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HomePainIs Epsom Salt Good For Knee Pain

Is Epsom Salt Good For Knee Pain

Epsom Salt Bath Side Effects

Home Remedies For Knee Pain – Stop Knee Pain With Epsom Salt

When used as a soak, Epsom salt is generally considered safe.

If youve never had an Epsom salt bath, consider testing a patch of skin with magnesium sulfate and water first.

Avoid submerging broken skin in an Epsom salt bath.

Stop use if you experience:

  • itchy skin

Its used orally to treat:

  • constipation
  • low magnesium levels in blood

Theres that magnesium taken orally has a positive effect for several conditions, including:

  • stroke
  • diabetes

It is, however, also possible to take too much magnesium by mouth.

Always check with your doctor before using Epsom salt by mouth. Follow the package instructions exactly. Too much magnesium can cause an irregular heartbeat and low blood pressure.

Natural Remedies For Knee Pain

My poor dad has terrible knee pain. For more than four decades, he has worked a highly physical job, which has caused a number of wear and tear symptoms.

In my dads case, his pain is caused by overuse. However, you may also experience pain in the general knee area due to a sudden injury, arthritis or an underlying condition.

Like any condition, the root cause of your symptoms will determine the most appropriate treatment. For those who suffer from arthritis, for instance, it will be important to address rising levels of inflammation. In comparison, a torn ligament will require plenty of RICE .

Why you should skip painkillers

In some severe cases of sudden injury, surgery may be your only option. However, when it comes to the prevention and treatment of chronic knee pain, theres plenty that you can do at home. Although many people reach for painkillers, these drugs are not as safe as you may think, including over-the-counter options.

Although these drugs are among the most popular, recent studies have questioned their overall safety. This led to an FDA warning in 2015, regarding an increased risk of stroke and heart attack upon taking COX-2 inhibitors. Being such a common remedy, many individuals do not fully understand the risks involved.

Try these six natural remedies to reduce knee pain today

Tired of living with painful, achy knees? Try these six natural remedies today!

Related: 6 Herbs That Fight Joint Pain And How To Eat More Of Them

1. Epsom salts

2. Heat and cold

Strengthen The Joints With Exercise

Exercising the aching joint is a form of physiotherapy. First, seek the doctor’s advice on exercises that will benefit the joint. The doctor will recommend low-impact exercises like swimming to prevent further damage.

Exercises make the joint stronger, more stable and more flexible. Exercising also helps overweight patients lose weight, which reduces the pressure applied to the joints.

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Are Epsom Salt Baths An Effective Treatment For Running Injuries

John Davis

A while back, I was dealing with a nagging foot injury and the veteran physical therapist I was working with recommended I try soaking my foot daily in a solution of warm water and Epsom salt. This trick was, apparently, popular with top-level soccer players with foot injuries.

Though I eventually got over the injury, and did dutifully use Epsom salt soaks while doing so, I never figured out whether it really helped or not. So today, well look into whether theres any research backing this old-school injury treatment trick.

Frequently Cited Evidence For Absorption: Rosemary Warings Little Unpublished 2006 Study

How To Treat Arthritis Knee Pain With Epsom Salt Bath?

In 2006, Rosemary Waring, a British biochemist at the University of Birmingham, did a nice science experiment with Epsom salts.37 She did more or less exactly what any curious person would do if she wanted to know whether or not Epsom salts can get past skin: she measured magnesium and sulfate in the blood and urine both before and after people bathed in Epsom salts.

Dr. RosemaryWaring

She found them to be higher after the baths! 16 out of 19 people had more magnesium and sulfate in their blood after the baths than they did before the baths.38

Dr. Warings results are straightforward. No therapeutic effects of Epsom salt were studied or claimed she just studied absorption, and did not try to make any more of it, showing the restraint of a pro. What could be simpler?

I was so interested in these results that I contacted Dr. Waring by email. I agree that it is a bit surprising, she replied, but the results are certainly there and in fact there are hints in the past literature that this could happen.

And how would it work, I asked, this crossing of the skin? Dr. Waring:

I dont have any evidence as to how magnesium sulphate crosses the skin, though I have always assumed that it simply diffuses across the stratum corneum, helped by the fact that its in a hot bath.

Possibly not the best science ever done

And there are some problems.


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Has Epson Salt Been Proven To Work

Centuries of user testimonials speak volumes about the benefits of Epsom salt. Scientific research, however, isnt quite as vocal in its support.

There are no definitive studies showing that magnesium can be absorbed through the skin in sufficient amounts to address potential deficiencies of the mineral. Research that has been done offers skepticism.

Still, integrative medical experts commonly recommend Epsom salt to patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and cold intolerance.

Use Supplements To Rebuild Worn Joints

Collagen is a nutrient used to build and maintain muscle and connective tissue. Taken over time, collagen reduces joint pain. It is taken as a supplement or eaten in protein-rich foods like beef, mutton, fish and eggs.

