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HomeWhat Are Bone Spurs In Your Knee

What Are Bone Spurs In Your Knee

Heal Bone Spurs: Home Remedies For Bone Spur Treatment

What causes bone spurs in knees?

Bone spurs can be particularly painful, which is one reason why it is important to treat them quickly. However, these miniscule growths of bone can also cause a number of other issues in your muscles, tendons, and other soft tissue. You can treat the condition naturally, though, using natural cures such as ginger, turmeric, and apple cider vinegar.

Knee Pain : What Is A Bone Spur And How Do I Know If I Have One

Most people have heard of a bone spur . But, they dont know exactly what it is or how to tell if they have one. If youre curious, heres everything you need to know:

Osteoarthritis and Bone Spur Development

Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. The condition, which usually affects patients over 50, causes the cartilage and soft tissue of the bodys joints to wear away. As wearing occurs, the cartilage thins and becomes frayed and rough. Eventually, cartilage will wear away completely or be torn, which causes bone-on-bone rubbing. Cartilage is very smooth and intact cartilage on cartilage is smoother than ice gliding on ice. Bone rubbing on bone has high friction and becomes painful as it catches with motion.

Illustration 1- An osteophyte

Illustration 2- An osteophyte as seen on an x-ray

Bone spur development. Bone-on-bone rubbing causes bones to become irritated and inflamed. In order to protect themselves, bones will form new, hard pieces of bone. Because bone spurs protrude into the joint, they can be extremely painful and limit mobility.

Diagnosing and Treating a Bone Spur

In order to determine if patients with knee pain have a bone spur, they need to see an orthopedic specialist. During an appointment with an orthopedic specialist, the following will occur:

  • A detailed medical history will be taken. Pre-existing conditions and/or injuries give clues regarding the development of osteoarthritis.
  • Seeking Treatment

    Do You Suffer From Painful Bone Spurs

    MIAMI, FL “Who would believe those tiny little heel spurs could make my life so miserable for over 10 years,” asked Marvin, a Financial Planner working for a large company. “And I’m not alone I know quite a few people who’ve suffered from the same conditions for years.”

    But then, several months later, things got a lot worse, and Marvin soon had to take pain relievers. He was hoping the stabbing pain would go away again, if he ignored it. And, besides, his main focus at the time was career advancement.

    Finally painkillers stopped working altogether, and stretching only seemed to make things worse. The more he walked the more it hurt. “When I tried to walk even a little bit, I felt a searing rip in the left heel and numbness at the tips of my toes.” Marvin knew he needed help.

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    Complications From Bone Spurs

    Bone spurs on their own are harmless and natural. However, they can create other issues. These can include:

    • Irritation. If your spur is rubbing against surrounding fat, tissue, or nerves, you may experience pain, numbness, tenderness, or weakness in the surrounding area.
    • Lower back problems. After age 60, bone spurs in the spine are quite common. They’re only problematic if they impinge upon the nerves traveling through the spinal column. If you have lower back pain, weakness or tingling in your arms or legs, or incontinence, it’s possible bone spurs could be causing these symptoms.
    • Rotator cuff injuries. If your shoulder spurs pinch the tendons in the rotator cuff, you may experience inflammation and tenderness, weakness, stiffness, and pain. In some cases the tendon may tear, which can require immobilization or rotator cuff repair surgery.

    Diagnosis Of Bone Spurs

    Knee Osteoarthritis

    Your family doctor may refer you to a specialist for further evaluation if you have symptoms of a bone spur. The specialist could be an orthopedic doctor or a rheumatologist . The doctor will perform a physical examination to feel around the joint for the source of your pain. They may order imaging studies like an X-ray, CT scan, or MRI scan to see if a bone spur is in fact causing your symptoms. Sometimes, the specialist may order an electroconductive test to measure electrical signals in your nerves. This test can show whether a bone spur has caused damage to the nerves in your spinal canal, for example.3

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    What Are Symptoms Of Bone Spurs

    Some people have bone spurs and dont even know it. Spurs start to create symptoms when they:

    • Put pressure on nearby nerves.
    • Restrict movement.
    • Rub against other bones or tissues.

