Things To Know About Knee Injury
The knee is a hinge joint that has a simple purpose. It needs to flex or extend to allow the body to perform many activities, like running, walking, kicking, and sitting. Imagine standing up from a chair if your knees couldn’t bend.
While four bones come together at the knee, only the femur and the tibia form the joint itself. The head of the fibula provides some stability, and the patella helps with joint and muscle function. Movement and weight-bearing occur where the ends of the femur called the femoral condyles match up with the top flat surfaces of the tibia .
Two major muscle groups are balanced and allow movement of the knee joint. When the quadriceps muscles on the front of the thigh contract, the knee extends or straightens.
- The hamstring muscles on the back of the thigh flex or bend the knee when they contract.
- The muscles cross the knee joint and are attached to the tibia by tendons.
- The quadriceps tendon is special, in that it contains the patella within its fibers.
- The patella allows the quadriceps muscle/tendon unit to work more efficiently.
- The quadriceps tendon is renamed the patellar tendon from the kneecap to its attachment in the tibia.
The stability of the knee joint is maintained by four ligaments, and thick bands of tissue that stabilize the joint.
Inside the knee, there are two shock-absorbing pieces of cartilage called menisci that sit on the top surface of the tibia.
Common Causes Of Knee Pain Without Injury
Of all the joints, our knees are arguably the ones most likely to feel pain. Lots of injuries can cause knee pain. Car accidents, falls and sports accidents are some of the most common causes of knee injuries, like fractures, torn ligaments and sprains. Even though its never fun to experience knee pain, when it follows an injury, at least you have a pretty good idea whats causing your discomfort. And that can make it a little easier to seek and receive proper treatment.
Sometimes though, knee pain occurs without a preceding injury. In those cases, it can be tempting to ignore the pain at first to see if it subsides on its own. The problem is, even though you might not have had an accident, the issue causing your pain can still be serious. And delaying care can wind up prolonging your symptoms and even making them worse.
Pain On Inside Of Knee No Swelling Causes:
There is seven inner Pain on Inside of the knee no swelling causes I will tell you the details of each one. There are different causes of pain on inside of knee no swelling. Most of them linked to the injury. Falls, collisions in sports, or increased activity are the most familiar incidents that cause knee pain and injury. People who are older them 60 are most likely to knee pain experience.
It may happen to adolescents children. The most familiar causes of the inner knee pain in children are patellar, patellar subluxation, tibias apophysate, and tendonitis.
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Knee Pain Injuries Without Swelling Or Trauma
Most times people do not have a single incident such as a slip or fall which causes knee pain. Their pain began slowly over weeks or months. Many times there is no swelling or any single painful spot. Damage to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that surround and stabilize the knee is the most common source of pain with trauma.
Many of us like to point to a single incident that produces or started our injuries, such as falling off a swing or a bike 10 years ago. Acute trauma can predispose people to future injuries. However, most of our soft tissue damage is the result of chronic repetitive stress injuries which are an accumulation of small amounts of trauma and stress over months and years.
Muscles and tendons not only allow movement but they also absorb pounding forces when we walk, stand, or squat. Over time, the repetitive activities cause micro damage in the soft tissues, which increases over time.
The small micro tears, or micro trauma, eventually lead to larger knee injuries. This leads to multiple spots of tenderness and tissue remodeling in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments around the knee.
Causes Of Swollen Knee
If your pain and swelling have come on suddenly, it may be due to an injury from playing sport or after an accident or fall. Common injuries include:
- A fracture
- Taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs eg ibuprofen to relieve your pain
- Tendinopathy
Chronic swelling, often with night-time pain, could be due to an underlying disease. These conditions, such as arthritis, are more likely as you age.
If you have arthritis, you will have chronic inflammation but you may also have symptoms of acute inflammation. There are different types of arthritis, which can all cause a swollen knee. These include:
- Gout caused by too much uric acid in your blood
- Infectious arthritis caused by an infection of a joint that leads to swelling
- Juvenile arthritis occurs in people aged up to 16 years
- Osteoarthritis the most common form of arthritis caused by break-down of cartilage in the joints
- Reactive arthritis usually occurs after an infection of your genitals or urinary tract and becomes chronic this is not common
- Rheumatoid arthritis your immune system mistakenly attacks your joints
If your doctor thinks your swollen knee could be caused by arthritis, they will ask you about any other symptoms and your medical history. They may refer you for further investigations, such as blood tests or an X-ray.
Treatments for arthritis vary depending on the type you have. They include:
- Lifestyle changes eg exercise
- Self-help devices eg easy-grip utensils, jar openers and reachers
- Surgery
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When To See The Doctor
Sure, its tempting to use an online knee pain symptom checker to try to figure out whats causing your pain. The problem is, because joints are complex, knee pain self-diagnosis is very difficult. Like all your joints, your knees are designed to function without pain or stiffness. No amount of pain or stiffness is normal.If you notice any type of discomfort in or around your knee joint, its always a good idea to schedule an office visit with Dr. Van Thiel.
