How To Keep Healthy Knees
Do regular exercise to strengthen your leg muscles theyll protect your knees from wear and tear.
Try to do strength training at least twice a week, take the stairs often, and prioritize walking instead of taking your car or public transport.
Also, keep your BMI at 25 or lower. Being overweight or obese increases the risk of developing knee osteoarthritis.
What Are The 5 Worst Foods To Eat If You Have Arthritis
Foods to Avoid
- Trans Fats. Trans fats should be avoided since they can trigger or worsen inflammation and are very bad for your cardiovascular health.
- Gluten. More than just a health trend, there are good reasons to avoid gluten.
- Refined Carbs & White Sugar.
Reason #: Patellar Tendonitis
Patellar tendonitis is yet another common cause of painful knees when squatting. This issue affects your patellar tendon, which runs from your kneecap to your tibia.
When this tendon becomes irritated or injured , it can cause pain at the front of your knee.
Patellar tendonitis is often called Jumpers Knee because the tendon absorbs a lot of the force on your lower limb as you land and jump . But it could easily be called squatters knee as well, because performing this move also relies on the tendon.
Weve written another article focused on patellar tendonitis, so if this is your issue, you can read it here.
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A Meniscus Or Ligament Tear
This is common in people playing sports that involve sudden changes of direction. Soccer, basketball, and tennis are a few good examples.
The meniscus is a shock-absorber disc inside the knee joint. It also protects your bones so they dont rub together.
Conversely, a ligament is a strong, thick band that helps stabilize the joints.
If youve torn any of them during a sports activity or your daily life, you might feel:
- A cracking or popping that wasnt there before.
- A loud pop at the moment of injury.
- Pain, swelling, difficulty walking.
Lets Go Over Proper Squat Form
Start by straightening your spine and perfecting your posture: chin up, shoulders down, chest raised and a slight arch in your lower back. Make sure your knees and toes are out putting them out of alignment will hurt your knees. Start your squat from your hips and sit back, keeping your heels on the floor the entire time. When coming out of the squat, engage your glutes for a little extra push.
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Why Do My Knees Pop So Much
If the thigh muscle is too tight, it can pull the kneecap and affect its free gliding movement, generating a knee crack. If the various soft tissues such as cartilage or meniscus have degenerated, resulting in loss of smooth cover of the knee joint, and leading to knee cracks during various activities.
Home Remedies For Cracking Knees
As mentioned above, Knee cracking is a normal condition that happens in most people when squatting and does not cause any problems. However, if you have pain or other problems with a crunchy knee, it is best to try various natural and home remedies before seeing your doctor. Some of these home remedies include:
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Is It Bad That My Knees Pop When I Squat
Most people have knees that crack when they squat down or go through the full arc of motion. We generally dont worry about cracking or popping when it isnt associated with pain or swelling. If you have cracking or popping that does cause pain or swelling, though, see a doctor.
Why Do My Knees Crack When I Do Lunges
Hearing a loud pop or crack sound in your knee when you perform a lunge can be disconcerting. You might feel as though you’re damaging your knee joint.
However, if you don’t feel any pain along with the sound, rest assured that it’s perfectly normal and won’t hurt anything. On the other hand, if that noise is accompanied by pain or discomfort, it’s time to stop lunging and visit your doctor.
Read more:The Benefits of Lunges
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Why Does My Knee Pop With Every Step
This type of popping symptom is often a sign of a meniscus tear or a loose piece of cartilage within the joint. 1 These are tissues inside the knee that help cushion and protect the joint. The torn meniscus or loose cartilage may catch in the knee as it moves back and forth. This causes a popping sensation.
Why Do My Knees Pop
When your knee pops or cracks, the sound you’re hearing actually comes from your cartilage, said Nirav Pandya, MD, an associate professor of orthopedic surgery at UC San Francisco. “Cartilage is typically a very smooth surface that allows for the knee to glide without any noise,” he explained. Over time, though, the cartilage can grow rough. The knee joint won’t glide as smoothly, which can result in a popping or cracking sound when you move. “The cartilage under the knee cap is particularly prone to have this happen,” Dr. Pandya explained.
You may have also experienced your ankles and hips popping, which Dr. Pandya said can occur for similar reasons. The knee, though, “is typically the most common joint patients will complain about.”
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How Worried Should I Be About My Knees Cracking When I Squat
At least its not my back… right?
