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How To Run Without Hurting Knees

If You Can Rate Your Pain Under A 4 Out Of 10 Running On It Might Be Ok

How to Start Running Without Getting Knee Pain : LIVESTRONG: Fitness & Exercise Tips

That said, any small amount of pain is a signal to your body that there is likely a vulnerability, like a weakness elsewhere contributing to poor body mechanics. Weakness and tightness, thankfully, can be addressed with the right strengthening and stretching routine. If you dont address your symptoms, though, a relatively small pain from something like runners knee can lead to a more problematic, acute injury like a ligament tear. So, if you decide to run through the pain of something relatively minor like runners knee, make sure youre also addressing the cause of the problem.

And if your knee pain ever intensifies to the point where its difficult to perform daily activities, like walking or going up and down stairs, then running on it is not a good idea. Running forces you to load each leg one at a time with your full body weight, plus the force of gravity. Anything you feel while walking will be exaggerated and intensified with running, making your knee, along with the rest of your body, more vulnerable to injury.

How To Run Without Destroying Your Knees

Sure, the excuse I cant run, itll hurt my knees has gotten legions of couch potatoes off the hookbut its usefulness may have finally run out.

Healthy men and women ages 18 to 35 who ran for 30 minutes didnt experience soreness and/or swelling in their jointsin fact, running actually reduced inflammation, according to a Brigham Young University study.

In other words, running may not only help you feel better in and out of the gym, but also make you less likely to get a joint disease like osteoarthritis.

That alone warrants a few victory lapsbut where should you do them?

Keep An Eye On Your Running Technique To Prevent Knee Pain

  • Ensuring that you are keeping the correct form while running can be beneficial in preventing knee related injuries. Make sure that you avoid a heel strike, keep your knees swinging low, land on your mid-foot and, keep your knees soft and bent while training. Doing so can help prevent putting unnecessary strain on your knees.
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    What Members Are Saying

    Shout out to Angie Danzer Spencer for helping me meet my goal of finishing a marathon feeling good rather than hurting! A one hour 10 minute PR huge icing on the cake that I can eat now that I have burned all of those calories! -Sharon W.

    Last Sunday I ran my first marathon 32 minutes faster than I was planning on. It was the most amazing feeling. Thanks so much to my coach and MTA for getting me through my first marathon feeling strong and injury free! -Emily E.

    Completed my first marathon! No injuries! Great hydration! Mental motivation! Thanks everyone! I definitely never would have thought I could do it til I started listening into Angie and Trevor and MTA! -Laura M.

    Just a moment to brag and thanks MTA for the support in running they gave me. I contacted MTA, joined the Academy and they coached me every step of the way thru my first half and full marathon. -Gregory C.

    I cant say enough great things about MTA! Angie and Trevor are absolutely amazing with their podcast and support! I really enjoy the private Facebook group full of runners on similar goals from all over the world. Ill be using their training program again for my next marathon. -Melisa Robles

    I PRd in the 5K and had a great run. I could not have done it without Coach Angie and Trevor. Guns Up and go Tech. -Jay W.

    Prevent Knee Pain From Running 3 Eat Right

    Knees Hurt After Running? How to Run Without Ruining Your ...

    When dealing with knee pain, dont overlook the power of diet.

    As a runner, youll need the right nutrients and substances to help protect your cells from damage and maintain healthy joints.

    For starters, get plenty of calcium.

    Most experts recommend 1,100 to 1,300 mg of this mineral each day.

    Dairy products and dark green veggies are some of the ideal sources of calcium.

    Here is the full guide to calcium foods.

    Another nutrient is omega-3 fatty acids.

    These fatty acids are natural anti-inflammatories that can help ease joint inflammation before it damages the joints.

    The best sources of omega-3s include salmon, herring, tuna, cod, sardines, and mackerel, as well as fish oil supplements.

    Furthermore, you might need to supplement.

    Many athletes take Chondroitin sulfate and Glucosamine supplements to deal with joint pain since its believed that these encourage cartilage formation and repair.

    However, the research is still mixed on the effectiveness of the supplements, so consult a certified physician if it can be helpful to your case.

    Most experts recommend a minimum dosage of 1,200 mg of Chondroitin sulfate and 1,500 mg of Glucosamine daily.

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    Protect Your Knees While Running

    While running is one of the best ways you can gradually train your body and potentially get into the best shape of your life, it comes with some caveats that you must keep in mind. One of the most common injuries that occur amongst runners is some type of knee injury, i.e. runners knee, and even the most benign twinges in the knees can be a sign of painful things to come. Fortunately, there are simple tactics you can take to prevent injuries from occurring in the first place.

