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What Is The Most Common Knee Injury

What Are Other Knee Injuries Runners Have

The Most Common Knee Ligament Injury in Soccer

Athletes can also have injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament , posterior cruciate ligament , collateral ligament, meniscus, cartilage and tendons. While these aren’t as common in runners, they’re still serious and require medical attention.

Knee injuries range from minor to serious, so it’s important to take a break from running and see your healthcare provider if pain persists.

The Most Common Summer Knee Injuries Find A Ny Knee Injury Doctor

One of the most common parts of the body that people injure during the summer is the knee. With the weather getting warmer, people tend to be more active following a more restful period during the winter. Many knee injuries occur while participating in sports, starting new workouts, or just an overall increase in activity.

Your knees are one of the most complex joints in your body. The knee joint is made up of bones, cartilage, muscles, ligaments, and tendons and with so many different components working together, a small injury to one part of your knee can lead to major problems. So, what are the most common injuries a NY knee injury doctor sees?

These are 4 of the most common knee injuries that occur during the summer:

Why Would Cycling Cause Knee Pain

Cycling can cause knee injuries if there is pre-existingarthritis or tendonitis present in the knee. Cycling may flare up the inflammation, or a person might suffer knee pain due to overuse if they are cycling a lot and using incorrect techniques. However, for the most part, cycling is a good way to strengthen your quadriceps if your leg muscles are in good shape.

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How Are Knee Injuries Diagnosed

To diagnose a knee injury, health care providers ask about how the injury happened and what symptoms it causes.

The health care provider will do a physical exam that includes pressing on the knee and legs and moving them in certain ways. These tests can show what part of the knee is injured.

Imaging tests done sometimes used include:

  • X-rays to check for injuries to the bones
  • a CT scan or MRI to look inside the knee

Seven Most Common Knee Injuries

Knee Injuries

The knee joint is one of the largest and most complex joints in the body.

It is also one of the most important joints. Connecting the thigh bone to the shinbone, it plays an important role in supporting the bodys weight, and facilitating movement allowing you to bend your knee.

Due to the complexity of the knee joint, it is susceptible to a number of different injuries. Some of the most common knee joint injuries include tears in the ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. The kneecap itself can also be fractured or dislocated.

Lets look at some of the most common knee injuries. See how they are caused and the treatment thats required to address them.


The kneecap is a shield for your knee joint, and protects it from becoming injured or damaged during a fall. Because of this, the kneecap can become broken during a high impact fall or sports injury.

Kneecap fractures are a common yet serious injury that usually requires immobilization or in some cases surgery to correct.


Knee dislocations occur when the knee bones become out of place. This can occur after a major trauma such as a fall, car crash, or high-speed impact. It can also be caused by twisting the knee while one foot is firmly planted on the ground.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries

The anterior cruciate ligament is knee tissue that joins the upper and lower leg bones together and helps keep the knee stable.

Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries

Collateral Ligament Injuries

Meniscal Tears

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What Are Some Common Knee Problems

Many knee problems are a result of the aging process and continual wear and stress on the knee joint . Other knee problems are a result of an injury or a sudden movement that strains the knee. Common knee problems include the following:

ACL Tears in Female Athletes: Q& A with a Sports Medicine Expert

Sports injury prevention isn’t a one-stop shop, especially for injuries like ACL tears, which are four to eight times more common among women than men. Discover ways for women to help prevent this common injury.

Top 5 Knee Injuries For Kids And Teens

Whether your child participates in after-school sports or just loves the monkey bars, some of the most common injuries they will have are knee related. Most children will recover from a knee injury within a few days, but its important to know what the most common knee injuries are and when to see a professional.

Check out our list of the top 5 knee injuries in kids and teens.

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Clinically Relevant Anatomy Of The Medial Knee

The superficial MCL is the largest structure of the medial knee and its fibers run vertically from its femoral attachment to two different tibial attachments. The proximal tibial attachment of the superficial MCL is primarily a soft tissue attachment over the semimembranosus tendon about 12mm distal to the joint line. The distal attachment is directly to bone about 60mm distal to the joint line. The superficial MCL is the knees primary valgus restraint, particularly the proximal division. The distal division provides primary external rotation restraint at 30 degrees of knee flexion and internal rotation stability at all angles of knee flexion based on cadaveric studies.3,4

The deep portion of the MCL runs contiguous with the medial joint capsule and is adjacent to the medial meniscus. The deep MCL provides external rotation torque restraint between 30 and 90 degrees of knee flexion and is comprised of its meniscofemoral and meniscotibial divisions. The meniscofemoral attachment is responsible for valgus stabilization at all angles of knee flexion and is the primary internal rotation restraint at 20, 60, and 90 degrees of knee flexion. The meniscotibial portion is responsible for internal rotation stability at 0 and 30 degrees.3

This anatomical information is important to understand in the context of our clinical evaluation of a suspected medial knee injury.

