Treating Abrasions At Home
Minor cuts and scrapes are a part of everyday life, especially for young, active children. Typically, an abrasion is a type of wound where the first layer of skin is scraped or rubbed off, and sometimes they require more than just a hug and kiss from mom or dad. These wounds, while superficial, need to be treated properly to fend off infection and heal quickly.
Abrasions can usually be safely treated at home following these four steps:
- For severe cases if the wound is bleeding heavily and youre unable to stop the bleeding after 10 minutes of direct pressure call 911 or head to the nearest emergency department
- Dont remove an object if its penetrated the body; leave it in place and call 911
- If the wound is superficial, proceed to the next step
- Wash your hands with soap and water before touching any open wounds
- Clean the wound with cool to warm water with mild soap. Dont clean the wound with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. Using;hydrogen peroxide;or rubbing alcohol to clean an injury can actually harm the tissue and delay healing
- Gently remove any dirt, rocks or debris and try not to scrub the wound
- Place sterile gauze or a clean towel over the wound and apply direct pressure with your palm
- If the gauze soaks through, keep it in place and add more on top
- Continue pressure for a minute or two after the bleeding stops
Other Tactics You Can Use To Avoid Injury:
- Choose the right shoes, and know when to replace them.;Avid runners will be prone to knee pain if they wear incorrect running shoes, such as a shoe designed for a low arch worn by someone with a high arch, or if they fail to replace their running shoes in the correct time interval, typically at 200 to 300 miles depending on body type and shoe type, Bayes says.
- Stretch properly.;Tight muscles are at risk for strain and can put extra force on the knees and other joints.
- Get adequate rest.;Take at least one to two days off from running per week to avoid overuse.
- Stay well-hydrated.;Dehydration by even 5 percent has been shown to increase injury risk, Schulz says.
Once you know what to do to avoid an injury, use these workouts to take your fitness to the next level.
Location Of Knee Pain Symptoms
The location of your knee pain can help determine which structures are at fault and can help ensure proper treatment. Remember to check with your physician, physical therapist, or healthcare provider if symptoms are severe or last more than a few weeks.
If you develop acute knee pain, immediately follow the R.I.C.E. principle. R.I.C.E. stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. After a few days of R.I.C.E., you can begin using the leg, only gently.
If knee pain persists for more than 2-3 weeks, you should visit a doctor, physical therapist, or another healthcare provider to rule out any major problem and to ensure proper diagnosis and management.
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You Misjudged Its Severity
When you first hurt your;knee, maybe you didnt think it was so bad and kept on keeping on.
Failing to rest from;exercise;when there is severe pain often causes an;injury;to progress from mild to severe, Bayes says. Simple;rest alone will heal many knee injuries.
Listen to your body, and never push through knee pain, Schulz adds.
Risks Of Having Surgery
Knee arthroscopy is generally very safe. However, surgery always has risks.; The risks associated with knee arthroscopy include: Infection of the surgical wounds Blood clots;in your legs Knee stiffness Failure of repair
Some of the risks associated with surgery are specific to your knee problem and your surgery.; Be sure to ask your surgeon which risks are relevant for you.
Note that the information in this article is purely informative and should never be used in place of the advice of your treating physicians.
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You Felt Or Heard A Pop
Sometimes, a popping sound after a movement can indicate something is out of place.
Oftentimes this type of sound upon injury is indicative of a ligamentous injury, says Schwabe. Not all ligamentous injuries are full tears, though, and not all require surgery.
However, if you also experience excessive swelling and instability, get it checked out by an M.D. If you only have a mild sprain then you will be able to rehab it with physical therapy, he says.
The pop is what you hear as a result of a ligament tear, a meniscus tear, strained tendons, or a dislocated kneecap. Usually what happens is youll simultaneously hear and feel the pop.
If youre not familiar with the meniscus, its the cartilage in the knee that functions as a shock absorber. Each knee has two menisci, and theyre shaped like horseshoes. The medial meniscus is on the inside of the knee, and the lateral meniscus is on the outside.
The popping sensation can be difficult to explain, but youll certainly know it when it happens to you. Though the sound originates in the knee, youll hear it as though it was directly in your ear. Its as if the sensation travels up your body, and when it gets to your brain, it becomes audible.
If the pain is severe, youll want to visit a doctor as soon as possible. Surgery is often the recommended course of action, but physical therapy and other non-invasive remedies may be prescribed as alternatives.
Signs You Need A Hospital Now
- Red lines leading away from the wound towards your heart.
- Necrosis of the flesh. This means that the flesh around the wound has died. Look out for black tissue and;a funky smell.
