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HomeWhy Does My Knee Pop When I Bend It

Why Does My Knee Pop When I Bend It

Arthritis Symptoms Associated Knee Crepitus

Why Does My Knee Click, Creak, or Pop When I Squat? How to Fix + Giveaway!

Crepitus caused by knee arthritis is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as:

  • Pain while walking or bending the knee
  • Knee stiffness that improves with gentle stretching or exercise
  • Knee tenderness or soreness, most commonly on the inside of the knee
  • Occasional swelling of the knee

Many things can cause the creaking or crunching sensation while flexing and extending the knee. A doctor can conduct a clinical exam to determine if knee symptoms are caused by arthritis or another something else, such as patellar motion.

What Does It Mean When Your Kneecap Cracks

The idea of cracking ones kneecap has often been associated with the sound of something breaking, which is an experience that would not be pleasant to anyone. However, this sound does not mean you have broken your kneecap. In reality, Kneecaps are meant to crack, Sound strange?. Its a common occurrence that happens when the kneecap becomes loose. When this happens, there is a breaking of two synovial fluid bubbles within the knee, resulting in a popping sound.

Kneecap cracks most often occur with weight-bearing activity. They are usually harmless, but if you experience pain with cracking, it may be an indication of a more serious issue.

When Your Cartilage Is Damaged

A meniscus tear is a common injury as we age. As a C-shaped piece of cartilage, its the shock absorber within your knee. You can catch the edge of it or even tear it without necessarily feeling or hearing it. Afterward, you may notice:

  • A reproducible pop in your knee Gwathmey describes it as a pinch-and-pull feeling
  • Pain or clicking in the joint, as the free-floating cartilage irritates your knee
  • Slow swelling, over 3-5 days

The treatments vary depending on the type of tear. In some tears, the blood supply is tenuous and the surgeon will clip out the meniscus fragment. In other tears with better healing potential, they may try to fix it with stitches.

With clipping, most people are back to enjoying normal activities within 4-6 weeks. Repair recovery can take much longer, between 4-6 months. The healing process is hard, as the meniscus doesn’t get a lot of blood supply.

Cartilage is a slippery substance between your bones. It helps them glide without digging into each other as you move. Damaged cartilage can create friction or mechanical symptoms as the knee moves. Worn out cartilage results in osteoarthritis.

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Other Causes Of Knee Pain When Bending

Other less common causes of knee pain when bending include:

  • Patellar Tendonitis:Inflammation and micro-tears in the patellar tendon just below the kneecap, usually after prolonged jumping or kicking movements resulting in bending knee pain. The most defining feature of patellar tendonitis is that it is painful if you press on the tendon
  • Iliotibial Band Syndrome : Irritation and inflammation of a thick fibrous band on the outer side of the thigh and knee. It usually develops from overuse and most frequently affects runners. Sending bending knee pain from ITBS tends to be on the outer side of the knee and there may be a popping/grinding sensation as you bend the knee
  • Osgood Schlatters: A common cause of bending knee pain in teenagers usually associated with sudden growth spurts where the bones grow quicker than the soft tissues leading to excessive tension through the patellar tendon which damages the underlying bone.
  • Causes Of Pain Free Clicking Of The Knees When Bending Or Straightening Them

    Why Does My Knee Pop?

    If there is clicking of the knee without any pain, then it commonly occurs from bursting of the accumulated gas bubbles within the knee joint, or snapping of the tendons/ligaments over the knee joint.

    Gas Bubbles: Bursting of the gas bubbles is one of the common causes of clicking in the knees on bending or straightening them. There is gradual formation of gas bubbles in the knee joint from changes in joint pressure. When these gas bubbles burst suddenly they result in a popping sound or a clicking sound. This is completely harmless and does not require treatment and does not predispose the patient to arthritis in any which way.

    Snapping of Tendons/Ligaments: Tendons and ligaments are the soft tissues that are present around the joints. When there is movement of a knee joint or any other joint, it causes stretching of the tendon or ligament when it passes over a small bony bump after which the tendon or the ligament snaps back into its place resulting in the clicking sound in the knee joint. This is also a harmless condition and does not need any treatment nor does it increase the risk of the patient towards any knee injury.

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    Common Treatments For Knee Pain When Bending And Straightening

    Specific treatment will depend upon the specific type of knee injury and its severity. Not all knee injuries are treated the same. Establishing a proper diagnosis is essential so that treatment and rehabilitation are tailored for your specific condition. When appropriate conservative care should be the first line of treatment. Common treatment options include:

    Heard A Pop 6 Different Knee Injuries That Make A Noise

    As we get older, we feel new aches and pains, along with hearing new pops in our joints. Some of us crack our knuckles and don’t think about it. When your knee pops, you hope it’s just the joint releasing air and not something more. So, when do you need to worry about a knee pop?

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    Real Worry: Loud Pop At Time Of Injury Followed By Swelling Instability And Giving Way

    When a patient says to me, Doc, I heard a pop and my knee swelled, it is definitely a cause for concern. If there is a pop at the time of injury, the knee has almost certainly been damaged. You have most likely injured either your ligaments anterior cruciate ligament, posterior cruciate ligamentor medial collateral ligament or the meniscusor articular cartilage. The knee will usually swell up after these kinds of injuries.

