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HomeFactsExercises For Jumper's Knee

Exercises For Jumper’s Knee

Do I Have Jumpers Knee

Jumpers Knee Exercise

Jumpers knee has one cause, and that is overuse. The injury is usually sports-related and is linked to repeated stress on the patellar tendon caused by frequent jumping on hard surfaces. Common activities that may result in jumpers knee include:

  • Jogging or running

Certain factors can increase your risk of a jumpers knee injury. These include:

  • Weak muscles around the knee
  • Tight quadriceps muscles and/or hamstring muscles
  • Muscle imbalance some muscles in the legs are stronger than others, causing a pulling action on the patellar tendon
  • Shoes without the proper cushioning
  • Overweight or obese
  • A sudden change to the amount or intensity of your workouts
  • Genetic predisposition knees that are misaligned , an abnormally high or low kneecap or fallen arches
  • Direct injury to the patellar tendon
  • Illness like kidney failure, autoimmune diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis and metabolic diseases like diabetes affect blood flow to the knee that can weaken the tendon

If you regularly participate in activities like those listed above or if you have some of the above risk factors and start to feel pain below your kneecap, it could be jumpers knee. It also helps to zero in on the type of pain youre having and when you experience it. Look for these signs:

If you have pain in the back or on the side of the knee, its not jumpers knee.

Immediate Treatment For Jumpers Knee

Common first-response treatments for jumpers knee may include:

  • Pain medications. In the event that an athlete is experiencing pain symptoms associated with jumpers knee, taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications may help to alleviate discomfort. Common NSAIDs include ibuprofen or naproxen .
  • R.I.C.E. The R.I.C.E. method may be used to reduce the pain and swelling surrounding the injured area.

How To Manage And Prevent Jumpers Knee

Relating to the section above, Chronic Jumpers Knee is classified here as pain that doesnt force you to modify your session content. Without any sort of management strategy, this condition can persist almost indefinitely. Consulting an expert to help you formulate a plan to combat this can certainly save you years of pain down the road.

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See Your Physical Therapist For A Comprehensive Rehabilitation Program

The isometric exercise protocol described in this article is intended to be done during your sports season. It is an effective way to decrease pain from jumpers knee so you can make it through your season. High-intensity complex exercises will help you fully recover during the off-season. Otherwise, your problem will become chronic like many other athletes.

To beat jumpers knee for good you will need to work with a physical therapist. Your physical therapist will fully evaluate your strength, mobility, and movement patterns. Once all contributing factors are identified, a comprehensive rehab program is developed. to get started. The doctors of physical therapy at BSR have been helping people in Southern Ocean County move without pain since 2007. We are here to help you.

Exercises For Patellar Tendonitis And Knee Pain

Exercises: Exercises Jumper

Although resting can typically reduce the frequency of pain, you may still experience pain with increased activity out of your day-to-day routine. This may be because the patellar tendon is compensating for a potential weakness or tightness in the muscles that attach to the knee joint. These muscles include the quadriceps, the hamstrings, and the calves . To alleviate any knee pain from patellar tendonitis, try these three exercises!

*Disclaimer: Always consult with your doctor before starting any exercise program. If you experience any numbness, tingling, or reproduction of your symptoms, please contact your doctor.

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Phase 1 Patellar Tendonitis Exercises

Phase 1 begins as soon as possible after injury alongside Patellar tendonitis treatment. During this phase, the aim is to reduce pain and swelling. However, there are a number of exercises you can still do during phase 1.

The following Jumpers knee exercises form part of our full rehab program and are done alongside treatment methods including rest, cold therapy, taping/bracing, and foam roller.

Only move onto phase 2 when you have achieved the Exit Criteria for this phase.

Chronic Jumpers Knee Advice Summarised

To sustainably manage your chronic Jumpers Knee, find a way to steadily build up your session intensity, volume and frequency in a way that your knees never hurt more than 12 hours after your session. Youll have to supplement your training with increasing complex exercises that eccentrically load your muscles and tendons whilst improving your coordination patterns to share the impacts more evenly throughout your body.

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Phase 2 Patellar Tendonitis Exercises

This is the isotonic exercise phase. Here you begin to perform strengthening exercises that involve movement.

The aim of phase 2 is to gradually increase the load through your knee. It is important to continue Patellar tendonitis stretches from phase 1.

It consists of 14 exercises covering stretching, activation, strengthening, movement control, functional and conditioning. You also begin running again during phase 2.

You are ready to move on to phase 3 when you can do:

  • Single leg squat 3 x 10 reps
  • Three hops with no pain during, after, or the following day

Seated Knee Extension Isometric Holds

Patellar Tendonitis Exercises & Stretches for Pain Relief – Ask Doctor Jo
  • HOW: Begin in a seated position with a band wrapped around your shin bone. Straighten out your knee by pulling into the band. Hold the desired position.
  • FEEL: You will feel the thigh muscles working with this exercise. These are your quadriceps muscles.
  • COMPENSATION: Please avoid moving the entire trunk while performing this exercise, isolate the motion to the knee joint.

