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HomeSurgeryHow Long To Recover From Arthroscopic Knee Surgery

How Long To Recover From Arthroscopic Knee Surgery

Preventing Or Avoiding Total Knee Replacement

Arthroscopic knee surgery How long will the pain last?

If injections and Physical Therapy have failed to provide pain and function improvements, a scope surgery may help put off or avoid an otherwise inevitable total knee replacement.

Knee replacement surgery is a much more involved and drastic change of structures to the knee compared to a knee scope.

This makes knee replacement recovery much longer and more difficult.

How Long Does The Surgical Procedure Take And What Exactly Is Done

The actual surgery time is usually about 30 minutes. If extensive work is needed, the procedure may last up to 45 minutes. Most people “go to sleep completely” during surgery with a general anesthetic. Some have surgery with a spinal anesthetic.

Three or four small incisions are made to allow special instruments, including a fiber-optic camera, to be placed into your knee. Sterile saline is brought into the knee joint continuously with tubing to provide a clear view for the surgeon. Torn parts of the meniscus and/or damaged cartilage on the bone surfaces are carefully removed with special arthroscopic instruments. The end result is a knee lined with smooth and stable tissues rather than rough edges.

Should I Use Ice Or Heat

Ice should be used for the first several days, particularly if you have a lot of swelling or discomfort. Ice is also helpful if you develop swelling after exercising. Once the initial swelling has decreased, you may use either ice and/or heat depending on which helps you the most. Some patients report that using heat prior to activities helps “warm up” the knee.

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The Benefits Of A Minimally Invasive Approach To Knee Surgery

Knee pain is pretty much a fact of modern life, with millions of people seeking treatment every year for some type of knee discomfort. Sometimes, its just tendonitis or some other condition that can be treated with ice or another non-invasive approach. If that wont satisfactorily resolve your issues, you may need to undergo knee surgery.

When Will I Be Job Ready

Knee Arthroscopy
  • When will you be job ready depends on many criteria.
  • Weather you are a office worker or you have heavy job!
  • Weather your job involves repetitive knee movements or long tough work?
  • Depending on your severity of knee cartilage damage complete recovery might not be a possible.
  • Certain lifestyle modifications has to be done to prolong the effect of surgery.

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Can You Walk Right After Arthroscopic Knee Surgery

If necessary due to pain, patients may opt to use crutches or a walker for a few days after surgery. Once more comfortable, most people are able to walk with a minimal limp within one or two weeks after surgery. Most patients realize a benefit from arthroscopic knee surgery within 4 to 6 weeks.

How Is A Knee Arthroscopy Performed

An arthroscopy is performed under a general or spinal anaesthetic. 2 small incisions are made at the front of the knee to create portals. A small telescope is inserted into the knee to provide a view of the inside of the joint. Various instruments are passed through the other portal to perform the surgery. An arthroscopy takes about 20 minutes to perform. Bigger operations, such as ligament reconstructions take about 90 minutes.

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What Are The Risks Of Knee Arthroscopy

While knee arthroscopy is a safe procedure for the treatment of knee injuries, there are some risks that patients should be aware of. Depending on the patient and joint condition, these risks may include swelling and stiffness of the joint, bleeding, blood clots, infection, or continuing knee problems.

Wear Stable Supportive Well


Along with increasing pressure on the knees, when you wear high heels, it can shorten and tighten your calf muscles. This is a condition that could cause overpronation, which is when your foot is pulled inward too far. When feet excessively pronate, the arch of your foot may collapse and cause your lower leg to roll inward, which then stresses your knee and ankle. Shoes ideal for knee protection are:

  • Shoes with an inch or shorter heels
  • Flat shoes
  • Shoes with cushioned soles
  • Shoes that fit well, keeping your feet from sliding front to back and left to right

Shoes with a non-slip, rubber sole can help keep you from sliding on slippery surfaces that can also cause knee injury. If you run, walk or exercise regularly, be sure you change your workout shoes every three months or more frequently to ensure you have enough cushion for protecting your knees and your ankles, feet, back and hips.

