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HomeExclusiveIs Knee Replacement Really Necessary

Is Knee Replacement Really Necessary

How Patients Can Reduce Painful Symptoms Between Now And Their Treatment Date

Is Meniscal Knee Surgery really necessary for your tear?

If a patient has tried multiple non-invasive treatments without success and their next step is surgery, they can take steps to reduce their pain until their surgery date.

Some ways to ease knee pain:

  • Exercise/physical therapy: If a patient has a degenerative condition like osteoarthritis, it is best if they seek the assistance of an exercise professional like a physical therapist. They can create a treatment plan that will strengthen the leg and promote flexibility without increasing the risk of pain or joint damage.
  • Supplements: In addition to NSAIDs, supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin can reduce pain and increase mobility in some patients.
  • Bracing: A knee brace provides stability and properly aligns the joint, easing pressure and reducing pain.

When Is The Best Time

If you have heard that you might benefit from surgery, it is worth considering doing it sooner rather than later.

However, it may not be possible to have surgery at once. Consider the following factors when deciding on a date:

  • Will there be someone to take you to and from the hospital?
  • Will someone be able to help you with meals and other daily activities during recovery?
  • Can you get the date of your choice locally, or will you need to go further afield? If so, will you be able to return easily to the hospital for follow-up appointments?
  • Is your accommodation set up for moving around easily, or would you be better off staying with a family member for a few days?
  • Can you find someone to help with children, pets, and other dependents for the first few days?
  • How much will it cost, and how soon can you get the funding?
  • Can you get time off work for the dates you need?
  • Will the date fit in with your caregivers schedule?
  • Will the surgeon or doctor be around for follow up, or will they be going on vacation soon after?
  • Is it best to choose the summer, when you can wear lighter clothes for comfort during recovery?
  • Depending on where you live, there may also be a risk of ice and snow in winter. This can make it hard to get out for exercise.

You may need to spend 13 days in the hospital after surgery, and it can take 6 weeks to get back to normal activities. Most people can drive again after 36 weeks.

It is worth considering these points when deciding on the best time to go ahead.

Lose Weight To Lessen Stress On Your Knees

Number one on Valaiks list of ways to reduce knee pain and delay knee replacement: reaching and maintaining a healthy weight.

Extra weight puts pressure on the knees and increases stress on the joint, increasing pain and making it hard to exercise, Valaik explains. Research compiled by the Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center confirms that carrying extra pounds raises your risk of developing knee arthritis and speeds up the destruction of cartilage that cushions the joint.

I know its not easy, he says, but losing weight really helps, whether youre dealing with arthritis in one or both knees. If you are overweight or obese, consulting with a nutritionist or a bariatric specialist may be the right place to start.

Also Check: Dcf Compression Knee Sleeve

One Injection Stem Cell Treatments Are Not Sustainable Pain Relief

In the video below, Ross Hauser, MD explains the 5 myths we see concerning Stem Cell Therapy. The biggest one is that people believe that one stem cell injection will make all their pains go away. For most this is not true. It is not true for the same reasons outlined above, a single injection will not be comprehensive enough to reverse years and possibly decades worth of damage affecting the entire knee structure. This one-shot thinking leads to an unrealistic expectation of pain relief and joint regeneration.

No 11 Stationary Bike

How to Avoid a Total Knee Replacement in Arthritic Knees

A stationary bike inside your house might a great addition to your recovery program. If you live in an area of the country with extreme temperatures exercising indoors is the best recovery option.

A stationary bike takes will be part of your physical therapy recovery so its a must-have item. It takes up little space and can be placed in front of the television so you can have your workout while watching the big game.

I always kept my stationary bike in the garage and it helped me exercise before I had knee surgery.

Biking is a low-impact way to strengthen and exercise the leg muscles. You wont be using it in the few weeks after surgery, however, youll be feeling better after a month or two and cycling is a great activity for your health.

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Are You A Candidate For Knee Replacement

To determine the most appropriate knee replacement surgery for you, our knee surgeons consider a wide range of factors, including severity of symptoms, overall health and response to previous treatment.

If you are experiencing the following, surgery may be advised.

  • Severe pain that prevents you from participating in everyday activities
  • Have weakness in your knee and cannot move it fully
  • If your symptoms dont improve with non-surgical treatments

For those who may have been diagnosed with advanced osteoarthritis, the condition of your knee joints will determine your surgical options. Surgery on the knee is common for severe osteoarthritis with a high success rate.

Why Have Knee Replacement Surgery

There are three common reasons for the procedure:

Osteoarthritis: this type of arthritis is age related, caused by the normal wear and tear of the knee joint. It mostly affects patients aged over 50 years, but younger people may have it.

Osteoarthritis is caused by inflammation, breakdown, and the gradual and eventual loss of cartilage in the joints. Over time, the cartilage wears down and the bones rub together. To compensate, the bones often grow thicker, but this results in more friction and more pain.