    If there is pain, swelling, or giving way of the knee, we will do a careful exam, history, X-ray, and MRI. By studying the cartilage and soft tissue within the knee, we can determine which tissues need to be repaired. Sometimes careful physical therapy, combined with injections, can fix the problem and help you avoid surgery.

    So remember: If you hear clicks and pops in your knee but feel no pain or swelling, dont worry. It is normal. If you have pain, instability, or swelling, make sure you check it out to avoid further damage to the joint. The philosophy on this has changed from rest your knee and wait until you are older for a joint replacement to fix the problem ASAP by repairing, regenerating, or replacing the missing tissue and cartilage so that you may never develop arthritis or need a knee replacement.

    While it is always best to hear the sounds of silence, snap, crackle, and pop sometimes need to be listened to as well.

    Osteoarthritis Releasing Water Pocket

    Why Does My Knee Snap, Crack, or Pop? Is it Harmful? What To Do?

    Osteoarthritis is a chronic condition in which the cartilage lining the joints begins to wear down. The resulting friction often leads to pain and loss of function. It affects approximately 27 million people in the U.S., including nearly everyone over age 60, making it one of the most common conditions that affect this countrys senior citizens.

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    What Causes My Knee To Click And Do I Need To Worry

    If youve experienced clicking and catching of your knee, youre not alone. This is a common problem that may be minor and mean nothing at all or it could indicate more serious damage that will require the attention of a skilled knee specialist. At Plano Orthopedic, were always here when needed to help make an accurate diagnosis and provide you with the most effective treatment possible!

    Can A Meniscus Tear Heal On Its Own

    In the case of meniscus tears, some people think the injury will heal over time on its own. But the truth is that there are different types of meniscus tears and some tears wont heal without treatment. If your tear is on the outer one-third of the meniscus, it may heal on its own or be repaired surgically.

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    Damage To The Knee Joint

    Sometimes, however, there is an underlying problem, for example, tissue damage or lesions. In this case, treatment may be necessary.

    If there is pain as the knee snaps or catches, it can be because scar tissue, a meniscus tear, or a tendon is moving over a protruding bone within the knee joint.

    Pain or swelling can be a sign of a more serious problem, such as patellofemoral pain syndrome , a tear in the cartilage or other soft tissue, or osteoarthritis .

    These issues may need medical attention. Lets look at them now in more detail.

    Knee Crackles When Bending

    Stop Knee Popping and Cracking Noises With These Stretches

    Have you ever been surprised when your knee crackles? Maybe you were stretching at the time or just standing up after a long time sitting. Perhaps you were climbing stairs or walking down the street. No matter the case, you may be wondering why it happens and if there is anything you can do to prevent it. You might also be asking yourself if it is something you need to worry about or it is just a part of life.

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    Is There Any Treatment For It

    Some will perceive fewer knee noises after losing some weight, or after starting an exercise regime.

    In healthcare, we usually treat the noises when theres joint pain or an injury involved.

    For example, if the noise is due to a ligament tear, we treat the tear. Once its managed, the crack or pop should disappear.

    How To Keep Knees Healthy

    If youre between 18-64 years old, do a variety of exercises regularly to strengthen your legs and knee joints.

    • 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, AND
    • Strength training twice a week.
    • Do it under the guidance of a personal trainer to prevent injuries.

    Also, try to keep your BMI below 25. The higher the BMI, the lower your knee health.

    Combine this with a healthy lifestyle for best results eat nutritious foods, sleep well, and take care of your mental health.

    If you have knee osteoarthritis, please follow the indications of your healthcare provider to prevent it from getting worse.

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    Possible Causes Of A Knee Pop

    Some associate a knee pop with solely one condition, when actually this can point to a number of knee conditions. Below is a list of possible causes and a few knee conditions in which the afflicted might hear or feel a knee pop:

    • Crepitus: Crepitus describes the popping, grating, or creaking sensations and sounds within the joint. A buildup of gas bubbles in the surrounding areas of the joint and the sudden release of the gas may cause these noises. While crepitus is typically painless and of no concern, any accompanying symptoms such as swelling or discomfort indicate the affected person should take precautionary measures and see a specialist.

    • Meniscal tear: The combined symptoms of a pop in the knee and swelling are associated with a meniscal tear. Some patients, however, may not experience these symptoms after a certain amount of time of inactivity but still have a tear.

    • Knee arthritis: Several types of arthritis can form in the knee, such as osteoarthritis or inflammatory arthritis. Because general symptoms of these conditions include stiffness, swelling, and instability of the knee joint, the knee may pop as a result.

    • Ligament injuries: The four ligaments that stabilize the knee are the anterior cruciate posterior cruciate medial collateral and the lateral collateral An impact injury or abrupt tear in any of these ligaments may cause the knee to pop, depending on the circumstances of the injury.

