Avoid Long Periods Of Inactivity
The first few days when you are at home its hard to get up and move about. You need to force yourself to get up often.
Its very easy to lie in bed or sit in your recliner but making the effort to get up, move around and put some weight on your surgical knee helped speed up my recovery.
Even while lying in bed or sitting in my recliner I was advised to do frequent ankle pumps and ankle circles to enhance my circulation.
Once you are assigned exercises by your physical therapist its important to do them as often as the therapist suggests. I forced my self to get up and do the exercises 3 times a day.
Many times I had to talk myself out of skipping workouts or taking shortcuts. It was hard, especially during the first two weeks but the results for me were worth the pain.
Its easy to get depressed and lack the motivation to put in the recovery work. Thankfully my wife and son were around to encourage me and help get me through the early workouts.
I knew someone that didnt work as hard the first two weeks and had to visit the doctor, be anesthetized and have the doctor manipulate and stretch the leg to increase range of motion in the knee.
How To Shower After Hip Replacement Surgery
Hip replacement surgery can restore your mobility after a hip fracture, or after the surgical replacement of a joint damaged by arthritis. Doctors replace the hip joint with an artificial joint. After several days hospitalization, you’ll return home to continue your recovery. For the first several weeks you’ll have stitches and you won’t be able to take a bath, but you can shower, as long as you follow a few precautions.
What Are Good Positions For My Knee What Positions Should I Avoid
You should spend some time each day working on strengthening your knee as well as bending your knee . A good way to work on extension is to place a towel roll underneath your ankle when you’re lying down. A good way to work on flexion is to sit on a chair or stationary bicycle and bend your knee. Avoid using a pillow or a towel roll behind the knee for any length of time.
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How To Shower After A Total Knee Replacement:
Set the showering supplies within reach:
- Set the Soap , shampoo, conditioner, long handled sponge to wash the back and lower extremities, and wash cloth within easy reach.
- Set the shower hose in a location where you can reach it while sitting and standing in a shower. A shower hose mounted on a vertical slide bar is perfect.
- Place towels to dry after showering within easy reach so that you can either dry off after getting out of the shower while standing or sitting.
- Place and organize clothing you anticipate wearing after showering by the bed or chair within easy reach of where you will sit to dress.
If the patient has a choice, always choose to shower in a shower stall rather than showering in a tub.
A shower stall frequently has a non-skid tile floor and may not need a separate non-skid mat for the shower floor.All showers within a tub should use a non-skid mat. Not only are the tub floors slick, they also are not flat and level. A towel placed on the floor of the tub will reduce the slipperiness of the tub, but a non-skid mat would be much safer.
Why Is My Knee Throbbing After Surgery
Excessive pain in the knee following arthroscopic surgery is usually due to overactivity or spending too much time on your feet before the thigh muscles have been adequately strengthened. Excessive swelling can also cause pain in the knee. It is normal for the knee to be sore and swollen following arthroscopy.
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How Soon Can You Drive After Total Knee Replacement
In the weeks after total knee replacement surgery;;also known as total knee arthroplasty ; you will likely;be eager to get back behind the wheel. After all, no one really likes relying on friends, family members or public transportation. Driving will make it easier to get back to your regular work, social and recreational activities.
So when can you drive after total knee replacement?
How Long Does It Take To Walk Or Work After Meniscus Repair Surgery
Meniscus tears of the knee are one of the most common problems seen by orthopedic surgeons. The meniscus is a c-shaped pad of cartilage that acts as the shock absorber of the knee and lower stress on the bones and cartilage.; It can be pretty painful when damaged.
All patients and meniscus tears are different, and there are many variables when deciding how to treat these tears. The treatment of meniscus tears usually falls into one of two categories:
- A true repair that involves sowing the tissue back together with stitches
- Damage that is not repairable, treated with partial meniscectomy, or trimming out the torn portion of the meniscus
The treatment approach for a particular meniscus tear depends on many factors. For one, there are many different types of meniscus tears large or small, simple or complex, acute or chronic, associated with arthritis or not,; and more.; In addition, we have to take into account the location of the tear with regard to its blood supply. If there is no blood supply it may have a hard time healing or scarring back together.; As you can see, there are many variables to consider and it would be impossible to apply a one size fits all type of approach to the treatment of meniscus tears. This is where physician expertise and experience becomes important.