- Sudden fever coupled with aches, diarrhea, nausea, rash, and vomiting. These;could be the symptoms of toxic shock.
Dont take chances with your health. While in most cases the body will do a good job of keeping out bacteria simply by flooding the area of the cut with platelets that will then clot up your blood and create a scab, in some cases, the;body cant prevent a problem from occurring. If the object that cut you in the first place had some bad bacteria, or if some dirt or grime got onto your cut after you began bleeding;and had some of that bad bacteria, your cut will get infected. And an infection isnt always something you can just leave to your immune system and sleep off.
So do yourself a favour. Make sure to take preventive measures before the cut gets infected if you possibly can , and be absolutely sure if you notice any signs of infection, to get that cut checked out straight away! Your life could actually depend on it.
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How To Heal A Skinned Knee
This article was medically reviewed by Ronn Callada, RN, MS. Ronn Callada, ANP, RN is a Nurse Practitioner at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. Ronn is also part of the adjunct faculty at New York University in nursing. He received his MS in Nursing from Stony Brook University School of Nursing in 2013.There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 12 testimonials and 84% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 503,485 times.
Although a skinned knee is a relatively minor abrasion, you still want to take steps so that it heals as quickly and safely as possible. With a few easily-available supplies, you can clean and care for the wound. Take the right steps, and you’ll be back to normal as soon as possible.
What To Do If You Cut Yourself
Learn how to properly clean a cut, scrape, or wound from this article; though if youd like an abridged version
- Lets say its a pretty big cut; not just some small paper cut. Probably happened because you were playing with your Kershaw Cryo;instead of taking the garbage out like the;Mrs. asked you to do 20 minutes ago.
- You start bleeding. At this point, immediately irrigate the wound with soap and water .
- If you see dirt or debris in the wound remove it using tweezers cleaned with alcohol.
- Locate an antibiotic;, and apply it as a thin layer.;For;some people this causes a rash if that happens, obviously stop.
- Figure out whether to use stitches, bandages, or super glue. Get stitches for really deep wounds. Butterfly tape or adhesive strips are fine for minor cuts, but for serious ones I strongly recommend going old school with surgical thread. For small cuts I use superglue, as its effective and safe. And bandages are also an option for small cuts if youve got no super glue on you.
- Change dressing regularly and watch for signs of infection.
- Keep in mind, if you havent had a tetanus shot in the past 5 years you may need a booster shot.
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The Importance Of Proper Knee Wound Care
There are some benefits you might gain from performing proper knee wound care, such as:
- It does not inhibit any movements your knees should make. Proper bandage application used for covering the wound is essential for this.
- Proper wound care will minimize the formation of scabs, which in excessive amount may trigger infection and delay healing process, and may eventually inhibit free motions of the knees.
Taking Care Of Your Wound As It Heals
Change your dressing every day.
Not only the dressing that requires changing every day. Your bandage will also require to be changed daily as well as the application of antibiotic ointment.
Take care of your general health.
Actually, the speed of your wound does not rely fully on the medication you apply on your skinned knee. It is also relying a lot on your overall health condition, lifestyle, your food, whether or not you smoke, any genetic illness, etc.
So as long as you live a healthy lifestyle, eating nutritious foods that are enriched with vitamin C and B-complex it can also make your skinned knee heals faster.
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Mild Knee Replacement Complications
All of us will experience some mild knee replacement complications after surgery. Your recovery will be a time of adjustment and each persons body adjusts to their new knee differently.
Complications can include bruising, swelling, tenderness and pain during the healing process. In most cases, these minor complications will last only a short time .
Knee stiffness may develop after surgery, especially if you remain sedentary. Physical therapy will help with many of these mild complications.
Some mild complications may persist and need further attention from your physician. Ill mention the more serious complications below.
Always follow your doctors instructions to reduce your risk of developing complications.
In Case Of Stitches Avoid Food And Drink
Dr. Grover advises parents to avoid giving an injured child anything to eat or drink before going to the ER.
If they have eaten something recently and start getting very upset, they might vomit, further escalating the stressful situation, says Dr. Grover. Also in the rare occasion they might need any sedative/ anxiety medications, it is advisable to avoid a heavy meal.
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How Do I Care For Knee Wounds
Fact Checked
Your knees are constantly moving, often taking the brunt of pressure and impact when kneeling or falling. Outside the knees is a fragile layer of skin tissue that can be cut or scraped. Inside the knees are more tissues that can be wounded, including muscle tissue and the osseous tissue of the bone surrounded by ligaments, tendons and cartilage. As such, knee wounds can present a challenge when approaching them for wound treatment.
