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HomeHealthHow Do You Lighten Your Knees And Elbows

How Do You Lighten Your Knees And Elbows

How To Lighten Dark Elbows And Knees Fast

How To Lighten Dark Knees and Elbows Naturally

Do you have dark elbows and knees? Want to lighten these discolored areas within a week? Having dark elbows and knees can be a bit embarrassing especially in a short dress or a sleeveless top.Here are a few effective natural solutions to get rid of dark, rough, discolored elbows and knees, improve the appearance and achieve a lighter color in the comfort of your kitchen.

Natural Remedies to Lighten Dark Elbows and Knees Fast


Lemon is a natural skin lightening ingredient.The citric acid in lemon bleaches and enhances skin color.The vitamin C and antioxidant firms skin and improves luster.Find out how you can use lemon to get rid of dark elbows and knees.

3 Tips to Lighten dark elbows and knees with Lemon Juice

Lemon & Baking Soda Take a chilled lemon and cut into two halves.Sprinkle a tbsp of baking soda on top of the lemon slice and rub your dark elbows and knees for 1 minute.Let the lemon juice sit for 15 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water.Remember to moisturize your skin well with olive oil or coconut oil to counteract skin dryness caused by lemon juice. Repeat this method until you get fairer elbows and knees.

Lemon Peels Grind some dried lemon peels into a fine powder.Mix 1 tbsp of multani mitti and a tsp of honey to the lemon peel powder.Apply and leave for 10 minutes.Slowly remove the pack by scrubbing in a circular motion.Wash off with cool water.It instantly brightens dark elbows and knees, removes dead skin cells and impurities.

Natural Ways To Lighten Dark Knees And Elbows At Home

An uneven skin tone can be harrowing when you want to flaunt a beautiful dress or wear cut-sleeves. The dark skin on your knees and elbows may often make you want to rethink such wardrobe choices. These parts of the body often become very dry and the protein keratin, which protects the outer layer of the skin, may build up in excess to cause dark patches. Discoloration in these areas due to excessive exposure to the sun is also a common occurrence. A daily regimen using ingredients available at home alongside adequately moisturizing and exfoliating the skin in these dark areas can help a great deal.

Here are 7 ways you can lighten the dark skin on your knees and elbows at home.

Reasons For Dark Knees And Elbows:

Some people may develop a darker complexion in certain areas because of repeated sun exposure, hormonal changes or reactions to the bodys hormones. This can also happen as a result of not enough exfoliation which causes dead cells from our skin surface build up on top leading to pigmentation issues such as Melasma.

The skin on your knees and elbows is slightly thinner which makes it more prone to issues like darker skin. Psoriasis or Eczema is also a skin condition that leads to dark skin. Another contributing factor could be friction from clothes, outside objects, etc.

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Whitening Labs Dark Spot Corrector Cream

It is a multi-purpose dark spot corrector and age spot remover with skin whitening properties. Whitening Labs Dark Spot Corrector Cream is packed with full of wholesome natural goodness to be used on your elbows, knees, face, hands, body, and has a miraculous skin lightening effect. It is recommended for helping with age spots, dark spots, liver spots, sun spots, and brown spots. It will make your skin smooth, blemish-free and youthful-looking. Suitable for daily use on all skin types.

How To Prevent Dark Skin On Knees

Lighten the skin of your knees and elbows

Its possible to reduce your chances of developing dark knees. Here are the best preventive methods:

  • Regularly apply sunscreen. Since hyperpigmentation is often caused by sun damage, sunscreen is essential. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen on your entire body, including your knees.
  • Moisturize daily. Moisturize your knees with a hydrating cream. This can promote healthy skin.

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How To Cure Dark Elbows And Knees

Simple cases with no complications can be treated with regular cleaning and exfoliation. As the dead skin cells and other wastes scrape off the elbows and knees, you will start noticing the results over a few weeks. However if this problem does not get cured with this simple solution, you will have to apply certain ingredients easily available at home.

· If it is a dark hyperpigmentation, rub your elbows and knees with isopropyl alcohol. Although the condition does not pose any serious medical threat, it is cosmetically distressing. Areas of dark brown hyperpigmentation could be completely rubbed off with isopropyl alcohol.

