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Pain In The Back Of The Knee When Bent

Discomfort Aching And Tightness In The Knee Grating And Pain Behind The Kneecap When Bending The Knee Or When It Is Exercised After A Period Of Rest

Popliteus Tendon Evaluation [Back of the knee pain]

May be due to chondromalacia patella. In this condition the cartilage on the underside of the patella softens and deteriorates. Some people are able to ignore the condition, but it will not improve and will probably need surgery. Sometimes an unstable flap of surface cartilage may cause this pain, and may be curable with simple keyhole surgery and a chondroplasty.

What Causes Knee Pain

The most common causes of knee pain include:

  • Meniscus tears tears to the C-shaped pieces of cartilage in your knee, which are called menisci
  • Runner’s knee dull pain at the front of your knee also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome
  • Sprained ligaments
  • Tendonitis inflammation of your tendons

Old knee injuries that werent treated correctly can also cause chronic knee pain or knee pain that flares up occasionally.

Common Causes Of Pain Behind The Knee

Sometimes pain behind the knee is simply due to muscle strains. These injuries usually heal in a matter of days. However, this is only one possibility. There can also be pain behind the knee as a result of systemic diseases or some life-threatening conditions. Below we take a look at just what the different potential causes are.

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Tendon And Muscle Injuries Causing Pain Behind Knee

Tendon injuries often occur in runners due to overload. The tendons most likely to be affected include the hamstring on the inside or outside . Rarely, a small tendon called the popliteus wrapping around the outside of the knee joint can become swollen and painful.

In addition, hamstring muscle tears can occur close to the outside of the knee. Usually, these tears occur about 5cm above the knee joint. It is important to define the exact location of the tear, as location determines the time to return to sport.

Finally, a pulled calf muscle near the knee can also cause pain in this area.

Treating Back Of Knee Pain

Treating Back of Knee PainIMPACT Physical Therapy

So what’s the best back of knee pain treatment? The best treatment for pain behind the knee will depend on what’s causing the pain. Generally, the first step is to reduce any swelling, then work on knee exercises to improve the strength and stability of the knee to reduce the force that goes through the knee joint.

Just because there is back of knee pain, it doesnt necessarily mean the problem is there. Pain can refer to different places so a problem around the front of the knee can produce a feeling of posterior knee pain. For more help, visit the knee symptoms diagnosis guide.

Remember, the best way to accurately diagnose the cause of your pain behind the knee is to see your doctor.

Page Last Updated: 05/24/22

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What Are The Symptoms Of Knee Pain In Teens

Symptoms depend on whats causing your teens knee pain.

Anterior knee pain:

  • Pain begins gradually worsens with activity.
  • Dull, aching pain behind the kneecap, below the knee or on sides of the kneecap.
  • Pain flares and grinding sensation with repeat knee bending .
  • Thigh muscle weakness .
  • Knee buckles .

Trauma to knee:

  • Popping, clicking, crackling in the knee when bending .
  • Knee that locks or buckles.

Osgood-Schlatter disease:

  • Pain on the bony prominence.
  • Pain that varies and gets worse during or just after the activity.
  • Reduced range of movement.
  • Pain, tenderness and swelling at the bottom of the kneecap.
  • Balance problems.
  • Trouble putting weight on the affected leg limps first thing in the morning.
  • Redness, swelling, warmth, stiffness and soreness in joints, including the knee.
  • Symptoms come and go.
  • Dull ache, stiffness and swelling at the knee.
  • Joint clicking.

Common Causes Of Pain Behind Knee

Where do we start with making an accurate diagnosis?

Generally, most doctors use a methodological process to confirm or rule out causes. Firstly, we perform a thorough assessment to test the joints, ligaments, and tendons that pass across the back of the knee. Then, we consider imaging to confirm our thinking. X-rays often pick up major arthritis in the knee. MRI can detect soft tissue problems such as tendonitis or muscle tear. Occasionally, we perform other tests such as blood, ultrasound, or nerve studies depending on the presentation.

Generally, the more common causes of pain behind the knee include:

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Knee Hurts When I Bend It And Straighten It

Do you have daily knee pain despite having no major trauma or precipitating event? Has physical therapy, rest and NSAIDs failed to provide relief? It is very frustrating and can keep you on the sidelines. To learn more please read below to answer the following questions: What are the different types of knee pain that are associated with bending and straightening? What are the eight most common causes of knee pain? What common conditions cause your knee to hurt when you bend it or straighten it? What treatment options are available? Lets dig in.

Causes Of Knee Pain When Bending

KNEE PAIN TREATMENT | Back of Knee Pain? Try Popliteus!

Knee pain where bending can be the result of any number of causes, including arthritis, overuse, or sports injury. Also, the causes of sharp stabbiing pain knee comes and goes are the same as these. All of these can cause knee pain when bending or regenerating a knee joint. Some knee discomfort may have a clear and obvious cause. For example, if you fall on your knees during a workout, it is safe to think about why your knee hurts. Other causes of knee pain, such as arthritis or a debilitating condition, will require clinical examination and specialist diagnosis.

