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Post Op Knee Replacement Exercises

Recommended Exercises After Knee Replacement Surgery

Post-Operative Exercises Weeks 1-2 for Total Knee Replacement*

After your knee replacement, its important to stick with the recommended physical therapy plan and continue challenging yourself without overexerting your healing knee. Following an exercise regime can also reduce swelling, increase your range of motion and strengthen your body. Knee replacement exercise recovery regimens often include stretching, pumping your muscles, bending your knees and working your quad.

One of the most highly recommended exercises is walking. Walking throughout your day will help you regain independence. Once you leave the hospital, try walking around your home using crutches, a walker or a cane as prescribed by your doctor or therapist. Use a heel-toe pattern to keep you from walking with a limp. Over time, you can increase your distance and level of effort until you can walk without any discomfort or limitations.

Some other beneficial exercises to try after knee replacement include:

Everything You Need To Know About Exercising After A Knee Replacement

Knee replacement surgery can help reduce pain and improve function in those with arthritis. You may need to change up your fitness routine, however especially while you’re doing physical therapy. But you can still hit the gym as long as you get permission from your doctor.

“You always want to work with a skilled physical therapist after your knee replacement surgery to ensure you have full knee range of motion, stability, strength and mobility in all of the muscles around your knee,” says Grayson Wickham, DPT, CSCS, a certified strength and conditioning specialist, physical therapist and founder of the Movement Vault.

Once you get the OK from your doctor, you can continue your fitness routine at home and in the gym with any modifications they recommend. Generally, the best gym exercises for knee replacement rehabilitation are those that improve range of motion and strength.

For example, a stationary bike is a great cardio option, as it improves mobility and lower-body strength without putting too much impact on your knee. But before getting started, make sure you know the best and the worst exercises after a knee replacement.


The gym offers many options to help strengthen your legs after a knee replacement. Stick to machines like the stationary bike and leg press, while avoiding activities like jumping or running, which can put too much stress on your joint.

How To Unravel Climbing Rope

For many years and even still today with many ropes, there is a suggested method to uncoil a new rope. Using the arm-over-arm uncoil method, followed by just feeding the entire rope-end through your hands a few times basically reverses the coil that took place at the factorythe end result was a twist-free cord.

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Dangers Of Doing Certain Exercises Too Soon

Performing movements or exercises that are too intense can increase the chances of loosening or fracturing the bones around the implant.

Pushing too much can also lead to increased pain and swelling around the knee, slowing down the rehabilitation process and making it more difficult to exercise.

Symptoms of pushing too hard during the recovery program might include:

  • increased pain
  • swelling of the knee or lower leg
  • warmth around your knee

If you experience any of these symptoms, its best to back off of the activity and ice your knee for 15 to 20 minutes.

If the symptom persists, call your healthcare provider.

Exercise #: Heel Slides

Post Op Knee Replacement Exercises

After a knee replacement, there’s a good chance your knee will regularly get stiff. “Bending the affected knee can be painful, but it’s something that should be encouraged so that you don’t develop scar tissue,” says Alice Holland, a doctor of physical therapy and director of Stride Strong Physical Therapy in Portland, Oregon. Stephen Incavo, MD, an orthopedic surgeon at Houston Methodist agrees: “A replaced knee may not have the full range of motion that a healthy knee joint does, and this exercise can help increase that range of motion.”

Lie on your back with your non-knee replacement leg straight out in front of you, and bend your other knee, sliding that heel close to your buttocks. Stop when you feel pain, but stay at that angle of knee bending for a second or two before sliding that heel away from your butt. Do three sets of 10 reps, then rest.

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Ankle Weights And Resistance Bands

Once you’re able to walk short distances unassisted, it’s important to regain the strength in your leg muscles with resistance exercises. You can do the early rehab exercises with light ankle weights or resistance bands, and you can ride a stationary bike at varying degrees of resistance to strengthen your muscles and work on your range of motion at the same time.


There are plenty of other activities you can do after a knee replacement, including swimming, golfing, driving, light hiking, dancing and Pilates. Start slowly, listen to your body and stop any activity that causes pain or discomfort.

Those Whove Had A Knee Replacement

With a knee replacement, you will want to be sure to elevate your leg while icing. This helps cut down swelling and inflammation, which speeds up healing. While icing, lay on your back and prop your surgical leg with 3 or more pillows. DO NOT put pillows directly under your knee as this cause stiffness . Pillows should prop your heel. When icing, keep your knee as straight as possible. Your surgical leg must be elevated higher than your heart.

  • Once elevated, ice you 15-20 minutes at a time.
  • Wrap ice in a tea towel, t-shirt, or thin cloth. DO NOT apply directly to skin .
  • Repeat icing at least 3-4 times a day. If you think you would benefit from icing more frequently, ask your doctor if this is a good idea.

