Should Not: Engage In High
While exercising is important for your joint health, it is also important not to go overboard. High-impact workouts apply high stress on your joints, especially knees, which can lead to severe damage and even an injury.
It is best to stick to low-impact workouts or any exercise that doesnt demand a lot from your joint. That would also help you to find a cure for arthritis in the knees.
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How Are Growing Pains Treated
Treatment of growing pains depends on how much pain your child has. The following things may ease discomfort and help your child feel better:
- Massaging the legs.
- Stretching the leg muscles. This may be difficult for younger kids.
- Placing a warm cloth or heating pad on the sore leg. Be careful not to burn the skin and do not use during sleep.
If the pain does not get better, ask your health care provider if it’s OK to give your child an over-the-counter pain medicine, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Ask about the appropriate dose for your child. Never give aspirin to a child. Aspirin use in children has been linked to a life-threatening disease called Reye’s syndrome.
How To Get Rid Of Your Child’s Aches And Pains
Quick fixes for a speedy recovery. Plus, share your best tips and remedies
Wendy HaafJuly 7, 2008
The doctors office closed hours ago, and your childs scratchy throat morphs into a hacking cough that rattles the windows. Or your 10-year-olds achy legs are keeping him awake at night. While common childhood ailments, such as coughs and growing pains, are usually harmless, they can cause serious discomfort. Heres how to help your child feel better.
The problem: Khalid has developed a nagging cough, thanks to that cold he caught at daycare.
Skip the over-the-counter cold medicines new evidence indicates they dont work in children, says Michael Rieder, chair of paediatric clinical pharmacology for the Canadian Institutes of Health Research/GlaxoSmithKline. And, Rieder cautions, recent research shows those medicine cabinet staples may not be so safe, as parents often unintentionally overdose their kids.
The fix: Buckwheat honey is the bees knees when it comes to calming coughs caused by viruses: In a recent study, the sweet stuff soothed bedtime barking better than DM cough syrup, notes Elizabeth Shaw, a Hamilton family doctor and College of Family Physicians of Canada spokesperson. Use a half-teaspoon for kids aged two to five, one teaspoon for ages six to 11, and two teaspoons for those 12 and over.
However, if the cough worsens, or lingers longer than a few days, check with your doctor: Persistent nighttime cough can signal allergies or asthma.
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How To Soothe Growing Pains
Is your child sprouting up like a weed?! You know the drill: new clothing sizes every few months, an insatiable appetiteand perhaps some nasty growing pains that come at night in their arms and legs.
While it can be fun and rewarding to watch your kid grow before your very eyes, the growing pains that can come with this time can be pretty uncomfortable to bear witness to. Its never enjoyable to watch your little one in discomfort, especially when it wakes them up during the night.
Many parents end up feeling a bit helpless through periods of growing pains, and may even be under the impression that they just need to wait for this phase-out. Were here to tell you that this isnt necessarily true. While its difficult to completely eliminate growing pains altogether, there are some treatment options to make this period go much more smoothly for you and your child.
About Growing Pains In Children And Teenagers
Growing pains are very common, especially during the primary school years.
We dont really know what causes growing pains but theyre not caused by growing! In most children with growing pains, nothing obvious brings them on.
One theory is that theyre related to exercise, but this isnt always the case.
Some children with growing pains might also get stomach pain and headaches. For these children, growing pains might be related to stress or anxiety.
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Guided Breathing To Calm Down In The Middle Of The Night
Once these three natural remedies have been employed, its time to try to help the child sleep again.
I find that encouraging deep breaths is the best magic sauce for sleep after crying. I will hold the child in a hug and demonstrate the deep breaths myself. I find that when you are chest to chest with a child, breathing very deeply and intentionally with your own body feels almost contagious to theirs. I imagine myself filling their body with air and peace with each of my breaths.
I like to tell my kids, Breathe your body, nice and slowly, in a soft, measured voice.
What To Do When Your Child Complains Of Leg Pain
Monali Bordoloi
Monali Bordoloi
Does your child complain of leg pain at night? You could end up having sleepless nights because of this, but the pain is mostly harmless. It affects children between age three to 12.
Eight-year-old Aryaman woke up in the middle of the night and complained about intense leg pain. His parents were clueless what to do. They asked him if he got hurt while playing. But he said he didn’t. They spent rest of the night massaging his legs. By morning, there was no pain and he was fine. The pain came back few days later, again at night. They visited the doctor next day, who said it is most likely to be growing pain.
