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How Many Weeks Of Pt After Knee Replacement

A Physical Therapy Timeline

9 Weeks After Knee Replacement – Pain in Back of Knee After Workouts

If youre having physical therapy in Myrtle Beach or in any of the surrounding Horry County areas we serve, you will have an individualized treatment plan tailored to your specific situation. Therefore, there may be some slight variations of this timeline. However, it should provide you with an idea of how long youll need physical therapy after a knee replacement.

Is Pain Significant After Knee Surgery

As with most types of surgery, you can expect to experience some degree of pain following knee surgery.

In general, swelling will last for 2 to 3 weeks post-op but may persist for as long as 3 to 6 months, depending on the procedure.

If you have a total knee replacement you may continue to experience pain for several weeks to several months.

However, if you experience pain at a level beyond what your doctor discussed upon discharge from the hospital, you will want to contact him or her immediately.

Physical Therapy After Knee Replacement Pictures:

Next I flexed my butt muscles while keeping my legs straight. I did this 10 times for 5 seconds each. Finally lying on my back she had me slide my ankle up towards my butt as far as I could and hold for 5 seconds. The pain began with this exercise!

After the first eight she had me put the robe rope behind my foot and told me to pull on the rope so I could increase the flexion . I moved back to my living room where she picked out a chair with arms and she moved it to the tile kitchen floor.

She had me sit in the chair and put a plastic bag over my foot to allow my foot to slide better. Holding the chair arms, I slid my foot back towards the chair as far as I could and held it for 5 seconds.

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After the eighth repetition she had me wrap by good foot around the bad ankle to help push it back even further. On repetition 10 she measured my flexion at 70 degrees!

It was painful but she said that 70 degrees was good for day one. Finally, she had me walk with my walker and she encouraged me to walk heel to toe and to push off with my toes.

She asked me to complete 3 sets of the printed workout daily and to ice after each workout.

The two-flexion exercises were painful but I felt like I had accomplished something on day 1. She encouraged me to work hard and that she would return in 3 days.

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Alternatives To Total Knee Replacement Surgery

There are several different conservative or less invasive options that may be attempted prior to having a total knee replacement.

Injections are often used in an attempt to decrease inflammation, friction, and pain in the joint. Surgical options to consider aim to preserve or restructure remaining tissue and to prevent or put off a total knee replacement.

Physical Therapists provide non-invasive treatment options to improve strength, flexibility, and body mechanics for functional activities to reduce knee pain. PTs can also educate patients on an exercise program for improving body composition.

Avoiding A Manipulation After Knee Surgery

Knee Replacement Week 3: Advanced Physical Therapy

A lot of factors that are out of your control, mixed with some bad luck, help determine who will experience knee stiffness and require a manipulation. However, there are some things that you, someone who is preparing for and recovering from a knee replacement, can do.

Heres how to avoid a manipulation after a knee replacement.

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Using Physical Therapy To Ease Pain

Your therapist may choose from one or more of the following tools, or modalities, to help control the symptoms you may have from your knee surgery.

Rest: Rest is an important part of treatment after surgery. If you are having pain with an activity or movement, it should be a signal that there is still irritation going on. You should try to avoid all movements and activities that increase your pain. Be sure to use your crutches as assigned by your doctor, and put only the amount of weight on your leg as approved by your doctor.

Ice: Ice makes the blood vessels in the sore area become more narrow, called vasoconstriction. This helps control inflammation that is causing pain and can easily be done as part of a home program. Some ways to put ice on include cold packs, ice bags, or ice massage. Cold packs or ice bags are generally put on the sore area for 10 to 15 minutes.

Heat: Heat makes blood vessels get larger, which is called vasodilation. This action helps to flush away chemicals that are making your knee hurt. It also helps to bring in nutrients and oxygen which help the area heal. True heat in the form of a moist hot pack, a heating pad, or warm shower or bath is more beneficial than creams that merely give the feeling of heat. Hot packs are usually placed on the sore area for 15 to 20 minutes. Special care must be taken to make sure your skin doesnt overheat and burn. Its also not a good idea to sleep with an electric hot pad at night.

Naively Trusting Your Recovery To Rehab Professionals

This is the toughest one for people to understand. The medical model is focused on you being treated by rehabilitation professionals on an intermittent basis.

This frequency is by necessity low because it is costly. At most you will be seen twice a day in a rehab facility, daily to start with in home care and then usually 2-3 times per week for further home care and then in outpatient therapy.