Youve finally arrived. After months of diligent effort, youve finally cracked the 300-pound squatting barrier at your gym, and youve got 315 pounds resting on the rack in the form of a 44-pound weight bar, six 45-pound weight plates and two half-pound collars. After taking a moment to admire how far youve come, you step forward, duck beneath the bar, and strategically place the bar across your shoulders in the classic powerlifting style across your posterior deltoids and beneath your upper traps. From there, you space your feet and hands correctly, and powerfully press the bar off of the rack. You take two ginger steps back and begin the lowering process only to feel your knees crack and pop beneath the weight. Startled, you abort your lift, immediately return to an upright position and re-rack your weight.
Youre definitely disappointed, but you figure that the bragging rights of a 300-plus-pound squat arent worth sacrificing your ability to walk. You dont know what that knee-popping business was all about, but the 300-pound barrier can wait to be broken on another day.
Knee Pain And Popping
Reviewed by: KPE Medical Review Board
Knee pain and popping is a common problem. It’s that tell-tale snap, crackle, pop making your knees sound like a bowl of rice krispies.
Many people find they hear strange noises such as knee clicking when they do things such a squatting down or getting up from kneeling.
In many cases, it is more of a nuisance than a real problem, but in some cases, it may be a sign of an underlying problem in the knee.
Knee popping in itself is very common and can be caused by a number of things. It may be as simple as little bubbles of gas popping in the knee or indicate a problem in the soft tissues such as a ligament tear.
Another term commonly used for popping in the knee is “crepitus”, which essentially means a noisy joint, whether it be popping, clicking, cracking or snapping.
Here we look at the most common causes of knee pain and popping and how to treat them.
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How Strengthen Your Knees
How Can You Stop Knee Cracks While Squatting
Does the cracking sound of your knees make you apprehensive or shy? Many people may want to get rid of this unpleasant sound. To prevent cracking knees, you may try to move as much as possible. When you move your body, your joints lubricate themselves. But when you stay inactive, gas may form in the synovial fluids of the knee joints. As a result, you develop knee cracks.
If you want to eliminate the cracking or popping sound from your knees, you may try the following:
These are some ways to control the sounds made by your knees. Correct exercise methods have a unique role in promoting the popping or crackling sound. If you do not maintain an appropriate form while exercising, you may hear sounds from your knees. Moreover, it is essential to squat in the right way. Proper squats strengthen your knees and prevent the sounds. Why does my knee click when I squat? Maybe, you do not perform squats properly. So next time you wonder, Why do my knees crackle when I squat?, consider correcting the way you squat.
Knee popping when squatting is a common problem, and you must not be afraid of this sound. However, it can affect your general life in multiple ways. For example, you may feel embarrassed when your knees crack while getting up from a chair in your office.
For free teleconsultation with our doctor, call us at or fill the form to share your problem.
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Knee Clicking No Pain
Strength imbalances in the knee muscles can cause knee clicking, but no pain, particularly while squatting. Your quad muscles are responsible for keeping your kneecap in line as you bend and straighten your knee. Outer quad muscles are often stronger than the inner quads, pulling the kneecap off track as you move. This condition called runner’s knee can cause clicking in your knee.
Treatment for runner’s knee includes strengthening exercises to correct tracking of your kneecap during movement.
Why Do My Knees Crack
UABs Harsvardhan Singh, Ph.D., says typically, there is no concern if there is no pain associated with knee cracks.You might have heard this sound before: the loud pop or crack of someone elses or your own knees. Sometimes it can be an unpleasant experience, but one researcher at the University of Alabama at Birmingham says typically, there is no need for concern.
What does it mean that my knees crack?
Knee cracking could mean lots of things, said Harshvardhan Singh, Ph.D., assistant professor with UABs Department of Physical Therapy. If it is painful, then you should see a health care provider.
Singh adds that a painless knee crack could come from multiple sources:
- A large-sized kneecap that does not fit well into the groove, thus producing a cracking sound during activities such as running and jogging.
- If the thigh muscle is too tight, it can pull the kneecap and affect its free gliding movement, generating a knee crack.
- If the various soft tissues such as cartilage or meniscus have degenerated, resulting in loss of smooth cover of the knee joint, and leading to knee cracks during various activities.
The degenerative changes can also lead to pain and/or locking of the knee joint, he said. Typically, degenerative changes are common in older people, so a degenerative change-associated knee crack may be found commonly in older people.
Should I be worried if my knees crack often or loudly?
Harshvardhan Singh, Ph.D.Does this mean I have arthritis?
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Foods That Help With Inflammation And Joints
Among turmerics many benefits are its high curcumin content, which is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. People with arthritis might feel less aggravation because of the anti-inflammatory property of turmeric. Turmeric is thought of as a pain reliever.
Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the number of inflammatory molecules and substances, including inflammatory eicosanoids and mediators. Adding popular foods like Salmon, Oysters, chia seeds, walnuts and flax seeds will help with fighting inflammation.
