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Is My Knee Pain Arthritis

Lose Weight Lose Knee Osteoarthritis Pain

Knee Pain & Arthritis – Everything You Need To Know – Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

Another way to manage knee osteoarthritis pain is to lose excess weight. Osteoarthritis is likely to progress faster and further in overweight people. “Every little bit counts, too,” says Dr. Adam Tenforde, a sports medicine physician at Harvard Medical School. “For every pound you lose, there is four pounds less pressure and stress on your knees with every step.”

Where Can Arthritis Occur In The Knee

Cartilage loss can occur between the thighbone and the shinbone in the medial portion , lateral portion and under the kneecap.

  • Thinning of the cartilage under the kneecap is called patellofemoral arthritis .
  • Some patients have cartilage loss in one, two or all of these areas. When all three areas are affected, this is called tricompartmental arthritis.

What Are The Risk Factors For Oa

  • Joint injury or overuseInjury or overuse, such as knee bending and repetitive stress on a joint, can damage a joint and increase the risk of OA in that joint.
  • AgeThe risk of developing OA increases with age.
  • GenderWomen are more likely to develop OA than men, especially after age 50.
  • ObesityExtra weight puts more stress on joints, particularly weight-bearing joints like the hips and knees. This stress increases the risk of OA in that joint. Obesity may also have metabolic effects that increase the risk of OA.
  • GeneticsPeople who have family members with OA are more likely to develop OA. People who have hand OA are more likely to develop knee OA.
  • Race Some Asian populations have lower risk for OA.

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Preventing Arthritis Of The Knee

  • 1Lose weight. Probably one of the most important treatments for arthritis is losing weight, though many people find this difficult. Reducing the amount of weight your knees carry, decreases the load and damage to the joint and can lower your risk of osteoarthritis.
  • 2Modify your activities. Limiting certain activities may be necessary and learning new exercise methods may be helpful to prevent or reduce arthritis damage.XResearch source
  • Aquatic exercise is an excellent option for patients who have knee problems.
  • Using a cane or a crutch in the hand opposite the affected knee will help decrease the demand placed on the joint.
  • 3Take joint supplements. Many joint supplements contain molecules that are naturally made in the body, such as glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, and are important for healthy cartilage in your knee joints.XResearch source
  • Although joint supplements may control pain, it is now clear that they do not regenerate cartilage. Good studies have shown that there is no better benefit than placebo, but risks are minima , so most orthopedists advise to give it a try.
  • Some doctors recommend you take joint supplements for a period of three months to see if they provide any help.
  • Over-the-counter joint supplements are not typically controlled by the FDA. You may want to consult your doctor before taking these supplements.
  • Reducing The Strain On Your Knees

    Knee Pain Going Up Stairs

    Apart from keeping an eye on your weight, there are a number of other ways you can reduce the strain on your knees.

    • Pace your activities dont tackle all your physical jobs at once. Break the harder jobs up into chunks and do something gentler in between. Keep using your knee even if its slightly uncomfortable, but rest it before it becomes too painful.
    • Wear shoes with thick soles and enough room for your toes. Wearing the right shoes can reduce the shock through your knees as you walk and prevent any changes to your feet.
    • If you need extra support for your feet or knees when you walk, speak to your physiotherapist, occupational therapist or doctor about getting insoles made for your shoes.
    • Use a walking stick if needed to reduce the weight and stress on a painful knee. An occupational therapist can advise on the correct length and the best way to use the stick.
    • Use a handrail for support when going up or down stairs. Go upstairs one at a time with your good leg first.
    • Think about making changes to your home, car or workplace to reduce unnecessary strain. An occupational therapist can advise you on special equipment that will make things you do every day easier.

    Using a heat pack or something similar on a painful knee might help to relieve the pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis. An ice pack can also help but be careful not to put ice or heat packs or hot water bottles directly on your skin wrap them with a tea towel or cover.

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    What Other Symptoms Are Linked With Knee Joint Pain

    Symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee are generally limited to the joint itself, whereas inflammatory arthritis causes a wider array of issues. Unlike OA, inflammatory arthritis is a systemic disease, which means it affects the whole body, says CreakyJoints Medical Advisor Vinicius Domingues, MD, a rheumatologist in Daytona Beach, Florida.

    In fact, it would be less common for someone with a form of inflammatory arthritis to experience pain in just one knee. Thats because symptoms are usually symmetrical whats more, inflammatory arthritis symptoms usually dont start in the knee.

    For example, rheumatoid arthritis generally strikes the small joints in the fingers and toes first, while someone with ankylosing spondylitis is more likely to complain of low back and buttock pain, with knee arthritis pain developing later.

    Depending on the type of inflammatory arthritis you have, you may experience other symptoms beyond knee joint pain. People with psoriatic arthritis exhibit the telltale scaly rash and plaques of psoriasis eye inflammation can be a problem for those with psoriatic arthritis as well as ankylosing spondylitis, and people with rheumatoid arthritis may experience weight loss and fevers.

    Injections Are Another Low

    If other strategies dont provide enough relief, injection therapy is an option with low risk.