What Exercises Are Recommended And What Exercises Should Be Avoided During Rehabilitation For A Knee Injury

The most common and serious knee injuries and how to prevent them

During physical therapy for rehabilitation of a knee injury, the patient will be given specific exercises by the physical therapist in order to strengthen and stabilize the knee joint. These exercises include strengthening the front of the thigh , back of the thigh , calf, and hip. Consult your doctor and your physical therapist before starting any exercise program. Your physical therapist should insure you perform the exercises properly before doing them on your own.

If you have any pain or discomfort while doing prescribed exercises, see your doctor or physical therapist.

Some exercises your physical therapist may recommend include the following:

  • Quad sets
  • Straight-leg raise to the front
  • Straight-leg raise to the back
  • Hamstring curls
  • Heel dig bridging
  • Shallow standing knee bends
  • The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons has an exercise guide that includes directions and pictures. Consult your doctor or physical therapist before trying any of these exercises on your own.

    Some exercises to avoid following knee injury include the following:

    • Full-arc knee extensions

    These exercises can further stress already damaged knee joints.

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    Torn Acl Symptoms And Signs

    With an acute injury, the patient often describes that they heard a loud pop and then developed intense pain in the knee. The pain makes walking or weight-bearing very difficult. The knee joint will begin to swell within a few hours because of bleeding within the joint, making it difficult to straighten the knee.

    If left untreated, the knee will feel unstable and the patient may complain of recurrent pain and swelling and giving way, especially when walking on uneven ground or climbing up or down steps.

    The knee is one of the most commonly injured parts of the body. Sports, falls, and motor-vehicle accidents account for the vast majority of knee pain and injuries to the knee.

    The different types of common knee injuries to the knee are defined by the affected anatomy of the knee and the mechanism by which it’s injured.

    Knee sprains are injuries to the ligaments that hold the knee together. There are multiple ligaments that stabilize the knee and keep it in alignment. The anterior cruciate ligament and the posterior cruciate ligament stabilize the knee in movement from front to back and cross each other in the middle of the knee joint. The medial collateral ligament and lateral collateral ligament stabilize the knee so that the bones do not slide from side to side.

    Ligament sprains are graded by the amount of stretching or tearing of the ligament fibers and how much instability it causes as follows:

    Signs Of A Knee Injury

    The first sign of a knee injury that most people feel is pain. Though the pain may be severe, often there is only a very mild stiffness or discomfort around the knee joint, especially while making certain repetitive motions with it.

    Other important warning signs of a serious knee injury include:

    Pain while climbing stairs

    Pain while climbing up the stairs is indicative of a torn meniscus, whereas pain while going down the stairs is a sign your kneecap is pushing painfully against the femur bone in the leg.


    Some kinds of swelling can stop you from bearing weight on your knee or bending it at all, whereas you may have no problem whatsoever walking in other cases. Either way, a swollen knee shouldnt be ignored.

    Immediate pain

    Sometimes the injury shows itself right away, such as a sharp pain in the middle of exercising. In this case, the pain and swelling will happen immediately, suggesting a torn ligament or even a bone fracture has occurred.

    Gradual pain

    Some injuries appear a few hours or even days after the injury actually took place. An overuse injury, for example, develops little by little in response to prolonged pressure and is often a sign of cartilage or meniscal tearing.

    Some more signs to look for are:

    • Redness

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    When Will I Feel Better After A Knee Ligament Injury

    Your recovery time will depend on how bad the injury is. People also heal at different rates.

    In most cases, physical therapy can help to limit problems and speed up your recovery. If you have an ACL tear, your doctor may recommend this after surgery.


    While you recover, if your medical team agrees, you could take up a new activity that won’t hurt your knee. For instance, runners could try swimming.

    Whatever you do, don’t rush things. You shouldnt go back to your old level of physical activity until:

    • Your doctor says its OK for you to take part.
    • You can fully bend and straighten the knee without pain.
    • The knee doesnt hurt when you walk, jog, sprint, or jump.
    • Its no longer swollen.
    • The injured knee is as strong as the uninjured knee.

    If you start to use your knee before it’s healed, you could cause permanent damage.

    Knee Pain And Problems

    Most Common Knee Problems

    Knee pain is a common complaint among adults and most often associated with general wear and tear from daily activities like walking, bending, standing and lifting. Athletes who run or play sports that involve jumping or quick pivoting are also more likely to experience knee pain and problems. But whether an individuals knee pain is caused by aging or injury, it can be a nuisance and even debilitating in some circumstances.

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    Common Knee Injuries Among Athletes

    So, for those who live an active lifestyle, it is important that you are aware of these different symptoms that signal an injury. More importantly, you should know what to do about it, and what can be expected from a course of treatment. Remember that a minor ache you mightve brushed off today, just might be your undoing tomorrow.

    Heres a quick rundown on 7 knee injuries that are common among athletes.


    What Types Of Doctors Treat Knee Injuries

    Often, knee injuries are cared for by primary care providers who have the knowledge and skills to diagnose and treat many of the common knee injuries that occur. Orthopedic surgeons are involved in knee injury care to determine whether surgery might be required. They are also the specialists to perform the surgery. Physical therapists have an important role in the treatment of knee injuries regardless of whether surgery is required.

