Researchers Find Method To Regrow Cartilage In The Joints
In laboratory studies, Stanford School of Medicine researchers have found a way to regenerate the cartilage that eases movement between bones.
Michael Longaker
Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have discovered a way to regenerate, in mice and human tissue, the cushion of cartilage found in joints.
Loss of this slippery and shock-absorbing tissue layer, called articular cartilage, is responsible for many cases of joint pain and arthritis, which afflicts more than 55 million Americans. Nearly 1 in 4 adult Americans suffer from arthritis, and far more are burdened by joint pain and inflammation generally.
The Stanford researchers figured out how to regrow articular cartilage by first causing slight injury to the joint tissue, then using chemical signals to steer the growth of skeletal stem cells as the injuries heal. The work was published Aug. 17 in the journal Nature Medicine.
Cartilage has practically zero regenerative potential in adulthood, so once its injured or gone, what we can do for patients has been very limited, said assistant professor of surgery Charles K.F. Chan, PhD. Its extremely gratifying to find a way to help the body regrow this important tissue.
Charles K.F. Chan
Damaged cartilage can be treated through a technique called microfracture, in which tiny holes are drilled in the surface of a joint. The microfracture technique prompts the body to create new tissue in the joint, but the new tissue is not much like cartilage.
How To Treat Knee Pain
Before knowing how to treat knee pain we first must make a few distinctions on terminology if you will. They are important distinctions though.;From a legal stand point only doctors can treat knee pain. Now your probably thinking. Well hell! Im not a doctor so how am I going to get any help with my
How To Rebuild Knee Cartilage Naturally
As discussed previously, researchers used to believe that articular cartilage could not regenerate on its own because it had no blood supply, which of course is the;primary pathway of nutrient delivery to tissues.;
However,studies have shown that there is some evidence that articular cartilage can be stimulated to grow naturally.
We always recommend a preventive approach to wellness, so here are a few tips to help rebuild your cartilage naturally:
- Eat foods that are rich in nutrients such as vitamin C to help synthesize more collagen in your body. ;
- Eat brown rice and other sources of hyaluronic acid to ensure your joints are well lubricated and that your joint cartilage is not wearing out.
- Maintain healthy exercise habits to keep your joints in shape and to prevent atrophy of the articular cartilage.;
- Make it a habit to include herbal supplements in your diet like these that have beneficial properties for preventing and alleviating joint deterioration.;
Studies have also shown that certain traditional plants have the ability to increase the synthesis of collagen, which then boosts the activity of chondrocytes in forming more cartilage. Such plants include Pleurostyia capensis, Pterocarpus angolensis, and Eucomis autumnalis.
We hope this helps you learn how to increase cartilage in your joints naturally so you can avoid the pain and suffering associated with joint deterioration.;
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Recipe For Rebuilding Joints
The Perfect Recipe For Rebuilding Knee Joints It is widely known and accepted as truth that the joint cannot heal once arthritis, joint degeneration or bone on bone has been diagnosed in the knee. There are a series of steps we are taking everyday that gives us the end result of the joint wearing away.
What This Means For You And Your Osteoarthritis Treatment
No knee injection or surgery can recover lost cartilage due to osteoarthritis. However, treatments such as viscosupplementation can help reduce the creaking and grinding in your joints, restore function, and lower inflammation. These treatments can slow the progression of your disease and help get you back on your feet.
Want to know which treatment is right for you? Contact Arthritis Relief Centers to schedule your free no-obligation screening with one of our physicians to determine if viscosupplementation may help you.
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Relationship To Other Cell And Stem Cell Therapies
Stem cells are generic cells that do not yet have a job. In theory, they can become what we need them to be, which is a potentially powerful tool in medicine. Stem cell therapy is a broad concept in regenerative medicine, and it is a hot hot hot topic right now.
Stem cell therapy is identical in spirit to the other two main regenerative therapies in musculoskeletal and pain medicine: platelet-rich plasma and cartilage regeneration. Neither PRP or ACI is technically a stem cell therapy they use mature, specialized cells, so they are just cell therapies.
But regeneration is the goal of all of these methods, and the topic of stem cell therapy overlaps so much with PRP and ACI that they are practically the same thing with regards to safety, efficacy, and the concerns of skeptical consumers and regulators. They are biologically intriguing treatments that might amount to something someday after all, we know regeneration is possible, thanks to salamanders! but its a depressing mess so far, instead of being inspiring and promising. These treatments are all being rushed to market in the same way, all sold as high-tech medicine to desperate consumers long before the science is done.
New Procedure Can Regenerate Injured Cartilage
Matt Oates, 41, ran competitive track and cross-country in high school and college, then kept on running. On New Years Day 2018, he resolved to run every day that year, and he did a total of 2,435 miles, including 14 half-marathons. He has had a few injuries, most of them minor, except in 2005 when he tore the ACL the anterior cruciate ligament in his right knee while playing indoor volleyball. He recovered from surgery, and resumed running.