    A corticosteroid injection involves delivering this anti-inflammatory drug directly to the knee. The benefits are typically short lived. But it varies from person to person. I tell my patients the pain relief can last anywhere from a week to a year, says Dr. Day. One cautionary note with corticosteroids is the potential to increase blood sugar, which is a concern for people with uncontrolled diabetes.

    For a possibly longer lasting effect, an injection of hyaluronic acid can be tried. Hyaluronic acid is a substance that healthy joints have a lot of and arthritic knees dont, says Dr. Day. It takes longer to start working than a corticosteroid injection, but the effect often lasts six months to a year.

    Currently, research is being done on the effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma , which is not yet covered by insurance. PRP involves drawing some blood, spinning it in a centrifuge, and injecting part of it into the knee.

    If youre not able to get your symptoms under control with a combination of these measures, she says, it could be time to talk to your doctor about surgery.

    This article originally appeared in Cleveland Clinic Arthritis Advisor.

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    When To See Your Doctor

    There are treatments available from your doctor is the home remedies arent enough.

    The earlier you seek treatment, the better off you will be.

    Seeking treatment as soon as you can will help you avoid surgery down the road.

    You should see ee your doctor if:

    • your pain or inflammation are not responding to home treatments
    • your symptoms get worse, or you develop other symptoms like a fever
    • your symptoms affect your daily life

    Your doctor will ask you many questions about your pain during your initial appointment, like how it affects your life, when it occurs, and how bad it gets.

    They will also ask you to rate your pain on a scale from 1 to 10.

    They will also review your medical history, complete a physical exam, perform imaging tests to identify the cause of pain and mobility loss and conduct blood tests for other conditions that may be causing your joint pain.

    Factors That Can Worsen Knee Osteoarthritis

    The 6 Big Lies About Knee Pain, Knee Arthritis & Knee Surgery

    When you live with osteoarthritis the most common type of arthritis knee pain and stiffness can seem difficult to avoid. Your knees and other joints may feel swollen, especially after being active, and the symptoms can worsen over time. More than just wear and tear on your joints, osteoarthritis is a joint disease.

    Some of the factors that can worsen knee osteoarthritis pain wont come as a surprise. For example, if youve had a long career working at a job that requires you to stand for extended periods of time, bend a lot, or lift heavy objects, this can impact your cartilage, or the connective tissue in the joints between bones. When cartilage wears away, this causes swelling, pain, and trouble moving the knee joint. Athletes who sustained injuries, even long ago, can also be at risk for faster cartilage breakdown and osteoarthritis.

    As osteoarthritis progresses, the knee and other bones may break down and develop what are called spurs, which are growths around the bones edges. Little pieces of bone or cartilage can also break off and float around in the knee joint, according to the Arthritis Foundation. In the later stage of osteoarthritis, the cartilage between the knee bones wears away completely, causing bone to rub against bone, which can lead to even more pain as well as joint damage.

    Is your lifestyle contributing to your osteoarthritis pain? Find out if these habits may be harming your knee joints.

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    Supplements For Those With Mild Pain

    For people with milder pain, Dr. Day suggests trying supplements, such as the combination of glucosamine and chondroitin or the spice turmeric.

    The evidence for glucosamine and chondroitin is mixed, but they are safe. So it might be worth trying. However, people with a shellfish allergy may not be able to tolerate them. Any effect wont kick in right away. Dr. Day recommends trying it for six to eight weeks. If you notice improvement, great if not, then stop it, she says.

    Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, and there is some evidence for its usefulness for painful knee arthritis. You can add turmeric to your food or take it as a supplement. It can thin blood, so people who take a blood thinning medication should not use turmeric.

    Will I Need Any Other Treatments Besides Acupuncture

    Do not use acupuncture to delay seeing a medical healthcare provider about a health problem. In most cases, people use acupuncture along with other treatments. For example, someone with chronic pain will likely take medications and also get acupuncture. Someone with cancer would still receive cancer treatment but also use acupuncture.

    You should continue taking your prescribed medications, no matter how good acupuncture makes you feel.

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    Find Chronic Knee Pain Treatment Near You

    Knee pain from arthritis may feel several different ways depending on what type of arthritis you have.

    If you are experiencing knee pain that wont go away or continues to get worse and youre afraid it could be arthritis, you should see a doctor right away.

    After an accurate diagnosis is made, they will discuss your treatment options.

    Quick treatment can prevent short-term knee issues from becoming long-term, chronic pain.

    No one should suffer from chronic knee pain, especially when the Ethos Health Group is here to help.

    Ethos Health Group has developed a proprietary HyalRegen-CT method as a comprehensive solution for people experiencing symptoms of knee arthritis and pain.

    Lubricating injections can be performed under precision imaging guidance, so we know were targeting the right area precisely.

    This advanced medical process serves to add cushioning fluid back into the knee, like oil for a squeaky hinge.

    These FDA-cleared injections can help your knees stimulate more of their natural fluid, giving you long-term benefits and relief.

    This procedure is often combined with our regenerative injections that contain Mesenchymal Stem Cell Exosomes.