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Will I Need A Walker Or Crutches
In most cases, we do recommend that you use a walker, a cane, or crutches for the first several weeks. Your therapist and surgeon will help you decide if you need an assistive device. Case Management will help arrange for equipment if needed. Please do not purchase these items prior to your hospital stay, as insurance may not reimburse you.
Precautions After Knee Replacement
Post-total knee replacement surgery, you will have to take some precautions. Here are some of the answers What Not to Do after Knee Replacement Surgery
- Dont cross your legs
- Dont kneel and place anything behind your knees
- A pillow or any item for that matter should not be placed behind the knees
- If elevation and/or support is needed under the operative leg, it is to be placed under the heel
- You will also be asked not to torque or twist on your new knee
- You also have to avoid running, trekking and playing contact sports like football, cricket, etc.
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Patients May Not Need To Wait Two Weeks To Shower Following Knee Replacement Surgery
- Date:
- Loyola University Health System
- Summary:
- It may not be necessary for knee replacement patients to wait up to two weeks after surgery before showering, as many surgeons now require, new research indicates.
A Loyola Medicine study suggests it may not be necessary for knee replacement patients to wait up to two weeks after surgery before showering, as many surgeons now require.
The study compared patients who were allowed to shower two days after surgery with patients who had to wait 10 to 14 days. Researchers performed bacterial culture swabs of skin next to incisions, and no differences were found between the early-shower and delayed-shower groups. No patient in either group experienced an infection. As expected, patients overwhelmingly preferred being allowed to shower early.
The study is published in the Journal of Arthroplasty. Corresponding author is Harold Rees, MD, an orthopaedic surgeon at Loyola University Medical Center who specializes in knee and hip replacements. Dr. Rees is an assistant professor in the department of orthopaedic surgery and rehabilitation at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine.
There have been extensive studies on how to prepare orthopaedic surgical sites to reduce the risk of infections, but relatively little research on post-operative wound care regimens. With little evidence-based guidance, individual surgeons base their showering guidelines on anecdote rather than scientific evidence.
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Showering After Knee Replacement Surgery
One very popular myth about showering after knee;replacement surgery is the belief that you need to avoid taking a bath for the short-term after replacement surgery.;For decades, patients who underwent knee replacement surgery were under the impression that they could not submerge the healing area for at least 14 days or at least until after the skin staples were removed to avoid accidental loss of sutures.
For most patients, this rule was unpleasant. The majority of patients want to go home, bathe and get rid of all the tape marks, and feel clean. Well, now a study shows that this time-honored advice is unnecessary in most patients.
Research at Loyola School
Researchers at Loyola School of medicine recently conducted a study about showering after knee replacement surgery. This study was done by comparing the bacterial skin counts of patients who shower 48 hours after knee arthroplasty to patients who waited between 10-14 days.
Once researchers swabbed the skin near the incision of the patients who had just bathed. They analyzed microscopic skin cells to see if there was a difference in the bacterial count in the patients who had showered 48-hours after surgery versus the patients who delayed bathing for 10-14 days. Upon reviewing the data, they found there was no patient in either group developed any signs of infection and, therefore, that there was no reason to wait two-weeks before showering after knee replacement surgery.
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Precautions After Knee Replacement Surgery
This article outlines the necessary precautions to take after total knee replacement surgery so you dont overdo it. The medical team at the hospital and my doctor gave me several suggestions on how to avoid setbacks and how to improve my recovery.
I also learned some dos and donts through trial and error. Well discuss the dangers of falling, infection, blood clots and several other things that might impede your TKR recovery.
Hopefully my experience will make your recovery from knee replacement less painful and free from setbacks. The more you know before surgery, the better your recovery will be.
Do as much reading and researching as much as you can and get information from friends and acquaintances that have had TKR. I asked a lot of questions whenever I met someone that had previously had TKR and Im glad I did.
Everyone has a different experience with total knee replacement and recovery but I was surprised how consistent the advice was.
Bathing Right After Knee Replacement
During the first 12 days post surgery, I bathed from my sink . I had my wife put down a large beach towel in front of the sink. Then she brought a folding chair and put it on the towel in front of the sink.
I draped another towel over the chair and sat on that towel. I had soap, a washcloth and a towel nearby. I filled the sink with warm water.
Using the washcloth without soap I washed my head. I dont have much hair so it wasnt necessary to use shampoo or soap on my head. Next, I lathered up the washcloth with soap.
I stood using the sink counter for support and washed and rinsed my body. I then sat in the chair and washed my feet and legs. The first few days I could not reach my foot on the surgical knee.
