
To test this, start in a seated position and try to lift your lower leg using your own leg muscles. You may still be able to bear weight and walk slowly and carefully without assistance, but will probably require assistance to lift your lower leg and fully extend your injured knee, says Dr. Brown.
Patella fractures, quadriceps tendon tears, and patellar tendon tears all tend to be associated with an inability to straighten the leg.
Use a knee immobilizer to hold the knee in a straight position and help with pain relief. This also makes it easier to move about until your appointment with an orthopedic surgeon, he adds.
Another test is to lie down and try to straighten your leg. The goal is to get your knee to lie flat. This might be difficult or impossible to do due to the pain, but what you should watch out for is a total inability to straighten your knee.
Some of the problems that could cause a locked knee include meniscus tears or a torn ACL. The key is to determine whether you cant straighten your knee due to sheer pain or physical blockage. If you feel blocked, then we recommend getting in touch with a doctor sooner rather than later.
On the flip side, you might have trouble bending your knee. If your knee feels stuck in any way, and the feeling doesnt go away within a few hours, you could be experiencing something more severe.
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Ballet Squats Or Plies For Knees
Causes Of Knee Clicking
Patients often ask, Why is my knee clicking? Associated symptoms can indicate whether your knee clicking is serious. For example, knee clicking when straightening the leg is particularly common and is often totally normal. Knee clicking and pain, however, may be a sign that something is wrong.;
Depending on the symptoms, the cause of knee clicking may be due to one of the following common causes:
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Why Do You Feel Like Popping Your Knee
All the joints in the body are coated with a lubricant known as the synovial fluid.;;The synovial fluid contains nitrogen and oxygen, along with other elements as well. Sometimes, the gases present in the synovial fluid can start to build up, and they need to be released. This is what causes a crack in the knees. However, the exact causes of crepitus can vary and are not necessarily straightforward. In fact, researchers are working towards learning more about what are the causes of these cracking and popping sounds in the joints.
It is also believed that bones that break and fail to heal properly and tendons that get caught on the ridges of the bones and muscles as you move are also some of the other causes of knee popping or cracking.
As you age, the cartilage in the knees starts getting worn. This eventual deterioration of the knee joint can make it feel creaky since the bone begins to rub on bone whenever you move your knees.;
Sometimes, though, pain in the knee joint can also be a red flag that may be an indication of an underlying knee injury or other developing health conditions. These include:
- Bursitis, which is the inflammation of the bursa located inside the knee joint;
Knee Braces And Other Supports
If your noisy knee is the result of osteoarthritis, your doctor might suggest using a knee brace or knee sleeve to support your knee joint, as research from 2014 suggests that it might help.
Orthotic inserts in your shoes might help too. It might not eliminate the noise, but a cane might help you get around a little easier, too.
What Causes Knees To Crack And Pop
If you find that your knee cracks and pops regularly, there could be an underlying issue, says Bert Mandelbaum, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist at Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute in Los Angeles and author of The Win Within: Capturing Your Victorious Spirit. Typically, it boils down to one of these causes:
Tight or misaligned muscles
Tight or misaligned muscles will pull the kneecap out of balance, explains David Reavy, P.T., O.C.S., director of React Physical Therapy in Chicago. Over time that imbalance can cause clicking or popping, which could be a potential problem, says Butts, because the cartilage can become worn down and potentially lead to early onset arthritis, as well as many issues involved with deterioration of the joint.
One muscle could also be a little stronger than the other and the integrity and harmonization between the muscles, tendons, and bones is critical, Dr. Mandelbaum says. If your muscles arent in the right spots, or if one is working a little harder than another, that can lead to cracking and popping.
Arthritis, which is an umbrella term for inflammation of the joints, can also lead to cracking, clicking, and popping, says Dr. Mandelbaum. This condition breaks down the padding within the joint due to erosion of the bone and cartilage, which interferes with the knees ability to glide and function smoothly. And that can lead to noise.
A previous knee injury
Loose cartilage
Who Is Most Often Affected By Knee Instability Symptoms
The following individuals are more likely to experience knee instability.
- Young athletes: Fit, active athletes in their teens and twenties are the ones who most often suffer sports injuries.
