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Inner Part Of Knee Pain

Inner Knee Pain: Why Does The Inside Of My Knee Hurt 5 Common Causes

Inner knee pain: Why does the inside of my knee hurt? [5 Common Causes]

Do you have pain on the inner part of your knee? Well, theres five Common causes for pain on the inside of the knee. And theres a specialist physical therapist, I often see people are mis diagnosed by their healthcare professional, because really, their healthcare professional just doesnt do a whole lot of examination, they wont physically examine their patients most of the time. And even then, theyre not specialists in physically checking the knee and knowing the ligaments, the tendons, the cartilage, all the stuff thats in there.

Theyre more specialists or experts in issuing out pain medication, which really does not solve any sort of knee problem for the long term. Today, Ill be explaining to you the five Common causes for knee pain so that you can best determine which one you have. And watch out because some of these problems can overlap, there is a possibility that you might have two of them happening at the same time, so you have to use your best judgment to figure out whats going on.

For most of these problems, Ive got a separate video that shows you exactly how to test yourself. In some of these videos go into the treatment that you can do on your own, so that you can begin to get relief for this specific problem thats causing your inner knee pain. The videos are linked in the description below. So lets get into the first of the five reasons for inner knee pain.

Treatment Of Inner Knee Pain

Treatments for inner knee pain include physiotherapy, painkillers and surgery. Whether you need treatment and what treatment you have, will depend on exactly whats wrong with your knee. For instance, you may be more likely to need surgery if you have cartilage damage or osteoarthritis causing severe pain. If you have a ligament injury, physiotherapy may be enough.

For information on treatments, please see the relevant knee condition page.

Can Dehydration Cause Pain In The Back Of The Knee

In general, dehydration does not cause pain in the back of the knee. However, if you are dehydrated, you may experience cramping of your muscles. This is due to electrolyte imbalances leading to muscle irritation. This can lead to pain in the back of your leg if those muscles cramp. Most commonly, dehydration leads to exhaustion, thirst, muscle cramps, and dizziness.

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Inner Knee Pain From Running: How To Fix It

Inner knee pain or medial knee pain from running is a bit of a black box. Unlike many running injuries where all the research points to one clear thing, this one has a few possible causes. In this article well break it all down and fill in this frustrating gap. While there are many causes of medial knee pain, like most running injuries, small changes in training load combined with the correct strengthening exercises will usually free a runner from pain. Today well explain what might cause inner knee pain from running, and then well show you the best exercises to help you get rid of it!

Why Does The Inside Of My Knee Hurt When I Sleep

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Runners knees, osteoarthritis, bursitis, and injuries are three of the most common causes of nighttime knee pain. It is possible that some of these conditions, such as runners knee, will go away after you rest your knee. Arthritis, on the other hand, is characterized by chronic symptoms.

Wearing A Knee Brace: When Its Helpful And When Its Not

As a general rule, when going out in the evening, people should wear knee braces to alleviate pain and stiffness. It is critical to remember that the brace should be worn when you leave the bedroom, unless otherwise specified. As you begin to sleep in it, the pain may ease up, including during the first few nights. Furthermore, melatonin and prolactin, which are hormones produced in the body at night, can cause inflammation. As a result, pain and inflammation from arthritis may worsen. As a result, if you are already in pain before going to bed, wearing a knee brace may not be the best option for you.

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Treatment Options And Pain Relief

Usually, your treatment will vary depending on the severity of your injury. The inner meniscus do not have a huge blood supply and sometimes, surgery may be required. However, it isnt always necessary. Rest and ice can go a long way in helping you recover from a meniscus injury. When the pain has begun to subside, proper stretching and strengthening exercises targeting muscles around the knee can help the area heal further, as well as prevent future injury.

What Are The Types And Causes Of Knee Injuries

While direct blows to the knee will occur, the knee is more susceptible to twisting or stretching injuries , taking the joint through a greater range of motion than it was meant to tolerate.

If the knee is stressed from a specific direction, then the ligament trying to hold it in place against that force can stretch or tear. These injuries are called sprains. Sprains are graded as first, second, or third degree based upon how much damage has occurred. Grade-one sprains stretch the ligament but donât tear the fibers grade-two sprains partially tear the fibers, but the ligament remains intact and grade-three tears completely disrupt the ligament.

Twisting injuries to the knee put stress on the cartilage or meniscus and can pinch them between the tibial surface and the edges of the femoral condyle, potentially causing tears.

Injuries of the muscles and tendons surrounding the knee are caused by acute hyperflexion or hyperextension of the knee or by overuse. These injuries are called strains. Strains are graded similarly to sprains, with first-degree strains stretching muscle or tendon fibers but not tearing them, second-degree strains partially tearing the muscle tendon unit, and third-degree strains completely tearing it.

There can be inflammation of the bursas of the knee that can occur because of direct blows or chronic use and abuse.