    When that happens, you may feel some:

    • Knobby or bumpy areas, especially in the fingers or toes.
    • Numbness and weakness, especially in the legs if the spine has spurs.
    • Pain near the affected joint, like heel pain.
    • Reduced range of motion .
    • Tendon tears .

    The Spurs Themselves Are Not Painfulbut They Cause Pain When They Affect Nearby Structures

    Bone spur development is common with age, as the bodys joints, tendons and ligaments undergo natural degenerative changes. In a lot of cases, bone spurs are small and non-painful. Many people live with bone spurs for years and only discover them after getting an X-ray or imaging study for another reason. However, bone spurs can cause symptoms when they compress or irritate nearby tissues or nerves.

    The most common symptoms of bone spurs are pain, stiffness and loss of movement in the affected joint. In the shoulders, spurs may rub against the rotator cuff tendons, leading to tendonitis or a tendon tear. In the hands, spurs may form in the finger joints, causing loss of joint movement and a knobby appearance in the fingers. In the hips and knees, spurs can lead to stiffness and a loss in range of motion. In the feet and ankles, painful spurs can cause pain in the bottom of the foot or heel.

    The cervical and lumbar spine are two of the most common areas for bone spurs to develop. Vertebral spurs can compress nearby nerve roots or the spinal cord and cause the open spaces in the spine to narrow. Nerve root or spinal cord compression in the lumbar spine leads to sciatica, pain, weakness, numbness and tingling in the low back, buttock and leg. Compression in the cervical spine leads to the above symptoms in the neck, shoulder, arm and fingers.

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    Risk Factors For Bone Spur In The Knee

    Given the fact that people with family medical history of bone spur in the knee will experience the same in the future, there are other risk factors that increase its occurrence earlier than expected. Apart from the degenerative period, additional risk factors include:

  • Obesity it is the major issue because it increases the stress on the knee joints
  • Family history people with family history of bone spur in the knee have higher percent of the occurrence of bone spur
  • Injuries history of new injuries such as dysplasia and fractures
  • Stress involving in repetitive actions that increases the burden on knee joints
  • Treatment For Bone Spur In The Knee

    Dislocating knee and bone spurs (from prior broken bone) healed

    Although requirement of treatment is unnecessary, one may find it helpful in reducing the pain by carrying out the following activities:

  • Reducing weight
  • Using pain relievers provided by the doctor
  • Opting for physical therapy that will improve the flexibility and stability of the muscular structure around the region
  • Use of cortisone injections as preferred by the doctor
  • Opting for surgery as the final treatment, where the doctor will remove the damaged cartilage and tendons
  • Doctors may also choose for joint replacement if bone spur in the knee is severe or part of a more significant problem.

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    Symptoms Of Bone Spurs

    You might not realize you have a bone spur until you get an X-ray to look for another condition. They only cause problems when they press on nerves, tendons, or other structures in your body. Then, you might feel any of the following:

    • Pain in the affected joint
    • Pain or stiffness when you try to bend or move the affected joint
    • Weakness, numbness, or tingling in your arms or legs if the bone spur presses on nerves in your spine
    • Muscle spasms, cramps, or weakness
    • Bumps under your skin, seen mainly in the hands and fingers
    • Trouble controlling your bladder or bowels if the bone spur presses on certain nerves in your spine

    Your symptoms might get worse when you exercise or try to move the affected joint.

    A bone spur can break off and get stuck in the lining of the joint. This is called a “loose body.” It can lock up the joint and make it hard to move.

    Can I Cure Osteophytes Naturally

    Conventional treatment often focuses on relieving pain associated with the condition or removing the spur naturally. You can use natural remedies, however, to treat symptoms and naturally dissolve a bone spur. Some of the best natural remedies for bone spurs include ginger, turmeric, and apple cider vinegar. Medical professionals, like Dr. Weil, also suggest changing your exercise routine, wearing properly fitting shoes, and reducing stress to reduce foot pain and treat spurs.

