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Can You Kneel After Knee Replacement

How Long Will I Be In Hospital After Knee Replacement

Can You Kneel After Knee Replacement? Kneeling in a “Safe” Manner.

The length of time recovering in hospital can vary from person to person. On average after a knee replacement you should be ready to transfer to rehab or go home after 4 to 5 days. At the Mater Hospital, the ward doctors, nurses and physiotherapists will take good care of you.

They are briefed on the specific protocols to be followed for patients of Professor Walter. The hospital nurses and administrative staff will help you make arrangements for your discharge. Hospital staff will also talk to you about your rehabilitation options after your surgery, once they have assessed your progress. Arrangements for rehabilitation are made by the nursing staff.

Do Not Apply Lotion Cocoa Butter Or Essential Oils To Your New Incision Right Away

You need to keep your incision clean and dry in order to avoid the risk of infection. Putting essential oils or lotion directly on an incision that is not fully closed is just a bad idea. Once the skin is healed, your physician may approve the use of lotions or oils. If the skin around your incision becomes increasingly swollen, red, warm, and constantly drains, you may have an infection and you should contact your physicians office immediately.

Short Term Problems After Knee Replacement

Specific problems after partial knee replacement surgery are rare but may include:

  • Swelling: around the knee joint. You can help to reduce this by using ice, keeping your leg elevated, wearing tubigrip and doing your exercises
  • Pain Kneeling: It can sometimes be uncomfortable to kneel after knee replacement surgery. You can make it more comfortable by kneeling on a pillow/cushion, or by wearing gel knee pads – especially good for gardening and housework
  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: this is very rare. It develops when there is a problem with your circulation and sensation which results in long term pain and swelling
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    Exact Answer: Varies According To The Surgeons Advice

    Knee replacements make up for most of the orthopedic surgeries performed all over the world. It is also known as arthroplasty. The procedure is usually performed on patients who experience intense pain in the region that may be a result of bone and tissue damage or may be caused by chronic arthritis.

    During the procedure, the damaged knee is removed by the orthopedic surgeon and replaced with an artificial joint. Although usually knee replacement surgeries are performed on aged people, they may also be needed on individuals who have injured the cartilage in between their knee and bone joints. Returning to normal after such a surgical procedure may take a long while.

    Kneeling With Artificial Knee

    Can You Kneel After Knee Replacement? How to Kneel on Your New Knee and ...

    I have touched on this in other messages, but not in a focused manner. As an avid gardener, kneeling is essential for me. Almost 3 months after TKR, things are generally going very well. I have forced myself to get used to the weird, ball bearing/metal feeling in the knee by not avoiding, but embracing times when it can be pushed/bumped against surfaces , and I sense a semi-acceptance of the odd sensation. I know many/most people simply dont do it or cant do it Im looking for those who are as stubborn as I am and want to find out how you managed to ultimately feel normal-ish.

    , I would like to invite some of the members who discussed kneeling after a total knee replacement with you in some of those other discussions you mentioned: , , , and .

    Like you said, I dont do it on mine, it is uncomfortable and painful. I was told not to do it, but that was 13 years ago now. However, I do have an easier time putting weight on it outdoors on soft surfaces . If you dont mind me asking, how long have you had your new knee?

    : I will try to find those kind of knee pads. Would also come in handy around the house, I think . Good luck with your surgery in the spring. I hope it gives you as much improvement and pain relief as the TKR did for me, short-term discomfort as they call it, and endless exercises notwithstanding.

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    Lifetime Precautions After Hip Replacement

    Aside from ultra long-distance running, there isnt necessarily any activity that is completely out of bounds after a hip replacement. It all depends on your level of fitness and activity before and after surgery and the advice of your doctor.

    As you can see by our advice for cycling after a knee replacement, there are plenty of ways to remain active and healthy with your new hip or knee.

    I Dont Kneel Because I Do Not Want To Damage The Hardware

    The idea that doctors are not sure which knee replacement hardware will help the patient the most in their desire to kneel is reflected in the idea that maybe patients should avoid kneeling.

    A June 2021 update study fin The Journal of Knee Surgery comes to us from researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital, the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, and the Rothman Institute of Orthopaedics. In their study of 404 patients who had knee replacement and difficulty kneeling the researchers found:

    • Sixty percent of patients were unable to kneel after total knee replacement
    • Men and patients with occupations or hobbies requiring kneeling were more likely to kneel after surgery.
    • People who had kneeling difficulties had:
    • Too much weight or a high body mass index.
    • It was too painful to kneel
    • They did not have physical inability
    • Fear of damaging the prosthesis. .