Also Check: How To Cure Knee Pain

Knee Surgery Recovery Time

Knee surgery recovery time varies depending upon the type of knee surgery and the individual’s health. Recovery in terms of walking or resuming normal life can begin within 3 to 8 weeks of surgery, while resuming strenuous activities may take quite a few months.

Knee surgery recovery time varies depending upon the type of knee surgery and the individuals health. Recovery in terms of walking or resuming normal life can begin within 3 to 8 weeks of surgery, while resuming strenuous activities may take quite a few months.

In cases of severe knee problems where treatment through medication is not possible, knee surgery is the ultimate option to improve the function of knee joint. Besides, many sportsmen also undergo a knee surgery if the knee problem jeopardizes their performance. Depending upon the problem, there are several types of corrective orthopedic surgeries. The recovery time primarily depends upon the particular type of surgery you opt for.

Daniel Fulham ONeill, M.D., Ed.D, stated in his book, Knee Surgery: The Essential Guide to Total Knee Recovery that, different knees heal at different rates. People have different problems and different responses to surgeries, which is why the ideal recovery time after a knee surgery cannot be determined.

ArthroscopyRecovery TimeHalf/Partial Knee Replacement SurgeryRecovery TimeTotal Knee Replacement SurgeryRecovery TimeKnee OsteotomyRecovery Time

Keep Hip Butt Leg And Core Muscles Strong

When you have strong muscles overall, it protects all your joints, even your knees. When your core muscles are strong, it helps with healthy skeletal alignment and good posture, both of which you need for distributing pressure on joints equally and prevents your knees from sustaining excessive pressure. Strong leg, butt, hip and core muscles are particularly good for keeping pressure off your knees.

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For Best Results Limping Must Be Avoided After Arthroscopy Knee Surgery

The knee joints suffer massive forces of wear and tear that can be added to through faulty gait patterns. Yes, that means limping! To make sure your knee doesn’t continue to deteriorate after arthroscopy it’s all about getting the range of joint motion back and getting you walking properly. Walking is the best medicine for knees, but not if you’re walking badly!

The opposing bony surfaces of the knee joint are protected by a cartilage buffer that has a shiny friction-free consistency of dense plastic

It’s important to remember with all the large weight-bearing joints we must operate with the optimum amount of fluid in the joint, so that we walk on a ‘cushion of fluid’.

The synovial fluid lubricates the joint and helps promote friction-free gliding of the opposing cartilage surfaces past one another. If you walk badly, there’s more friction from the cartilage caused by the wonky muscle action, which inflames the knee. More fluid then pours into the joint to help filter out little gritty bits of cartilage, with the accumulating swelling causing pain. It’s important to empty it out again so that you have just the right amount of fluid in the knee.;


1. It lubricates the knee

2. It cools the opposing working cartilage surfaces cool

3. It debrides the knee of gritty cartilage particles

4. It nourishes the cartilage buffer

5. It acts like a cushion of fluid to soften bone-to-bone contact in the knee

What Are The Side

How to Heal after Arthroscopic Knee Surgery: 12 Steps

After keyhole knee surgery, you may:

  • have some pain and swelling around your knee this can last for up to a week and is completely normal
  • notice small scars on your knee from the cuts
  • feel more tired than usual
  • notice you cant bend your knee properly for a week or so

Speak to your surgeon or nurse if your knee starts to bleed.

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For What Diseases Or Conditions Is Arthroscopy Considered

Arthroscopy can be helpful in the diagnosis and treatment of many noninflammatory, inflammatory, and infectious types of arthritis as well as various injuries within the joint.