    Bone spurs, also called osteophytes, are outgrowths of bone that develop within joints due to increased pressure between bones from a lack of cartilage. Bone spurs within the knee can cause pain and limit joint mobility, which can cause difficulty with everyday activities like walking, squatting, bending, and going up and down stairs, and can lead to muscle imbalances in the leg. However, not everyone will experience symptoms, and some may not know they have a bone spur in their knee. Osteophytes commonly occur in people with osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, which causes a breakdown of cartilage.

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    What Are The Possible Complications Of Bone Spur Of Knee

    The possible complications of Bone Spurs of Knee include:

    • Without treatment, in some individuals, bone spurs can cause severe uncontrollable pain, by impinging on surrounding structures such as the tendons and nerves
    • Individuals, who develop Bone Spurs in the Knee, may experience severe pain while walking
    • Surgery to remove bone spurs may lead to the following complications:
    • Infection at the site of surgery
    • Poor wound closure
    • Anesthetic complications
  • Permanent damage to the nerves in the knee
  • Occasionally, relief from surgery may only be temporary, since bone spurs may grow back
  • Bone Marrow Stimulation For Chondral Lesion

    Bone Spurs in the Knee Joint

    Procedures for subchondral bone exposure caused by articular cartilage loss include arthroscopic drilling and abrasion arthroplasty, a 1-2 mm abrasion of the exposed subchondral bone in patients with a low level of activity and deformity. The procedures have been known to produce short-term symptomatic improvement. However, proper indications and contraindications, as well as evidence of efficacy have not been clearly established and durability of resulting fibrocartilage regeneration has been questionable.

    In 1994, Rodrigo et al. reported that microfracture that is based on the same principles as abrasion arthroplasty results in 1) less tissue damage by not causing heat necrosis of the subchondral bone and bone marrow and 2) decompression and pain relief if the depth and extent of fracture is adjusted to 3-4 mm. Continuous passive motion following debridement and microfracture improved clinical outcomes and articular cartilage condition in 85% of the patients. However, the results have not been compared with those of debridement only. In addition, the procedure does not generally yield satisfying results in elderly patients with symptomatic osteoarthritis and extensive articular cartilage lesions.

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    What Are Bone Spurs And Where Are They Located

    Bone spurs are bony projections, also called osteophytes, that can develop anywhere one of your bones meets another your joints. Theyre mainly caused by osteoarthritis. Bone spurs can go unnoticed for years, often only appearing on X-rays related to other conditions. Most do not cause pain, and frequently depending upon how they affect your health require no treatment.

    A bone spurs location can also change its impact on your body.


    These bone spurs make extending and bending your leg painful, and they interfere with the bones and tendons that control your knee.


    Vertebral bone spurs can narrow the space around your spinal cord, pinching the cord or its nerve roots. This can lead to weakness or loss of feeling in your arms or legs.


    Bone spurs in your hip make moving painful, and the discomfort can extend down to your knee. They can also potentially reduce your hip joints range of motion.


    Bone spurs that rub on your rotator cuff the group of muscles and tendons that mainly control your shoulder movements can cause swelling and small tears in your rotator cuff.


    What Made The Difference

    Bone spurs can be anywhere in your body, e.g. hips, knees, neck and shoulder. They are caused primarily by weak bone and joint metabolism, which causes bone and joint structures to become unbalanced along the joint cartilage. As a result, the soft tissues in the area are calcified and form bone spurs. If ignored, bone spurs will cause permanent damage to bones and joints, eventually leading to osteoporosis or osteoarthritis.

    Heel spur is a common type of bone spur that can be caused by imbalance of weight on weakened bones and joints of the foot. Most heel spurs can be cured, if treated properly. Heel spur removal surgeries are unnecessary in many cases.

    In addition to low bone and joint metabolism, recent studies show that calcium deficiency can also cause bone spurs.

    Many people don’t realize it, but only 5% – 25% of the calcium they take is actually absorbed by the body. When your body is deficient in calcium, it will actually rob calcium from your bones. Significant calcium deficiency may cause an acceleration of this calcium depletion process, and the “spillover” then form bone spurs.