· Mix well one tablespoon of raw whole milk with one tablespoon of baking soda. Apply this paste on your knees and elbows and rub gently for three to five minutes. Wash off with water. Repeat the process every alternate day till your skin lightens.

· Take two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar and two tablespoons of water. Mix the two well. Apply this solution on your knees and elbows. Let it rest for 15 minutes, then rinse off. Try this remedy on alternate days to see the difference in skin colour.

· Dry the peel of oranges in sunlight. Grind it to powder. Take two tablespoons of orange peel powder, two tablespoons of rose water and two tablespoons of raw whole milk. Mix all well. Scrub this paste on your knees and elbows thrice a week. Rinse with water after 15 minutes. Your dark elbows and knees will lighten.

Tanning And Darkening Of Elbows Is One Of The Most Difficult And Stubborn Areas From Where Removing These Black Spots Becomes A Task

Elbows:1. Sunscreen: 2. Lemon Juice:elbow3. Turmeric, Honey and Milk: 4. Sugar and Olive Oil: 5. Gram Flour and Lemon: the darknessKnees:careful1. Oatmeal scrub:2. Baking soda: 3. Almonds:

4. Olive Oil:5. Lemon:

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Factors Leading To Dark Elbows And Knees

Each problem has some causal factors behind it and knowing them helps to get rid of the problem faster. Similarly, accumulation of dead skin cells, too much friction and pigmentation are said to be the leading causes behind dark elbows and knees, but there are other factors as well. Therefore, let us know all the possible factors that lead to darkening of elbows and knees.

  • Rough and dry skin

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What Causes Dark Elbows


Why are my elbows dark? The skin around the elbows and knees is a little thicker with more skin folds than the surrounding areas. Uneven distribution of melanin pigment in the body can result in some areas being darker than others. With little blood supply and no oil glands, the area tends to be rough and dry. Here are some of the common causes of dark elbows:

  • Genetics
  • Frequent contact and friction with clothes, leaning on the table with your elbows
  • Benign hyperpigmentation or active melanocytes in the elbows Dark skin over the elbows

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Emma Cardinelli Skin Lightening Cream

Removes the darkness and makes skin young with a fantastic blend of 2% hydroquinone, 6% glycolic acid, vitamin E, ferulic acid, and licorice extract, the most effective bleaching ingredients. Emma Cardinelli Skin Lightening Cream can be used on elbows, knees, armpits, inner thighs, back, full face, neck, and chest and sensitive private areas as well. It fades dark spots, freckles, and hyperpigmentation like a pro. You will see a change in you with even skin tone of a more youthful look and brighten the complexion of more natural radiance.

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Natural Remedies For Dark Knees

If you prefer the DIY way, several home remedies might help improve the tone and texture of your dark knees over time. The most common are:

Aloe vera. This plant has soothing and calming properties that help ease discomfort from irritation and sunburn. One study found that aloe vera may also help reduce the natural skin darkening that comes with sun exposure.

Turmeric. This versatile spice gets its yellow pigment from a chemical compound called curcumin. Many people have traditionally used this herbal ingredient to even out their skin tone and reduce excessive pigmentation.

Green tea. The leaves in green tea have a chemical compound called epigallocatechin gallate. It might be another skin-lightening agent, as it blocks the enzymes that help make melanin.

Keep in mind that there’s little to no scientific proof that homemade skin-lightening remedies work. If you’re worried about harm and irritation to your skin, talk to a doctor before trying natural ingredients.

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How To Lighten Dark Elbows And Knees With Baking Soda

Accumulation of dead skin cells and grime can make your elbows appear ashy and dirty. Baking soda is a gentle skin cleanser and natural scrub that removes dead cells and gets rid of grime.