    Knee Hurts When I Bend It And Straighten It

    How to Fix Knees That Crack & Pop When Squatting |#AskSquatU Show Ep. 7|

    Do you have daily knee pain despite having no major trauma or precipitating event? Has physical therapy, rest and NSAIDs failed to provide relief? It is very frustrating and can keep you on the sidelines. To learn more please read below to answer the following questions: What are the different types of knee pain that are associated with bending and straightening? What are the eight most common causes of knee pain? What common conditions cause your knee to hurt when you bend it or straighten it? What treatment options are available? Lets dig in.

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    What If It Comes With Pain

    When popping and cracking joint noises occur on a regular basis and are accompanied by knee pain, it may be due to one of the following reasons:

    3. Meniscus Tear

    The cartilage which lines your joints is called meniscus. When there is a tear in it, the meniscus can get caught on your knee and cause it to pop as it moves. The pain will probably be inconsistent, only occurring as the damaged cartilage touches the joint.

    4. Arthritis

    Your joints and cartilage get worn down over the years, thinning so much that bones no longer have cushion between them. This is referred to as arthritis and typically occurs in people over 50. It can get worse over time, with an increasing and consistent pain.

    5. Chondromalacia Patella

    Just because you are healthy does not mean you are immune to knee joint pain. Often athletic young adults and adolescents can suffer from knee conditions. Sometimes the cartilage lining in the kneecap can become inflamed and irritated. When this happens, your thigh bone and the back of your kneecap can cause friction, which leads to persistent cracking noises and pain.

    6. Runners Knee

    If your knee crackles when bending, you may suffer from runner’s knee. This condition occurs when your kneecap has a problem moving about the knee, which leads to a painful grinding feeling. The pain typically worsens with extended activities like jogging or after continued inactivity like sitting at a desk.

    What Causes Kneecap Clicking

    There are 2 main reasons for getting kneecap noises – its either from bubbles of gas popping or the kneecap not tracking in the knee joint groove properly.

    Gas Bubbles: Sometimes tiny air bubbles build up within the fluid inside your joints. These bubbles make a noise when they burst during joint movement. The gas gets pushed through a very narrow joint space making a noise By the way its a Myth youll get arthritis from clicking your knuckles!!!

    Kneecap tracking: anatomy wiseYour kneecap is held in place on top of the knee joint by muscles, tendons and ligaments. If these soft tissues get tighter on 1 side of the knee more than the other, the kneecap can get pulled out of alignment slightly as you move, creating a noise.

    Both of these 2 causes are fairly normal and occur in everybody every single day.

    Kneecap clicking is not often painful and people are used to living with it for years. Hearing unusual noises from the knee can worry people, as you fear the worst when you cant see whats going on inside. Dont panic! Noise doesnt always mean damage.

    We do know that Kneecap clicking/crepitus is more common in women than men. This is possibly due to the biomechanics of women having a wider pelvis , and theres also hormonal differences in women that can increase soft tissue laxity Some people are also born with shallow grooves under their kneecaps too which mean the kneecap hasn’t got a deep groove to sit in either?

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    Knee Feels Tight And Seems Like It Needs Popping

    Does your knee feel like needing to pop it but won’t? Some people have this uncomfortable feeling and when they try to extend the leg back and forth to make the knee pop, they hurt. Some experience this feeling after training and it can get worse over a few weeks. Find out what causes your knee to feel like popping.

    Diet: High Potassium And Sugar:

    Why does my knee pop or crack after knee surgery?

    A recent study shows that too much potassium and sugar in the diet may be detrimental to the knee joint. The study found that too much potassium caused cells in the synovial fluid to die, leading to a decrease in lubrication of the joint. This could lead to degeneration, inflammation, and arthritis. Too much sugar can cause inflammation by increasing blood glucose levels, which triggers an inflammatory response in the immune system.

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    Are Cracking Knees A Sign Of Osteoarthritis

    Not on its own.

    It can be a sign of knee osteoarthritis if its associated with at least 2 of the following:

    • Knee pain in most days for the last month, that gets better with rest.
    • Loss of range of motion.
    • Morning stiffness on the knee.
    • +50 years old.

    If so, go to a doctor and physical therapist to plan your treatment.

    What Is The Clicking

    The clicking could occur for a few different reasons. Although the noise can be quite alarming on occasion, they are seldom a reason to worry.

    Believe it or not scientists first studied the clicking or popping noise in 1947! There was much debate initially but in 2015 a real-time medical imaging study of joint spaces revealed the answer!!

    The noise occurs because tiny air bubbles accumulate within the fluid inside your joints and when you move, they collapse due to the changes in pressure inside the joint. The noise occurs when the gas bubbles collapse. When the bubbles burst this is called cavitation. It is the same process as when you click your knuckles !

    In the knee this can occur from either the knee joint itself between the tibia and the femur , known at the tibio-femoral joint or the joint on the front of the knee between the patella and the femur , known as the patellofemoral joint.

    This mechanism is why you hear the clicking noise if your physiotherapist or osteopath applies a short, sharp movement to one of your spinal joints. It also explained why you cannot keep clicking the same joint in quick succession. It takes approximately 20 minutes for the gas bubbles to reform.

    Here are the other reasons for clicking at the knee that we see in clinic:

    Both these conditions are often pain free and are often nothing to worry about.

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