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Treating Inner Knee Pain

Depending on your exact symptoms, there are several different treatment paths for inner knee pain.

  • RICE method: RICEor Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevationis a common home remedy for inside knee pain. Staying off your knee as much as possible after an injury can help it heal, but if severe knee pain persists for more than three days, you may need to seek medical attention.
  • Steroids and/or medication: Anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen work to reduce swelling, while injectable steroids aim to restore mobility.
  • Physical therapy: Working with a physical therapist helps you learn stretches and strength-building exercises to get your knee back into shape.
  • Surgery: In extreme cases, knee surgery may be the only option to restore full range of motion.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Sprain

How To Fix Inner Knee Pain In 2 Minutes

Injury to the anterior cruciate ligament usually occurs because of noncontact deceleration forces, as when a runner plants one foot and sharply turns in the opposite direction. Resultant valgus stress on the knee leads to anterior displacement of the tibia and sprain or rupture of the ligament.11 The patient usually reports hearing or feeling a pop at the time of the injury, and must cease activity or competition immediately. Swelling of the knee within two hours after the injury indicates rupture of the ligament and consequent hemarthrosis.

On physical examination, the patient has a moderate to severe joint effusion that limits range of motion. The anterior drawer test may be positive, but can be negative because of hemarthrosis and guarding by the hamstring muscles. The Lachman test should be positive and is more reliable than the anterior drawer test .

Radiographs are indicated to detect possible tibial spine avulsion fracture. MRI of the knee is indicated as part of a presurgical evaluation.

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Most Common Inner Knee Pain Causes

In children the most common causes of inner knee pain are:

  • Osgood-Schlatter disease
  • Patellar tendonitis also known as jumpers knee

In adults, there are a range of other common causes of inner knee pain, including:


Osteoarthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis, which causes the cartilage and bones in your joints to break down. If osteoarthritis affects your knees, you may find that pain worsens throughout the day because of the pressure applied to your knee when climbing up and down the stairs, walking and sitting.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease where your bodys immune system mistakenly attacks the tissues in your joints. If rheumatoid arthritis affects your knees, you may find that pain gets better through the day as the inflammation and stiffness reduces.

Medial collateral ligament injury

The medial collateral ligament runs along the outside of your inner knee and stabilises it. If this ligament is overstretched, you can develop an MCL sprain, or a partial or full tear. MCL injuries usually occur when playing contact sports where there is a lot of twisting and turning of your knee joints. Symptoms include:

  • A popping noise on injury followed by sudden pain
  • Feeling unsteady when standing or walking
  • Locking of your knees

Medial meniscus injury

  • Bucket handle tear

Symptoms of a medial meniscus tear include:

Pes anserine bursitis

Pes anserine bursitis can be caused by:

Medial plica irritation

Seated Straight Leg Raise

Knee pain often results in quadriceps weakness- this exercise will help. Sit in a comfortable seat holding good posture with the feet flat on the floor and hip width apart. Then, tighten the top of the thigh as you lift that foot off the ground and straighten the knee . Hold for an extra second with the knee straight before slowly returning to the starting position. Alternate between both legs.

Repeat for 10-15 repetitions on each leg for 2-3 sets total. To progress, add ankle weights, increase hold time, or increase repetitions.

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How To Fix Inner Knee Pain

If youve got pain from running, generally there are two things you should do: modify your training load and gradually increase strength in the relevant muscles with resistance exercises. If youve got bursitis, it might be worth taking some time off to let it calm down, but simply reducing your pace or substituting a few workouts with easy runs might be enough to get your knee to relax if its just a little overloaded.

When the pain settles down, these 3 exercises can build the strength you need. Stronger tissues have a higher tolerance to training. If you commit to regular strengthening, youll be able to keep inner knee pain away, hopefully for good!

Exercise 1: Split Squats

Why it works: Squats fix everything, especially when it comes to knees. Focusing on one leg at a time will allow you to identify and fix any difference in strength between your quads. Exercises like this are currently the best thing science has to offer for those with inner knee pain .

Exercise 2: Eccentric Hamstring Bridges

Why it works: because inner knee pain from running often involves the pes anserine and the hamstring attaches to the pes anserine, strengthening the hamstring is critical to improve your knees ability to handle running training. The hamstring responds best to eccentric exercises and this is the best eccentric hamstring exercise you can do without equipment!

Exercise 3: Single Leg Bridges

Knee Pain And Problems

What to Know About Inside Knee Pain

Knee pain is a common complaint among adults and most often associated with general wear and tear from daily activities like walking, bending, standing and lifting. Athletes who run or play sports that involve jumping or quick pivoting are also more likely to experience knee pain and problems. But whether an individuals knee pain is caused by aging or injury, it can be a nuisance and even debilitating in some circumstances.