  • Mix baking soda with milk or water to make a paste
  • Apply it on the elbows and knees while rubbing in circular motions for 3 minutes
  • Wash off with lukewarm water, pat dry and moisturize
  • Depending on the extent of darkness, repeat this daily or on alternate days then later with improved you can reduce the frequency to once or twice a week

    Darggett & Ramsdell Knee And Elbow Lightening Cream Ecxonomy

    How to lighten dark knees and elbows

    Another great pick for getting rid of that shadow on our beautiful skin. Darggett & Ramsdell Knee And Elbow Lightening Cream Ecxonomy has been there for a time now and has earned quite a place with its skill. It fades the dark areas and cast away discoloration on the rough skin of knee and elbow. You will get even skin tone all over thanks to its plant extracts. It will also moisturize and make the skin look and feel smooth. Completely non-irritating and gentle on the skin.

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    How To Get Rid Of Black Elbows Fast With Yogurt And Vinegar

    Yogurt contains lactic acid and vinegar contains acetic acid which is mild but effective skin lightening agents. These two effectively lighten dark spots on knees and elbows, evening out your skin.

  • Combine a teaspoon of yogurt and white vinegar to get a smooth paste. Apply the paste on the elbows and allow it to dry. Rinse off with warm water, pat dry and moisturize.
  • Alternatively, you can mix a tablespoon of plain yogurt with 2 tablespoons of gram flour. Apply the paste to your elbows and leave it on for 15 minutes. Massage gently with wet fingers to exfoliate and rinse with warm water. Repeat this several times a week.
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    Summer is here and its time to bring out your shorts and skirts from the closet. Oops! We totally forgot about how darkened knees can totally wreck your look. Well, fret not ladies because we have some really cool home hacks that can help you lighten your dark knees in a jiffy.

    If youre wondering why despite sitting at home for a year and not going out in the sun your knees are still dark, then let us enlighten you.

    According to Dr Chytra Anand, celebrity cosmetic dermatologist and beauty guru at Kosmoderma Clinics, Indian skin has melanin or pigment in it. For every 10 normal cells, Indian skin has one pigment-producing cell. And whenever there is any kind of friction, irritation, or inflammation the pigmentation increases due to increased melanin production. Not to mention, dry and sensitive skin are more prone to pigmentation.

    The knee joint is an area of constant movement which causes friction in the skin. People tend to kneel on their knees which causes friction leading to inflammation. People with dry skin on their knees dont usually think of moisturizing this area, leading to hyperpigmentation or dark end knees. Another cause is genetics, environmental changes, vitamin B12 and D deficiencies, and hypothyroidism, she explains.

    The good news is that you can totally transform your knee skin with some ingredients that are available right in your kitchen.

    So, here are eight ingredients from your kitchen that you can use to lighten your knees

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    How To Lighten Dark Knees

    It is important to understand first why you end up having rough, darkened knees or elbows. The skin of your elbows and knees is naturally thicker and loses moisture quickly. This often leads to the accumulation of dead skin cells that produce a darkened appearance.Many people want to know exactly how to lighten dark knees.

    It is important that you don’t neglect your dark knees or elbows during your moisturizing routine. While you don’t need to rush off to a high-end salon, you really need to take some steps and spend some time looking after your knees to understand how to lighten dark knees. Keep reading to know some natural home remedies that actually work.

    When To Contact A Doctor

    Lighten Your Elbows and Knees Naturally Fast

    Dark knees will not cause any additional symptoms and are not likely the result of any underlying medical condition. Therefore, a person with dark knees may not need to see a doctor.

    However, a person may wish to speak to their doctor if the darkened skin causes them anxiety, feelings of embarrassment, or other stress. A doctor may be able to recommend OTC or prescription creams to help.

    If other symptoms accompany the darkened knees, such as itching, scabs, or flaking, a person may want to talk to their doctor.

    The darkened skin may be due to psoriasis or another skin condition. Treatment for these conditions may help lighten the skin.

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    How To Get Rid Of Dark Knees Fast

    Get Rid Of Dark Elbows And Knees Naturally Fast 1 Lemon : It is an antioxidant. In addition it has bleaching and exfoliating properties, 2 Fresh Lemon Juice, Olive Oil and Salt : Mix 2 tbsp. 3 Baking Soda mixed with Milk : Mixed these two ingredients well to make a thick paste. 4 Coconut Oil and Lemon Juice : Mix one tsp.

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    Can Home Remedies For Dark Knees Also Work For Dark Spots

    Like dark knees, dark spots can take the form of other conditions, such as age spots or liver spots.