How long to ice a knee after knee replacement surgery? Its important to keep icing daily in the first 90 days of surgery and beyond. As long as you have pain and swelling, icing is a great tool to overcome these recovery setbacks.

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What Are The Best Post

For those with severe knee arthritis, physical therapy may assist increase knee range of motion and strength. Knee surgery may be required if discomfort, restricted mobility, and joint deterioration are too severe.

When severe arthritis creates knee discomfort, restricted mobility, and great difficulty in walking, a knee replacement operation is often performed. TKR patients may benefit from physical therapy following surgery to help them return to their pre-surgical level of mobility.

A post-operative protocol for the knee is a broad guideline that your physician and physical therapist may use to verify that you are progressing normally after surgery. You can also use knee pain relief products while performing the below-mentioned exercises.

Read Improve Your Life With Physiotherapy: Here Is How It Can Help.

Advanced Exercises And Activities

Post-Operative Exercises Weeks 4-6 for Total Knee Replacement*

Once you have regained independence for short distances and a few steps, you may increase your activity. The pain of your knee problems before surgery and the pain and swelling after surgery have weakened your knee. A full recovery will take several months. The following exercises and activities will help you recover fully.

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Activities With A High Risk Of Falling

After a total knee replacement, loss of strength, range of motion, and balance lead to an increased risk of falling. A fall can damage the prosthesis or interfere with the healing process.

A 2018 study found that 17.2 percent of a group of 134 people who had undergone a knee replacement fell at least once within 6 months of their operation. Roughly two-thirds of these falls occurred when walking.

Some lifestyle modifications to reduce your risk of falling include:

  • using the handrail when going up and down the stairs
  • using a rubber mat or shower chair when showering
  • sitting down when putting on shorts or pants
  • keeping the floor clear of stray toys, slippery rugs, and other objects that pose a tripping hazard
  • avoiding slippery terrains like mud, ice, or wet grass

Do Eat A Healthy Diet

Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids. However, avoid alcohol after surgery because it retardshealing. Eat whole, unprocessed foods rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Keeping yourself at a healthy weight limits the stress on your knees. If you were overweight before yoursurgery, try a medically supervised weight loss plan to help you lose the weight and keep it off.

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When Therapy Ends The Recovery Continues

Physical therapy visits will eventually end, but recovery from TKR will continue for several months. Developing an ongoing exercise plan with the physical therapist before that time comes is essential. Also, finding a physical activity that is enjoyable and beneficial is important. A new joint can re-open many activity doors, so pick one and get moving. For more information about recovery from joint replacement surgery, speak with an orthopedic specialist or physical therapist.

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Do Follow Your Doctors Instructions On Caring For The Wound

The Best 7 Post

To avoid post-op infection, be sure you understand how and when to change your bandage. If the skin aroundthe wound becomes red or drains, or if you develop a fever and chills, call your doctor right away. To avoidcomplications of a clot, call your doctor if your leg is tender, swells unduly below or above the knee, orif you develop pain in your leg or calf.

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What Is Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a health care service that helps you restore body movement and your physical functionality through non-invasive methods.

For example, a physical therapist may help someone learn to walk again following a stroke or injury. For those who have had a knee replacement, a physical therapist is an important part of the healthcare team. By working closely with your physical therapist, you can regain the range of motion in your leg, helping you return to the activities you once enjoyed.

Flexor Exercise In Your Routine

Your hips support your body weight, also. Your hip flexors play an important role in optimizing your total knee replacement. Strong, flexible hips make for a healthier, happier person! Keep your hips lubricated and flexible by doing the following water-based maneuver:

Get into waist-deep water. Place your right side against the poolâs wall. Hold onto the side, if needed. Slowly lift your left leg sideways, away from you. Do not bend your knee. Return to the original position. Repeat this maneuver five times.

Turn your body around so your left side is against the poolâs wall. Repeat this exercise with your right leg.

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Knee Manipulation Procedure What To Expect

If you have recently undergone a knee replacement surgery and your regular postoperative physical therapy exercises do not seem to increase your range of motion, your doctor might recommend you knee manipulation surgery.

Knee manipulation is performed under general or epidural anesthesia. Prior to joint manipulation and ice pack is applied to the affected knee to prepare the tissues for the procedure for approximately 5 minutes. After that your doctor will perform the actual knee manipulation by forcing your knee to bend or flex and break up the scar tissue around the joint preventing the proper movement.

The actual knee manipulation takes very little time, but the recovery, on the other hand, includes grueling aggressive and rather painful physical therapy to increase flexibility and range of motion in your knee. Its absolutely crucial for you to stick to the knee exercise regimen to gain at least 110 degree knee bend to perform your daily activities like walking, doing steps and getting up from a sitting position.