The problem is that you will have the most success and get well the quickest if you perform your knee replacement recovery exercises 4x a day. What you really need to get into your head is that you are responsible for your success and refuse to adopt the traditional knee replacement rehab timetable which will ultimately slow down your progress.

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Total Knee Replacement Precautions Physical Therapy

Sometimes Physical therapy sessions can help to strengthen the muscles around the knees and make it more stable for the mechanical movements. Therefore, doctors might recommend to work with a physical therapist as it help to avoid injuries or further worsening of an injury.

They will guide you about every exercise and helps you to practice it for quick recovery. They will also tell you How Much Walking after Knee Replacement and How Far to Walk after Knee Replacement.

Lets move to the next section that deals with some of the essential Precautions after Knee Replacement that should be taken care of.

Home And Outpatient Physical Therapy

Exercises 12 Weeks After Surgery – Total Knee Replacement

If you are sent home from the hospital, you may choose to have a home care physical therapist come to your house for your rehabilitation. This is usually reserved for people who may have a difficult time traveling to an outpatient physical therapy facility.

The focus of home physical therapy is to maximize your safe functional mobility in your home. You will likely continue on working on knee ROM and strength. Functional mobility like walking and stair climbing may also be a part of your home physical therapy after TKR.

As your surgical incision heals, your physical therapist may begin gentle scar tissue massage and mobilization to help improve the mobility of your incision. This can help the skin and other tissues around your knee move better and more freely.

If you are able to travel to a physical therapy facility, you may begin outpatient physical therapy. Here, your physical therapist will continue to work on improving your knee ROM, and it is expected that you are able to bend your knee to a 90 degree angle be the end of week 2.

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How Much Physical Therapy Is Needed After Knee Replacement How Long Should I Expect To Be In Physical Therapy After My Knee Replacement And How Often

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How Long Is Rehab After Knee Replacement

Physical therapy can last anywhere from four to six weeks, but this depends on the individual.

A typical physical therapist will work with you for about an hour each day. Patients are typically advised to attend three times a week to get their muscles back into shape and improve blood flow without putting too much strain on areas that have just been operated upon.

Furthermore, its also important to listen to the advice of your physical therapist. You must attend any recommended massages because they can help improve blood flow and speed up recovery times.

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Physical Therapy Right After Surgery

This may surprise you, but you can expect to start PT within a day of your operation.

A physical therapist will come to your hospital room and show you exercises you should start doing right away. Youll have fresh stitches and a brand-new body part. Trust that the moves are safe, though. Theyre designed to:

  • Strengthen your leg
  • Help you walk on your new knee

What Does Knee Replacement Surgery Involve

Knee Bend After Total Knee Replacement #TKR

The team at Tri-State Orthopaedics provide the latest advancements in treating chronic knee problems. When conservative options arent enough, your provider may recommend knee replacement surgery. Also called arthroplasty, this procedure involves replacing the structure of the damaged knee joint with metal and plastic parts to restore the normal function of the knee and relieve chronic pain.

Knee replacement is an incredibly common and successful procedure. Over 90% of people who have knee replacement experience significant improvement in pain and their ability to get around. For most people, knee replacement restores a good quality of life, giving back independence and allowing you to engage in activities you used to enjoy. However, recovery is often a long road. If youre scheduled for or considering knee surgery, here are some helpful dos and donts in your path to recovery.

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How Painful Is Physical Therapy After Knee Replacement

You may feel some discomfort with your exercises, but this should be reasonable discomfort. If pain is excessive or lasts more than one hour after exercise, inform your therapist at your next visit. You may need to change the number of repetitions, the amount of pressure, or the how often you are doing the exercises.

Physical Therapy After Knee Surgery: How Can It Help

The physical therapists at PRO~PT are specially trained to understand how the body moves, and having physical therapy after knee surgery is a critical component in your recovery.

Following your initial evaluation, your physical therapist will create an individualized protocol of exercises designed to help you

  • Walk normally
  • Return to other everyday activities

as soon as possible.

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Session 4 Day 9 Post Surgery

She was back the next day. I timed my pain medication so that it would be effective when she came. We did all 3 workouts and she decided not to measure my flexion since it had been only one day.

We went for a longer walk together. I carried the poles but was able to walk most of the time without them.

Before leaving she reminded me that she would be taking the staples out on her next visit.

She suggested that I put coconut oil or ointment on the incision the morning of her visit.

Physical Therapy After Microfracture Knee Surgery

No physical therapy after a total knee replacement!

Microfracture knee surgery is a procedure performed to correct problems with the articular cartilage of the knee and is typically done as an arthroscopic procedure.