- Dancers
- Anyone doing hard physical labor
- Anyone who is overweight or obese
- Women: Women may be more prone to knee problems, due to naturally having a wider pelvis. Therefore, women have a predisposition to misalignment between the top of the kneecap and the bottom of the thighbone.
- Older people: May experience gradual wearing away of the cartilage of the knee
- If you have a prior injury: This can predispose you to another one.
How To Keep Healthy Knees
Do regular exercise to strengthen your leg muscles theyll protect your knees from wear and tear.
Try to do strength training at least twice a week, take the stairs often, and prioritize walking instead of taking your car or public transport.
Also, keep your BMI at 25 or lower. Being overweight or obese increases the risk of developing knee osteoarthritis.
My Knee Popped Should I Be Worried
The vast majority of people with grinding or popping in their knees do not have pain and most do not need to worry. But some have had new or older injuries and now your knee pops.; There are three basic groups we see who complain of their knee making a popping sound.;;
Now, there are those of you who might have painful snapping or popping in your knee. ;Lets explore some of the more common reasons for painful knee clicking, popping, and snapping.
The Gas Inside Your Joints Are Popping Back Into Place
This is less common with knees, but it does occur. Cavitation is the “official word” for what happens when you crack your knuckles or when someone cracks your back. While Dr. Misiura says the exact mechanism is still a little fuzzy, “it is thought that the sound comes from the gas inside the joint ‘popping’ back into the middle after the tissues have been stretched slightly passed their end range.” According to him, it’s almost like a depressurization when you pop your ears on an airplane. If there are no painful symptoms involved, you don’t have to worry.
Recovering From A Dislocated Kneecap
Your knee may hurt at first and you’ll probably;need to take painkillers, such as paracetamol;or;ibuprofen. See a GP if;this does not control the pain.
During the first few days, you can help reduce any swelling by keeping your leg elevated when sitting and holding an ice pack to your knee for 10 to 15 minutes every few hours.
A;physiotherapist will teach you some exercises;to do at home to strengthen the muscles that stabilise your kneecap and improve the movement of your knee.
The splint should only be kept on for comfort and should be removed to do these exercises as soon as you’re able to move your leg.
It usually;takes about 6 weeks to fully recover from a dislocated kneecap, although sometimes it;can;take;a bit longer to return to sports or other strenuous activities.
Ask your GP, consultant or physiotherapist for advice about returning to your normal activities.
Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
The PCL is located in the back of the knee and connects the big thigh bone to the big shin bone . It keeps the tibia from moving backwards. An injury to the PCL requires a huge force, making it much rarer than an ACL tear.
Rarity: Ultra rare
Top Symptoms: constant knee pain, severe knee pain, pain in one knee, knee pain from an injury, swollen knee
Symptoms that always occur with posterior cruciate ligament injury: inability to bear weight immediately after injury, pain in one knee, knee pain from an injury, severe knee pain, constant knee pain
Urgency: Hospital emergency room
What Causes A Knee To Lock
The most common causes of knee locking are as follows:
Knee Pain
You may perceive that your knee locks up because it becomes suddenly painful. In this situation, there is not a true mechanical block, per se, but your motion becomes limited secondary to severe pain i.e. your body doesnt want to cause you more pain so it reflexively prevents motion.;
While this is most common in the setting of painful arthritis, there are many causes of knee pain. These include:;
- Knee trauma e.g. fracture, dislocation, infection , or tendon tear, sprain or strain
- Knee arthritis may cause swelling, pain
- Plica syndrome Plica is the tissue the lines the inside of the knee. It can sometimes become injured or inflamed, which results in pain.;
Loose Bodies;
Loose bodies are small or large fragments of cartilage or bone within the knee joint that can move or float into a position within the knee that causes it to become locked in a certain position.
Loose bodies may be formed as the result of trauma.;
Torn Meniscus
A meniscus is a disc-shaped structure that acts as as a shock absorber in the knee joint. There are two in each knee joint, a medial and lateral meniscus. Menisci are susceptible to damage with certain sudden, twisting, falling, awkward landing movements.
Tears of the meniscus can also cause the knee to lock. When the meniscus is torn, the torn portion can flap into the joint and block motion similar to how a loose body may also block motion.;