Knee manipulation might help restore the flexibility of your knee joints if you commit to stringent physical therapy exercise program and follow all your doctors orders.

You may also consider additionally to try alternative treatment such as visceral manipulation procedure.

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Why Exercise After Surgery

High Level Exercises Weeks 4-8 – Total Knee Replacement

Exercising your knee after surgery is a major component of healing your knee. It can be the difference between reattaining full mobility or simply partial mobility. Normally, the exercises are intended to stretch muscles, ligaments and increase blood flow to the area to aid healing. Patients are ecstatic to be able to work out at home as the stressful trek to an office is removed.

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Naively Trusting Your Recovery To Rehab Professionals

This is the toughest one for people to understand. The medical model is focused on you being treated by rehabilitation professionals on an intermittent basis.

This frequency is by necessity low because it is costly. At most you will be seen twice a day in a rehab facility, daily to start with in home care and then usually 2-3 times per week for further home care and then in outpatient therapy.

The problem is that you will have the most success and get well the quickest if you perform your knee replacement recovery exercises 4x a day. What you really need to get into your head is that you are responsible for your success and refuse to adopt the traditional knee replacement rehab timetable which will ultimately slow down your progress.

Get Up And Get Moving

After a knee replacement, the patient is strongly encouraged to get up and move almost as soon as the anesthesia wears off. Early mobility is key to the prevention of blood clots, which is a risk of lower extremity surgery. Getting up and moving is also crucial in reducing swelling, which will hinder range of motion.

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Does Climbing Stairs Damage Your Knees

If you use the wrong form, you can strain your knees. While the whole body should be engaged when walking up stairs, it can be common to allow your weight to fall into your legs, which can cause your knees to bend. The best way to avoid this problem is to keep your feet on the ground when you walk up a flight of stairs.

Yoga After Knee Replacement

The Best Knee Strengthening Exercise After Surgery (Total Knee ...

After your doctor gives you the all-clear to exercise, consider taking yoga or tai chi classes. Both are recommended by the Arthritis Foundation as effective range-of-motion exercises. And both focus on slow, controlled movements and single-leg balance all important components of post-op recovery.

Yoga poses have variations to accommodate injuries or skill level, and tai chi can help reduce pain and impairment in people with knee problems. When starting yoga after knee surgery, opt for upper-body chair yoga, then gradually transition to restorative or Yin yoga. They’re slower and gentler on your joints and incorporate lots of props for support.

Once you’re cleared by your doctor, you’re free to do any form of yoga with modifications that doesn’t cause pain. But it’s important to learn from a professional, as injury can result from improper form.

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Best Wedge Pillows After Knee Replacement Surgery

A leg elevation pillow, also known as a wedge pillow, will be your best friend as you recover from knee replacement surgery. A knee replacement wedge pillow is perfect for elevation and support.

In the days following TKR surgery your doctor will make sure youre elevating your leg in the hospital. But it wont stop when you leave the hospital it didnt for me.

In the months after surgery youll develop a recovery routine.

Elevation, using the best wedge pillow for knee replacement, will likely become an essential part of your routine.

In this article, well discuss the best wedge pillow for knee replacement. Its an often-overlooked item that will help reduce swelling and inflammation in your leg.

Well also discuss why its important to elevate your knee after TKR, why having your knee at or above heart level helps, and how often you should elevate your knee after surgery.

Ill share my experience with knee surgery and the wedge pillow I used. Lastly, Ill share a few of my favorite wedge pillows for knee replacement recovery. Lets get started.

Lower Extremity Strengthening Exercises

  • Short Arc Quad ContractionsSit on a firm, flat surface with your hands behind you for support. Place a rolled towel on your knee to bend it about six inches. Raise your foot until your knee is straight.
  • Long Arc Quad ContractionsWith the leg dangling off the edge of mat or chair, place a towel roll the under the knee and straighten knee completely. Hold for a count of five, relax for a count of five. Do not add weights to this exercise.
  • Glute SetsPinch your buttocks together as tight as possible. Hold for a count of 5. Relax for a count of five.
  • Ankle and Foot Heel Cord Stretch, StandingFace a wall, standing about two paces away, and place your hands on it. Step forward with one foot. With both heels on the ground, lean your hips toward the wall while keeping the leg in back straight to stretch the calf muscle. Hold for 10 seconds, then relax. Repeat the exercise, but this time keep the back leg slightly bent at the knee. Hold for 10 seconds, relax.
  • Knee and Hip FlexionLie on your back with your legs straight and relaxed. Keep your kneecaps pointed toward the ceiling throughout the exercise. Slide one foot toward your buttocks, bending your knee and hip. Slowly return to the starting position.
  • Hamstring Isometric ContractionsBend the knee slightly. Tighten the muscles on the back of the thigh while digging down and back with the heel. Hold for a count of five, relax for a count of five.
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