What Causes Joint Weakness
Muscle weakness is commonly due to lack of exercise, ageing, muscle injury or pregnancy. It can also occur with long-term conditions such as diabetes or heart disease. There are many other possible causes, which include stroke, multiple sclerosis, depression, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome .
Best Knee Strengthening Exercises: How To Strengthen Weak A Knee
Updated on By Norman
Knee injuries are most times caused by the weak knee joint components, therefore strengthening the knee joint through engaging in knee strengthening exercises is one of the best ways to make a weak knee stronger and to keep the knee joint healthy.
The best knee strengthening exercises will not only make a weak knee stronger, but it will also help reduce knee pain significantly if you are already dealing with one injury or the other.
Therefore, knee exercises are not only suitable for active folks like the runners, basketball players, and other athletes, it is also good physiotherapy for folks who work on their feet all day, putting excess pressure on their feet and ultimately on the knee joint.
In this article, we write about some exercises you can engage in to help strengthen weak knees. This will keep you less prone to injuries or make you recover faster from any knee injuries.
Exercise And Knee Pain
If your knee pain is due to an injury, surgery, or arthritis, gentle stretching and strengthening exercises may help ease the pain while also improving your flexibility and range of motion.
Exercising a knee thats injured or arthritic may seem counterintuitive, but in fact, exercise is better for your knee than keeping it still. Not moving your knee can cause it to stiffen, and this may worsen the pain and make it harder to go about your daily activities.
Gentle stretching and strengthening exercises can strengthen the muscles that support your knee joint. Having stronger muscles can reduce the impact and stress on your knee, and help your knee joint move more easily.
Before you start an exercise program for knee pain, be sure to talk to your doctor or physical therapist to make sure the exercises are safe for you. Depending on your situation, they may recommend some modifications.
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How To Strengthen Weak Knees And Walk Freely Without Pain
Besides the storybook fantasies of being âweak in the kneesâ for someone, thereâs not too much good that can come of weak knees in our everyday life. Weak knees can cause:
- Arthritis
- General pain around the knee joint
- Iliotibial Band Syndrome
- Infection of the knee joint
- Issues with your hip flexors
- Lack of mobility
- Strains and sprains
- Torn cartilage or ligaments
Your knee is the largest joint in the body, and it is used often in daily life, walking, running, climbing, and jumping. Because of its frequent use, it can be prone to injury and pain. Knee pain is a common complaint seen by doctors. However, stretching and strengthening exercises can help prevent injury and pain. Always seek medical advice before you begin an at-home knee exercise routine to gain proper guidance on technique and form and to avoid further injury.
Look After Your Legs With These Knee
The answer to the question who should be doing knee-strengthening exercises regularly is a simple one everyone.
The knee is the largest joint in the body and is involved in most activities of daily living, such as walking and getting up from sitting, says Dr Folusha Oluwajana, a GP and level 3 personal trainer. Knee pain is a common complaint in people of all ages and does not only affect people who are very active.
Knee-strengthening exercises can reduce your risk of pain and injury, and also help relieve your symptoms if you are suffering from knee pain. Knee pain can be caused by acute injury or overuse in people who are active, but also can be linked to inactivity and weakness. In addition, as we get older we lose more muscle mass and strength, which can contribute to knee pain so older people should also consider knee-strengthening exercises to counteract this. Everyone should be doing knee-strengthening exercises!
As for the exercises to do, Oluwajana has suggested several great options below. Just make sure you take a sensible approach if youre coming to them as a beginner.
Knee-strengthening exercises can usually be done easily and safely by most people as a preventive practice, says Oluwajana. Start slow, especially if you are new to strengthening exercise, to avoid causing injury. Build up the intensity over time by increasing how often you perform the exercises and adding resistance.
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Knee Ligament Sprains Or Tears
These are common among athletes. There are two types of ligaments: collateral and cruciate. You have four main ligaments in your knee: the lateral collateral ligament, medial collateral ligament , posterior cruciate ligament, and anterior cruciate ligament .
Ligaments help keep the bones in your knee stable, but they are prone to injuries, particularly through contact or from changing direction suddenly when youâre running. Sports fans know that ACL and MCL injuries can sideline an athlete for months.
But for most people who donât make their living running full speed or getting hit, it usually takes several weeks to recover.
It can take roughly 8 weeks to recover from surgery to repair a ligament tear. But if you need a major reconstruction of a torn ligament, it can take 6 months or so to get you back to full strength, Bush-Joseph says.
Is It Safe For Me To Exercise
Are you worried that working out could cause more knee damage or pain? As long as your doctor says its OK, the best thing you can do is to strengthen the muscles that support your knee and keep them flexible. Start slowly, and build up over time. Talk to your doctor about which specific exercises are good for you.
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Do These 9 Exercises To Strengthen Weak Knees
There are certain situations where its okay to be weak in the knees.
Like, say, on Valentines Day. Or your wedding day.