    Variables That Can Make Running Harder On Your Knees

    However, there are a few variables that can make running hard on your knees. These include:

    • Bad form.Good running form is complex and nuanced, but the basics are looking ahead and maintaining good posture and your arms at 90-degree angles while taking quick strides with mid-foot strikes. If you strike the ground with your heel, youll be prone to knee pain.
    • Bad shoes. Especially if you run long distances, finding the proper shoe for your gait and foot is key. Factors like the cushion level, arch support, and width of the running shoe are important. If youre able, visit a local running store and have your foot fitted properly.
    • Rigid surfaces. Many find running on softer surfaces like grass or a treadmill better than running on asphalt or cement. Running is high impact, and research has shown that softer surfaces like a woodchip trail may reduce impact on the tibiae and thus the knees .


    Bad form, lack of strength, bad shoes, and running on surfaces that are too hard have the potential to make running harder on your knees.

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    So What About My Knee Pain

    I could not train for this half marathon without KT tape KT tape is basically this, well, tape that you apply to your trouble spots and it magically relieves you of any pain there. okay, so thats not super scientific, so heres what it says on their website:

    KT TAPE is applied along muscles, ligaments, and tendons to provide a lightweight, external support that helps you remain active while recovering from injuries. KT Tape creates neuromuscular feedback that inhibits or facilitates stronger firing of muscles and tendons. This feedback creates support elements without the bulk and restriction commonly associated with wraps and heavy bracing.

    WHATEVER THAT MEANS, it works. its actually unbelievable how applying tape to your skin can relieve your pain. if I dont apply it, no matter what mileage Im running, I have bad knee pain. when I do apply it, it works like a charm and I can run for miles! like today, I had a 9 mile training run this morning and I had absolutely no pain for NINE MILES.

    > > this is the tape I actually use. < <

    how do I apply it? well, based on what kind of pain you have, you can apply it different ways, but I have general knee pain like a standard runners knee, so this is how I apply it:

    obviously, Im not a train doctor or sports therapist, so make sure you consult a doctor if you have serious pain tape might not do it and may lead to other damage. who knows! but Im just telling you my story and what has worked for me.

    New To Running Start Here

    How to Run Without Knee Pain

    If youre serious about running, getting fit, and staying injury free, then make sure to download my Runners Blueprint Guide!

    Inside this guide, youll learn how to start running and lose weight weight the easy and painless way. This is, in fact, your ultimate manifesto to becoming a faster and a stronger runner. And you want that, dont you?

    to check out my Runners Blueprint System today!

    Dont miss out! My awesome running plan is just one click away.

    Also Check: Can Knee Cartilage Be Rebuilt

    The Mental Impact Of Running

    Mental Impact

    In terms of the mental impact of running, it is possible that training can improve your mental health and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. As exercise raises your endorphin levels, it stimulates the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which is connected to your mood. This stimulation can help relieve the effects of mild depression and anxiety. A 2020 study regarding running and mental health concluded that running has important positive implications for mental health, particularly depression and anxiety disorders. In other words, it is well-documented by professionals that running, and exercise in general, can positively impact your mental health.

    While the benefits for some people are clear, motivation techniques and professional help may need to be utilized as well. As one study from 2012 put it, “A challenge of the study lies in the motivational techniques needed to exercise with depressed patients, which is proven to be difficult and it will take a serious effort not to exceed the calculated 30% drop-out patients in the intervention group.” It can be hard to motivate yourself to work out when going through a depressive or anxious period. Talking to a medical professional can help you start on a journey to manage your mental well-being.

    We discuss the mental health benefits to exercise overall in a separate investigation.

    Know When To Replace Your Shoes

    Shoes designed for walking require the right amount of flexibility and cushion to allow for proper form, while easing the impact forces on your knee joint. Choosing the right shoe can also make a big difference in your comfort, which is why its important to replace them roughly every 400 miles. Keep in mind, this number can depend on a number of factors including your weight, daily mileage and whether you currently rotate your shoes. If youre not counting miles, plan to buy a new pair every 46 months if you walk daily. This ensures the midsole isnt too broken down to provide proper cushioning for your knees and ankles.

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    Couch To 5k Running Plan

    New to running? Couch to 5K gets you off the sofa and running in just 9 weeks.

    The One You Couch to 5K app gives you a choice of running coaches and helps you track your progress.

    As well as Laura, who features on the NHS Couch to 5K podcasts, you can also be coached by celebrities Jo Whiley, Sarah Millican, Sanjeev Kohli or Michael Johnson.

    How To Run Properly Stage : Correct Running Technique

    Pin on Health

    If you dont learn how to run correctly, youre doomed to develop an overuse injury and thats going to negate the whole reason you started running in the first place!

    This is why your running form is so damn crucial: when you run, youre putting hundreds of pounds of pressure on your joints and ligaments with each bounding step down the road. This is then repeated thousands of times over the course of training and a race.

    No wonder nearly every runner has tons of stories of injuries theyve had to deal with. It can be a brutal activity that can wreak havoc even with good running mechanics.