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Signs And Symptoms Of Knee Pain

What is the usual way to get knee pain relief? The type of pain, as well as the cause of the pain, can all influence the type of knee pain and the symptoms it causes. Some common symptoms and signs of knee pain include: pain when moving your knee, pain when touching it, difficulty bending your knee, swelling around your knee, difficulty standing up from a seated position, and pain when you walk.

Treatment For Inside Knee Pain

Once your doctor determines the cause of the pain inside knee, he or she will be able to suggest forms of treatment.

Treatment varies depending on the severity of the injury. Immediate treatment after traumatic injuries include RICE and anti-inflammatory over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or aspirin.

If a more serious injury such as an MCL tear is present, then arthroscopic surgery to repair the torn ligament may be necessary. In all cases, physical therapy may be beneficial, because strengthening the muscles around knee will help reduce pain inside the knee both before and after surgery . Speak with your doctor about all of your options in regards to your inside knee pain.

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What’s Causing Inside Knee Pain After Running

by AZ Pain Doctors, on Jan 6, 2021 11:38:00 AM

Whether you’re an ultramarathon runner or a 5k runner in it for the free t-shirts and snacks, running is a part of your life. And a healthy part at that!

Running supports your cardiovascular fitness, muscular endurance, and your mental health. It’s a great hobby for those that enjoy being outdoors or staying active with friends and family.

But when you start to notice inside knee pain after running you start to worry that maybe something is wrong. Keep reading to learn what might be causing that pain and what you can do to make it feel better.

Brief Anatomy Of The Knee

Inner knee pain strengthening exercise

The knee is a vulnerable joint that bears a great deal of stress from everyday activities, such as lifting and kneeling, and from high-impact activities, such as jogging and aerobics.

The knee is formed by the following parts:

  • Tibia. This is the shin bone or larger bone of the lower leg.

  • Femur. This is the thighbone or upper leg bone.

  • Patella. This is the kneecap.

Each bone end is covered with a layer of cartilage that absorbs shock and protects the knee. Basically, the knee is 2 long leg bones held together by muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

There are 2 groups of muscles involved in the knee, including the quadriceps muscles , which straighten the legs, and the hamstring muscles , which bend the leg at the knee.

Tendons are tough cords of tissue that connect muscles to bones. Ligaments are elastic bands of tissue that connect bone to bone. Some ligaments on the knee provide stability and protection of the joints, while other ligaments limit forward and backward movement of the tibia .

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Medial Collateral Ligament Injury

The medial collateral ligament runs along the outside of your inner knee to stabilize the joint. If the ligament overstretches, you may have an MCL sprain.

The MCL can also tear partially or fully. An MCL injury most commonly occurs after force is applied to the outer knee, such as in contact sports.

Symptoms of an MCL injury include:

What Is Better For Knee Pain Heat Or Cold

Heat Therapy may be beneficial for individuals with knee pain caused by muscle spasms and tightening of the surrounding muscles. On the other hand, cold packs or ice packs may be recommended for individuals with swelling associated with knee pain. Most health experts recommend cold packs for the first 24 hours after injury, after which the individual may switch to warmth or heat therapy.

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What Causes Inner Knee Pain

The common causes:

  • General training load. Most likely, inner knee pain is simply the result of training a bit more than your body is ready for. Maybe you did more miles, more hills, ran faster, or slept less than your body expected. As a result of feeling overwhelmed, the body sends a pain signal to the brain to try and slow you down so the tissue can recover.
  • Pes anserine bursitis. This is a slightly less common cause of inner knee pain, but its still worth mentioning. Bursa are fluid filled sacs that cushion different tissues. Sometimes the repetitive load of running can irritate one particular bursa sac located 2-3 inches below the knee joint. Here the tendons at the end of the hamstring muscle attach to the shinbone in a shape that resembles a gooses foot, pes anserinus in Latin.

Uncommon Causes: the following issues are unlikely to be the cause of your inner knee pain, but its a good idea to know them in case you need to get checked out by a orthopedic expert.

Inner Knee Pain When Sleeping

Diagram of My Knee Pain

Arthritis is a condition characterized by pain and swelling. The most common cause of knee pain at night is osteoarthritis, which is the most common type of arthritis. The joints of the body wear down and tear as a result of osteoarthritis. Cartilage thins as we age, and bursa thickens, resulting in less joint cushion.

Inner or medial knee pain, as the name implies, refers to pain on the side of your knee closest to your center. As a result, it has a significant impact on sleep quality as well as the overall health and well-being of our body. There are several ways to alleviate inner knee pain. Different people experience the same type of pain in the inside of their knees in various ways. It may be severe, scorching pain, or a dull ache. Alleviating knee discomfort at night can be accomplished by performing gentle exercises, taking over-the-counter medications, or using heat or cold packs. The stress response can cause an increase in pain as well as a decrease in pain tolerance.

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