If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.
How You Should Heal A Knee Injury
If you do find yourself with a hurt knee, heres what you should do:
- Look for signs of severe injury. If theres swelling;or you cant walk on the leg, see a sports medicine or orthopedic doctor for treatment.
- Practice RICE. Rest, ice, compression,;and elevation are usually recommended to help promote healing and flexibility in a knee injury.
- Take an OTC pain reliever. A low-dose anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen or naproxen can help treat pain and swelling in a patient that has no allergy or contraindication to its use, Bayes says. Schulz says he commonly tells patients to take vitamin D to help promote healing. Ask your doctor if OTC meds and supplements are right for you.
- Consider physical therapy. A professional PT can help you get on the mend using stretches, exercises, and other methods.
What if youve tried and tried but still feel like your knee injury isnt healing?
Injuries that fail to recover with rest, ice, compression, and elevation and time may be more serious, Schulz says. Seek a medical evaluation if an injury persists.
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Causes And Types Of Scrapes
Scrapes are skin wounds that rub or tear off skin. Most scrapes are shallow and do not extend far into the skin, but some may remove several layers of skin. Usually there is little bleeding from a scrape, but it may ooze pinkish fluid. Most scrapes are minor, so home treatment is usually all that is needed to care for the wound.
Scrapes occur most often in warm weather or warm climates when the skin on the arms and legs is more exposed. They are most commonly caused by accidents or falls but can occur anytime the skin is rubbed against a hard surface, such as the ground, a sidewalk, a carpet, an artificial playing surface, or a road . School-age children ages 5 to 9 are most affected.
Scrapes can occur on any part of the body but usually affect bony areas, such as the hands, forearms, elbows, knees, or shins. Scrapes on the head or face may appear worse than they are and bleed a lot because of the good blood supply to this area. Controlling the bleeding will allow you to determine the seriousness of the injury. Scrapes are usually more painful than cuts because scrapes tear a larger area of skin and expose more nerve endings.
How a scrape heals depends on the depth, size, and location of the scrape. Occasionally the injury that caused the scrape will also have caused a cut or several cuts that may need to be treated by a doctor. For more information, see the topic Cuts.
Bites And Dirty Wounds Need Special Treatment
If an animal or human has bitten you or a family member or friend and the laceration is more than a very superficial abrasion or a contaminated or rusty object caused the injury seek medical attention immediately.
For adults, if you havent had a tetanus booster shot withinthe past 10 years, youll need one now.
Most children have had tetanus vaccinations, but these types of injuries require medical evaluation anyway. The attending physician may prescribe oral antibiotics as well.
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Your Cut Is Very Deep Or Was Caused By Rusty Metal
Getting a deep wound in generalespecially one caused by rusty metaldoesnt guarantee that youll develop an infected cut, but it does mean you should seek medical attention immediately. Dont try to resolve these kinds of cuts or scrapes on your own at home. Dr. Au is adamant about seeing a doctor in these instances because youll likely need stitches or at least additional attention above and beyond the at-home application of Vaseline and a bandage. Heres what to do when you cant get to a doctor, from a survival specialist.
How To Treat A Deep Scrape
This article was medically reviewed by Luba Lee, FNP-BC, MS. Luba Lee, FNP-BC is a board certified Family Nurse Practitioner and educator in Tennessee with over a decade of clinical experience. Luba has certifications in Pediatric Advanced Life Support , Emergency Medicine, Advanced Cardiac Life Support , Team Building, and Critical Care Nursing. She received her Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Tennessee in 2006.There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 87% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 98,396 times.
A scrape is a wound that generally does not go all the way through your skin, unlike a cut, which generally goes through your skin to the muscle below. Regardless, deep scrapes can be painful and bloody. If you have sustained a deep scrape, you can try treating your injury at home, or you can head to the doctors office. Deep scrapes that are not quite that deep can generally be compressed, washed, and bandaged at home.
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There Are Particles Still Stuck In Your Skin
Depending on the circumstance that caused your scrape, such as falling on gritty pavement, its possible that small particles could have gotten lodged in the affected area. Its critical to remove any particles or dirt from your wound immediately, during the cleansing process, according to Sonoa Au, MD, of Advanced Dermatology, PC in New York and New Jersey, or you could have an infected cut. However, she adds, if you find that you have to dig at your skin to get rid of anything thats stuck, see a doctor instead. Dont assume that scrubbing away at your skin is helpful or that dirt will work its way outand definitely dont make these other dangerous first aid mistakes. When in doubt, have a medical professional thoroughly clean and assess your scrape or cut.