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HomeHealthHow To Handle Knee Pain

How To Handle Knee Pain

If You Think You Have Arthritis In One Or Both Of Your Knees Come See Us

Dealing with knee pain

If you are experiencing pain, swelling and/or stiffness in your knee, please call 232-1919 to make an appointment with one of our Westchester Health rheumatologists orInternal Medicine specialists. If you do in fact have knee arthritis, we can determine the course of action that will give you the best possible outcome. Whenever, wherever you need us, were here for you.

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Symptoms Of Knee Pain

The symptoms of knee problems can vary and will depend upon the cause and severity. However, knee pain is common.

Sudden pain in the knee can occur if you overuse it or injure it.

Instability and weakness in the knee, or the feeling that your knee is about to give way, is a common knee problem.

Other symptoms may include stiffness, popping sounds, locking of the joint and inability to straighten the knee, depending on the cause.

Bone Knee Arthritis Treatment

Treating knee arthritis is quite complicated as the particular treatment options that a person can receive will depend on how severe the damage is and how far the disease has progressed. The treatment plan for one person often defers from the treatment plan of another. Seeing a doctor first is always recommended to get proper diagnoses. Once diagnosed, the doctor will work with the patient to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for their condition.

Before a doctor starts to talk about potential medical treatment options, such as prescription drugs, surgery and injections, they will first discuss possible changes the individual can make in their life to better manage their disease. Most often, the doctor will start by looking at the weight of the patient.

If the patient has some excess weight that can be lost, then a better diet will be recommended to reduce the pressure that is put on the patients knee. This can provide a significant relief of the pain and inflammation due to less pressure being put on the knee.


If arthritis is too severe to be treated with the treatments mentioned above, surgery may be recommended. While very rare, surgery can be used to replace joints that have been damaged too much. Surgery can also be used in cases where symptoms are very severe and mobility has been affected too much.

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Protection Rest Ice Compression And Elevation

Rest, ice, compression, and elevation may help treat mild knee pain that results from a soft tissue injury, such as a sprain.

Protection refers to protecting the knee from further injury, for example, by taking a break from the activity that caused it.

Rest can reduce the risk of further injury and give tissues time to heal. However, stopping all movement is not advisable, as this can lead to stiffness and, in time, muscle weakness.

Ice can help reduce swelling and inflammation. It should be wrapped in a cloth and applied for 20 minutes several times on the first day of injury. Never put ice directly the skin, as this can lead to further damage.

Compression with a knee support, for example, can increase comfort levels. The support or bandage should be firm but not tight.

Elevation, or keeping the leg raised, will encourage circulation and reduce swelling. Ideally, the knee should be above the level of the heart.

Explore Supplements And Natural Remedies

How to Deal with Knee Pain

Supplements for knee osteoarthritis may increase production of synovial fluid in the knee joint. This helps smooth out rough movement that could be causing knee pain. Talk to your doctor before adding these into your regimen.

Natural remedies for knee pain can also be remarkably effective. These include things like transdermal magnesium, acupuncture, and mindfulness meditation.

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Treatment For Knee Problems

If initial treatment methods do not provide relief, and X-rays show destruction of the joint, the orthopaedist may recommend total joint replacement for the knee, also referred to as knee replacement.

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Cause #: Poor Running Technique

Weve got Anthony Fletcher, head run coach at Equinox UK on hand to advise.

Some statistics show that approximately 56% of recreational runners, and as high as 90% of runners training for a marathon, will sustain a running-related injury each year. Around 50% of all running-related injuries occur at the knee. Its suggested that an inability to control the landing forces subjected to the lower limb during first contact with the ground may be a main contributor to these injuries.

The fix:

There is some data that shows an increase of cadence by 5-10% can reduce energy absorbed by the knee by 20-34%. An increase in step rate will shorten the stride slightly and also place the strike point more in line with the centre of mass allowing for a decrease in the braking forces that can be experienced.

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Apple Cider Vinegar And Other Foods

According to some sources, apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve arthritis and other types of pain.

However, there is a lack of scientific evidence to support this. The Arthritis Foundation refers to ACV as a food myth.

Other popular advice for arthritis includes:

  • consuming collagen, gelatin, or pectin, and raw foods.
  • avoiding dairy, acidic foods, and nightshade vegetables, such as tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplant

There is no evidence to suggest that these are helpful or even advisable.

Pain at the front of the knee is one of the most common aches and pains. It is second only to lower back pain around a quarter of people will get it at some point in their lives.

It commonly affects teenagers, especially young female athletes. It is the most common overuse syndrome in sportspeople.

Most cases of front knee pain are injuries from overuse, or from poor preparation for exercise. The problems usually go away on their own, and sporting activities can resume after the pain subsides.

