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HomeMust ReadWhat Does It Mean When Your Knee Pops

What Does It Mean When Your Knee Pops

Joint Popping Symptoms & Treatment

My knee pops and cracks. What could it be?

In orthopedic medicine and sports medicine, crepitus describes a popping, clicking or crackling sound in a joint. Joint popping sounds may mean that air is moving in the joint, which is usually harmless.

People most often notice crepitus in their knees, but it can also happen in other joints like the shoulder, elbow or neck.

Crepitus with pain can be a sign of wear and tear or injury. If crepitus is painful, you should consult a doctor.

At Aurora Health Care, we offer a range of treatment options for crepitus from noninvasive therapies like bracing to the latest in minimally invasive surgical techniques.

What To Do If You Dislocate Your Kneecap

A dislocated kneecap is not usually serious and will often pop back into place by itself.

But its still a good idea to get it checked by a health professional:

  • if your kneecap has gone back into place by itself go to your nearest urgent treatment centre or A& E
  • if you cannot get to hospital without being in severe pain, you should call an ambulance do not try to put the cap back in place yourself

While youre on your way to hospital or waiting for an ambulance, sit still with your leg in the most comfortable position.

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What To Do When Knee Pops And Hurts

To relieve the cracking and popping noises made by your knees and to stray away from potential future injuries, you can try out these three forms of exercises to produce maximum results.

Self myofascial release is a type of technique that can ease the tightness and tension in your muscles through direct pressure. If you only attempt to stretch when your knee hurts, it only elongates the muscle. Releasing lets you work on tightened muscles that are continuously shifting the balance in your body thanks to your muscle structure. You can use this technique to release and stretch out the calf muscles, and get your knee to work properly again.

Knee pains are also caused by a misaligned hip. A hip flexor release is the best way to fight this. Your IT, also known as the Iliotibial Band, is a type of ligament that runs down the outside edge of your thighs from your hips to your shins.

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Knee Braces And Other Supports

If your noisy knee is the result of osteoarthritis, your doctor might suggest using a knee brace or knee sleeve to support your knee joint, as research from 2014 suggests that it might help.

Orthotic inserts in your shoes might help too. It might not eliminate the noise, but a cane might help you get around a little easier, too.

How Is A Patella Dislocation Diagnosed


Knowledgeable healthcare providers can usually diagnose a dislocated kneecap by physically examining the knee and asking you questions about the injury. However, theyll order radiographic imaging tests to check for any related injuries, such as torn ligaments, cartilage injury or fractures. With patellar dislocation, it is safe to correct the joint first and take pictures after.

If your dislocated patella corrected itself, you might not realize that it was dislocated. A dislocation that corrects itself is called transient. Afterward, your knee will still be sore and swollen, but it may look like many other more common knee injuries. In this case, imaging tests can show evidence after the fact that there was a dislocation, along with secondary injuries.

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What Does A Pop In Your Knee Mean

Youre getting up from your seat, walking across the room, or doing a weighted squat, and suddenly, a pop emanates from your knee. Should you be worried?

Not necessarily. Most of the time, a popping sound is harmless, says HSS orthopedic surgeon . The official name for this noise is crepitus and there are several perfectly innocent reasons it can happen. Many times, the sound simply means air or gas bubbles have built up in the fluid around the joints and the cracking is those tiny bubbles bursting. Other times, knee crepitus can indicate early or even moderate osteoarthritis. As the cartilage wears down, the underside of the kneecap rubs against the front of the thighbone, and a bend in the knee can cause a crackly, crunchy, creaky, or even pop-like sound, says Dr. Strickland.

If you think you have , you may want to consult a sports medicine physician or an orthopedic surgeon to make sure, especially if you are experiencing pain.

Injuries can also initiate knee pops. They include:

When a person tears their ACL, they usually hear or feel the pop at the time of the tear. The knee will quickly swell and often feel unstable. In less severe tears, the symptoms may be mild, while complete tears leave the person unable to land on the knee after a jump, accelerate then change directions, or pivot quickly.

What Is A Patella Dislocation

A patella dislocation is a dislocation of the kneecap the patella from its groove at the knee joint. The knee joint is a meeting of three bones: the thighbone, the shinbone and the kneecap in the middle. Normally, when you bend and straighten your leg, the kneecap slides up and down inside a vertical groove between the bottom end of the thighbone and the upper end of the shinbone . A network of tendons and ligaments secure the kneecap within the groove, flexing as it moves.

When the patella dislocates, its forced outside of the trochlear groove and can no longer move up and down. This locks the knee and pulls the ligaments out of place, often tearing them. Most frequently , the kneecap pops out laterally, to the side of the groove. Patellar dislocation is usually an acute injury caused by impact or by a sudden turn and twist. Like any dislocation, it is painful and debilitating until it is corrected. But the dislocated knee cap will sometimes correct itself.

Are there different types of patella dislocation?

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Why Does My Knee Click

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If you have ever heard your knees making noise when you step up, bend down, or stand up, it can be a little unnerving. What is causing it? Is there a problem with your knees?

Many of our joints can make noises at times and knees are no different. So why do knees click or pop when they bend? And when is it a concern?

There are several possibilities for the clicking or popping noises you may hear:

Air bubbles in the synovial fluid: Synovial fluid is found in all our joints. It helps the bones glide smoothly over one another. Air bubbles can form in this fluid. When you bend your knee, these tiny bubbles can escape and result in a popping noise. These escaping bubbles do not cause any pain and are not an indication of any problem.

Movement of ligaments or tendons: The ligaments and tendons around your knee connect bones and muscles together and give us the ability to move and bend. An unusual rotation or movement of your knee may cause a tight ligament or tendon to pop. Along with a popping sound, tight tendons or ligaments can cause some pain in the knee. Stretches or release exercises can help relieve the tension and treat the pain.

Dr. Paul Jacob is a leading hip and knee surgeon in Oklahoma City who pioneered robotic joint replacement surgery in an outpatient setting. Dr. Jacob has performed over 5000 robotic joint replacement procedures and actively participates in numerous research studies on robotic outcomes.

Why Can You Hear Your Knee Popping

How to Fix Your Knee From Clicking, Popping or Creaking

Youve overextended a squat or youre transferring from downward dog into triangle pose and then you hear it cracking in your knee joints. Along with back injuries, knee injuries are the most common musculoskeletal impairment, so hearing a crack or a pop might set off alarm bells. But what is it thats making that noise? There are a few causes, some that arent serious and some that are or could get worse if not tended to immediately.

Knee popping can be caused by nitrogen bubbles bursting in your synovial fluid when applying force to your joint. The official term for this is cavitation and is as harmless as popping your knuckles. Usually its a painless, but this next cause can go from painless to problem if you dont pay attention. Cartilage on your femur, tibia, or patella wears down, leaving rough spots that grind against each other and lead to knee popping. This isnt always uncomfortable but it can eventually become painful and lead to osteoarthritis. If you tear your meniscus, a rubbery C-shaped disc that acts as your knees shock absorber, youll definitely hear popping and feel pain. In addition to their knee popping, patients with this condition feel like their knee locks up too.

When you feel pain or experience swelling, those are indicators something went wrong and you need to seek help.

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If The Back Of Your Knee Hurts Here Are The Likely Reasons

If youve been experiencing pain at the back of your knee, its important to inform yourself about all the possible reasons, whether its due to a specific incident or not. By learning more about the causes of this body pain, you can make a thought-out plan for your next steps with your healthcare provider, and consider treatments or methods to relieve your discomfort. This kind of pain is actually quite common, so we spoke to three doctors about the causes behind back-of-knee pain, and what their recommendations are if youre dealing with this. Ahead, find all of the information you need to take the next steps.

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My Knee Popped Should I Be Worried

The vast majority of people with grinding or popping in their knees do not have pain and most do not need to worry. But some have had new or older injuries and now your knee pops. There are three basic groups we see who complain of their knee making a popping sound.

  • As we age the surfaces in our knee are no longer as smooth as they were when we were 16 years old.
  • There are some people who develop popping when they are young, despite the absence of an injury. They may have a problem, these knees should be evaluated by a sports medicine doc.
  • Some of you had an actual injury. You twisted your knee or you were struck by someone else. Your knee popped initially at the moment of impact, and it continues to pop. This third group is also a group we should examine in the office. As we go deeper into this post we are going to walk through the most common causes of knee popping, with and without preceding trauma.
  • Now, there are those of you who might have painful snapping or popping in your knee. Lets explore some of the more common reasons for painful knee clicking, popping, and snapping.

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    Can You Walk With A Dislocated Patella

    No. The knee will either be locked and unable to straighten or bend, or it will catch and pop when you try to bend it. The joint will be unstable and buckle when you try to bear weight on it. It will also be painful to move it. If you can walk, you may only have a patella subluxation.

    If your dislocated patella pops back into place, you may be able to walk afterward. But the knee will still be swollen and painful from the trauma. You shouldn’t try to walk if its too painful. Always see your healthcare provider anyway to check for any secondary injuries. Theyll likely recommend crutches and a brace when you begin to walk again.

    A Meniscus Or Ligament Tear

    My Knee Pops When I Extend It

    This is common in people playing sports that involve sudden changes of direction. Soccer, basketball, and tennis are a few good examples.

    The meniscus is a shock-absorber disc inside the knee joint. It also protects your bones so they dont rub together.

    Conversely, a ligament is a strong, thick band that helps stabilize the joints.

    If youve torn any of them during a sports activity or your daily life, you might feel:

    • A cracking or popping that wasnt there before.
    • A loud pop at the moment of injury.
    • Pain, swelling, difficulty walking.

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    What Causes Knees To Crack And Pop

    If you find that your knee cracks and pops regularly, there could be an underlying issue, says Bert Mandelbaum, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist at Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute in Los Angeles and author of The Win Within: Capturing Your Victorious Spirit. Typically, it boils down to one of these causes:

    Tight or misaligned muscles

    Tight or misaligned muscles will pull the kneecap out of balance, explains David Reavy, P.T., O.C.S., director of React Physical Therapy in Chicago. Over time that imbalance can cause clicking or popping, which could be a potential problem, says Butts, because the cartilage can become worn down and potentially lead to early onset arthritis, as well as many issues involved with deterioration of the joint.

    One muscle could also be a little stronger than the other and the integrity and harmonization between the muscles, tendons, and bones is critical, Dr. Mandelbaum says. If your muscles arent in the right spots, or if one is working a little harder than another, that can lead to cracking and popping.


    Arthritis, which is an umbrella term for inflammation of the joints, can also lead to cracking, clicking, and popping, says Dr. Mandelbaum. This condition breaks down the padding within the joint due to erosion of the bone and cartilage, which interferes with the knees ability to glide and function smoothly. And that can lead to noise.

    A previous knee injury

    Loose cartilage

    Performing Arthroscopic Knee Surgery

    Knee arthroscopy can be done under general, regional, or local anesthesia. After adequate anesthesia, your surgeon will create ‘portals’ to gain access to the knee joint. The portals are placed in specific locations to minimize the potential for injury to surrounding nerves, blood vessels, and tendons. Through one portal, a camera is placed into the joint, and through others, small instruments can be used to address the problem. Patients who have arthroscopic knee surgery under a regional or local anesthesia can often watch their surgery on a monitor to see what is causing their problem.

    The length of the knee arthroscopy procedure varies depending on what your healthcare provider needs to accomplish. After surgery, your knee will be wrapped in a soft bandage. Depending on the type of surgery performed, your practitioner may or may not allow you to place weight on the affected leg. Most patients will work with a physical therapist to regain motion and strength of the joint. The length of rehabilitation will also vary depending on what procedure is performed at the time of surgery.

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    Is It Normal For My Knees To Crack All The Time

    Many people experience popping or cracking in their knees when squatting, and while this can sound concerning, it is actually very common. As long as you dont have pain or swelling associated with your knee popping, you most likely dont have anything to worry about. There are a few reasons why your knees may develop these sounds. As we get older, the cartilage in the knees can develop uneven areas due to wear and tear. The ligaments in the knee joint could also be tightening or shifting as you move, creating an audible sound.

    If the popping or cracking in your knees is painful or leads to swelling, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor to be evaluated. An injury or chronic condition in the knee may require treatment to alleviate your pain and restore your range of motion. If the cartilage in your knee has undergone excessive wear and broken down, such as from arthritis, you will likely be recommended conservative therapies to manage your symptoms. Osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis, can gradually damage the cartilage in your knee and make it difficult to move normally without pain. In these cases, knee replacement surgery may eventually become necessary if other treatments do not provide adequate relief.

    Symptoms & Signs Of Crepitus

    #ActiveHealthTips – Why Your Knees Keep Popping

    Crepitus, or joint sounds, can be a normal part of movement. Many people experience popping joints, especially as they get older. You may notice:

    • Popping or cracking when you bend your knee or elbow
    • Crunching sounds in your knee when you go up or down stairs or kneel
    • Crackling or grinding sounds or a crunching sensation when you move your shoulder
    • Occasional or continual swelling around the joint

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    Anatomy Of The Knee Joint

    The large femur sits atop the tibia, much like two pillars stacked on top of each other. The smaller fibula bone is on the outside of the tibia in the lower leg. The fibula provides some weight bearing, but not nearly as much as the tibia does. At the end of the femur are two large condyles with rounded edges that allow for the rocking or hinging motion associated with knee movement.

    In between the femur and the tibia are fibrocartilage shock absorbers, or meniscus. Several large stabilizing ligaments on the inside and outside of the knee prevent excessive forward and backwards movements. These stabilizing ligaments include the Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Posterior Cruciate Ligament .

    The patella bone sits in front of the femur and slides in a groove. The backside of the patella is covered with hyaline cartilage along with the front side of the groove on the femur, which minimizes the friction as the patella slides. The patella is a large sesamoid bone, which means it is surrounded in muscle or tendon. Sesamoid bones act as a pulley system to change the direction of forces, in this case from the quadriceps muscle to the tibia.


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