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HomeReplacementHow Far Should I Be Walking After Knee Replacement

How Far Should I Be Walking After Knee Replacement

Is An Exercise Bike Good After Knee Replacement

Can I Jog After A Total Knee Replacement?

If you start feeling a sharp pain in your knee, then inform your physical therapist and decrease the resistance or stop biking. You can expect to be able to ride a stationary bicycle one to two weeks after your total knee replacement operation.

What Not To Do After Knee Replacement

Post-Total Knee Replacement Surgery, you will have to take some precautions like how much walking or How Far to Walk After Knee Replacement is required.

Here are some Things You Cant Do After Knee Replacement Surgery:

  • Dont cross your legs
  • Dont kneel and place anything behind your knees
  • A pillow or any item for that matter should not be placed behind the knees
  • If you require elevation and/or support under the operative leg, it is to be placed under the heel
  • You should not torque or twist on your new knee
  • You also have to avoid running, trekking, and playing contact sports like football, cricket, etc.

Lower Extremity Strengthening Exercises

  • Short Arc Quad ContractionsSit on a firm, flat surface with your hands behind you for support. Place a rolled towel on your knee to bend it about six inches. Raise your foot until your knee is straight.
  • Long Arc Quad ContractionsWith the leg dangling off the edge of mat or chair, place a towel roll the under the knee and straighten knee completely. Hold for a count of five, relax for a count of five. Do not add weights to this exercise.
  • Glute SetsPinch your buttocks together as tight as possible. Hold for a count of 5. Relax for a count of five.
  • Ankle and Foot Heel Cord Stretch, StandingFace a wall, standing about two paces away, and place your hands on it. Step forward with one foot. With both heels on the ground, lean your hips toward the wall while keeping the leg in back straight to stretch the calf muscle. Hold for 10 seconds, then relax. Repeat the exercise, but this time keep the back leg slightly bent at the knee. Hold for 10 seconds, relax.
  • Knee and Hip FlexionLie on your back with your legs straight and relaxed. Keep your kneecaps pointed toward the ceiling throughout the exercise. Slide one foot toward your buttocks, bending your knee and hip. Slowly return to the starting position.
  • Hamstring Isometric ContractionsBend the knee slightly. Tighten the muscles on the back of the thigh while digging down and back with the heel. Hold for a count of five, relax for a count of five.
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    Learn All About It Before Your Surgery


    1. Waking in Recovery Room and what you can do

    2. Starting to get the leg working

    3. Moving the foot first helps move the knee

    4. Getting upright and weight bearing

    5. The important points about taking the first steps

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  • Range Of Motion After Knee Replacement Surgery: The Basics

    walking after arthroscopic knee surgery alqurumresort com ALQURUMRESORT.COM” alt=”Walking after arthroscopic knee surgery > ALQURUMRESORT.COM”>

    Jul 5, 2017 | Uncategorized

    This post was co-authored by Grace McClure and Dr. Nicholas Frisch

    Throughout your knee replacement recovery, youll likely be monitoring, obsessing over, and measuring one thing: range of motion. Chances are your doctor and physical therapist will give you range of motion milestones to hit and chances are it wont be easy to get there. Gaining back knee flexion , extension , adduction , abduction , rotations must be worked towards. It not something that happens overnight.

    When thinking about range of motion , that irritating saying, no pain, no gain comes to mind. To hit your range of motion goals after knee replacement surgery, youre going to have to work through some pain and dedicate yourself to improvement. Besides putting in good old fashion work, there are things you can do to accelerate and improve your post-op knee range of motion. Read on as we walk you through the best things you can do after knee replacement surgery to hit your ROM goals.

    Recommended Reading: What Is The Best Knee Walker

    I Continue With Physical Therapy

    I started offsite therapy three days a week on the third-week post surgery. The first week I was introduced to new exercises including the stationary bike and the Total Gym.

    It was easy going at first. I started out on the stationary bike as a warm-up for 5 minutes before moving to the Total Gym for 5 minutes of leg presses.

    After those exercises, I would get a short massage and work on my range of motion exercises.

    At 2 months, I am warming up with 10 minutes on a stationary bike . The load has increased on the Total Gym with more leg presses.

    I am doing wall squats, stretches using bands, and an exercise ball for ankle slides. At least once a week the therapist measures my range of motion.

    All of my offsite therapy sessions end in 10 minutes of icing. I continue to ice my knee at home after any activity.

    How Far How Soon Are You Walking Post Tkr


    2weeks now after TKR. Pain is constant I am wondering if I am pushing myself too hard on walking. Today I walked into town and back, about 3k . Have been building up. Is this average or do I need to up or down the distance.

    • 7 years ago

      Well I certainly wasn’t walking anything like that distance at 2 weeks.

      If you are on strong pain meds and still in constant pain, I would ease up a bit.

      Can you ask your physio? If you are pushing yourself too hard it could be why you can’t sleep. Don’t fall into the guilt trap, you need to heal.