The pain varies but tends to:

  • be a dull ache that starts gradually, and is linked to activities
  • produce clicking or other sounds
  • come on when going upstairs, or when getting up after a long time sitting, squatting down, or kneeling
  • produce a weakness in the legs

Recommended treatments for front knee pain include:

Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, sprains, and gout are some of the most common causes of knee pain.

What Are Risk Factors For Knee Pain

How to deal with knee pain for BJJ

Biomechanics: The knee joint is complicated in its operation and is used frequently throughout the day. Any change in the movement of the joint can cause subtle changes and cause pain and injuries.

Excess weight: The stress on the knee joint is increased with excess weight. Obesity also increases the risk of knee osteoarthritis as the cartilage breaks down more rapidly.

Overuse during repetitive motions as are found during certain exercises or work conditions can cause breakdown of cartilage and lead to pain.

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What If I Dont Want A Total Knee Replacement

There are alternatives to knee replacement surgery. In fact, there are some very simple exercises you can do to help alleviate pain from OA. Lets look at three:

  • Quad set Lay on your back with a rolled towel under your knee. While contracting your quad, press the knee into the towel and hold for 10 seconds. Relax. Repeat 10 times.
  • 2. Straight Leg Raise Lay on your back or sit with your legs out in front of you. Slowly lift your leg and put it back down. Repeat 10 times.

    3. Long Arc Quad Sit in a chair with your knees at a 90-degree angle. Lift your foot and straighten your knee without bending at the waist. Slowly put your foot back on the floor. Repeat 10 times.

    Each of these exercises builds strength in the leg and stabilizes the quad and hip flexor muscles. This, in turn, helps to stabilize the knee and prevent it from buckling. These exercises should be performed on a comfortable surface. And while soreness is common, there should not be an increase in pain while performing them.

    Do you have OA? Would you like to find out more about dealing with the pain while avoiding painful surgery? At Cawley Physical Therapy and Rehab, we specialize in osteoarthritis of the knee. Ask about our world-class Level IV Laser Treatments for your arthritic symptoms!

    Feel free to give us a call at 570-208-2787, or email us at You can also visit our website or YouTube channel for more helpful tips.

    How Knee Pain Can Affect You

    Knee pain is more common as you get older, due years of wear and tear, if you are overweight , or if you play sports. Because your knees are vital to movement, knee pain can stop you from playing sports and make it difficult to carry out simple activities, such as walking and climbing stairs.

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    Physical Therapy Guide To Knee Pain

    Read Time:

    Knee pain can result from disease, overuse injury, or trauma. Among American adults, approximately 25% have experienced knee pain that affects the function of their knee. Knee pain and conditions related to the knee are common. In runners, the knee is the part of the body that is injured most often. Changes to the knee related to aging commonly occur in people over the age of 50. Thousands of steps, squats, and twists to the knee over a long life can cause changes to cartilage and other parts of the knee.

    Knee pain also occurs in growing children. Pain can reduce their participation in physical activities, which may lead to other problems later in life. Changes in the posture of the knee as well as the lower extremity during growth can cause pain in children and teenagers. These developmental changes can affect knee function.

    Knee pain can be mild, or it can be severe and sharp. Knee injuries can result from a direct blow to the knee or a sudden movement that strains the knee beyond the normal range of motion. Knee pain can make it hard to walk, rise from a chair, climb stairs, or play sports. Physical therapists are trained to diagnose and treat knee pain and to help ease your pain and restore movement. They also can work together with other members of your health care team.

    Managing Life With Knee Arthritis

    How To Treat Knee Joint Pain Naturally At Home Instantly ...

    Knee arthritis affects 6% of the population with the NHS reporting 10 million suffers in the UK. With varying symptoms from none at all to hot swollen joints that are constantly stiff and painful, every person with arthritis manages their condition as best they can. There is no cure, however, there is a lot that you can do to help living with arthritis knee pain. Lets explore arthritis in the knee some more.

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    Diagnose And Treat This Common Joint Injury

    What You Did

    You attribute the knee pain to lunges, running, playing soccer, or jumping activities like basketball or volleyball.

    What You Feel

    Sharp pain along the top and bottom of your knee. It may radiate into your quad. The pain is worse rising from a squat.

    The Diagnosis

    Patellar tendinitis, which is inflammation of the patellar tendon . It is an overuse injury.

    The Treatment

    1. Reduce any swelling with ice, acetaminophen , or naproxen sodium with your doctors consent.

    2. Release muscle tightness by foam rolling your legs, particularly your quads and hamstrings. Stretch these areas as well.

    3. Strengthen the tibialis anterior. Located on the front of the shin, this muscle helps you raise your toes and ankle. From standing, come up on the balls of your feet and then lower your heels to the floor. now raise your toes up. Thats one rep. do three sets of 10.

    4. If youre still able to train, try a patellar tendon strap to radiate force away from the site, letting you exercise with less pain.


    See a physical therapist to find out whether you have tight hamstrings, flat feet, or excessively high foot arches. The conditions can put extra stress on the patellar tendon.