As a leading orthopedic surgeon in Rockford and Crystal Lake, Dr. Van Thiel uses advanced diagnostic methods to make sure you receive the best, most appropriate care for meaningful pain relief. To find out whats causing your knee pain, call OrthoIllinois at or schedule an appointment online today.
Dr. Van Thiel treats patients from all over Wisconsin and Illinois including Rockford, Elgin, Huntley, Dekalb, Crystal Lake, Barrington, McHenry, and Beloit.
Want more tips for improving your overall knee health? Get tips delivered straight to your inbox every month from industry-leading orthopedic surgeon Dr. Van Thiel.
For Tendinitis Runners Knee Gout And Bursitis
The treatment for conditions that cause swelling, redness, and dull, burning pain usually starts with resting the joint. Ice your knee to control swelling. Elevate and stay off your joint to promote healing.
Your doctor may recommend or prescribeNSAIDs like ibuprofen. Lifestyle changes, such as wearing protective kneepads and going to physical therapy, can help you manage pain and experience fewer symptoms.
You may need to make changes to your diet, especially if youre treating gout.
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How To Care For A Swollen Knee
This blog post was updated for content on October 20. 2020. Existing comments have not been modified or removed.
Knee swelling occurs when excess fluid accumulates on or around the knee joints. Doctors call this an effusion, and some people call it water on the knee. Sometimes, swelling will go away with home treatments. Other times, it may require visiting a doctor for medical treatment.
When To See A Doctor
If the swelling doesnt go down in one to three days of using the RICE method, its time to call a doctor.Also, call a doctor immediately if there are any of these symptoms:
- The knee is severely swollen or has a pronounced abnormality
- The knee cannot fully straighten or flex
- The knee is severely painful
- The knee feels like it will give out or cannot support any weight at all
- The skin near the knee is hot or red
- A fever
- Swelling has not gone down after three or more days
If youre experiencing knee swelling that will not go away or have pain, connecting with a specialist is always a good idea. Theres no need to rush into surgery. At Flexogenix, we specialize in cutting-edge, non-surgical treatment options, and can help you move past achy knees and into your best lifewithout invasive surgery. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.
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Why Does My Knee Hurt
If you are experiencing knee pain when walking, knee pain when bending, knee pain when resting, or are hearing popping/clicking in your knee, etc., it may be a minor concern or indicator of a serious issue.
Knee pain is usually caused by traumatic injuries, repetitive motion injuries, long-term wear & tear, or tissue disorders. Below are injuries that are common causes for knee pain, but it is best to enter your symptoms into our Knee Pain Diagnosis Symptom Checker to gain a better understanding of your injury.
Its A Symptom Of Lyme Disease
The often-mysterious Lyme diseasea bacterial infection transmitted to humans through a tick bitecan affect the joints over time if left untreated. Any time I see someone with knee swelling that doesnt make sense for any other reason, I consider Lyme, says Dr. Gladstone.
Any time I see someone with knee swelling that doesnt make sense, I consider Lyme.
We dont fully understand how Lyme works, but it can manifest in many different ways, including joint swelling, he explains. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , the knees are particularly susceptible to severe Lyme-related arthritis, pain, and swelling.
Its worth noting, though, that these symptoms show up as the disease advances . Earlier signs of Lyme disease include the telltale bullseye-shaped rash and flu-like symptoms, such as fatigue, fever, headaches, muscle pain, and neck stiffness. Given Lymes murky mechanisms, treatment is relatively straightforward and involves a course of antibiotics to wipe the bacteria out of the body.
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When To See A Doctor For Knee Swelling
Please seek medical attention if:
- You have an underlying condition
- You have signs of rheumatoid arthritis.
- You have a fever.
- You injured your knee recently.
- You cant bear weight on the affected leg.
- Youve had knee pain for more than 6 weeks.
- Your knee locks or catches.
- You cant straighten your knee completely.
Your doctor will perform a physical evaluation.
He/she may ask for blood tests and other diagnostic tests when necessary to get the right diagnosis.
What Is The Treatment For Swelling Above Knee
Swelling above the knee can sometimes be a medical emergency when caused by fracture, dislocation or infection of knee joint. Most of the times injury or damage caused to the soft tissues around the knee joint need proper rest to promote healing. Injuries to the knee joint and soft tissues generally take time to heal and need immobilization.
The conservative treatment most often advised for swollen knee is a formula of RICE therapy. Anti-inflammatories and pain-killers can help. Arthritis and joint related conditions may require additional treatment.