But during your workouts? Thats never okay.
This is because having weak knees is an injury waiting to happen. It may not occur instantly, but know that if your knees arent supported correctly during your training, the excess strain youre putting on them will eventually cause you pain.
And since we dont like pain unless its some good old-fashioned muscle soreness from a great workout, Im here to help you avoid it with nine powerhouse knee-strengthening exercises.
Now, before we get into these exercises to strengthen knees, lets take a look at what actually causes weak knees in the first place, so we can understand how these exercises are working for us.
How To Strengthen Knee Joints: Stabilize And Strengthen Your Knee Muscles
This article was co-authored by Jonathan Frank, MD and by wikiHow staff writer, Amber Crain. Dr. Jonathan Frank is an Orthopedic Surgeon based in Beverly Hills, California, specializing in sports medicine and joint preservation. Dr. Frank’s practice focuses on minimally invasive, arthroscopic surgery of the knee, shoulder, hip, and elbow. Dr. Frank holds an MD from the University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine. He completed an orthopedic residency at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago and a fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine and Hip Preservation at the Steadman Clinic in Vail, Colorado. He is a staff team physician for the US Ski and Snowboard Team. Dr. Frank is currently a scientific reviewer for top peer-reviewed scientific journals, and his research has been presented at regional, national, and international orthopedic conferences, winning several awards including the prestigious Mark Coventry and William A Grana awards.There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.
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What Foods Are Good For Weak Knees
10 Foods That Help Reduce Joint Pain Omega-3 Fatty Acids / Fish Oils. Cold-water fish are a terrific source of Omega-3s fatty acids, which are essential nutrients for human health. Nuts and Seeds. Brassica Vegetables. Colorful Fruits. Olive Oil. Lentils and Beans. Garlic and Root Vegetables. Whole Grains.
Why Do You Lose Leg Strength With Age
So why do you lose leg strength as you age? Isnt walking around enough to keep you going till the end?
You lose leg strength because of sarcopenia, a natural effect of aging. In short, as you age, your hormonal profile doesnt support muscle strength and regeneration as well as it did in your youth, and metabolic changes in your cells affect their performance.
Your central nervous system also deteriorates slowly, making your muscles slightly less coordinated and weaker. These are things that are unavoidable. But fortunately, a lot can be done to counter the effects.
Unfortunately walking alone isnt enough to usually prevent losing significant leg strength, neither is cycling for that matter. Any form of strength training is superior to cardiovascular exercise when it comes to building and preserving muscle mass.
Its a matter of use it or lose it. If you dont use your muscles regularly with their full range of motion against a sufficient load, you will lose strength. The older you get, the faster this decline is.
A huge issue in modern days is the fact that you barely have to use your muscles in day-to-day life. You drive around in your car and sit in front of the TV or computer most of your waking hours.
Even if you walk or cycle a lot, your muscles arent performing enough work on a full range of motion for optimal strength development.
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What Else Can Help With Knee Pain
Finding relief from knee pain depends on the cause or issue thats making it difficult for you to go about your daily activities. Carrying excess weight puts extra stress on your knees, which may lead to osteoarthritis.
In this case, the most effective treatment, according to the Cleveland Clinic, is weight loss. Your doctor may recommend a combination of diet and exercise to help you lose weight and strengthen the muscles in your lower body, especially around your knees.
A 2013 study found that adults with overweight and knee osteoarthritis experienced a reduction in weight and knee pain after 18 months of a diet and exercise program.
But if overuse is the culprit, your doctor will likely suggest RICE which stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation and physical therapy. A physical therapist can work with you to develop a program that includes range of motion exercises, stretches, and muscle strengthening movements.
How Do You Keep Knee Ligaments Healthy
8 Ways to Keep Your Knees Healthy as You Age Strengthen your upper and lower leg muscles. Stretch those same leg muscles to support your full range of motion. Maintain a recommended weight. Choose low-impact exercises to protect the cartilage in your knees. See a medical provider right away if you have a swollen knee.
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Why You Need To Strengthen Your Knee Joint
The knee joint is the most used joint in the body and the largest joint. It is used for many activities like running, walking, hiking, and climbing, and so on. You cannot stand correctly without your knee joint, therefore, we can refer to the knee joint as one of the most important joints in the body system.
Due to these activities, knee components like the ligament, tendon, cartilage, and other parts making up the knee joint are always at risk. The ACL and meniscus can get torn and some other unfortunate incidence can happen to the knee joint.
Strengthening the knee joint ensures that the knee joint is strong and tough enough to withstand much pressure and stress put on it.
Note: Ensure you check in with your doctor if you feel much pain in the knee. This will help you ascertain what you needed most which in some cases might not be an exercise.