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    Looking After Your Knee Replacement

    Your new knee will continue to improve for as much as two years after your operation as the scar tissue heals and you exercise your muscles. You’ll need to look after yourself and pay attention to any of the following problems:

    Stiffness Sometimes the knee can become very stiff in the weeks after the operation for no obvious reason. Try placing your foot on the first or second step of the stairs, hold on to the banister and lean into your knee. This should help to improve movement and flexibility in your knee. Its very important to continue with the exercises you were working on in the hospital.If the stiffness doesnt improve after about six weeks your surgeon may need to move or manipulate your knee. This will be done under anaesthetic.

    Pain Pain caused by bruising from the operation is normal in the first two months, and you’ll probably still need to take painkillers at six weeks to help you sleep through the night. You may still have some pain for as long as six months. If you still have pain after this, speak to your physiotherapist or GP.

    Infection You should speak to your GP or hospital if you notice any signs of infection, for example:

    • breakdown of the wound with oozing/pus or sores
    • increased pain
    • redness and the affected area feeling warmer than usual or smelling unpleasant.

    You should also look after your feet see a doctor or podiatrist if you notice any problems such as ingrown toenails that could become infected.

    Getting Into And Riding In A Car

    Can You Kneel After Knee Replacement? How to Kneel on Your New Knee and Build Tolerance to Kneeling

    When getting into a car:

    • Get into the car from street level, not from a curb or doorstep. Have the front seat moved back as far as possible.
    • Car seats shouldn’t be too low. Sit on a pillow if you need to. Before you get into a car, make sure you can slide easily on the seat material.
    • Turn around so the back of your knee is touching the seat and sit down. As you turn, have someone help lift your legs into the car.

    When riding in a car:

    • Break up long car rides. Stop, get out, and walk around every 45 to 60 minutes.
    • Do some of the simple exercises, like ankle pumps, while riding in the car. This helps reduce the risks of blood clots.
    • Take pain medicines before your first ride home.

    When getting out of the car:

    • Turn your body as someone helps you lift your legs out of the car.
    • Scoot and lean forward.
    • Standing on both legs, use your crutches or walker to help you stand up.

    Ask your health care provider when you can drive. You may need to wait up to 4 weeks after surgery. DO NOT drive until your provider says it is OK.

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    How Soon After Knee Replacement Can I Ride A Bike

    Heiden was asked about how soon a patient should get back into these physical therapy workout sessions following surgery. In general, he suggested, the first six weeks it is important to work on range of motion rather than strength and conditioning. By that I mean pedaling at a slow rpm and a very light resistance.

    Thoughts On Kneeling After A Total Knee Replacement

  • sharon

    omg! i am so glad that you were the brave one to try this exercise. i am reading this and imagining the whole thing as you were going DOWN. too funny, but not to funny if you would of fell. hey you gave it your best shot. i am so gald that this excercise is only for the tkr people that are at 12 months post op. i have another 6 months to NOT think about doing this. take care and keep up the great writing. i love it!

  • Monique
  • I know how you feel. You were very brave to do this all by yourself.

    My PT wanted me to get down on the floor. She said studies show that people who are able to get up off the floor are more satisfied with their TKR than folks who are unable to perform this exercise. She put a padded pillow on the floor and I slowly placed my unoperated knee on the pillow followed by the other one. Then I placed my hands on the massage table and pulled myself up. I thought that would be good enough but au contraire.

    Next exercise was to get down on the floor AGAIN on all fours and using my legs pull myself up into an upright position. This did not happen! I ended up dragging my carcass over to the pillow and table and hauling my body up. End of that exercise.

    What did I learn? Dont ever get on the floor unless I absolutely have to and I cant imagine what would cause me to do so at this point. The other thing I learned is if I must get down on the floor, make sure I have a muscle-bound man in the house make that a young and strong muscled man in the house.

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    You Can Find Help With Kneeling After A Knee Replacement From Franklin Rehab

    Looking for a physical therapy team that can help you kneel after a knee replacement? Our team at Franklin Rehabilitation is just the one youve been looking for. We can do a free screening on your knee to determine why youre having trouble kneeling. In addition, our physical therapists can create a personalized therapy plan for you thats designed to:

    • Improve joint flexibility and mobility.
    • Increase your ability to do normal daily activities, like kneeling.
    • Reduce post-surgical pain.

    Contact our team today for more information about how we can assist you after a knee replacement or to schedule your initial appointment.

    Free Screening

    Things No One Ever Tells You About Getting A Knee Replacement

    Can You Kneel After A Total Knee Replacement

    Heres what you need to know thats not in the brochure: 1. You might not be a good candidate.A study published last year by researchers from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond questioned the value of knee replacement for some of the people rushing to get it. After analyzing data from a large study of men and women who had the operation, the researchers found that fully one-third of them were not actually good candidates for the surgery, which is why they got only a very modest benefita 2-point improvement on a common measure of knee function, compared with a 20-point improvement for people who started out with really bad knees.