Wall squats are an awesome place to start with weight-bearing isometrics! Find an angle you can tolerate and follow the parameters suggested above! This is one of our favorite exercises thats included in our Patellofemoral Pain Program that is an effective general approach to improving knee issues such as jumpers knee.

The Prehab membership is the anti-barrier solution to keeping your body healthy. Access state-of-the-art physical therapy, fitness programs, and workouts online in the comforts of your own home or gym! Taking control of your health with exercise & education from the palm of your hand has never been easier. Get access to 50+ programs, 100+ unique workouts, and 3000+ exercises to build your own workout routines. Trial it for free, and learn how to get out of pain, avoid injury, and optimize your health with rehab!

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Why Did You Develop Patellar Tendinitis

A combination of genetics, activity level, and quality of movement affect your likelihood of developing patellar tendinitis. While you cant do much about your genetics, you can definitely influence the latter two.

When it comes to activity, make sure that you give your body adequate rest after heavier, more intense workouts. A little bit of stress is great for the body, as it signals your muscles and connective tissue to get stronger. But too much stress without adequate recovery leads to accumulated micro-tears, which can then lead to pathology and injury.

In addition to total activity level, how you move also plays an important role. Excessively and repeatedly bending your knees in front of you puts a large load on the knee complex. Also, performing leg exercises with poor mechanics changes the direction of the pull on the patella, leading to increased strain on different parts of the tendon. If youre new to strength training or working out, consider working with a competent therapist or personal trainer who can teach you the right way to perform your exercises.

Kick Knee Pain To The Curb

If youve been suffering from knee pain, schedule an appointment with Airrosti today to find a provider near you. Our providers conduct a thorough injury assessment to identify the underlying cause of your pain, then work with you to develop a treatment plan that best suits your individual needs.

By treating pain at the source and not just focusing on the symptoms, our providers have resolved most injuries in an average of three visits based on patient-reported outcomes. Well also equip you with the resources and tools needed to treat your injury at home to help speed your recovery and prevent future injury.

We also offer remote telehealth appointments. learn more about telehealth and schedule your virtual appointment today.

Read our Medical Disclaimer here.

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Physical Therapy For Patellar Tendonitis

Fortunately, in many cases, patellar tendonitis can be effectively treated with physical therapy. Using a few simple exercise techniques, rehab can help alleviate your symptoms and return you to your prior activities. Some of the exercises recommended to treat the condition may include the following.

What Causes Jumpers Knee


The most common activity that causes jumpers knee is continuous jumping or running. Any repetitive motion such as aerobics, jogging, walking or bicycling may lead to jumpers knee. Each of these activities will put the patellar tendon at risk of becoming inflamed.

Jumpers knee can also occur in people who have problems with the way their hips, legs, knees or feet are aligned. A misalignment can result from having wide hips, bowlegs, knock-knees or flat feet. When this occurs, the patellar tendon may experience continuous stress during strenuous exercise, causing inflammation, tears or even a rupture.

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Hamstring Stretch With Band

  • For this exercise, you will need a resistance band.
  • While lying face up, begin by placing the band under your foot.
  • With the band securely placed, raise your leg up by flexing the hip and knee.
  • The foot will be slightly flexed with your toes pointing towards you. This is the starting position.
  • Slowly straighten the knee by pushing your heel towards the ceiling.
  • You will feel a stretch in the back of your thigh/hamstring.
  • Hold the stretch for 30 45 seconds, then return to the starting position.
  • Complete 3 sets of 30 45 second holds, twice a day.

Exercises To Help Relieve Knee Pain

Knee pain can be the result of many things: a direct injury, IT band syndrome, or muscle tightness. Often, a common cause is patellar tendonitis, which is inflammation of the you guessed it patellar tendon. This typically occurs in athletes, runners, or people involved in sports, such as basketball or volleyball, as repetitive jumping causes strain on the knee. In fact, patellar tendonitis is also known as jumpers knee.

However, when knee pain occurs due to this injury, fear not as Airrosti can help! Continue reading to learn the physiology of the knee and patellar tendon, how their connection can cause pain, and some exercises that can help relieve pain!

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Single Leg Isometric Quad Squats

Isometric exercises are essential for acute Jumpers Knee and squats are a great ally. Quad squats are even better, and focussing on a single leg, better yet. They provide a greater focus to the knee tendons by constraining the force around the knee joint rather than dispersing it through the hips as well.

  • Start with a quarter depth and try to hold for around 5-10 seconds. Build up from there by increasing either depth or the time of each rep.