Having physical therapy after microfracture knee surgery can help to decrease your pain and swelling, as well as improve the strength and range of motion of your knee and lower extremity.

Physical therapy after microfracture knee surgery treatment may include:

  • Heat
  • Exercise and
  • Neuromuscular electrical stimulation

Exercises following your surgery will begin within the first week or two and will continue for 8 to 12 weeks, or until you have regained full function and mobility of your knee.

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Session 5 Day 12 Post Surgery

That morning I put ointment on my incision and was prepared for the staple removal. The therapist arrived and after taking my vitals she cleaned the wound and began taking out the 22 staples.

I didnt feel pain at all and it took her about 5 minutes to complete the task. There was no bleeding or oozing during or after the removal of the staples.

She applied 8 Steri-Strips across the incision and told me they would all come off over time. She also advised me that Id be able to shower for the first time 13 days after surgery.

She cautioned me not to let the shower water hit the wound directly. Next she called my doctors office and asked the nurse to set up my off site physical therapy at the therapist that I chose.

The next day I received a phone call from the offsite physical therapist who set up my first appointment.

The workout that day was routine until it came time to measure my flexion. It was painful but I improved to 98 degrees and was happy. We completed the session with another, longer walk.

Motivation To Regain Physical Function

And finally, Dr. Courtney sees another factor speeding recovery for certain patients. Motivation is big one, especially with knee replacement surgery, he says. If patients are involved in sports, like golf, tennis, or swimming, their motivation to get back to their activities plays an important role.

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Knee Replacement Recovery Phase : Hospital Stay And Discharge

A typical hospital stay after a knee arthroplasty ranges anywhere from 1-3 days. Some patients even leave the same day, which depends on the type of procedure that is performed.

The reason knee replacement surgeries are so successful is because of their relatively low risk of complications. A majority of your hospital stay will include surgeons and hospital staff working hard to prevent complications such as infection, blood clots, pain, hardware issues, and neurovascular injuries.

While your healthcare team continues to monitor and prevent complications, patients can expect to start rehabilitation soon after the surgery. Within 24 hours, patients will work with a physical therapist to begin standing and walking again. Lack of confidence is very common during this time, so crutches and walkers help provide that extra support many patients require.

Another standard device used amongst the knee replacement population is a continuous passive motion machine. This machine helps provide your knee with a constant motion to prevent scar tissue buildup and stiffness from being immobile. You can expect your surgeon or physical therapist to help educate you about this device and how to use it at home.

Recovery Up To Six Weeks

Knee Partial Meniscectomy

Initially, it is very common for patients to have trouble getting a restful night sleep. This is due to the knee being unconfutable and swollen. Some surgeons will want their patients to wear a brace to bed for several weeks to help reduce the chance of developing a flexion contractureflexion contracture of the knee. A good nightâs sleep will return over time. Check with your physician if medication is recommended as a sleep aide. Some patients can consider over the counter Benadrylî to assist with sleep.

Traveling during the first 3 weeks after surgery should be limited to certain activities such as going to an out-patient physical therapyout-patient physical therapy program. Some patients may opt for home based physical therapyhome based physical therapy in the early recovery period to reduce the need for traveling. Patients may still have difficulty getting in and out of the passenger side of a car at this stage. Driving should be avoided during this time.

By the time you reach the third week, the most significant pain will fade. Deep aching becomes more prominent rather than sharp pain. Most patients will start to feel comfortable returning to drivingreturning to driving approximately 4 to 8 weeks after surgery. We recommend to avoid longer trips for up to 6 weeks following surgery.

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Peer Review And Public Commentary

Following the formation of a final draft, the CPG review draft was subjected to a 4-week peer review for additional input from external content experts and stakeholders. More than 350 comments were collected via an electronic structured review form. All peer reviewers were required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest, which were recorded and, as necessary, addressed.

After modifying the draft in response to peer review, the CPG was subjected to a 2-week public comment period. Commenters consisted of members of the APTA Board of Directors , the APTA Scientific and Practice Affairs Committee , all relevant APTA sections, stakeholder organizations, and the physical therapy community at large. More than 194 public comments were received. Revisions to the draft were made in response to relevant comments.

How Long Does Pain Last After Knee Replacement

It is usually normal to have some pain after surgery, but this pain generally improves with time. However, doctors can provide some pain relief until this happens.

In rare cases, pain may persist longer. Therefore, people who have ongoing or worsening pain should seek advice from their doctor, as there may be a complication.

The most common complication is that people dont like the way their knee works or they continue to have pain or stiffness.

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