Like Aryaman, many children in the age group of three to twelve years complain about a pain in their lower legs. The pains mostly come at nights. Dr Manohar Babu KV, Senior Consultant Pediatric Orthopaedics, Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore, says, “The name Growing pain is a misnomer. Contrary to the term growing pain, there is no correlation between growth spurts and increased frequency of growth pains.”
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When Should I Call The Doctor
When deciding whether to call the doctor, it’s important to remember that growing pains are almost always felt in both legs. Pain that is only in one leg may be a sign of a more serious condition. Call your health care provider if this happens.
It’s also important to remember that growing pains affect muscles, not joints. And they do not cause limping or fever.
Call your child’s doctor or nurse if leg pain occurs with the following symptoms. They aren’t symptoms of growing pains, but your doctor will need to examine your child and run tests:
- injury, such as a fall
- fever
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
Delayed onset muscle soreness is muscle pain that happens several hours to several days after exercise. It can range from muscle tenderness to severe pain.
The cause of DOMS is unknown, but its most common when starting a new activity or returning to strenuous activity after a period of time off. The duration and intensity of exercise also affect your likelihood of developing DOMS.
DOMS can cause a decrease in your range of motion and your ability to put full weight on your leg. It may cause you to put more stress on other parts of your leg, which can lead to injuries.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , massaging the affected leg, and reducing your activity for a few days can all help you recover from DOMS.
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Treatment Of Knee Pain In Kids
In the case of a severe knee injury, you may observe the following in your child:
- Your child is unable to walk or bear his or her weight on the knees.
- Your childs knee looks deformed.
- Your child experiences extreme pain.
- If the child has swelling and numbness near the knee region.
The immediate treatment should be to control the swelling around the knee through the use of the RICE method discussed earlier. This comprises of rest, ice, compression, and elevation, as described below:
Other Dietary Changes ^
Some moms have reported that their childrens growing pains resolved when the removed problematic ingredients from their diet. For one child it was aspartame, for another it was gluten. Though I dont know of any studies that are directly related to either of these substances, it makes sense to me that food sensitivities could play a role if they cause significant inflammation.
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What Are Growing Pains
Growing pains aren’t a disease. You probably won’t have to go to the doctor for them. But they can hurt. Usually they happen when kids are between the ages of 3 and 5 or 8 and 12. Doctors don’t believe that growing actually causes pain, but growing pains stop when kids stop growing. By the teen years, most kids don’t get growing pains anymore.
Kids get growing pains in their legs. Most of the time they hurt in the front of the thighs , in the calves , or behind the knees. Usually, both legs hurt.
Growing pains often start to ache right before bedtime. Sometimes you go to bed without any pain, but you might wake up in the middle of the night with your legs hurting. The best news about growing pains is that they go away by morning.
The Other Causes Having Symptoms Like Growing Pain
- Vitamin D deficiency
- Hypermobility-Hypermobility is when joints move beyond the normal range of motion. When theres muscle stiffness and joint pain in addition to hypermobility, its called joint hypermobility syndrome. Hypermobility symptoms often get worse at night and after exercise. They tend to get better with rest.
- Restless leg syndrome-Restless leg syndrome is a condition characterized by the uncontrollable urge to move the legs. Symptoms of restless leg syndrome usually happen at night, while sitting or lying down.
- Juvenile idiopathic arthritis-I includes joint pain and swelling, joints that are warm to the touch, fever, rash, fatigue, stiffness, swollen lymph nodes, weight loss.
- Fibromyalgia syndrome-widespread pain in the muscles and bones, areas of tenderness, and general fatigue.
- Injury
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How Chiropractic Can Help With Growing Pains
What many people dont know is that sometimes these growing pains are actually caused by issues within the nervous system, and many of these nerves are housed in the spinal column. A chiropractor can do a full evaluation of the spine and nervous system, and apply adjustments when necessary to help facilitate relief.
These gentle adjustments of the neck, spine, and extremities help to realign the body and provide relief to the entire system. These adjustments also serve to decrease inflammation, relieve pressure, reduce nerve irritability, combat pain signals, and ultimately allow the entire body and immune system to communicate and function better.
Help your child find more relief during a period of growing pains. Schedule an appointment online or call 397-6699.
This article is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for in-person advice or care from a medical professional.
What Are Growing Pains And What Do They Feel Like
Growing pains are muscle cramps or spasms that growing children may experience, usually in the preschool or pre-teen years.
They tend to show up in the calves and quads, but can also be felt behind the knee or in the groin. Growing pains affect both legs, but may be felt in only one side or the other at a time.
How long do growing pains last?