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Medial Collateral Ligament Injury

Knee pain in the knee can indicate injury to the MCL. MCL provides stability to the knees. Injuries to this ligament usually occur when direct force is applied to the knee. Other causes of pain within the knee are meniscus tears and arthritis. Knee arthritis often causes pain when bending the knee, especially after being in the same position for a long time. Symptoms of knee arthritis develop slowly and are not linked to a single event, such as an accident, fall, or sports injury.

What To Do If Your Knee Hurts When Bending

More than a quarter of adults suffer from regular bouts of knee pain. Its really no surprise as our knees handle a tremendous amount stress day-to-day.1-2 Scientists have found that for every pound of bodyweight, our knees are subjected to up to seven pounds of pressure when they are bent or in weight-bearing.3 If youre here, it is because youve noticed that your knee hurts when bending it, is painful walking down stairs and feels uncomfortable while squatting. The fix for this really depends on the diagnosis. Below are some common causes of knee pain.

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How Is Pfp Syndrome Treated

Someone with patellofemoral pain syndrome needs to limit or completely avoid activities that cause pain. Sometimes a change in training is all that’s needed. For example, someone who usually runs hills to train can try running on a flat, soft surface instead.

A person who has severe pain or pain that interferes with activity needs to rest the knee until the pain is better.

For pain:

  • Put ice or a cold pack on the knee every 12 hours for 15 minutes at a time. Put a thin towel between the ice and your skin to protect it from the cold.
  • You can take ibuprofen or naproxen . Follow the directions that come with the medicine for how much to take and how often. Do not take this medicine for longer than about 23 weeks.

An important part of the treatment for PFP syndrome is improving the strength and flexibility of the legs, hips, and core muscles. Health care providers usually recommend going to a physical therapist to make an exercise plan that will help. The plan may include stretching, squats, planks, lunges, and other exercises that improve strength and flexibility of the legs and hips.

The health care provider might also recommend:

  • a knee brace

It doesn’t happen very often, but sometimes surgery is needed for PFP syndrome.

Knee Pain Treatment In Boynton Beach Fl

How to bend forward without stressing the spine

If you are experiencing knee pain, the orthopedic specialists at Personalized Orthopedics of the Palm Beaches can examine your knee and quickly diagnose the condition or injury responsible for it. Part of the customized treatment plans we offer our patients is top-notch physical therapy to restore knee strength, flexibility, range of motion, and function.

To diagnose and treat your knee pain, make an appointment with one of our orthopedic doctors today. Call 733-5888 or use our online request form. We look forward to serving you in our state-of-the-art facility.

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If The Back Of Your Knee Hurts While Running Or Walking:

This could be a symptom of hamstring tendonitis. The hamstring tendon connects the hamstring muscle to the outer aspect of the knee. This is caused by overuse in running or jumping or insufficient warm-up exercises. If you are an individual who has just started working out or increased your level of fitness, you are at risk for this injury. Pain can be felt when putting strain on the muscle or tendon.

Rice: Rest Ice Compress Elevate

RICE is an acronym for rest, ice, compress, and elevate. This treatment is beneficial for minor muscle injuries, including knee pain. When youre experiencing knee pain, you can rest and avoid putting pressure on your knee. Then, wrap ice in a clean cloth and apply to your knees for 20 minutes, multiple times a day. Later on, you can try compressing your knee by snuggling it with an elastic bandage. But make sure not to make it too tight. If your knees are swelling, elevate them higher than your heart. With this method, you can help remedy most mild knee pain.

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Questions Your Doctor May Ask About Pain In The Back Of The Knee

To diagnose this condition, your doctor would likely ask the following questions:

  • Is the knee pain affecting one or both knees?
  • Do you often feel your knees buckling?
  • Where is your knee pain?
  • How would you explain the cause of your knee pain?

Self-diagnose with our free Buoy Assistant if you answer yes on any of these questions.

Fast Facts On Pain In The Back Of The Knee

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  • There are many possible causes of this kind of pain.
  • Receiving early treatment for knee pain often prevents the injury from getting worse.
  • In some cases, the pain may be due to fatigue or not stretching before exercise.

It is important to work closely with a doctor to diagnose pain in the back of the knee, as some causes require long-term treatment to heal completely.

Some possible causes of pain in the back of the knee include the following.

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Conditions Due To Cartilage Damage

There are two triangular, or wedge shaped, pieces of cartilage in the synovial joint which are called menisci. One lies on the inside, or medial side, of the knee, and one on the outside or lateral side. They act as shock absorbers between the femur and tibia, the end surfaces of which also have a cartilage covering called articular cartilage. At the front of the synovial joint is the patella which is an oval bone protecting the front of the joint and lined internally with cartilage.

Tendinopathy And Muscle Complex Injuries

Tendon injuries are associated with repetitive mechanical stresses that cause degenerative lesions. Hamstrings, gastrocnemius, and popliteus tendon typically cause posterior knee pain.