In 2019, however, he slipped and fell while frolicking with his young nephew in a natural waterfall during a Memorial Day outing at Georgias Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park. I didnt think too much of it at the time, says Oates, who lives in Raleigh, N.C., where he manages a moving-and-storage company. My right knee hurt, but I ran through the pain. But my knee would swell, and it was impacting my stride.
In January, he finally had an MRI, which showed he had torn his meniscus, a common sports injury to the cartilage that cushions the area between the shinbone and thighbone. But there was more. The scan also revealed an area under the kneecap where the cartilage had worn away, which often portends full-blown osteoarthritis and possible knee replacement years later. Unlike bone, which has the ability to heal, cartilage cannot restore itself once injured.
Barker extracted the cartilage cells while repairing Oatess meniscus, and implanted the membrane into Oatess knee in September.
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Oats Osteochondral Autologous Transplant System
This technique can be used for larger lesions of more than 2cm squared. This technique utilises small cylindrical autologous cartilage grafts – the term autologous meaning that the cartilage is taken from the patient themselves and not a donor. What this means is that small plugs of cartilage and underlying bone are taken from the part of the joint that is not involved in weight-bearing and is, therefore, not an essential part of the joint. These plugs are then taken from the donor site and plugged into the area where there is missing cartilage.
The advantages of OATS are that the transplant of hyaline cartilage is used and that the technique can be performed in a single surgery.
What Is Knee Cartilage
Knee;cartilage tissue is composed of specialized cells called chondrocytes that produce a large amount of collagenous extracellular matrix. Cartilage matrix has both proteoglycans and collagen fibers within it. It is an elastic, flexible structure that covers the ends of the bones. Its mechanical properties allow it to act as a shock absorber during weight-bearing activities, such as walking and running. There are three types of human cartilage:
- Hyaline cartilage
- Elastic cartilage
- Fibrocartilage
Knee articular cartilage is made up of fibrocartilage, as it is more durable and can withstand more weight than the other forms.
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What Exactly Is Cartilage Regeneration And How Does It Work
Cartilage regeneration aims to;regrow cartilage in the area where it has been damaged or lost. Once the cartilage has been damaged or lost, there is no covering of the bone and therefore, with every step, the bodys load is transmitted to the underlying bone and this is perceived as pain. This also results in inflammation of the joint and the surrounding cartilage can also break down. The situation can worsen and result in a degenerate joint .
Cartilage regeneration is a technique that has been developed over many decades;to help restore cartilage in areas of the knee that have lost the cartilage overlying the bone. There are two types of cartilage conditions:
- There is generalised widespread cartilage damage, which is also known as;osteoarthritis. In the case of osteoarthritis, the cartilage generally;cannot be restored with surgery it can only be replaced using;partial;or total;knee replacement surgery.
- The second type of cartilage loss is something called chondral lesions. These are small and localised areas and the lesions are usually caused by trauma where a small area of cartilage has been damaged or lost. This causes pain for the individual and;these can be treated successfully with cartilage regeneration.
Monitoring Cartilage Degeneration And Regeneration
The lack of consistently reliable tools to monitor cartilage degeneration and regeneration has hindered clinical studies in OA. Recent studies have indicated an advantage of magnetic resonance imaging studies of joints . An MRI examination can detect early abnormalities of cartilage, ligaments, menisci, synovial joints, bone and bone marrow. An MRI examination shows a three-dimensional visualization of cartilage and can provide quantitative, semi-quantitative and biochemical assessments of cartilage. Abnormal features in an MRI can predict rapid cartilage loss . These observations indicate that it is possible to monitor cartilage pathology by MRI in OA . Moreover, molecular assays, gene expression profiling and biomarkers of OA severity such as microRNAs could be used as secondary outcome measures to group responders and nonresponders based on MRI studies for more qualitative measures and better understanding of the mechanisms of repair.
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How Long Is The Recovery Period After Surgery
The best results are in patients who follow the rehabilitation guidelines well. Following the surgery, the area that has been treated must be protected using a brace, crutches and protected weight-bearing for six weeks followed by a rehabilitation process going on for up to six months or more. Cartilage cells are slow-growing and can take up to 18 months to fully form new cartilage. Therefore, strict adherence to rehabilitation programmes is very important.
Mr Barkatali performs all types of knee surgeries with the latest techniques. To find out how he can help you and to arrange your appointment, visit his profile click;here.
What Is Cartilage And Why Is It Relevant To Osteoarthritis
Cartilage, the smooth, rubber-like tissue found in crucial places throughout our body, cushions our bones from rubbing up against one another. This special tissue, which doesnt contain any nerves or blood vessels, helps our bones glide smoothly, hence why its absolutely crucial for our joints.