    That’s why it’s necessary to use a supplement that acts on both causes of bone spurs: weak bone/joint metabolism and calcium deficiency. Nothing on the market today can do that better than EZorb.

    Three Reasons Why You Want EZorb for Your Bone Spurs

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    How Are Bone Spurs Treated

    Some home remedies and lifestyle changes help ease osteophyte symptoms:

    If those methods arent enough, your healthcare provider can prescribe:

    • Physical therapy: Exercises and stretches can reduce pain, improve range of motion and strengthen muscles around joints.
    • Prescription pain medications: If over-the-counter pain medicines dont provide relief, your healthcare provider may prescribe a stronger option or cortisone shot.
    • Surgery: If symptoms continue after a year of treatment, surgery can remove the bone spurs.

    How Is Bone Spur Of Knee Treated

    Jesus heals torn knee, bone spurs, meniscus in 1 prayer!

    The methods for treating Bone Spurs of Knee depend on the severity of the signs and symptoms. Conservative methods for individuals with mild to moderate pain may include:

    • Rest: Any activity that aggravates the condition further should be avoided. The healthcare provider may advise individuals to refrain from participating in certain activities, until the symptoms get better
    • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory oral medications, such as ibuprofen, naproxen, and acetaminophen may be used to treat bone spurs. These medications can help decrease pain and swelling
    • Corticosteroid injections help provide temporary relief of symptoms, and in improving the range of motion. It is important to note that corticosteroid injections only give temporary relief. Prolonged episodes of such injections may injure the joints in the long-run
    • Physical therapy exercises that include strengthening and improving flexibility in the knee can help reduce discomfort. It can also help decrease pressure on the nerves

    Surgical treatment for Bone Spurs of the Knee: If conservative treatments are unsuccessful, surgery may be recommended. A common surgical procedure is:

    • Bone spur removal: This procedure involves the surgical removal of any abnormal bony growth in the knee

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    What Are Causes And Risk Factors For Bone Spurs

    A variety of factors contribute to bone spurs. These include:

    • Aging. As our discs wear down, ligaments get looser and dont hold the joints as stable as they should. The body tries to thicken the ligaments to hold the bones together. Over time, the thickened ligaments start forming flecks of bone. The thickened ligaments and new bone around the spinal cord and the nerve roots cause pressure.
    • Disc and joint degeneration.
    • Radiating pain in the buttocks and thighs
    • Radiating pain into the shoulders or headaches

    Activity tends to make the pain worse. Rest tends to make it better. If the symptoms affect the back, the person may feel better leaning forward and bent at the waist as in leaning over a shopping cart or cane.

    If there is severe pressure on the nerves, a person may have problems controlling his or her bladder or bowels.

    How And Why Do Bone Spurs Grow In The Knee Joint

    As cartilage degenerates, the bony surfaces of the knee cap , the thigh bone and shin bone begin to place direct pressure on each other. As bone on bone pressure occurs, a cascade of cellular reactions cause the formation of cells called osteoblasts which begin building new bone tissue in the areas where the bone has been damaged2. This is where osteoarthritis differs dramatically from another common arthritic condition called rheumatoid arthritis. Bone spurs do not occur in rheumatoid arthritis because the cellular processes involved are purely degenerative, causing virtually no bone growth at all4. Without the generation of new bone within the knee joint, it will erode and completely stop functioning4. You can think of spurring bone as a rough patch job the body performs in response to joint damage and instability.

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    Hello Are You A Bone Spur

    In all honesty, we hope you dont have a bone spur. But if you are worried about having it, then consider these questions: Is the area you consider to be affected paining? How about numbness? Does it look swollen? Are you having difficulty walking? If your answer to all these questions is a yes then chances are, you may have bone spurs. However, its always good to go get yourself checked. Better to be sure than sorry. Now, if you do have bone spurs, how can you treat it? Is there a way to heal bone spurs? Before we can get to that, lets first see what causes a bone spur.


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