The hamstrings are frequently injured in sports that require sprinting. Semimembranosus tendinopathy usually presents as an aching pain localized to the posteromedial knee with tenderness on palpation inferior to the joint. Some of the possible risk factors for hamstring injury include body mechanics, flexibility, balance, hamstring strength, improper warm-up, fatigue, specific activities, running techniques, and psychosocial factors.

The gastrocnemius muscles superficial location and action across the knee and ankle make it susceptible to injury. Pain in the gastrocnemius occurs during knee flexion with resistance and during calf raises.

The popliteus muscle can also be a significant source of posterior knee pain. Both the muscular and tendinous aspects of the popliteus can be injured. Injuries to the popliteus may promote injuries to other structures in the postero-lateral complex and to ligaments of the knee. The mechanism of injury is thought to occur from direct stretch or when overused to maintain posterolateral stability. Guha et al. suggested that a stable knee with posterolateral pain and hemarthrosis on exam indicates a rupture of the popliteus tendon.

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Pain On The Inside Of The Knee

Pain localized on the inside of the knee is quite common. It can be constant or intermittent. Often it occurs at or slightly below the joint line. Common causes of medial knee pain include osteoarthritis, medial meniscus injury, and inflammation of the low leg tendons. The latter is called pes anserine bursitis.

Posterolateral Corner Injury Causing Behind The Knee Pain

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Experiencing stiffness and pain behind the knee could be due to injuries to the delicate structures in the knee. These types of injuries are referred to as posterolateral corner injuries.

According to the journal Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia, PLC injuries are common if the ligaments of the knee have been damaged by trauma. This can result in severe pain and inability to put pressure or weight on the damaged knee. In some cases, PLC injuries occur without damaging any of the knee ligaments.5

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Pain Behind Knee: Common Causes Symptoms And Treatment

Pain behind knee is not unusual, but it can hurt and limit movement. Developing a clear understanding of pain behind knee causes can be important.

When we refer to pain behind knee, we are really talking about discomfort or soreness behind the knee joint. This uncomfortable feeling can happen to a person who still has movement in their knee or it can severely limit movement. Sometimes, pain behind knee is accompanied by inflammation or a burning sensation. In many cases, the soreness is nothing to worry about. There are situations where the pain does not disappear, and there is swelling or even bruising. If this happens to you, it is important to seek medical attention.

Most Common Causes Of Knee Pain

Other common causes of knee pain include:

  • A dislocated kneecap
  • Iliotibial band syndrome burning pain on the outer side of your knee that can spread to your hip or thigh and is caused by inflammation it commonly occurs in runners
  • Knee bursitis inflammation of the fluid-filled cushions in your knee joint, which causes swelling, warmth and pain
  • Osgood-Schlatter disease a condition that causes pain and swelling at the point where the patellar tendon meets the top of your shinbone
  • Osteoarthritis a type of arthritis caused by wear and tear of your joints over time, which causes pain, swelling and stiffness that is worse in the morning
  • Patellar tendonitis inflammation of the patellar tendon, which connects your kneecap to your shinbone this causes burning pain just below your kneecap

Iliotibial band syndrome, knee bursitis, runners knee, osteoarthritis and patellar tendonitis can also cause knee pain when bending. Other causes of knee pain when bending include:

Pain behind knee when bending

If your knee pain when bending occurs behind your knee, the most likely causes are a Bakers cyst, hamstring tendonitis or a knee injury.

Sharp pain in knee when bending

If your knee pain when bending is sharp, the most likely causes are a torn ligament or meniscus, fracture of one of the bones of your knee joint, osteoarthritis or patellar tendonitis.

Pain at the top of kneecap when bending

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Pain Behind Knee: What Should You Do

In general, pain behind the knee is one of the more challenging musculoskeletal problems. There are so many possible causes muscle tear, tendon, nerve damage, and blood clots. Like most other problems, the key to managing it correctly is an early and accurate diagnosis. So, what are the causes of pain behind the knee, and how do sort out what is causing the problem?

Whats Behind The Knee

Back of knee pain/stiffness? Popliteus muscle tightness

The back of the knee has complicated anatomy.

As well as the knee joint that sits in the middle, there are muscles from the thigh and calf that pass through this area. Firstly, the large hamstring muscles start from the pelvis and pass across the knee to attach to the lower leg bones. In addition, the large calf muscles start at the bottom part of the thigh and cross the knee to form the large Achilles tendon.

Finally, there are important nerves and blood vessels that cross the back of the knee to supply the lower leg and foot.

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Tennis Leg Causing Muscle Pain And Swelling Behind The Knee

A condition called tennis leg can also cause pain in the back of your leg behind the knee.

Tennis leg is associated with damage to the gastrocnemius where damage to the muscle and the soleus muscle in the calf causes a buildup of fluid.

According to the journal Radiology Case Reports, tennis leg is often a result of sports injuries. Damage to the calf muscles can cause swelling and pain in the posterior knee.10


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