  • Control the movement through your knee

  • Keep your foot flat at all times

  • Keep your torso fully upright

How Do You Treat Jumpers Knee

Exercises and Stretches for Jumpers Knee (Patellar Tendonitis)

After a jumpers knee happens for the first time, you may be able to heal it with simple at-home steps, including the following:

  • Rest: Stop doing your athletic activities for about a week to give the tendon time to heal
  • Ice: If there is inflammation, apply ice for 20 to 30 minutes at a time, four to six times a day you may want to talk to your doctor or physical therapist about this as, in many cases, there is no inflammation initially with this sort of injury, so ice may not be necessary or even helpful

Once the pain subsides, doctors usually recommend specific exercises and stretches that will help facilitate healing. Knee supports, braces, athletic tape and straps may also be employed during recovery. However, methods of treatment vary depending on the severity of the injury and how long youve had it. Some examples:

  • For those with a grade 1 injury, for example , rest and ice over a period of 10-14 days should help
  • For those with a grade 2 injury, physical therapy, along with avoiding running and jumping activities, will be prescribed therapy focuses on range of motion, flexibility and strengthening
  • For those with a grade 3 injury, rest for longer periods may be necessary while incorporating physical therapy techniques
  • For those with a grade 4 injury, the tendon is likely ruptured and will require surgical repair

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Symptoms Of Patellar Tendonitis

Patellar tendonitis commonly comes on gradually and first presents as soreness in the area just beneath the knee cap. Early on, the pain from this condition can be relieved or even resolved by a light warm-up.

As the symptoms progress, however, the pain may become sharper and can persist for several days after exercise. Activities like sitting for a prolonged period of time, squatting, or going up the stairs can also become quite irritating. Ultimately, this issue can make exercising or playing sports nearly impossible.

Deterrence And Patient Education

There is currently insufficient evidence for preventative interventions specific to patellar tendinopathy. Some of the proposed preventive measures are proprioception training, eccentric training and stretching of the patellar tendon, reducing the training duration or frequency, and bracing or taping.

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Phase 3 Patellar Tendonitis Exercises

This is the heavy slow resistance phase.

The aim of phase 3 is to further increase the load through your knee. Therefore, in addition to the treatment methods phase, 3 consists of 21 exercises. The exercises are more dynamic and challenging than the earlier phases.

You are ready to move on to phase 4 when you can:

  • Perform all running pain-free

Quadriceps Or Quads Stretch Exercise For Patellar Tendonitis Or Jumpers Knee

Quick Tips to Treat Jumperâs Knee

Quadriceps stretch exercise for Patellar Tendonitis or Jumpers Knee can be done by simply stretching out the injured leg in standing position. When doing this exercise in the standing position one can cling to some object for balance, if you want you can try gripping the ear using the other arm. Try to maintain both the knees closely and bring the leg straight up to your hip without twisting it. You should be able to feeling of stretch in the front part of leg without any ache. In the premature sensitive stages of the therapy, stretch for about 10 seconds. Afterwards when the swelling has reduced completely, stretch out for about 30 seconds. Replicate 3 times in addition to stretch out as a minimum 3 times in a session.

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Can You Exercise With Patellar Tendonitis

Before you can answer this question, you need to answer another: How bad is your case of patellar tendonitis? What you can do depends on how much you irritated the tendon, says Harrington.

If you catch the tendonitis early, relative rest paired with other treatment such as icing, using a patellar tendon strap and taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications may quiet symptoms.

So if youre a runner, walk for a few days to see if the pain goes away, says Harrington. Then slowly ease back into your regular training. Start at about 50% and increase by 10% each following week if all goes well.

But in worst-case scenarios, when youre feeling consistent pain or weakness in the joint tendon while just going through your day, plan to halt any knee-stressing workouts for a few weeks. This would involve activities that include running and jumping.

A good rule of thumb? If youre having trouble going up or down stairs, you need to significantly modify your workouts, says Harrington.

In any case, a return to exercise should be gradual to avoid re-aggravating the injury.

Isometric Quad Contraction Exercise For Patellar Tendonitis Or Jumpers Knee

You will start out your rehab schedule possibly by starting with isometric quad contraction exercise for Patellar Tendonitis or Jumpers Knee. In the exercise of isometric quad contraction, the patient is made to clench his/ her injured knees quad muscles for 5 to 10 seconds and releases it. It is better to do this posture while lying down to reduce any extra pressure on the injured knee.

At first make a start with 3 sets with 8 repetitions keeping for about 5 seconds and increase equal to 4 sets with 12 repetitions keeping for 10 seconds. If it is hurting throughout, after or the following day in that case decrease the load. Athletes with healthy quadriceps volume should aim to advance to single leg eccentric squats when possible.

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Concluding Thoughts How To Fix Jumpers Knee Fast

With the advice of personal trainers and my athletic trainers at the various places I have played, I have now developed a system that I feel very comfortable in using with myself, and that has reduced my tendinitis to the point that I now feel comfortable enough to play basketball without any type of knee assisting strap or protective sports brace.

All the exercises mentioned here are what I would consider being general recommendations, and should not be a substitute for medical advice from your doctor.

A professional medical doctor will be able to understand the condition of your knee and help recommend the exercise program that will be suitable for the condition of your knee.

If you desire to work on your knee tendonitis by yourself, these exercises are very good examples of what can help you reduce overall pain and improve overall ability! For more tips on how to protect your knees, check out Apollo MD.


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