    With poor running mechanics, the results are compounded.

    • Not the GOOD kind of compounded like compound interest, which you learned in 2nd grade with the story about starting with 1 penny a day and doubling it for 30 days.
    • The BAD kind of compounded like plantar fasciitis and stress fractures and sore IT bands and torn ligaments and crazy soreness all the time.

    You know, painful stuff

    We dont want that.

    Make sure you follow the below five steps:


    Lean from your ankles, and keep a straight line from your ankle, through your butt, and up to your head. If youre standing still with this slight forward lean, you should feel like youre about to fall forward.

    Just dont actually fall forward.

    Steve, what the hell do I do with 170-190 steps per minute?

    Great question. Go to Spotify and look for 170-190BPM playlists, like these which I found here:

    Read Also: Why Do My Knees Hurt When Its Cold

    Tips For Running Without Knee Pain

    Most runners tend to experience a knee injury or pain at some point in their running careers. If you havent experienced this yet, then you are one of the few lucky ones. But whether its happened to you or not, we highly recommend that you arm yourself with information that can save your knees from more pain in the future. In todays article, well start by going over some of the common causes of knee pain that runners experience and then some useful tips on how you can start running without knee pain or at least with less of it.

    How To Avoid Knee Pain From Running

    • Beginners
    • How to Prevent Knee Pain from Running

    Theres a reason why knee pain is often referred to as Runners Knee. Current statistics report that 30 50% of all runners get knee pain from running every year. Thats a pretty high number, and its one of the biggest reasons why running gets labeled as a high-injury sport.

    I have my own take on running and its a little different. Its that running is blamed for knee pain when its not actuality running that causes problems. Its the way people run that leads to pain and injury. The truth is, if you can learn to run with proper running form, where there is minimal impact or undue stress to your knees, youll never have knee problems. Its a surprisingly simple fix, and entirely possible, contrary to what many people believe.

    Here are some ways to improve your running technique, avoid knee pain, and insure that you can run for many more years without ever having to give it all up someday because your knees are toast.

    Avoid heel striking

    Dont over-stride and let your feet get ahead of you. Always make it a point to NEVER step past your knees, and learn to let your legs swing rearward, not forward. When your feet land in front of your knees, you putting on the brakes with every foot strike, sending a major impact to your knees, which were never designed to be shock absorbers.

    Dont lift your knees when you run
    Lean your entire body forward
    Keep your knees soft and bent
    Keep your feet aimed in the direction you are running

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    Knee Pain Comes In Many Forms It Can Be Sharp Dull Achy Zinging Shocking Or Creaky

    Physical therapists do our best to quantify pain, with numerical scales and questionnaires about how much pain affects function, such as the popular 0-10 pain scale. But ultimately, pain can be very subjective. For some people, a light ache can cause them to yelp when they bend their knee. Others will grin and bear it, running through any amount of knee pain as long as they think they arent permanently damaging their bodies. While the techniques and scales we have for measuring pain are very helpful in quantifying and categorizing pain, they dont necessarily tell us when any given person should stop running or keep going, because pain is so individualized.

    That said, there are some general guidelines to follow if youre trying to decipher between an annoying ache and a real injury.

    Warm Up And Cool Down

    How to Run Without Knee Pain

    It’s essential to warm up properly before you start running. Five to 10 minutes of brisk walking or gentle jogging before you start will warm your muscles up and help prevent injury.

    To cool down, carry on running at an easier pace or walk for 5 to 10 minutes. This will help your body recover after your run.

    See Tips for new runners for more information about warming up and cooling down, as well as running technique.

    Also Check: Rebuilding Knee Cartilage Naturally

    Is Running Bad For Your Knees

    Running is not bad for your knees running with poor form is bad for your knees.

    In fact, most knee injuries caused by running are overuse injuries, meaning youre putting more stress on your body than it can handle.

    Whether thats ramping up your training schedule too quickly or not resting enough between runs, running too many miles before your muscles, bones, joints, and cartilage are ready for more can increase your risk of injury.


    Running itself is not bad for your knees. However, other factors, such as running with bad form and running too much, can cause knee pain or injury.

    1 ).

    One study followed a group of long-distance runners, as well as a nonrunner control group, for 18 years. Through a series of X-rays over the nearly two decades, researchers monitored for any presence of osteoarthritis in the knees.

    The study results showed that running among healthy older adults was not associated with more prevalent osteoarthritis. In fact, at the end of the study, 20% of the runners showed signs of osteoarthritis, compared with 32% of the nonrunners .

    Another study suggests that running may be beneficial for the knees.

    Researchers used gait analysis and computer modeling to confirm that running does place a higher load on the knees than walking. Yet, it also causes the bone and cartilage of the knee to adapt, potentially leading to stronger knees overall .


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