Rheumatoid arthritis: also called inflammatory arthritis, the membrane around the knee joint to become thick and inflamed. Chronic inflammation damages the cartilage, causing soreness and stiffness.

Post-traumatic arthritis: this type of arthritis is due to a severe knee injury. When the bones around the knee break or the ligaments tear, this will affect the knee cartilage.

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Why Come To Hss For Your Knee Replacement

I call knee replacement surgery a team sport. The two most central players are the surgeon and the patient, but there are many other people on the team who help make it successful. At HSS, our knee replacement surgeons are among the most skilled surgeons in the world. In addition to their deep expertise and extensive training, they have a singular focus on joint replacement surgery. This experience allows them to achieve very high success rates, avoid complications and help effectively relieve our patients pain.

Another advantage is that the knee replacement surgeons at HSS embrace the multidisciplinary aspects of orthopedic care. They work closely with anesthesiologists, rehabilitation specialists, nurses, dietitians, and many others to keep our patients safe and healthy so they can get back to what they love to do.

The fact that HSS is a specialty hospital focused solely on orthopedics and rheumatology is a great advantage. All our staff have great experience and a singular focus. Since we do not have to compete with other departments for resources, we can concentrate all our efforts on obtaining the best outcomes for our patients without any compromise.

No 2 Compression Socks And Knee Sleeve

Is Physical Therapy Necessary After A Total Knee Replacement

Compression is a must-have after surgery. As weve discussed in other articles, compression will help reduce inflammation an swelling, and keep blood and fluid circulation moving through your leg rather than staying in your leg.

Directly after surgery youll be wearing a full-leg sock, but its wise to invest in a compression sleeve for your knee and compression socks for your leg. If needed these can be worn under clothes or in bed.

I wore mine religiously after surgery for a few weeks and now I wear during and after exercise or while flying. The best compression sleeves after TKR and socks will reduce the chance of blood clots in the leg!

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Our Goal Of Treatment Is To Help The Person With Knee Pain And Osteoarthritis Who Has Been Told That Knee Replacement Is Their Only Option To Avoid That Surgery

While covering studies above in this article which clearly shows the detrimental effects of some conservative care, treatments on a knee, deep in degenerative disease, it can not be emphasized enough how damaging nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications and corticosteroid injections are to the joint, especially the articular cartilage.

These treatments make it more difficult in the long run for the patient to walk. Besides independence and mobility, your knee needs to walk because that is how nutrients reach the articular cartilage to help it heal.

Our goal of treatment is to help the person with knee pain and osteoarthritis who has been told that knee replacement is their only option, stop destructive treatments, and stabilize their knee to prevent the destructive stress forces from further damaging their knee.

When Is Knee Replacement Surgery Necessary

by empirical360 | Jan 19, 2021 | Knee Pain, Outpatient Total hip and Knee Replacement |

Knee replacement surgery is performed on almost eight hundred thousand Americans each year, so if youre wondering if this form of treatment is right for you, you certainly arent alone. This number is projected to be near 3 million per year by the year 2030. Suffering from chronic pain related to degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis of the knee joint can have a devastating impact on your life. Daily activities can become difficult or even impossible, and its easy to become isolated from friends and family.

Knee replacement surgery is typically seen as a last-resort treatment, and the decision to undergo any surgical procedure should be made with care. To determine if a knee replacement is necessary, surgeons should perform a thorough evaluation to find out if a patient is a suitable candidate and that he or she has fully explored other treatments.

To help you better understand when to seriously consider knee replacement surgery, OJRCA is sharing this informative guide. Were here to help and welcome any questions you have. Dont hesitate to get in touch with us at any time as you look over the following article.

What Conditions and Injuries Can Knee Replacement Surgery Treat?

A knee replacement, or knee arthroplasty, is designed to replace a severely damaged knee joint.

To Determine if Knee Replacement is Necessary, Patients Should First Explore Conservative Treatments

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When Can A Patient Return To Work

This is a common question after knee replacement surgery and entirely depends on the nature of work the patient performs as part of their occupation. For those patients who work in jobs that are relatively sedentary such as office work, returning to work after 2 to 3 weeks is perfectly reasonable however, for patients whose work demands more of them physically, e.g., fireman, police officer, these patients are usually recommended to wait at least 6 weeks before returning to work.

This is because muscle recovery is usually sufficient by 6 weeks to allow for the normal duties of these more physically demanding occupations at this point in time. However, it is also a case that even for the more physically demanding occupations, if a modification of these duties is available to the patients for the postoperative recovery period then this would potentially allow for an early return to work.

Exploring The Options For Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee â Total knee replacement (TKR)

Doctors from Australia published these observations about their patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis in the medical journal BioMed Central Musculoskeletal Disorders.

They had concerns about knee replacement being the right choice for every patient.

  • The Australian team noted that current accepted medical treatment strategies for osteoarthritis are aimed at symptom control rather than curing or reversing the disease. Once symptom control can no longer control pain in knee osteoarthritis patients, surgical options including knee replacement are given.
  • However, the recommendation for knee replacement is sometimes not carefully examined as the best option. Before knee replacement is agreed to the possibility of significant complications after knee replacement should be discussed with patients.