    However, dark knees have many possible causes. Age spots and liver spots can be caused by chronic sun damage and usually occur on sun exposed areas such as the:

    • face
    • arms
    • hands

    Since the natural remedies above arent entirely supported by research, theres no guarantee that theyll work for other types of hyperpigmentation, like age spots or liver spots.

    Its important to use skin lightening remedies and products with caution. There isnt a lot of research on these treatments, and some may be unsafe.

    Specifically, its best to avoid products with these ingredients:

    Some ingredients, like hydroquinone and topical steroids, are found in prescription treatments. Its not safe to use these unless prescribed by your doctor.

    Over-the-counter products with these ingredients arent regulated and may cause skin damage.

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    Turmeric Powder For Dark Knees

    Image: Shutterstock

    What You Have To Do
  • Mix the honey, turmeric powder, and milk to make a paste.
  • Apply this on the elbows and knees.
  • Massage in circular motion for two minutes and leave it on for about 20 minutes.
  • Rinse with water.
  • How Often You Should Do This

    Repeat this two to three times in a week.

    Why This Works

    Turmeric cleanses the skins impurities and evens out the skin tone. It also renders a natural glow to the skin . Milk in this paste will also help in lightening the dark skin and honey will keep it hydrated and nourished .

    Potato For Dark Knees

    Lighten your dark knees and elbows all naturally Today I ...

    Image: Shutterstock

    A potato

    What You Have To Do
  • Cut slightly thick slices of the potato and rub them on the knees and elbows for a few minutes.
  • Leave the potato juice on for about 15 minutes and then rinse it off.
  • How Often You Should Do This

    Do this once or twice daily for best results.

    Why This Works

    Potatoes possess mild bleaching properties that lighten dark spots and dark skin. They also nourish and brighten dry and dull skin .

    What You Have To Do
  • Add enough yogurt to the gram flour to make a thick paste.
  • Apply this paste on the elbows and knees and let it dry.
  • Remove this with water using circular motions to scrub the mixture off your knees and elbow.
  • How Often You Should Do This

    Apply this pack every alternate day.

    Why This Works

    Gram flour exfoliates and removes the dead skin cells on your knees and elbows . Yogurt lightens the skin tone and also nourishes it .

    Use these remedies and you no longer have to be embarrassed by your dark knees and dark elbows. Lets now take a look at what causes dark knees and elbows.

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    Sugar And Olive Oil Scrub

  • Make an exfoliating body scrub by mixing sugar and warm olive to get a medium consistency
  • Apply this paste to your elbows and scrub gently with your fingers. As you massage, the sugar granules resolve and become smaller in size
  • Continue rubbing for 5-10 minutes or until the all the sugar resolves
  • Wash off with mild soap and warm water
  • Repeat this daily until you start seeing changes then reduce the frequency to several days a week

    Prevention From Darkening Of Knees And Elbows

    Although darkening of knees and elbows is unavoidable sometimes, you can consider a few simple things to prevent it:

    1. Apply a high SPF sunscreen on your skin before stepping out into the sun. Exposure to sunlight is one of the biggest triggers of hyperpigmentation, and sunscreens can help.

    2. Avoid putting pressure on your knees and elbows for an extended period of time.

    3. Treat wounds and injuries with care while they are healing.

    4. Check for harsh ingredients in your skin care products and stop using them if they are causing irritation or rashes.

    5. Your laundry detergents or body soap can also cause inflammation and skin darkening. Opt for gentler cleansers to prevent darkening of knees and elbows.

    6. Lack of vitamin A and vitamin E in your diet can also adversely affect your skin and cause dark patches. You can include vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, etc. in your diet to get sufficient vitamin A. Nuts like almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds, and greens like spinach are a rich source of vitamin E.

    Wrapping Up

    Darkening of elbows and knees is a common phenomenon, especially among people with darker skin tones. It is usually not a major reason for alarm, except in rare cases where darkening of these joints may be due to some disease or hormonal disorders. If you are concerned about your appearance due to dark knees and elbows, opt for one of the OTC or home remedies to brighten them up.

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