Omega 3 Fish good for inflammation
Crepitus And Synovial Plicae
Soft tissue surrounding your knee joint is called synovium. Folds in the synovium, called plicae, can develop and cause clicking in your knee, particularly when you’re squatting.
Synovial plica syndrome might not cause problems other than clicking. However in some cases they become inflamed and painful. This pain typically occurs in the front of the knee and can be accompanied by crepitus and clunking. In these cases, they might be surgically removed.
Also Check: My Knees Crack When I Squat
When To Be Concerned About Joints Popping
Most of the time, this popping and creaking of joints is harmless. However, crepitus is also a symptom of the joint degeneration that leads to osteoarthritis.
You should worry about joint popping if:
- It’s occurring frequently in one location
- It’s accompanied by pain
- It’s accompanied by joint swelling, tenderness, or stiffness
- You’re also having pain as a result of prolonged joint movement, such as when walking
If you’re experiencing pain when a joint pops or you have any other of the symptoms listed above, talk with your doctor. If your symptoms and test results indicate it, your doctor may diagnose osteoarthritis and start treatment. Treatments for osteoarthritis can ease pain, improve mobility, and slow disease progressionespecially if it’s caught early.
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How To Stop My Knees From Cracking
It’s an unpleasant thing to happen, so people want to avoid it. Squatting with proper form can help to reduce the chances of it happening, as can warming up and cooling down properly.
Losing weight, strengthening the surrounding muscles, and making the activity easy can also help. As well, there are orthotics that can be prescribed to wear to keep your leg properly aligned.
Why Do My Knees Pop When I Squat
Many people experience knee popping or cracking when they squat or do lunges. This is common because you’re putting more force on your knee joint, said exercise physiologist Mike T. Nelson, CSCS, in an interview with US News and World Report. The extra force can push out any gas in the lubricating synovial fluid around your knee, leading to that cracking sound.
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Examining Sharp Knee Pain When Squatting
Knee pain from squats can be felt in different regions of the knee. Some folks experience lateral pain on the outside of the knee, some folks on the medial or inside region, some folks on the font of the knee or around the kneecap.
Paying attention to where exactly your pain is located can help clue you into the potential causes behind it. And if you know the source of the problem, you will be better equipped to handle it.
There are 5 common reasons for sharp knee pain when squatting. Well take a look at each of these hidden causes PLUS what you can do to ease the pain.
Lets get you back out there and back to squatting pain free
Knee Popping By Activity
Knee Popping When Extending: Knee popping when you straighten your knee is usually due to gas bubbles , plica syndrome or patellofemoral pain syndrome.
Knee Popping and Pain When Bending: If you get knee popping and pain when bending your knee e.g. squatting down, it is most likely due to a problem with the knee cartilage such as a meniscus tear or chondromalacia patella.
Knee Popping When Extending And Bending: If you get knee pain and popping with both knee flexion and extension, it is likely that there is damage to the joint surface such as cartilage damage or knee arthritis. If there is no pain, it is likely to be gas bubbles popping.
Knee Popping With Twisting: Sudden knee pain and popping when you twist is usually doe to a knee ligament injury, most often an ACL injury and/or MCL tear. If the knee swells up or feels unstable after hearing a pop as you twisted, seek medical attention immediately.
Knee Popping When Walking: Almost all the possible causes of knee popping that we’ve looked at here can cause knee pain and popping when walking, be it arthritis, runners knee, cartilage tear or ligament injury. There will usually be other symptoms associated here that will lead to a clearer knee pain diagnosis.
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Reason #: Chondromalacia Patellae
Another common cause behind knee pain squats is a condition called chondromalacia patellae.
This issue, which is sometimes called runners knee is very common among young, active people .
The condition is basically a wearing down of the cartilage that sits between the underside of your patella and the top of your femur.
The pain from this condition is generally centered around on the front of the knee, on the kneecap. More specifically, it may be felt behind or below the kneecaps, or perhaps on either side of the patellae .
The pain tends to get worse when you flex your knee, like when you pop down into a squat. You might even feel a grinding sensation in the knee when its bent in this way.
Chondromalacia patellae is typically caused by some sort of biomechanical or muscular imbalance that is causing increased wear and tear on this cartilage. To help ease the pain and address the issue, you cant just focus on the kneecap, youve got to look at how the knee functions with the other joints along the kinectic chain youve got to think big picture.
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For example, try the Midline Muscle Activation Drill a comprehensive balance technique that hits the hips, ankles, and knees all in one go. This 3-part move will help engage your joints while encouraging proper muscular activation and support.
Midline Muscle Activation Drill
Part 2:
Part 3: