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HomeNewsWhat To Do When Your Knee Hurts From Running

What To Do When Your Knee Hurts From Running

Exercises And Stretches For Runners Knee

Knee Pain When Running? | How To Avoid Runner’s Knee

Rest is important, but that doesnt mean you have to lie on the couch for the next week. Try doing the exercises below 3 to 5 times a week for 6 weeks.

Know before you move: These exercises are general suggestions that may help your knee, but a physical therapist can give you a proper evaluation, determine why you have runners knee, and create the best course of action for your pain and injury.

If Knee Pain Is More Sharp Frequent Or Intense Or If It Leads To A Feeling Of Instability Catching Or Buckling It May Be A More Urgent Issue

Structural problems such as ligament or meniscus tears are usually another story. These injuries, by definition, suggest damage to one of the stabilizing structures in the knee joint. Symptoms of instability, swelling, limited range of motion, and higher levels of pain are more common with these injuries and are all signs that you should have your knee examined by a professional before returning to running.

Prevent Knee Pain From Running 4 Lean Forward

If your knees are in pain while running, it could be that you need to change your formmore specifically, your trunk position.

In fact, according to this research paper published in Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise, an increased trunk flexion may decrease compressive forces on the patellofemoral joint.

In English: a slight forward lean while running reduces the load placed on the knees, which, in turn, cuts the risks of discomfort and injury at the joint.

The Process?

Opting for a slight forward lean while running may help shift your weight from the knees to the hip, thus reducing impact forces on the knees.

That said, getting the slight forward lean right is a bit tricky.

Here is how to do it right:

Make sure that the lean, or the fall, is coming from the ankles, not the hips.

It should feel almost like youre falling forward.

You should not feel broke nor bent at the trunk.

Allow your torso to come a bit forwardat least seven to ten degrees, according to the before mentioned researchwhile simultaneously flexing your hips and lower abdominals subtly.

In other words, opt for a mild lean, not a complete bent-over position.

Think skiers stance.

Here is an awesome YouTube Tutorial

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Orthopaedic Specialists Talk Common Causes Of Knee Pain

Knee and joint pain may be common complaints among runners, but chances are slim that arthritis is the culprit. In fact, multiple studies have shown that regular running strengthens the joints and actually protects against development of osteoarthritis later in life.

Its very common for people to say, How do you run? Doesnt that ruin your knees? says Steven Mayer, MD, a physician in physical medicine and rehabilitation at Northwestern Medicine Orthopaedics. There have been several recent studies that have debunked that myth. In fact, they have shown the opposite that running tends to be protective of knee arthritis.

More common sources of pain or injury in runners knees are iliotibial band syndrome and patellofemoral pain syndrome , says Dr. Mayer.

What Should I Do About Heel Pain

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Andy recommends applying ice to the area. He says the best way to do this is to freeze a small bottle of water, then place it on the floor and roll it back and forth under your foot for about 20 minutes. Never place ice directly on your skin.

There are also several stretches you can do to help heel pain. See the Health A-Z section on treating heel pain for guidance on how to do them.

Stop running and see a GP straight away if there’s a lot of swelling in the heel or the area under your foot. Otherwise, see a GP after a week to 10 days if the pain does not go away.

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My Knee Hurts When I Run What Can I Do

First, look at your shoes. Have you been running in the same shoe for more than 6 months? Much of the time when your knee starts to hurt the result is due to a worn shoe. Runners need to change their shoes frequently to be able to endure the constant impact that occurs from running.

Another area to focus on is proper flexibility. Are you stretching before and after running? Make sure your calves and quadriceps stay limber during runs. A great way to have this occur will be to stretch and stretch often. The better your flexibility and the better your body will respond.

Lastly, consider strength training. Are you running and doing nothing in addition? Runners need to be sure to include some strength training into their routine so be sure to complete some squats or walking lunges to build the muscles around your knee.

When Will My Knee Feel Better

People heal at different rates. Your recovery time depends on your body and your injury.

While you get better, you need to take it easy on your knee. That doesnât mean you have to give up exercise. Just try something new that won’t hurt your joint. If you’re a jogger, swim laps in a pool instead.

Whatever you do, don’t rush things. If you try to get back to your workouts before youâre healed, you could damage the joint for good. Don’t return to your old level of physical activity until:

  • You can fully bend and straighten your knee without pain.
  • You feel no pain in your knee when you walk, jog, sprint, or jump.
  • Your knee is as strong as your uninjured knee.

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Your Kneecap Is Tracking Poorly

The type of knee pain that’s most common among runners is the result of runner’s knee, also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome. Runner’s knee can be caused by a number of factors, including overuse, muscle imbalances, alignment issues and repeated stress on the knee joint, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons .

Patellofemoral pain syndrome is “nearly always in the center of the front of the knee,” says Zachariah Logan, MD, a board-certified orthopedic surgeon at Texas Orthopedics.

For example, you can get runner’s knee if you rack up too many miles at once or run every day and don’t allow your body to properly recover. Or, your patella may be tracking poorly in the groove it sits in within your thigh bone. This results in a potentially painful force on the bony joint where your thigh and kneecap meet.

Weak quadriceps muscles and weak or poorly engaged glutes and hip rotator muscles can also cause issues with tracking, according to the AAOS.

Strengthen Your Knees To Avoid Or Lessen Pain

Does Running Cause Knee Pain?

If youre experiencing pain behind your knees while running, it doesnt mean youre destined to stop exercising. There are many simple things you can do every day to reduce or completely avoid the pain. Here are six strategies to start with:

Knee pain can be an uncomfortable and disheartening effect of an exercise routine. However, working with a certified health coach or your physician can help you identify the source of pain before it becomes a bigger issue and take the right steps to ease or avoid the pain in the future.

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Prevent Knee Pain From Running 1 Wear The Right Shoes

The foot is a very complex part of the human anatomy.

Its made up of 19 muscles, 26 bones, 107 ligaments, and 33 jointsand these take the brunt of a foot strike when running.

Since running is a high impact sport that places a great deal of stress on the knees, wearing the right trainers not only helps you to run faster and longer, but may also reduce risks of pain and injury.

A good running shoe is designed specifically to diffuse the load shooting up the rest of your leg.

Just dont get me wrong.

Im not suggesting that proper shoes are the ultimate solution to your knee issues.

But its a start, and an important part of an overall prevention and treatment and plan.

That said, I should also point outand this may surprise some of youthat the current research on the effectiveness of running shoes in improving performance and preventing overuse injury is, at best, mixed.

This link provides you with more insight on the subject at hand.

Yet, in my experience, a proper pair is non-negotiableregardless.

Therefore, to stay safe, you got to find a shoe that fits your feet properly.

More importantly, go for a pair that supports your natural foot typewhether youre neutral, high arched , or flat-footed runner.

To find a suitable pair, head to your local running store and ask for a foot type and gait analysis, which will help you find what best matches your physiological and training needs.

Also, be sure to replace your trainers regularly.

Strength training is good for you.

What Causes Runners Knee

Runners knee can happen for a variety of reasons, many of them having to do with the muscles and bones of the leg. Some of the more common causes are:

  • Direct trauma to the knee. Falling on your knee or taking a blow to the knee can dislocate the patella or move it out of place, causing it to track incorrectly along the femoral groove.
  • Excessive training or overuse. Repeatedly bending and flexing the knee can irritate the nerves around your kneecap and strain your tendons to the point of discomfort.
  • Misalignment of the patella. If your kneecap is out of alignment, activities like running or biking can wear down the cartilage of the kneecap , which can lead to pain and irritation in the underlying bone and joint lining.
  • Tight or weak leg muscles. Tight hamstrings and calf muscles can put excessive pressure on the knee when you run, and weak quadriceps muscles can result in misalignment of the kneecap.
  • Foot problems. Flat feet, also called fallen arches or overpronation, can stretch the muscles and tendons of your leg and lead to pain in the knee.

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Additional Treatment For Runner’s Knee

It may also be a good idea to take part in a strengthening and motor retraining program, or physical therapy and exercises to fortify your knees as well as other parts of your body. Orthotics, taping, and manual therapy such as massage, myofascial release and trigger point therapy may also help.

How Do I Know If I Have Runners Knee

Why Do I Feel Knee Pain When Running?

Runners knee is characterized by knee pain after running in a very specific location. Like lateral knee pain being correlated with IT Band Syndrome, theres a particular location for knee pain that makes it highly probable you have runners knee.

If your pain is directly on or along the outside edges of the kneecap, you most likely have PFPS. The pain is typically a dull ache but can occasionally be sharp it feels like its located deep underneath the patella.

Along with the location of the pain, PFPS sufferers typically have more pain when theyre

  • walking up stairs
  • after prolonged periods of sitting down
  • while pushing on the kneecap

Its important to note that PFPS is different from patellar tendonitis, which is an entirely separate injury characterized by pain in the patellar tendon. This is the thick tendon that connects your patella to your shin. This is a more rare injury, particularly among runners.

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What Is Runners Knee

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome is a knee injury common among runners, cyclists, hikers, and those who engage in jumping sports like basketball, volleyball, or the jump events in Track & Field.

PFPS is a mysterious injury in that theres no consensus on why it creates knee pain after running. But there are plenty of theories:

  • Some claim its because the kneecap does not track well in its groove in the femur
  • Others claim that its because the quadriceps is weak and does a poor job of controlling the kneecap during activity
  • And some others go on to claim that PFPS occurs because the cartilage of the knee has degenerated. While some research has concluded that there can be some cartilage degeneration accompanying runners knee, its not necessarily the cause.

Many theories abound yet there is no conclusive answer as to what specifically causes PFPS. The best answer is likely a combination of factors, including weakness in the quadriceps and hips , overuse, and inflexibility. Your individual running form may also predispose you to developing this injury.

If we continue diving into the cause of PFPS, its helpful to understand that your knee is a living joint and its stressed virtually all the time . Its very likely that your PFPS isnt a significant, traumatic injury but rather your knee telling you that its tired, potentially inflamed, and overused.

This perspective on runners knee helps explain why most cases respond very well to rest and conservative treatments.

Muscles Weakness / Imbalances

‘When we run, we dont just go forwards, we may have to nip around bends, dips in the pavements and quick stops especially in busy cities,’ explains Alibhai. ‘If the muscles around the knee arent strong enough to handle the quick stops and change of direction, they may not support the joint thus leading to knee pain. It is important to strengthen and stretch the surrounding muscles for support of the joint.’

The body is both smart and full of imbalances, that’s why the more you run the more certain dominant muscles can take over. This can lead to any number of injury issues, not just in your knees.

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Health Tip: Knee Pain After A 10


I saw a post that asked Is it normal for my knees to hurt after a 10 mile run? Its a loaded question that begs a for reasonable answer. While many runners have soreness after a long run I would be nervous about it if I were training for a Marathon. I would be thinking that if it hurts after a 10 miler then how is it going to feel after a 16 miler and will this pain evolve into an injury that will prevent further training. Knowing with reasonable certainty whether or not you have problem that needs to be addressed is important because an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cures. Lets take a look at the types of knee pain that are commonly seen in runners, then you can decide for yourself if you need help or if you just need an ice pack and some rest.

Pain above the knee cap that results in swelling spells trouble and probably indicates bursitis. Swelling can take weeks to resolve and will almost certainly put an end to your training program as your gait becomes more compromised. Arthritis is often the underlying cause and you should have an x-ray to rule it out before you resume running.

Swelling over the lower medial knee is usually caused by bursitis and can be treated with the usual runners first aid rest, ice anti inflammatories but you are unlikely to run a marathon with this malady since it is usually caused by torsional stress on the lower leg, which will have to be corrected before you resume running.

I hope this helps,

Running Knee Pain Questions

How to Run Without Knee Pain

What Causes Outside Knee Pain Running? Most common cause of outer knee pain when running is iliotibial band syndrome – an overuse injury causing inflammation of the ITB. It can usually be self-treated with rest, ice, exercises and wearing a knee strap.

What Causes Inner Knee Pain After Running?Inner knee pain when running may be a sign that you are overloading the cartilage on the inner side of the knee which can result in a meniscus injury. Altered foot biomechanics, decreased knee stability and poor glutes strength all affect the angle of the knee so more force goes through the inner side of the knee. There’s generally a sharp pain that comes and goes.

Another possibility is pes anserine bursitis which causes inner knee pain about 2cm below the knee cap.

What Causes Front Knee Pain When Running?The most common cause of pain at the front of the knee when running is Runners Knee. It develops when there is excess friction on the back of the kneecap, usually due to a problem in how the kneecap moves as you run.

With Runners Knee there tends to e a general ache at the front of the knee and pain comes and goes, typically worse after prolonged activity or more surprisingly prolonged inactivity e.g. sitting for long periods.

Is It Safe To Run On Sore Knees?If you are getting knee pain when running, it’s usually your bodies way of saying you are doing too much. It might be a simple case of changing your shoes, easing up on your training regime, or switching to off-road.

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The above medical conditions cover most of the reasons for your knee pain when running. That said, if you suspect that your running knee pain is caused by something else, then be sure to see a certified physician for a thorough assessment.

In the meantime, thank for you reading my post.

Run strong and stay safe.


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