    • Posted 7 years ago

      Thanks Caz . Will ask them today. Just not very good at sitting still. Want to get out and about but could be why I can’t sleep

  • 7 years ago

    OMG I can’t walk that far at nearly 19 weeks!

    That is a LOT of walking at 2 weeks post op! I think you are over doing but if you can do it and are not suffering for it afterwards, then good for you!!!!

    Man, that is amazing though, I have to say

  • Posted 7 years ago

  • Posted 7 years ago

    I would take it a little bit easy. If you are in severe pain after the walk, you are over doing it. You are doing more than rebuilding tissue, you are giving the bone a severe beating. If you have ever broken a limb you know bone heals slower than muscle. At least give it a chance to heal.

  • Good luck, let us know how you go.
  • So that’s 9pm here, I will think of you.

    My sister-in -law is having her second TKR tomorrow in Croydon.

  • Recommended Reading: Ginger Poultice For Knee Pain

    Knee Replacement Recovery Timeline

    Most patients are discharged one day after surgery. On your discharge day, you may be able to stand and walk out of your hospital room, or you may need assistance with walking, which is completely normal. In the weeks following, most patients gradually expand their physical abilities. Every case is unique. Your surgeon and your physical therapist will coordinate to progress you as quickly as possible. Although everyone progressed at a different pace based on numerous factors, some common timeframes are:

    • 3 weeks after surgery: At this point, you should be able to walk for more than 10 minutes at a time, without a walker or crutches. Your physical therapist may challenge you to go on longer walks and stop using an assistive device like a cane.
    • 6 weeks after surgery: Between weeks 4 and 6, you may be able to start driving again, if your doctor clears you.
    • 12 weeks after surgery: Typical physical therapy programs last for up to 12 weeks. At this point, you should be able to walk for several blocks at a time and may even be able to pick up hobbies like swimming and cycling. As your therapy program ends around the 12-week mark, stick with your walking schedule and gradually challenge yourself to walk further and longer.
    • One year after surgery: You will continue to make progress for an entire year after knee replacement. By this time, your knee should reach its full strength and you should be able to return to most activities.

    Exercises To Improve Outcomes After Knee Replacement

    Do’s and don’ts after Knee Replacement Surgery – Dr. Deepak Inamdar

    As an orthopedic surgeon, I understand that total joint replacement patients are eager to get up and start using their new knee as soon as possible. During your treatment for this major surgery, well talk about how you should recover, what your range of motion will be, and how you can prevent complications while building your strength after surgery.

    As an orthopedic surgeon, I understand that total joint replacement patients are eager to get up and start using their new knee as soon as possible. During your treatment for this major surgery, well talk about how you should recover, what your range of motion will be, and how you can prevent complications while building your strength after surgery.

    In most cases, returning to your level of activity that you had prior to the degeneration of your knee joint is within reach. You need to rebuild the muscle strength in your leg, which may have been weakened while you suffered from knee problems.

    I have addressed the injury or damage to your knee surgically. Now, its up to you to put in some hard work to maximize your improvement. In order to continue healing and improving, you must follow the instructions developed by your physical therapist with your specific needs in mind.

    Some exercises can begin as early as the recovery room at the hospital. Youll want to make sure you have healthy circulation, to prevent blood clots. Starting exercise as early as you can will help you in your recovery and should lessen post-operative pain.

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    Types Of Arthritis That Affect The Knee

    Inflammatory arthritis

    This broad category includes a wide variety of diagnoses including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, gout and many others. It is important that patients with these conditions be followed by a qualified rheumatologist as there are a number of exciting new treatments that may decrease the symptoms and perhaps even slow the progression of knee joint damage.

    Patients with inflammatory arthritis of the knee usually have joint damage in all three compartments and therefore are not good candidates for partial knee replacement. However, inflammatory arthritis patients who decide to have total knee replacement have an extremely high likelihood of success. These patients often experience total, or near-total, pain relief following a well-performed joint replacement.


    Osteoarthritis is also called OA or degenerative joint disease. OA patients represent the large majority of arthritis sufferers. OA may affect multiple joints or it may be localized to the involved knee. Activity limitations due to pain are the hallmarks of this disease.

    OA patients who have symptoms limited to one compartment of the knee sometimes are good candidates for minimally-invasive partial knee replacement .

    A Physical Therapy Timeline

    If youre having physical therapy in Myrtle Beach or in any of the surrounding Horry County areas we serve, you will have an individualized treatment plan tailored to your specific situation. Therefore, there may be some slight variations of this timeline. However, it should provide you with an idea of how long youll need physical therapy after a knee replacement.

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    Outlook For Knee Replacement

    While some activities are off-limits after a knee replacement, you still have plenty of others to choose from. Unlimited walking, golf, light hiking, cycling, ballroom dancing, and swimming are all safe for most people with knee implants. By following your doctor’s guidelines, you can expect long-lasting results — about 85% of knee replacements will last 20 years.

    What Is Average Non

    How Far Should Someone Walk After Knee Replacement Surgery ...

    Walking has become the rage of the human population over the last few years. Many opinions have been expressed about how far the average human being should walk. The consensus seems to be about 10,000 steps a day, and 3,000 should be at a brisk pace.

    Studies show that the average mans stride length is 2.5 feet per step while a womans stride length is 2.2 feet per step.

    10,000 steps per day translate into:

    Men:4.73 miles per day.Men walk, on average, about 3 miles per hour at a normal pace and about 4 miles per hour at a brisk pace.7,000 normal-paced steps at 3 miles per hour is 3.31 mile 3,000 brisk-paced steps at 4 miles per hour is 1.42 miles

    Women:4.17 miles per day.Interestingly, women also walk, on average, about 3 miles per hour at a normal pace and about 4 miles per hour at a brisk pace. They just take more steps to cover the same distance but the speed is pretty much the same as for men.7,000 normal-paced steps at 3 miles per hour is 2.92 miles 3,000 brisk-paced steps at 4 miles per hour is 1.25 miles


    Studies show the average number of steps a senior citizen should be achieving should be 5,500 steps but can go as low as 1,200 steps daily for patients with complications , however, the senior citizen should try to increase those 5,500 steps to as close to 10,000 steps as they can tolerate.

    And after a Total Knee Replacement surgery, things come to a grinding halt for about 3 weeks!!!!!

    Also Check: How To Reduce Swelling In Knee Quickly

    Advanced Exercises And Activities

    Once you have regained independence for short distances and a few steps, you may increase your activity. The pain of your knee problems before surgery and the pain and swelling after surgery have weakened your knee. A full recovery will take many months. The following exercises and activities will help you recover fully.

    Pain Or Swelling After Exercise

    You may experience knee pain or swelling after exercise or activity. You can relieve this by elevating your leg and applying ice wrapped in a towel.

    Exercise and activity should consistently improve your strength and mobility. If you have any questions or problems, contact your orthopaedic surgeon or physical therapist.

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    How Much Should You Walk After A Knee Replacement

    After you have recovered from your knee replacement surgery, you should be able to walk normally with minimal pain or no pain at all. You’ll likely be able to return to your normal activities.

    It’s crucial is to take your time during the recovery process, complete all of your physiotherapy, and wait until your knee is fully recovered before doing all the things you used to do pre-surgery.

    Make sure to get the ok from your doctor or physiotherapist before returning to any activities.

    Pending on your recovery and your own situation it might be recommend that you exercise for 20 to 30 minutes, 2 or 3 times a day and walk for 30 minutes, 2 or 3 times a day during your early recovery Orthoinofo

    Exercises To Increase Your Rom

    Walking Normally After Total Knee Replacement

    If you worked at a PreHab program before joint replacement surgery, youll already be leaps and bounds ahead for achieving optimal range of motion. If youre reading this before your joint replacement surgery, great! In the weeks leading up to surgery, we strongly encourage you to start a daily PreHab program of exercises and everyday movements that will help build strength and movement in your joint.

    If youre newly into recovery, you will likely be setup with a physical therapist or occupational therapist. Taking advantage of as many sessions as possible is key. However, strictly relying on in-class sessions to optimize your ROM isnt enough. Its absolutely, positively imperative that you supplement classes with an at-home guided ReHab program.

    A great at-home program will include early exercises that will help get you mobile after surgery, functional exercises that will help bring back regular movements, advanced exercises that aim to build strength and push you further, and later stage maintenance exercises after the 12+ week mark where you engage in low-impact exercises to keep fit and keep moving.

    Havent had surgery yet? Get matched to a top surgeon who has the tools to improve your ROM before surgery. The better your movement before surgery, the easier it will be to gain ROM in recovery.

    Read Also: Arthritic Knee Symptoms

    Knee Replacement Range Of Motion Timeline: Where You Should Be After Surgery

    Not only do people have different ROM potential to begin with, people also heal at different rates. With that in mind, here are the flexion goals our team of medical advisors look for in their total knee replacement patients.

    • Stage 1 65-90° flexion. This amount of flexion allows for walking without assistance, standing, and some stair climbing . Before you leave the hospital, your doctor will be looking for flexion as close to the 90° as possible.
    • Stage 2 115° flexion. At this point, you should have made noticeable improvements from your early recovery days. This means moving around normally, bending to the ground, sitting down, and even tying shoelaces!
    • Stage 3 A goal to hit 115°or greater should be the aim. The timeframe for this varies, but should be consistently work towards. A flexion of 125° is great and 135° is excellent .

    Throughout each stage, its important that you keep working your surgical knee and artificial knee prosthesis. The first 3 months of your recovery are critical for working out your new knee to gain back flexibility, bending, extension, and movement. If you stay idle, inconsistent or not fully committed to gaining back range of motion, your knee may become stiff. If your knee becomes stiff, you risk the need for revision surgery and a joint that will cause lifelong issues.


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