My wife was kind enough to wash my right foot and my back while I was seated in the chair. She also dried the same foot and my back. I was able to dry the rest of my body while sitting and then standing.
It was a chore to bathe and I was breathing hard after I was finished. It felt great to be clean and to put on a clean change of clothing.
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What Is A Total Knee Replacement
A total knee replacement is a cartilage replacement with an artificial surface. The knee itself is not replaced. However, an artificial substitute for the cartilage is inserted on the end of the bones. This is done with a metal alloy on the femur and plastic spacer on the tibia and kneecap . This creates a new smooth cushion and a functioning joint that does not hurt.
Physical Therapy After Knee Replacement Surgery
Every patient will be given physical therapy exercises to do at home. The patient may also receive in-home physical therapy or go to a physical therapists clinic. Initially, recovery and physical therapy typically prioritize:
- Reducing swelling and pain. The leg must be elevated above the heart. It is important to realize that most reclining chairs do not elevate the knee above the heart. Instead, lie on a bed or couch with the foot propped up on pillows.
- Walking regularly. Walking can be done with a walker, crutches, or other assistive device. Walking encourages the healing process and helps lower the risk of complications.
- Stretching and strengthening exercises. Most stretches and exercises will target the quadriceps, hamstring, and calf muscles. The patient will be given a list of recommended exercises and stretches with descriptions on when and how to do them.
When possible, elevate the foot without support behind the knee. Gravity will force the knee into a straighter position. This position can be uncomfortable but will help prevent scar tissue from forming.
The goal is to eventually bend the knee at least 120°, allowing the person to get in and out of most car seats, low chairs, and sofas.
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Help With Medications And Wound Care
Its important that the person takes all medications as their healthcare team prescribes. You may need to help gather the medications, make sure they take them on schedule, and monitor and renew prescriptions from the pharmacy.
You may find it helpful to use a daily medication dispenser. These can be purchased at your local pharmacy or online.
If possible, meet with the persons doctor before outpatient care begins. They can go over what medications they need and answer any questions you may have.
Youll also need to monitor the wound for swelling and inflammation. This may involve changing dressings and picking up medical supplies, like bandages, as needed. If the wound is getting redder, more swollen, begins draining, or has a odor, seek medical care. Wash you hands carefully before and after touching bandages.
Try to establish a routine where you dispense medications and do wound checks at the same times each day.
Bathing After Knee Replacement
As you prepare for TKR surgery you might be wondering when can I take a bath.; Bathing after knee replacement is important but youll need to be mindful of what you can and cant do. My doctor and my medical team at the hospital told me I was not to shower or submerge my knee in a bathtub for the first 12 days post surgery.
I was also told to avoid swimming pools and hot tubs during this time. Ill explain how I bathed the first 12 days and Ill explain how I took my first few showers after my staples were removed.
Ill share some ideas that will make your bathing experience easier and more pleasant. As I mentioned in prior articles, I often woke up very sweaty at night. The next morning it was nice to clean up even though I could not get in the shower.
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How Do You Shower After Knee Surgery
You may get your incisions wet in the shower. Dont vigorously scrub the area where your incisions are. Apply a clean, dry dressing after drying off the area of your incisions. Dont take a tub bath, get in a swimming pool or Jacuzzi until the incisions are completely healed, which is about 14 days.
When And How I Showered After Knee Replacement
On the 12th day post-surgery, my home physical therapist removed my staples and said that I could take a shower the next day. She advised me not to let the shower water directly hit my incision.
On her initial visit, she checked my bathrooms and shower to make sure I could maneuver in and out of each.;She mentioned getting a non-slip pad so I wouldnt slip while getting into the shower or standing up.Many showers have non-slip grips so you might be prepared already.; If you dont have one, its wise to take extra precautions on wet surfaces.
If you fall it could damage the wound and create more problems for you .; If youre living on your own I recommend being extra careful when it comes to safety .
She liked that I had a built in tile bench in my shower and a showerhead that I can remove and use by hand. These were two big advantages for me.
My shower does not have built in handrails.; Handrails would have helped a lot!
A; handle can help you get in and out of the shower.; It will also help with standing up.; I didnt want to damage my tile in the shower so I didnt install a permanent handle, but I found another option that uses suction on the tile .; They can easily be attached and released and wont damage the tile.; Plus it looks nice.
I like the Vaunn Tool-Free Shower Chair because the height is adjustable and you dont need tools to assemble it . Its listed as a chair for seniors, people with balance issues, or people recovering from surgery.
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