    What Causes Knee Pain

    The anatomy of the knee, the bodys largest joint, is especially complex because it merges the thigh bone, kneecap and shin bone. Sometimes the kneecap isnt properly aligned, contributing to some cases of knee pain. But many cases are prompted by overuse.

    On top of that, carrying extra weight or neglecting overall body conditioning can set you up for temporary or chronic knee pain, Dr. Kissin says. For every pound of body weight, knees feel the force of six pounds of pressure, even when walking on flat ground, he notes. Genetics also play a role, so look to your family history for clues whether your knee pain may be an inherited trait.

    Its OK to run and do more high-impact activities, but you should make sure you also do conditioning exercises such as using a stationary bike or an elliptical trainer, Dr. Kissin advises.

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    What Medical Conditions Cause Knee Pain

    Medical conditions

    Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition that can affect any joint in the body. It can cause severe pain and disability, as well as swelling.

    Gout is a form of arthritis that is most commonly found in the big toe, though it can also affect the knee. Gout tends to flare up and is extremely painful during the acute episodes. When there is no flare-up, the knee can be pain free.

    With , the knee joint can become infected this leads to pain, swelling, and fever. This condition requires antibiotics and drainage treatments as soon as possible.

    Chronic use/overuse conditions

    Patellar tendinitis is an inflammation of the tendons connecting the kneecap to the shinbone . Patellar tendinitis is a chronic condition often found in individuals repeating the same motion during exercise .

    Patellofemoral pain syndrome is caused by degeneration or stress under the kneecap where it meets the thighbone . Patellofemoral pain syndrome occurs in runners and cyclists.

    Osteoarthritis: a wearing down of cartilage of the joint due to use and age

    Prepatellar bursitis: Inflammation to the bursa in front of the kneecap may cause anterior knee pain.

    Other causes

    What To Expect At Your Office Visit

    Dealing with Knee Pain

    Your provider will perform a physical exam, and look at your knees, hips, legs, and other joints.

    Your provider may do the following tests:

    Your provider may inject a steroid into your knee to reduce pain and inflammation.

    You may need to learn stretching and strengthening exercises. You also may need to see a podiatrist to be fitted for orthotics.

    In some cases, you may need surgery.

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    Why Should I See A Pain Management Specialist

    Pain management is an important part of any treatment plan, both for lessening discomfort and aiding in recovery. Pain management specialists understand the full range of pain relief options and how to use these options in combination. Treatments done as part of a comprehensive, multimodal plan may help even if each treatment does not seem to make a difference when used in isolation.

    Pain management specialists work with patients to help diagnose pain and treat it safely and effectively with as few side effects as possible. These treatments do not have to involve medication. In fact, pain management is generally more successful when a comprehensive approach is used, with or without medications.

    Help For Arthritic Knees

    Osteoarthritis is the most common cause of pain and disability in knees. In the knee joint, smooth articulate cartilage, called surface cartilage, covers the ends of the femur and tibia . Between the two bones sits a second type of cartilage, called menisci, which acts as a shock absorber. Joint fluid also lubricates the knee joint.

    Osteoarthritis starts as the lack or loss of surface cartilage, progressively involving the surrounding bone, tissues and synovial fluid. In OA, your knee cartilage may thin in spots or disappear completely, resulting in areas of exposed bone.

    X-rays, MRI and knee arthroscopy can help you and your doctor to determine the right treatment plan, which may include these noninvasive options.

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    Complementary And Alternative Medicine

    Less commonly utilized, CAM approaches are not considered to be the first line of defense when treating knee pain. That said, in certain situations, some complementary and supplemental options can have pain-reducing effects on your joint. Be sure to speak with your healthcare provider before trying any alternative or supplemental treatments.

    Exercises For Leg Muscles

    Find Relief Now: How to Treat Knee Pain

    You must develop a strong, flexible foot while minimizing knee pressure. Stretching and weight training should be done 3-4 times per week. This can aid in the training of four muscle groups . If the thighs are strong, the knees will be as well, and they will be less likely to be injured.

    Conscious training of the four muscle groups and ligaments in conjunction with stretching exercises aids in the creation of a smooth movement of the patella in the femoral groove.

    Muscles are similar to rubber bands in that if the elasticity is good, no matter how hard you pull, it will not break. Its easy to break something thats hard. The higher the temperature, the softer the muscles are and the easier they are to stretch. As a result, when cycling, you must keep your body hydrated. It is very easy to injure yourself if the cold air causes your muscles to tighten. Every day, we can press the kneecap with both hands to increase the protection of the joint fluid in the knee.

    You can learn so much from the Internet, and it is important to realize that there is a lack of strength, flexibility in bikes fit. Its good to check with a physiotherapist, osteopath or health professional if youre having trouble with long-term, lasting or ride-stope pain. You also have to aim to reserve a bike fit by someone who sees your own flexibility and weakness, riding style and volume.

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