Are Improvements Still Tocome
It has been so long since I have had a normal right knee that it is hard for me to determine how much better it might get.
I am perfectly content with the progress I have made to date and if it doesnt get any better it will still be an amazing improvement compared to how it was pre-surgery.
I know that I can continue to make the muscles around the knee stronger and that my calf still has room for improvement. However, the knee itself is functioning so well that it is hard to complain if I am near the best it can be.
I can do everything that I did before surgery without any pain. Any progress in range of motion or strength will now come in small increments.
How Long Were You Using The Walker: How Is Your Balance
The next thing to consider is how is your balance? The walker is there to help you balance so you dont fall, if your balance isnt good then you need to continue using the walker. A good test is can you stand on one leg at a time while holding onto a counter with only 1 hand and do this for 10 seconds? You need to be able to do this on your surgical and non-surgical leg. If you can do this then you can likely start using a cane. Then if you can stand on each leg by itself without holding onto anything for 10 seconds you can stop using the cane. These arent hard and fast rules, you should have your physical therapist evaluate your balance, but these are typically true balance techniques.
Do I Need To Make Any Preparations For The Surgery
Even though Dr. Hsu told mama that its not necessary for her to stay home to care for me, she still did for the first two weeks. Im glad she made that decision;because I was feeling extremely manja;the first few;days. It helped a lot that;she was around to accompany and comfort me.
- Cut your pups nails as long nails will affect its balance, especially with;only three legs!
- Mama bathed me right before sending me to surgery because I wouldnt be able to;touch water for the;next 2 weeks
- If you dont already have one, get an inflatable or e-collar to prevent your furkid from licking and;nibbling on the;incision area
- I had to refrain from food and water after 10pm the day before surgery
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Why Do Dogs Get Torn Acls
Torn anterior cruciate ligaments , known as cranial cruciate ligaments in dogs are common and account for about 85% of clinical cases.
Torn or ruptured CCL in dogs can be the result of intense play or exercise. Oftentimes, however, the ligament has weakened over time and would have torn or ruptured eventually.
Dogs, like people, can develop osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease that wears away cartilage from the stifle joint .
Sometimes there are no symptoms to alert the dog owner that anything is wrong. Most of the time, however, you will notice your dog is suddenly limping, has a hopping gait, or lifts the weight bearing leg.
Medical Treatments For Limping
If your limping worsens or persists, you should see your doctor. Depending on the diagnosis, he or she may recommend the following.
- Crutches: Crutches can help in the event of an acute injury to reduce weight on the injured foot or leg.
- Physical therapy: A person may benefit from physical therapy if orthopedic injury or muscular weakness is the cause of a limp.
- Neurologic assessment: A doctor may do a full neurologic assessment to determine the cause of a limp, particularly if they suspect the cause is in the brain, spinal cord, or nerves. A neurologic assessment generally includes testing strength, sensation, cognitive ability, and ability to walk, among other things.
- Genetic testing: If a doctor suspects that an inherited condition may be the cause of a limp, they may order genetic testing.
- Imaging: If a doctor suspects a neurologic condition may be the cause of a limp, they may order a CT scan or an MRI of the brain and/or spinal cord.
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Year After Knee Replacement Surgery
My one-year anniversary since TKR has arrived. The first few months went by so slowly when I was consumed with my rehabilitation.
After my formal therapy was over, time began to speed up again and it is hard to believe that it has been a year. A year ago I was in severe pain, taking pain medicine, icing my knee regularly and wondering why I was torturing myself with range of motion exercise.
My doctor had straightened my leg and I was learning to walk without a limp. Now I am able to walk normally without thinking how to step and I no longer favor my knee doing simple tasks like walking downhill or down stairs.
I am able to engage in my favorite activities without being conscious of a knee that doesnt respond like the other knee.
What Is Average Non
Walking has become the rage of the human population over the last few years. Many opinions have been expressed about how far the average human being should walk. The consensus seems to be about 10,000 steps a day, and 3,000 should be at a brisk pace.
Studies show that the average mans stride length is 2.5 feet per step while a womans stride length is 2.2 feet per step.