Other foods and supplements that help with joint pain are:

  • Bone broth, which is rich in glucosamine, a substance that helps build up cartilage
  • SAMe is a molecule that feeds sulfur to the cartilage, which the cartilage uses to regenerate
  • Herbs like ginger and turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties
  • Sodium and potassium reduce muscle pain, help with detoxification and reduce inflammation of the joints

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How To Do It

There really is no downside to taking a warm bath, although its important to check with your doctor first if you have low blood pressure. This is because hot water can temporarily lower blood pressure.

The Mayo Clinic recommends adults use 2 cups of Epsom salt per gallon of warm water. More than that can make the water feel slippery. It may also be drying to your skin.

Lower concentrations you can try are:

  • 300 grams of Epsom salt to 1 gallon of water
  • 1 cup of Epsom salt to 1 gallon of water
  • 2 cups of Epsom salt added to your bathtub of water

Soak for at least 15 minutes. If youre soaking in an Epsom salt bath for aches and pains, make sure not to use water thats too hot. This might worsen instead of reduce swelling.

Other ways to use Epsom salt in a soak:

Many Epsom salt advocates believe the amount of magnesium able to enter the body through the skin is sufficient for reducing swelling and relieving aches. Its also thought that Epsom salts are effective for soothing skin and reducing irritation and itching.

Schedule A Free Consultation

Eliminate Joint Pain, Knee Pain And Stiffness Fast Naturally With Epsom salts

Many people consider surgical treatments to manage their joint pain due to arthritis. However, as demonstrated above, there are several other options for treatment that have proven highly effective. Flexogenix® offers a variety of non-surgical treatment options so that you can avoid the risks associated with surgery, and get back to the active lifestyle you deserve. Contact us today for a no-cost consultation, and let us help you find freedom from your joint pain!

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Are There Any Benefits To Epsom Salts

While theres no proof that Epsom salt works any better than hot water, if you swear by Epsom salt baths after a tough day, theres no reason to give them up! The salt can make the water feel softer and more soothing, and that can provide a relaxing experience that has additional mental and psychological benefits. Just be sure to use Epsom salts that have a drug facts box and/or are labeled USP.

However, for noticeable muscle pain relief, you are likely better off supplementing your soak with a proven method, such as stretching, OTC pain medication, physical therapyor, for foot, ankle, or knee pain, try taping with the QUICK TAPE® foot support strap.

We are reluctant to burst any bubbles when it comes to Epsom salts, but its always good to know the facts and be realistic about any treatment option you try. For facts on QUICK TAPE®, , or contact us for more information. We would love to help you find lasting relief from foot pain and conditions such as plantar fasciitis, shin splints, and more.

What Are The Symptoms Of Knee Arthritis

While we are going to focus on arthritis knee pain relief with Epson salt baths in this post, we should take a quick look at the symptoms that knee arthritis causes. This will help you determine if you might be developing this condition, which means the treatment could commence at an early stage thus leading to more effective treatment measures.

Consumer Health Digest explains that the most common symptoms include pain that gets worse gradually, as well as inflammation. In some cases, the symptoms are accompanied by tenderness.

Popping sounds in the knee during movement, as well as a knee that locks up is also two signs that arthritis may be developing in the knee .

Furthermore, deformities and a reduction in the knees range of motion also signals the development of this condition.

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Natural Home Remedies For Knee Pain

1. Cold compress

Cold compress is good to reduce any type of swelling. Once you apply a cold compress, the blood flow to the knee will be reduced, which in turn brings down the swelling and offer and instant relief from the pain. For this remedy, you can wrap some ice cubes in a towel and apply it on your knee. If the pain is chronic, an effective method will be to alternately place cold and heat compress.

2. Epsom salt to relieve knee pain

Epsom salt is pretty versatile and apparently, you can use it to treat knee pain too. This is because epsom salt contains magnesium sulfate, an active substance that provides relief to pain. It works well on pain linked with arthritis, injury, strain and cramps. Fill your bath tub with warm water and into the bath goes two cups of Epsom salt. Stir it with your hands until the salt dissolves, and soak in this bath for about 20-30 minutes.

3. Dandelion tea to relieve knee pain

This bitter tasting tea holds a promising record in curing inflammation, flushing out toxins, repairing damaged tissues and reducing pain. Dandelion leaves contain a type of fatty acid, namely the linoleic acid which aids the immune to fight inflammation. It has been used as a remedy for arthritis since the times of ancient. If you have fresh dandelion leaves, take about 3 teaspoons of it and brew it in a cup of boiling water. Strain and drink this daily. You may add a bit of honey for taste if you cant stand the bitterness of it.

5. Cayenne pepper for knee pain

Can Epsom Salt Help With Arthritis Joint Pain

How to Get Rid of Knee Pain Fast

Arthritis is a disease that affects approximately 22.7% of the American adult population.

While there are different types of arthritis, they all affect the joints in some way.

The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which refers to a type of arthritis that is caused by wear-and-tear on joints, resulting in pain, inflammation and reduced mobility.