But while our bodies contain cartilage in many places, not all cartilage is created equal. For instance, the cartilage found in your ear and nose isnt the same as the cartilage in your knee joint. Not only do they have different purposes, the cartilage in your ear is much more flexible and elastic, while joint cartilage, also called hyaline or articular cartilage, is much more rigid. When that knee joint cartilage breaks down, it causes pain, swelling, and reduced range of motion, which ultimately results in osteoarthritis something you wont experience in your nose or ears.
Osteoarthritis has historically been referred to as wear-and-tear arthritis, as many believed it was caused by the slow weathering down of cartilage over time. However, doctors now understand that osteoarthritis is caused by many factors, including genetics, injury, weight, and overuse.
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Why Choose Johns Hopkins
- Our team includes experts with years of experience in cartilage regeneration surgery a complex set of procedures who specialize in minimally invasive approaches.
- Our orthopaedic surgeons at Sibley Memorial Hospital approach cartilage regeneration surgery with cutting-edge technology, incorporating the latest methods into their practice.
- Not everyone is a good candidate for cartilage regeneration. These procedures are ideal for active people under age 55. Our experienced team will assess your condition and help you make an informed decision.
How To Quickly Regenerate Damaged Cartilage
14 March, 2019
One of the most common injuries for people is damaged cartilage. It tends to be very painful but recent;studies have;conducted that your diet helps you regenerate cartilage even faster.
Cartilage is a very flexible structure that weightlessly supports certain structures like the pinna , nose, and joints. There are areas in our body that are much more sensitive to getting injured, such as the knee joints,;and are;always more affected in those who do daily physical;activities like athletes.
It can also affect elderly people because of the natural deterioration of the body at a certain age.
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Initial Treatment And Self Care
If you’ve injured your joint and your symptoms are not too severe; for example, you’re still able to;put weight on and move the joint;;you can often look after yourself using PRICE therapy.
PRICE stands for:
- Protection protect the affected area from further injury by using a support, such as a knee brace
- Rest ;rest the affected joint as much as possible during the first 2 or 3 days , then try gradually returning to light activity over the next few days and weeks
- Ice apply an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel to the injured area for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours during the first 2 or 3 days
- Compression compress or bandage the injured area to limit any swelling and movement that could damage it further; you can use a simple elastic bandage or an elasticated tubular bandage available from a pharmacy
- Elevation keep the injured area raised and supported on a pillow whenever you can to help reduce swelling
If your joint is painful, take ordinary painkillers such as;paracetamol or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen.
Visit your GP if your symptoms have not started to improve after a few days of PRICE therapy.
What Is Articular Cartilage
The matrix of cartilage is made up of collagens, proteoglycans, and non-collagenous proteins. While cartilage is a highly-organized structure, about 85% of cartilage is water. This decreases to about 70% of older people. Chondrocytes are the only cells found in cartilage and this produces and maintains;the cartilage matrix.
Articular cartilage serves as the cushion and shock absorber within the joint. It does so because it lines the ends of the two bones that form the joint.
Cartilage damage can be caused by several conditions including:
- Joint injury
- Rheumatoid arthritis
Joints affected by cartilage damage become painful, stiff, and have a limited range of motion.
Cartilage has a limited capacity to heal itself. Consequently, articular cartilage has become the focus of many researchers and tissue engineers who strive to be able to grow new cartilage and transplant it in place of damaged or worn cartilage.
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Immobility Or Reduced Activity
Just like the muscles, cartilage should be put into constant use to maintain them in a healthy condition.
In situations such as chronic diseases where people are bedridden, or in paralysis where the individual cant put the affected joint to use, cartilage begins to reduce in size and degenerate a process called atrophy.;
Nowadays, advancements in medicine and scientific knowledge have made it easier to understand how new cartilage can be produced.;
Lets take a look at how that occurs.
Can You Regenerate Joint Cartilage
What comes to your mind when you hear the word cartilage? For most people, cartilage is just the smooth coating that reduces joint friction by covering the end of bones.;
However, thats not the only reason you have cartilage in your body.
For starters, cartilage is one of the reasons why your bones grow – when hyaline cartilage changes to bone in a process called endochondral ossification.;
Classic examples of bones that develop straight from cartilage are your ribs, which are initially soft when you are young and become strong as you age because they transform from cartilage to bone.;
Besides acting to reduce friction and form bones,cartilage also acts as shock absorbers to protect bones and joints during daily use.
Unfortunately, cartilage is one of those parts of the body thats prone to complications, and these complications can manifest with dire consequences, especially when they cause cartilage levels to decrease.;
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How Is Damaged Cartilage Regenerated
Cartilage is regenerated according to what food you eat.;One of the other most common conditions that affects the ankle, knee, wrist, elbow, and shoulder;cartilage is arthritis,;currently a very well-known disease that affects almost everyone older than forty.
For this reason, it is necessary to have proper nutrition so that cartilage tissue can regenerate quickly.
One of the most important;amino acids for the rapid regeneration of damaged cartilage is lysine. It is;responsible for;absorbing calcium and producing collagen that rebuilds damaged tissue.;It also improves appearance of your skin and strength of your tendons.
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