10,000 steps per day translate into:
Men:4.73 miles per day.Men walk, on average, about 3 miles per hour at a normal pace and about 4 miles per hour at a brisk pace.7,000 normal-paced steps at 3 miles per hour is 3.31 mile 3,000 brisk-paced steps at 4 miles per hour is 1.42 miles
Women:4.17 miles per day.Interestingly, women also walk, on average, about 3 miles per hour at a normal pace and about 4 miles per hour at a brisk pace. They just take more steps to cover the same distance but the speed is pretty much the same as for men.7,000 normal-paced steps at 3 miles per hour is 2.92 miles 3,000 brisk-paced steps at 4 miles per hour is 1.25 miles
Studies show the average number of steps a senior citizen should be achieving should be 5,500 steps but can go as low as 1,200 steps daily for patients with complications , however, the senior citizen should try to increase those 5,500 steps to as close to 10,000 steps as they can tolerate.
And after a Total Knee Replacement surgery, things come to a grinding halt for about 3 weeks!!!!!
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How To Stop Limping After An Injury
Has your injury caused a limp for you? If thats the case, youre not alone! For those who injured their leg this is a common challenge.
So how do you stop limping?
Many people I speak to want to get rid of the limp because of the esthetic aspect in their own words It just doesnt look good. People view them differently and they view themselves differently.
But in reality there is a much better reason why you should work on getting rid of the limp. Using your body in a way that its not designed for can lead to other problems in the future pain in ankles, knees, hips, back, or even neck.
Most of the advice that you can get online or in your PTs office focuses on exercises and taking care of the gait and technique.
And its mostly sound advice BUT in many cases it is not enough.
In todays video Im going beyond the general advice. I talk about 3 things that you need to do if you want to be limp-free.
Tune in to learn how to stop limping after an injury.;
Add Clamshells To Your Routine
Clamshells are also performed while lying on your unaffected side.
Make this exercise harder by looping an elastic resistance exercise band around your thighs.
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Knee Strengthening Exercises To Improve Walking After Acl Surgery
Learning to walk again after ACL surgery is critical. This may sound odd at first but what were talking about is the ability to walk in the most optimal and efficient manner. In fact, the way we used to walk without thinking about it before we suffered our ACL injury. ACL recovery cannot be considered complete until were able to walk with our normal gait, i.e. without a limp, and this requires knee strengthening exercises.
Learning how to walk normally is extremely important because we need to overcome the brains ability to figure out interim solutions for us when were suffering pain. With an ACL injury the brain will have us swing the leg around as we walk rather than bend normally.
Unfortunately, this brain-influenced, artificial walk will remain long after the injury heals unless we take action to correct it and learn to walk properly. Long term, failure to make these corrections can cause problems in other parts of the body as further compensations are made.
Fortunately, there are lots of knee strengthening exercises that you can do to improve your walking and that will enable you to walk without a limp, to walk pain free and exercises that, at the same time, will strengthen the knee and improve its movement.
There are four major movements of the knee that need to be worked on such that the knee will work properly when walking.
What Is A Knee Meniscectomy
The surgical removal of a torn meniscus is called a meniscectomy, which is a type of arthroscopic knee surgery. The meniscus is a cushion for your knee and helps keep your knee steady by balancing your weight.
Meniscus tears are most common in the knee joints and are usually caused by twisting or turning the knee quickly.
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Limping Treatments And Relief
Limping that is due to orthopedic pain or injury may be able to be treated at home with lifestyle modifications or over-the-counter medications. However, a limp that persists should be evaluated by a medical professional. If the cause is suspected to be orthopedic, they may suggest imaging, crutches, or physical therapy. If the cause is suspected to be neurologic, they may suggest further neurologic testing and/or imaging of the head and spinal cord.
How Far Should I Walk Immediately After Total Knee Replacement
A total knee replacement patient should be walking about 150 feet with a walker the day after the surgery.By three weeks after surgery most patients are able to walk about ¼ mile without any ambulatory aid such as a walker or cane.
Most surgeons have a post-surgery binder of specific instructions that are issued to the total knee replacement recipient upon their discharge from the hospital.
In this binder of instructions is usually a section that discusses how much the surgeon wants the patient to walk during the two to four weeks of home therapy before the patient initiates outpatient physical therapy.
In those instructions, they almost always say Walk 10 to 15 munites a day.Those instructions are unclear and too general for the average patient to understand.
First, the surgeon is telling the patient to walk 10 to 15 minutes a day as part of a home exercise rehabilitation program.Walking to and from the bathroom is not considered part of an exercise program, it is considered activities of daily living. And all walking done as part of the activities of living does not count as time toward the rehabilitation exercise program.
Secondly, the recommended 10 to 15 minutes of walking is all at one time. It is not broken into smaller segments of time that are then added together to achieve 10 to 15 minutes of walking.