One particular area that is often affected by arthritis in the knee, which causes these symptoms associated with the disease to develop in the knee. Untreated, this condition can lead to deformities and even disability in the long run.

Even though arthritis is not yet curable, numerous treatment options have been established.

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How Epsom Salts Work

The main ingredient in Epsom salt is magnesium, which is “the second-most abundant element in human cells and the fourth-most important positively charged ion in the body,” according to the Epsom Salt Council 1. Magnesium relaxes muscles, reduces swelling, improves heart and circulatory health, improves the body’s ability to use insulin, helps flush toxins, improves nerve function by regulating electrolytes, and reduces stress. You can take magnesium as a dietary supplement, but it also can be absorbed through the skin. An Epsom poultice draws magnesium in through the skin, delivering it directly to sore muscles rather than waiting for an oral pain reliever to travel through the bloodstream to the affected area.

  • The main ingredient in Epsom salt is magnesium, which is “the second-most abundant element in human cells and the fourth-most important positively charged ion in the body,” according to the Epsom Salt Council 1.

More About Epsom Salt

Epsom salts chemical name is magnesium sulfate. One story about magnesium sulfates takes place in the Epsom region of England. During a drought in 1618, a local cow herder named Henry Wicker bent down to drink from a pool of water in Epsom Common. He found the water acidic and bitter.

As the water evaporated, Wicker noticed white residue left behind and realized after drinking the water that it had a laxative effect. Epsoms salts became a sought-after cure for constipation for hundreds of years following this happenstance discovery.

In 1755, a British chemist and physicist named Joseph Black conducted experiments on the chemical properties of magnesium sulfate. He proposed that magnesium be classified as an element.

Magnesium is essential for every life form on the planet. In the human body, its necessary for muscle and nerve function and maintaining a healthy immune system. Its also needed to maintain a regular heartbeat, sufficient blood glucose, and strong bones.

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Testing Magnesium Absorption On Harvested Human Skin Samples

Science: Hey, can I have that skin off your belly? You dont need it right?

Tummy Tuck Patient: Um, sure

Science: Thanks! Got to find out if magnesium ions can get through that.

This section is all about one odd experiment32 that involves a number of strange rituals performed on skin samples, like gluing hair follicles shut with super glue. It almost answers the tricky scientific question of whether magnesium ions can be absorbed through the skin, but it still falls short.

It does convincingly show that magnesium ions can diffuse through the stratum corneum, and that hair follicles probably facilitate that movement, but it does not establish that they do so in clinically meaningful numbers, especially in the conditions of a typical Epsom salts bath. Regardless, its neato science. These chemists had complicated chemistry reasons to believe that damp magnesium ions actually do not swell up too much to fit through the atomic-scale cracks in the stratum corneum, 33 so they set out to test it. They tested absorption on patches of skin harvested from patients who got tummy tucks. Dont need that skin any more? Donate it to science! The main features of their experiment:

Like I said: an odd experiment.

They tested 5, 15, and 60-minute exposures of two concentrations of magnesium solution, medium and strong, corresponding to ocean water and the Dead Sea respectively. Their key findings:

So, voila, absorption! But there are some major caveats, of course.

Promotes Sleep And Stress Reduction

Arthritis can be cured by the use of Epsom Salt

Adequate magnesium levels are essential for sleep and stress management, likely because magnesium helps your brain produce neurotransmitters that induce sleep and reduce stress (

7 ).

Most often, magnesium is taken by mouth for constipation relief in the form of magnesium citrate or magnesium hydroxide.

However, taking Epsom salt is also said to be effective, although it is not well studied. Nevertheless, the FDA lists it as an approved laxative.

It can be taken by mouth with water according to the directions on the package.

Adults are usually advised to take 26 teaspoons of Epsom salt at a time, dissolved in at least 8 ounces of water and consumed immediately. You can expect a laxative effect in 30 minutes to 6 hours.

You should also know that consuming Epsom salt may produce unpleasant side effects, such as bloating and liquid stool (

It should only be used occasionally as a laxative, not for long-term relief.

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How To Take Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is most commonly available in the form of salt like crystals in the market. It is can be taken orally or in the form of Epsom salt bath.

If it is taken orally it is highly recommended that it one should consult a doctor or a health advisor before taking it.

The dosage should be taken as per the prescription of the doctor.

Since oral consumption of Epsom salt can give a bitter taste, it can be mixed with lemon juice to improve its taste.

However, it has been observed that Epsom salt is not easily absorbed into the elementary canal and into the blood vessels.

In such cases, many people prefer to take Epsom salt bath in which the salt granules are dissolved in the bath water while bathing.

It has been reported that Epsom salt is readily absorbed into the skin making it easier for magnesium and sulfate to enter the body.

The label of the product should be referred to for the amount of salt to be mixed into the bath water.

It is considered highly beneficial for people experiencing pain due to arthritis. It tends to relax the tissues and reduce inflammation if the bath is taken regularly .


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