The answer patients want to explore non-surgical stem cell treatments:

  • There is a growing patient interest in the area of regenerative medicine, led by an improved understanding of the role of mesenchymal stem cells in tissue repair.

Encouragingly, results of pre-clinical and clinical trials have provided initial evidence of efficacy and indicated safety in the therapeutic use of mesenchymal stem cell therapies for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis.

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This Common Procedure Can Help Reduce Pain And Restore Your Ability To Move Better But How Do You Know When Its Time For Surgery

Knee replacement surgery is one of the most successful procedures in all of medicine, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery . Its also very common: Over 790,000 knee replacements are performed each year in the United States. A complete knee replacement more correctly, a resurfacing places metal pieces to recreate the surface of the joint, with a plastic separator in between and possibly a plastic resurfacing of the inside of the kneecap .

Although youll need a little help afterward, you should be able to begin walking again either the same day or the day after surgery. And the procedure is overwhelmingly successful: The AAOS estimates that 90% of modern total knee replacements are still working more than 15 years after surgery.

How do you know if you need a knee replacement in the first place? Deciding when its time is a personal decision between you and your doctor, but there are some factors that make you a more likely candidate for surgery.

What Is A Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee replacement, also called knee arthroplasty or total knee replacement, is a surgical procedure toresurface a knee damaged by arthritis. Metal and plastic parts are used tocap the ends of the bones that form the knee joint, along with the kneecap.This surgery may be considered for someone who has severe arthritis or asevere knee injury.

Various types of arthritis may affect the knee joint. Osteoarthritis, adegenerative joint disease that affects mostly middle-aged and olderadults, may cause the breakdown of joint cartilage and adjacent bone in theknees. Rheumatoid arthritis, which causes inflammation of the synovialmembrane and results in excessive synovial fluid, can lead to pain andstiffness. Traumatic arthritis, arthritis due to injury, may cause damageto the cartilage of the knee.

The goal of knee replacement surgery is to resurface the parts of the kneejoint that have been damaged and to relieve knee pain that cannot becontrolled by other treatments.

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Nerve And Other Tissue Damage

There’s a small risk that the ligaments, arteries or nerves will be damaged during surgery.

  • Fewer than 1 in 100 patients have nerve damage and this usually improves gradually in time.
  • About 1 in 100 have some ligament damage this is either repaired during the operation or protected by a brace while it heals.
  • About 1 in 1,000 suffer damage to arteries that usually needs further surgery to repair.
  • In about 1 in 5,000 cases blood flow in the muscles around the new joint is reduced . This usually also needs surgery to correct the problem.

Ial Knee Replacement Problems

Knee Replacement – Is Icing Necessary?

Generally, people recover really well after partial knee replacement surgery. They are up out of bed walking around the next day and usually regain full range of movement and strength. Crutches or sticks may be needed for the first few days for some support.

It may be painful for the first few days after a partial knee replacement, but people often find the knee pain is actually less severe than beforehand as they no longer have the arthritis pain.

There may be persistent numbness around the scar after knee replacement. This is due to some of the small nerve fibres being disrupted during the surgery, but this is usually minor and often recovers with time.

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Troubled By Knee Arthritis But Not Ready For Knee Replacement Here Are 5 Alternatives

Millions of Americans suffer from knee arthritis, which can cause pain, stiffness and a decrease in activity level and quality of life. Eventually, this often leads to knee replacement surgery, which remains the most effective treatment for permanent pain relief. However, knee replacement should be reserved as a last resort. There are several minimally invasive options you and your surgeon can try before committing to knee replacement surgery:

  • Physical therapy Knee arthritis typically makes the knee joint painful and stiff. Consulting with a physical therapist can increase the strength of the muscles supporting the knee and reduce pain. Therapists can use ice and heat, electrical nerve stimulation and other therapies to increase blood flow to the knee. Working with a licensed therapist can be much more effective than what you can do on your own.
  • Medications Although physicians typically try to limit the number of medications prescribed, there are several medications for knee arthritis that have been proven to help. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications can be quite effective in reducing the pain, swelling and stiffness associated with knee arthritis. These are readily available and typically well-tolerated by most patients. In addition to NSAIDs, there are several supplements that have been successful in reducing knee arthritis symptoms. The two most common supplements used for knee arthritis are glucosamine sulfate and hyaluronic acid.

    Youre Of A Certain Age

    Knee replacement is generally done in older people over 60, in part because younger peoples more active lifestyles may put too much stress on the artificial knee, causing it not to last as long second replacement surgeries may not be as successful. But, knee replacements can be performed in people of all ages depending on your individual case, so discuss with your doctor whether youre a good candidate.

    Do you think you may need a knee replacement? Our expert orthopaedic surgeons can help. If you are in the Los Angeles area, request an appointment online or call USC-CARE .

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