    “Pain that doesnt go away and moderate to severe arthritis are necessary for a knee replacement to do its job,” Lajam says. “If you have the surgery, but its actually a problem of nerve pain, hip pain, or circulation, its not going to help you.” The advice here is not to wait until your knees are completely destroyed before seeking surgery, but to make sure that youve tried other measures first and that you meet both criteriaconsistent pain and advanced arthritis.

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    Knee Replacement With Ramsay Health Care

    At Ramsay Health Care Hospitals, you will receive the very best of care and all the support you need before, during and after your surgery. Our leading knee surgeons are supported by orthopaedic nursing staff, consultant radiologists and chartered physiotherapists to deliver your personal treatment plan.

    We understand the debilitating nature of knee pain. Our aim is to provide you with fast and convenient appointments for the diagnosis and treatment of your knee problem, so that we can quickly lessen your pain and get you moving more and returning to the activities you enjoy.

    How Can Physical Therapists Help You Get Comfortable Kneeling After A Knee Replacement

    A physical therapist can work with you on many movements after a knee replacement surgery, including kneeling. A study found that all 36 knee replacement patients who took part in a kneeling protocol were able to kneel after completing all or most of it. Your physical therapist can create such a protocol for you. This protocol may include:

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    When A Patient Says I Just Cant Kneel

    Lets look at another study looking for answers, here we have doctors at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom publishing in the journal Disability and Rehabilitation, April 2019

    • The researchers here conducted telephone interviews with 56 patients who had extreme difficulty kneeling at 7-10years after knee replacement.
    • Patients were asked about reasons for difficulty kneeling, how it impacted their lives, and experiences of healthcare services.


    • Most people had difficulty kneeling because of pain or discomfort in the replaced knee.
    • Many patients described how this limitation affected their daily lives, including housework, gardening, religious practices, leisure activities, and getting up after a fall.
    • Patients often adapted to these limitations by finding alternatives to kneeling, assistance from others, or home adaptations.
    • Many patients had accepted that they could not kneel, however some still expressed frustration.
    • Few patients had consulted with healthcare professionals about kneeling difficulties, and unmet needs included the provision of information about kneeling and post-operative physiotherapy.

    How Long After Knee Replacement Can I Kneel

    Can I Kneel on a Knee Replacement?

    The ability to kneel is significantly affected post a knee replacement surgery. Ones capability to kneel on the newly operated knee varies on a case-by-case basis. It is also contingent on a number of variegated factors. However, it is also possible to ideate an average schema in terms of the patient regaining his/her ability to kneel after the procedure.

    In studies conducted among post-knee replacement patients, it was noted that very few were able to regain full function of the knee. This was mainly in terms of kneeling on the operated joint. On average 20% to 30% of patients can kneel on their operated knee about 1 year after the surgery.

    If the patient happens to be young and free from any major comorbidities or chronic arthritis, it is possible that with physical therapy, the patient may be able to kneel on the operated joint within a couple of years of the surgery.

    However, it is also cognizant from studies conducted on these patients that an overwhelming majority of them are unable to kneel on the operated joint ever. The statistical figures for this patient category stand at a whopping 70% to 80%. Similarly, the ability to kneel was further compromised for those patients who had undergone their second knee replacement surgery on the same joint in the last .

    In Summary:

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    What Should I Do When I Get Home

    We ask that you rest. Even though our patients typically feel good, it has still been a long day. On the day of your surgery you will learn how to safely transfer in and out of both the bed and the car. We ask that you use the bathroom as needed, eat dinner and rest. You will have nursing and therapy services the very next day. Wait for further instruction from them.

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    Providing Better After Care For Patients

    We’re funding research which aims to provide a standardised approach and assessment for virtual clinic follow-up of total joint replacement patients and subsequent management of patients identified as ‘at risk’ by this approach. This study would enable us to deliver better and more streamlined after care for patients.

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    It Doesn’t Always Work

    If patients have a knee replacement done for the right reasons, at the right time by the right knee surgeon and have the right rehabilitation afterwards, then a predictably good result is the norm. What is true is that whilst a well done hip replacement tends to work well in most people and requires relatively little rehabilitation, knee replacements are more difficult to get right.

    A specialist knee surgeon should take the time to talk to you in detail about your pain and its effect on your life, examine you and look at appropriate xrays. This will allow an accurate diagnosis of your condition and what treatment is required. Knee replacement may sometimes be delayed because pain is not yet bad enough and it is important that your surgeon replaces your knee when it needs replacing and not before. Otherwise there will be a danger that, at best, the relief of pain won’t be as expected, and at worst, should you suffer a complication, you will regret having the procedure done. Where replacement surgery isn’t required because things aren’t bad enough yet, other treatments should be offered to help with ant pain that exists.


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