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    Worn Out / Torn Cartilage

    Finally, worn out or torn cartilage happens from overuse of the knee and is especially prevalent in sprinters, runners and other high impact sports like basketball. You may often hear people complaining about torn cartilage and more often than not, this refers to a tear in the meniscus.

    In need of Physical Rehabilitation? Schedule an Appointment Today!

    If you have any questions, or want a consultation with a professional, feel free to call, or schedule an appointment online at any of our Bergen County or Passaic County offices in New Jersey. Choose from Glen Rock, Franklin Lakes, Fair Lawn, Ridgewood/Ho-Ho-Kus, and/or Clifton we make it possible for you to visit any of our offices at your convenience.

    What Specialists Treat Knee Injuries

    The Most Common Knee Injuries – Dr. Clinton S. Bell, MD

    A knee injury may first be examined and treated by a primary care provider , such as a family practitioner, an internist, or a child’s pediatrician. If you go to the emergency room for your knee injury, you will be seen by an emergency medicine specialist.

    If the knee injury is severe, you may be referred to an orthopedist or an orthopedic surgeon. If your knee injury is related to sports, you may see a sports medicine specialist.

    Other medical professionals who may be involved in treating your injured knee include physical therapists, occupational therapists, or other rehabilitation specialists.

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    When To See A Doctor

    If knee pain becomes chronic, is severe, or lasts for more than a week, a person should consult a doctor. It is important to see a doctor if there is a reduced range of motion in the joint or if bending the knee becomes difficult.

    In cases of blunt force or trauma, a doctor should be seen immediately after an injury has occurred.

    Treatment will vary based on the cause of the knee pain and the specifics of the injury. In cases of strain or overuse injuries, rest and ice will typically allow the knee to heal over time.

    Treatment may also involve managing pain and inflammation with medication. In most cases, a person will need to rest for a period of time.

    Tears or other trauma-induced injuries may require bracing, popping the knee back into place, or surgery. In the case of surgery, a person will likely not be able to use the knee after the procedure and may need either crutches or a wheelchair while recovering.

    In some cases, physical therapy may be needed to help a person regain movement and strength in their knee and leg.

    What Are The Signs & Symptoms Of A Knee Injury

    The signs and symptoms of a knee injury depend on the cause. Most knee injuries cause pain. A knee injury may also lead to the knee feeling weak, “giving way,” or “locking.” Someone with a knee injury might not be able to fully bend or straighten the knee. The injured knee may be swollen or bruised.

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    The 7 Most Common Knee Injuries

    The knee is one part of your body that is put under a lot of stress every day. This joint can very easily be overworked or injured. Typically, this kind of injury requires a visit to the doctor.

    Letting any knee injury go without treatment can result in very serious issues that can make it impossible or very painful to do anything. Some of these injuries are more common than others. Here are some of the most common knee injuries our AICA knee doctors see, and what can cause them.

    What Are The Types And Causes Of Knee Injuries

    What Causes of Knee Pain

    While direct blows to the knee will occur, the knee is more susceptible to twisting or stretching injuries , taking the joint through a greater range of motion than it was meant to tolerate.

    If the knee is stressed from a specific direction, then the ligament trying to hold it in place against that force can stretch or tear. These injuries are called sprains. Sprains are graded as first, second, or third degree based upon how much damage has occurred. Grade-one sprains stretch the ligament but don’t tear the fibers grade-two sprains partially tear the fibers, but the ligament remains intact and grade-three tears completely disrupt the ligament.

    Twisting injuries to the knee put stress on the cartilage or meniscus and can pinch them between the tibial surface and the edges of the femoral condyle, potentially causing tears.

    Injuries of the muscles and tendons surrounding the knee are caused by acute hyperflexion or hyperextension of the knee or by overuse. These injuries are called strains. Strains are graded similarly to sprains, with first-degree strains stretching muscle or tendon fibers but not tearing them, second-degree strains partially tearing the muscle tendon unit, and third-degree strains completely tearing it.

    There can be inflammation of the bursas of the knee that can occur because of direct blows or chronic use and abuse.

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    What Is The Recovery Time For A Knee Injury

    The recovery time for a knee injury depends on the type and severity of the injury. If the injury is significant enough to require surgery and/or physical therapy, the recovery time will be longer.

    Simple strains or sprains can last for one to two weeks. More extensive injuries requiring arthroscopic surgery may take one to three months to heal.

    Major traumatic injuries to the knee may take up to a year to heal.

    Following the doctor’s instructions for rest, immobilization, staying off your feet, and avoiding exercise that aggravates the injuries will help speed recovery.

    Physical therapy can also speed recovery time. It is important to follow directions of your physical therapist to insure you are doing the exercises correctly and attaining the best results.

    Chronic knee injuries that do not require surgery may flare up from time to time. Physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, and cortisone injections are used to provide temporary relief.


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