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Know When To See Your Doctor
While many conditions that cause knee pain can be helped by exercise, in some instances it may not be appropriate, says Dr. Lauren Elson, an instructor in physical medicine and rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School. You should stop exercising and see a doctor if you have any of the following symptoms:
- fever
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Great Exercises To Strengthen Your Knees
Check out these 5 great exercises to strengthen your knees so you can enjoy your day-to-day activities with less pain, popping and stopping.
One of the best ways to develop stronger knees and ward off future injuries is to build strong, fluid and solid muscles around the knees and in your legs and core.
Strength and flexibility go hand-in-hand: a fluid muscle is a happy muscle. Knee exercises and stretches that promote both power and flexibility are of the greatest benefit. Knee strengthening exercises develop the muscles around the knee, but they can also cause the muscles to get tight, if not stretched properly. A tight muscle will constrict the knee joint and be more prone to injury. Stretching after knee strengthening exercise will alleviate muscle soreness and keep the muscles long and elastic.
Before embarking on any kind of training regimen, consulting with a certified physical therapist is a small investment that can pay huge dividends down the road. The expert advice of a trained professional, with no referral needed, can save you time, allow you to work more efficiently and guide you toward the best exercises for your own unique situation.
Knee Strengthening Exercises That Prevent Injury
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According to the results of a 2011 Gallup poll, more than 25 percent of Americans deal with chronic knee or leg pain. Common causes of pain include previous injury, muscle imbalance, overuse, underuse or limited mobility. Individual cases vary, but strengthening exercises can often alleviate or even cure knee pain.
General knee strengthening exercises build surrounding muscles like quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus and calves to improve joint stability and support. See a physician for recommendations on knee exercises specific to your condition, and if you find that a particular exercise hurts, stop and try another. Aim for three sets of 10 repetitions of each exercise.
1. Squats
Squats strengthen your quadriceps, glutes and hamstrings. If your knees are unstable, stand in front of a chair while you do squats so that you can sit if you lose your balance.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. While keeping your back straight, sit back and down as far as you can comfortably go without letting your knees extend past your toes. Pause briefly and stand back up. Start with quarter or half squats and build up to full squats as you grow stronger.
2. Sit to Stand
This functional exercise is just what it sounds like: sit down slowly in a chair, then slowly rise to a standing position again.
3. Lunges
Forward lunges is also a great addition to these existing knee strengthening exercises. This exercise will strengthen your thighs and hips and also improve balance.
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Forward Lunge With Dumbbell
Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in right hand, hands at your sides. Step forward with right foot while keeping left foot in place. Bend both knees, creating a 90-degree angle with each. Keep your right knee behind right toes and tracking with the first two toes. From the side, the angle of your shin and your back should form parallel lines. Be sure to keep core engaged and chest lifted the entire time. Once both knees are bent 90 degrees, and left back knee hovers just above floor, push off through right heel and step back to standing. Repeat. Then switch sides.
What Causes Weak Knees
Weak Quadriceps
The quads and, most importantly, the vastus medialis obliques , are the muscles that run along the front and side of the leg and attach to the knee.
These are super important for keeping the knee straight and absorbing shock from running and other weight-bearing activities. A weakness here will lead to an unstable knee and increased pressure on the knee joint a big ouch factor!
When it comes to exercises to strengthen knees, working the quads and VMO are key.
Weak Glutes
While you might be shaking your head and thinking, What does my butt have to do with my knees? the importance of the glute-knee connection may surprise you.
You see, the glute muscles are key players in hip adduction and abduction . Since they create this movement, theyre also able to resist it when necessary. Say, for example, when youre jogging the last thing you want is your hips and knees rotating the wrong way at the wrong time.
This is exactly what happens when you have weak glutes. And most of us have weak glutes because we sit so much and dont activate our glutes properly.
As a result, our knees are not supported by the glute muscles during exercise, which can lead to improper foot landing and rotations. In turn, you get a ton of shock and pressure on your knee joints instead of your glute muscles, where it could be absorbed efficiently.
Lesson: give your booty the attention it deserves!
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Weak Calves
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The Best Exercises To Strengthen Your Knees
As described above, your knees are important and complex joints that require careful care and training to stay healthy.
There are many exercises that work your knees and surrounding ligaments, cartilage, and other structures.
For you to achieve the strongest knees possible, it is critical to employ a variety of weight lifting, body weight, cardiovascular, and stretching techniques to keep your knee joint strong all around.
This is not an exhaustive list. Many knee and leg exercises are out there.
These exercises are easy to learn and have an effective way of keeping your knees safe and healthy.
Using these movements will achieve several important concepts: stronger muscles and bones, reduced instability, and more flexible muscles.
Weight lifting and bodyweight exercises will strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee joint.
These exercises also strengthen the bones that make up the leg. Stretching exercises will improve the stability and flexibility of your knees.
When completing these kinds of exercises, your knee can increase its range of motion and help prevent strains and injuries that come from constant use.
Also, cardiorespiratory exercises strengthen your heart and lungs. In effect, your endurance and ability to handle stress will improve.
Lets begin with some weight lifting examples.