Thirdly, the surgeon is not taking into consideration the patients speed or stride length when recommending walking 10 to 15 minutes daily.
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Learn All About It Before Your Surgery
1. Waking in Recovery Room and what you can do
2. Starting to get the leg working
3. Moving the foot first helps move the knee
4. Getting upright and weight bearing
5. The important points about taking the first steps
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What The Surgical Site Should Look Like
You may see a little clear discharge tinged with blood for a few days after the surgery, but this is normal.
If the discharge changes color, there is redness around the site, or your notice a foul odor, your dog could have an infection. Its important to know that with quality care, this is a rare occurrence.
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This Info About Pet Limping And Pain Could Apply To Almost Any Orthopedic Surgery And Some Of It Applies To Almost All Injuries As Well
Pet limping after injury or surgery is overwhelmingly due to pain. The pain is caused by one or more of the situations I introduce in this post. Continued pain is so common that this post on my website has been the most visited post for over a decade. The most common answers I give to questions about limping are as follows, based on what I have found true in my practice:
Knee Replacement Recovery Timeline
Most patients are discharged one day after surgery. On your discharge day, you may be able to stand and walk out of your hospital room, or you may need assistance with walking, which is completely normal. In the weeks following, most patients gradually expand their physical abilities. Every case is unique. Your surgeon and your physical therapist will coordinate to progress you as quickly as possible. Although everyone progressed at a different pace based on numerous factors, some common timeframes are:
- 3 weeks after surgery:;At this point, you should be able to walk for more than 10 minutes at a time, without a walker or crutches. Your physical therapist may challenge you to go on longer walks and stop using an assistive device like a cane.
- 6 weeks after surgery:;Between weeks 4 and 6, you may be able to start driving again, if your doctor clears you.
- 12 weeks after surgery:;Typical physical therapy programs last for up to 12 weeks. At this point, you should be able to walk for several blocks at a time and may even be able to pick up hobbies like swimming and cycling. As your therapy program ends around the 12-week mark, stick with your walking schedule and gradually challenge yourself to walk further and longer.;
- One year after surgery:;You will continue to make progress for an entire year after knee replacement. By this time, your knee should reach its full strength and you should be able to return to most activities.
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Health: 10 Faqs For Luxating Patella Surgery
Happy Sunday! Its been two;weeks since my luxating patella surgery, and I know;it will;be good to share some answers to questions that others in a similar situation may;have. Mama thinks that the information online is not as comprehensive as she likes, especially in the;caregiving context. Hopefully, my personal experience;can help prepare other mamas and papas out there with furkids who are also suffering from;this condition.
Here goes!
When Can My Dog Start Running Jumping And Swimming Again
Your dog should be kept on light, short, and dry exercises for at least two to three weeks. Refrain from letting it;do anything too vigorous for the first six weeks.
Not sure whether your dog really needs luxating patella surgery? Dr. Brian Loon from Amber Veterinary Practice .
;to join our pack and find us on;;and;.
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What Is The Toughest Thing I Will Have To Cope With
As a young pup, I was ready to go back to my normal activities as early as my second day back from;surgery. The boredom was overwhelming because the humans didnt allow me to run, jump, or play too hard. I was a pup;with pent-up energy, and nowhere to release it. I even begged;mama to chase me like she used to do and jumped excitedly and ran;in circles every time I heard noises outside the door, driving mama mad.
Even though I was feeling okay,;my knee needed;far more time to heal. I had;to be careful for at least six weeks, which was an impossible task. Mama had to keep watching and nagging at me whenever I got too active. To keep me occupied, she;let me play IQ games;and;chew on oxtails and brought me on really short walks outside the house.
Thoughts On Limping After Tkr
I was thinking about this yesterday.; They send you home a day or two after the op, on crutches, telling you to move the crutches first, and then the operated foot up to the crutch level and then the other one.; Fine.; But I had to ask roughly when to go on to two sticks but actually found I could go on at about two weeks, and then on to one very shortly after.; BUT there was no instructions on gait when walking on crutches etc. OR at what point to start a normal stride rather than operated leg up to crutches and then the other one up to that.; What did others do?; A few days after I came home I started lengthening stride so I was gradually walking more normally by the time I went on to two sticks, and also making sure I wasn’t leaning forward, but when you don’t get to see a physio, this is rather left to the patient to think about!; Nothing was mentioned in exercise sheets or anything about going from walking up to crutch/stick level and then increasing it to normal gait.
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