    Most people with knee pain have heard of stem cell therapy, and they wonder if it could be an option to help them avoid surgery and get out of pain.

    If you would like to learn more about knee pain treatment at Ethos Health Group, click the button below to schedule your appointment.

    Ra Symptoms Often Include More Than Joint Pain

    Understanding Arthritis and Knee Pain

    Since rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease, it will progress aggressively if not treated early on. According to a study published in a 2018 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, Early diagnosis and treatment of RA can avert or substantially slow progression of joint damage in up to 90 percent of patients, thereby preventing irreversible disability. All the more reason to recognize RAs pain symptoms many of which you might not associate with arthritis pain. These can include:

    • Joint pain that occurs on both sides of the body, such as both feet, ankles, wrists, or fingers

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    Imaging For Diagnosing Advanced Knee Osteoarthritis

    X-rays are very helpful in diagnosing advanced knee osteoarthritis because the joint will have specific characteristics, including:

    • Bones that are closer to each other than they should be: As cartilage wears away, the joint space between them often narrows.
    • Cysts: As the body responds to cartilage destruction and attempts to stabilize the joint, cysts or fluid-filled cavities can form in the bone.
    • Increased bone density or uneven joints: When bones are no longer cushioned by cartilage, they can rub against one another, creating friction. The body responds by producing more bone tissue, which increasing bone density. Increased bone creates uneven joint surfaces and bone spurs at the joint.

    How Can I Manage Oa And Improve My Quality Of Life

    CDCs Arthritis Program recommends five self-management strategies for managing arthritis and its symptoms.

    • Learn self-management skills. Join a self-management education class, which helps people with arthritis and other chronic conditionsincluding OAunderstand how arthritis affects their lives and increase their confidence in controlling their symptoms and living well. Learn more about the CDC-recommended self-management education programs.
    • Get physically active. Experts recommend that adults engage in 150 minutes per week of at least moderate physical activity. Every minute of activity counts, and any activity is better than none. Moderate, low impact activities recommended include walking, swimming, or biking. Regular physical activity can also reduce the risk of developing other chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Learn more about physical activity for arthritis.
    • Go to effective physical activity programs. For people who worry that physical activity may make OA worse or are unsure how to exercise safely, participation in physical activity programs can help reduce pain and disability related to arthritis and improve mood and the ability to move. Classes take place at local Ys, parks, and community centers. These classes can help people with OA feel better. Learn more about CDC-recommended physical activity programs.

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    What Does The Procedure Involve

    You can usually receive a knee injection in your doctors office. The procedure only takes a few minutes.

    Youll be seated during the procedure, and your doctor will position your knee. They may use ultrasound to help guide the needle to the best location.

    Your doctor will:

    • clean the skin on your knee and treat it with a local anesthetic
    • insert the needle into your joint, which might cause some discomfort
    • inject the medication into your joint

    Though you may feel some discomfort, the procedure is rarely painful if your doctor has experience administering this type of injection.

    In some cases, your healthcare provider may remove a small amount of joint fluid to reduce pressure.

    Theyll insert a needle attached to a syringe into the knee joint. Then, theyll draw out the fluid into the syringe and remove the needle.

    After removing the fluid, the doctor can use the same puncture site to inject the medication into the joint.

    Finally, theyll place a small dressing over the injection site.

    What Are The Symptoms Of Osteoarthritis In The Knee

    Top 5 Signs Your Shoulder, Hip, or Knee Pain, Is NOT Arthritis

    Pain is the most common symptom of osteoarthritis in the knee. Your knee might hurt when you move it, or even when you are just sitting still. Other symptoms are:

    • Your knee feels stiff, particularly when you first get up or when youve been sitting for a long time.
    • Your knee looks swollen or feels puffy.
    • You hear a cracking or grinding noise when you move your knee.
    • Your knee feels wobbly, as if it could buckle or give out.”
    • Your knee might lock up, or feel as if it is stuck.

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    What Is The Knee Joint

    Three bones come together to form your knee joint. They include the:

    • Thighbone .
    • Shinbone .
    • Kneecap .

    A smooth substance called cartilage covers the ends of each bone. Its a cushion between the bones that keeps them from rubbing together. The synovial membrane, a type of tissue that surrounds the joint, lubricates the cartilage.

    Arthritis of the knee causes pain and swelling in the joint

    Have You Tried The Thessaly Test

    A meniscus tear can be tested for by using a diagnostic exam called the Thessaly test. You can do this yourself while resting your hands on a counter or another person for support.

  • Stand on the leg to be tested with your knee bent slightly . Bend your opposite knee behind you, so that your foot is off the floor.
  • Keeping your foot planted, twist your body so your hips rotate back and forth 3 times.
  • If you experience a catching or locking feeling during the test, you may have a torn meniscus.

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    Limited Mobility Or Range Of Motion

    For men and women who develop arthritis in their knees, activities that were once simple, easy, or routine may become difficult or even impossible to do without limitations and discomfort. Walking, running, or getting in and out of a car can, oftentimes, prove disproportionately challenging for patients with arthritis of the knee. The damage and loss of cartilage associated with arthritis are usually to blame for this phenomenon.


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