Fluid aspiration may be performed if swelling above the knee is severe and not infected. It gives relief in pain following reduction in size of knee swelling. The fluid after aspiration is sent for lab studies and used as a diagnostic tool to detect the exact cause of inflammation. Depending on the fluid examination, further treatment may be planned. Knee joint infections is treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications. Autoimmune disease and joint inflammation is treated with corticosteroid treatment. Calcium and vitamin D supplements may be given, if found appropriate.
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Can I Run On A Swollen Knee If It Doesnt Hurt
A reader with an upcoming race wonders how to assess the seriousness of a potential injury.
Forum user MIrunguy asks: I think I tweaked my knee a couple days ago and it bothered me that night. Since then, there really hasnt been any pain, but its still swollen. It feels like theres some fluid buildup, and it is kind of tight. But the part that bothered me the other night was actually above and on the inside, while the swelling is below and on the outside. So maybe they arent related.
I tried doing a couple-mile run today and while it felt a little tight, there was not really any pain. I have a 5K race tomorrow. Would it be stupid to still try and do it? Should I count my blessings it doesnt hurt and just take it easy until the swelling goes down? Or if there is no pain, should I go for it?
I am not sure what you mean by tweaked, but it appears you incurred a non-contact injury while you were running. You have not stated your age, and age may play a role in the likely cause. The injury may be due to overuse, or it may be the result of a misstep, like an unexpected pothole.
Pain is a sign of tissue injury that is difficult to ignore. Other signs of tissue inflammation are warmth, redness, swelling, and loss of function, and all indicate some tissue damage. The signs that do not cause pain or loss of function are sometimes easy to overlook, but all five of the inflammatory signs should be equally respected.
* * *
Physical Therapy For Knee Injuries
The expert team at Armor Physical Therapy has years of combined experience in identifying and treating the underlying cause of knee stiffness and other symptoms. When you come to us, well perform a thorough assessment to identify the source of your knee stiffness. We can then work closely with you to develop a customized treatment plan designed to improve flexibility and range of motion in the knee, while promoting long-term health and injury prevention.
Want to learn more about how we can help? Contact us today to schedule your initial appointment.
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Trauma Or Sports Injury
Trauma is a common cause of swelling in the knee. In these instances the fluid in the knee might be blood from a meniscus tear or an ACL tear. If you have a very swollen knee after a traumatic injury you should see an Orthopedic Surgeon to determine what type of injury you might have sustained. X-rays are important to be sure there isnt a fracture around the knee. Most injuries that result in significant swelling due to bleeding have a meniscus tear, fracture, or ligament tear such as an ACL tear.The swelling from an acute injury will diminish over time as the blood is reabsorbed. Cartilage injuries are less common, but still on the list of possibilities.
Pain On Inside Of Knee No Swelling Main Points:
This post will be your guide to know all the details of Pain on Inside of the knee no swelling following headlines.
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Medical collateral Ligament injury
- The other symptoms of an MCL injury as pain on inside of knee no swelling causes
- Medical meniscus injury
- Treating inner pain on inside of knee no swelling
- Other knee pain treatments of the pain on inside of knee no swelling
- Steroid injection.
- Assistive device
- Surgery.
Keep reading to know all the details of the Pain on Inside of the knee no swelling headlines
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How Long Does Joint Effusion Take To Heal
How long joint effusion takes to heal depends on what caused it. If one of the bones that makes up the joint breaks, you might have joint effusion for weeks or months. If you have joint effusion because of osteoarthritis, you might deal with swollen joints for your lifetime. There are treatments, though, that can lessen the severity of your symptoms. They dont have to interrupt your daily life.
When Should You Call The Doctor For A Knee Injury
Emergent medical care should be sought if, due to injury,
- there is almost immediate swelling in the knee,
- if the bones appear deformed,
- if there is the inability to bear weight,
- if the pain is intolerable,
- if there is a loss of sensation below the injury site,
- if the foot and ankle turn cold and no pulses can be felt.
Medical care should be considered if a knee injury does not resolve with routine home care, including rest, ice, compression, and elevation . Other symptoms that may suggest the need for medical care include recurrent pain and swelling.
A swollen joint is never normal, and if it is red and warm or if there is an associated fever, more urgent medical attention should be accessed because of the worry of infection being present. This is particularly a warning sign in infants and children, people who have had knee joint replacements, intravenous drug abusers, and those who have compromised immune systems.
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What About A Petallar Tracking Problem
The patella is the kneecap. Women are more likely than men to experience a tracking issue with the patella, which can lead to pain, a feeling of fullness in the knee, and swelling.
But sometimes there may only be the funny feeling and the swelling.
Dr. Charles explains, In over 33 years in practice, predominantly a sports injury practice, I have found that most patella tracking problems occur due to a rotated tibia bone which alters the movement of the patella.
Turning your leg and foot outwards when exercising, especially during leg extensions or lunges, are a common cause.
It can also be due to a weakness of the medial quadricep muscle, relative to the outer quadriceps.