You might notice growing pains in late afternoon or evening , but they might also wake a child in the middle of the night. Different children will have different experiences. The pain can range anywhere from a dull ache to sharp and debilitating.
Growing pains tend to come and go and children do not usually experience pain every day.
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Should Not: Ignore New Symptoms Or Worsening Condition
Where there is arthritis, there is pain involved. And even the most minor differences can mean there are unpleasant changes taking place. So, do not ignore these signs as anything; your body is telling you something.
Immediately consult your doctor about any new or worse symptoms. If the pain is growing or it is getting more frequent, get help immediately. Consult your specialist before it is too late.
Massage The Growing Pain In Your Childs Leg
As soon as I ascertain where a childs growing pain is, I start a good, firm rubbing on the area. I want them to know with great immediacy that I am taking care of them, and it also really helps to apply that counter pressure to alleviate the pain.
Although growing pains are technically in the muscle, for my kids they tend to centralize at the knees and ankles. My pediatrician confirmed that this is really normal. So I try to concentrate my massage around those joints.
I often focus on the back of the knee with small circles, or I might go up and down the thigh and calf muscles.
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How To Stop Knee Pain At Night
At least, take half an hour before going to bed, get off your feet. Prepare and apply a cold compress or bag of ice to the knee. If you have frozen vegetables available, such as peas, use them in the same way instead of ice. Then, wrap your knee with a compression bandage to prevent swelling or to leak over your bed, but not so tight that it might cut off circulation. While you are laying, keep your foot elevated.
Now let us set this clear: before you attempt to treat your pain at home, you should be aware of complications. If your pain feels moderate to severe and injury caused it, seek medical attention. Some types of knee pain can require surgery or other interventions to resolve.
Even though old age often brings physical challenges, you can take practical steps to enhance your safety and the quality of your life. Indeed, you can strive to maintain reasonable health and strength.
Back Of Knee Pain Treatment At Home Tested Home Remedies
Enough about the causes. Lets now discuss the solutions to this undesirable pain.
The solution lies in the diagnosis.
What is the cause of the pain?
Is it Arthritis, cramp or a tear in the meniscus.
We have discussed the symptoms of each cause above but if you are unsure still, then you have to consult your doctor.
He/she will ask you about the history of the pain, what is your routine and how often do you report this pain. You might need to have an X-ray or an ultrasound if the doctor deems it to be necessary.
We wont be discussing surgical methods or treatments for each cause, as you have medical websites and platforms for that.
Rather, we would suggest ways to get rid of them while staying at home.
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Growing Pains Treatment & Natural Remedies
If youre looking for one more reason to love magnesium, heres one! It makes for a smart and simple growing pains treatment. In this post, well explain;what causes growing pains and how to make growing pains go away.;
Your kid wakes up in the middle of the night crying in pain and clutching her calf. Shes suffered no injuries that you can think of. What could be going on? Growing pains can strike out of nowhere and can range from a mild to significant pain.
When To See A Doctor
It is not ideal to use pain relievers, such as ibuprofen, to mask the pain and participate in sports. This may worsen the injuries and pain over time. Seek medical care in the following circumstances .
- Knee pain lasting more than two weeks
- Limping due to pain
- Unable to do sport activities
- Pain while playing sports
- Performance is affected by the pain
- Knee injuries
Never force your teen to participate in sports with knee pain. All cases of knee pain are not related to growth. An orthopedic doctor should evaluate the teen to identify the exact cause.
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Homeopathic Arnica Works Fast For Growing Pains
Lets take note before we move forward that I am not a doctor, nurse or practitioner of any kind, and Im just sharing the knowledge I have as a mom. Please take my advice as you would your neighbors or the crazy lady at your church! This post is not meant to be medical advice.;
This is the little balls that my son was asking for. We have always used homeopathic arnica montana 30c as our magic growing pains balls. Arnica is said to be the first line of defense against any physical trauma. If you only have one homeopathic remedy on hand, this would be a good one.
Because this is a very quick remedy to administer, our little balls are the second option we always reach for.
To use a homeopathic remedy, you put the balls, usually 3, into the lid of the container. Try not to touch them with your fingers because the active remedy is on the outside of the ball and easily rubbed off.
Tip the contents of the lid into the childs mouth, and if they are old enough, instruct them to hold the balls under their tongue. Under the tongue is the fastest way to get the remedy into the bloodstream.
Its okay to use homeopathy even on children, and growing pains dont usually begin until at least age 2, so you dont have to worry about children younger . If the child does wake up again, you can give a second administration of the remedy as soon as 15 minutes later.