Noninflammatory degenerative arthritis, or osteoarthritis, can be seen using the arthroscope as frayed and irregular cartilage. A new procedure for the treatment of younger patients with an isolated injury to the cartilage covering the bone ends within a joint uses a “paste” of the patient’s own cartilage cells. The cells are harvested and grown in the laboratory and are then reimplanted at a later date in the knee with the use of an arthroscope.

In inflammatory arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, some patients with isolated chronic joint swelling can sometimes benefit by arthroscopic removal of the inflamed joint tissue . The tissue lining the joint can be biopsied and examined under a microscope to determine the cause of the inflammation and discover infections, such as tuberculosis. Arthroscopy can provide more information in situations which cannot be diagnosed by simply aspirating and analyzing the joint fluid.

Common knee joint injuries for which arthroscopy is considered include cartilage tears , ligament strains and tears, and cartilage deterioration underneath the kneecap . Arthroscopy is commonly used in the evaluation of knees and shoulders but can also be used to examine and treat conditions of the hips, wrist, ankles, feet, spine, and elbows.

How Much Does Knee Arthroscopy Surgery Cost

If you don’t have insurance, and you’re trying to decide if you should have knee arthroscopy surgery performed, make sure you let your doctor know you’ll have to pay for the procedure out of pocket. Often, doctors will work with you by offering a payment plan or a non-insurance option.;Even so, the amount you’ll pay for knee arthroscopy depends on what you and the doctor decide. Therefore, you’ll want to sit down and discuss fees up front.

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How Long Is Knee Arthroscopy Recovery

Knee arthroscopy isn’t very invasive. For many individuals, this surgery takes;no more than an hour, but the total time depends on the specific procedure. You’ll likely be able to go home for recovery on the same day of your procedure. You should use dressing and an ice pack on your knee. The ice helps minimize swelling and pain.

At home, you will want to have a family member or friend look after you, at least on your first day. Elevate your leg as much as possible and put ice on it for a couple of days. Make sure you change your dressing as directed. Be certain you go to your follow-up appointment with your knee arthroscopy surgeon, which will likely be several days after your surgery.

Your doctor will likely prescribe you an exercise regimen you can perform at home that will help with your knee recovery, or they may suggest a physical therapist help you regain normal knee function. The exercises prescribed are necessary for helping to strengthen your muscles and restore full range of motion. With the proper care, your outcome after you’ve had the surgery performed is excellent.

Why Is Knee Arthroscopy The Best Treatment Option For My Medical Condition

Arthroscopic Knee Surgery | One Week Post-op Recovery

It is one of the crucial questions to ask before arthroscopic knee surgery. There are a number of issues with the knee, including torn ACL , damaged articular cartilage, torn meniscus, joint infections or inflamed synovial tissue. If you are identified with any of these issues, then knee arthroscopy might be the best treatment option for you.

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What Happens When I Leave Hospital

You will need someone to pick you up from the hospital and stay with you on the night of your surgery. You will probably feel a bit sleepy and might need some pain killers.;

You will be given written instructions on how to look after your wound, what warning signs to look out for and what to do with your dressings. You will also be given a sheet of exercises to get you started after your operation. A physiotherapist may visit you while you are in hospital to teach you these exercises.

You should keep the wounds dry until you are seen by your specialist.

Recovery From Arthroscopic Knee Repair Surgery

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Recovery times vary depending on each persons circumstance. Age, injury, health status and the ability and commitment to follow through with physical therapy will all impact healing time. However, it is important to understand that it may take many months to feel better. Arthroscopic knee repair in minimally invasive surgery uses local or spinal anesthesia, small incisions and offers less bleeding with faster healing times and less damage to soft tissue. Arthroscopy is often an outpatient procedure. ACL reconstruction and meniscus tear repairs are often done together, arthroscopically. The orthopedic specialists at Orthopedic Specialists North County are experts in arthroscopic knee procedures.

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Arthroscopic Surgery For A Torn Meniscus

Arthroscopic surgery to remove all or part of the torn meniscus, is a common surgery. Arthroscopic surgery is outpatient same day surgery with local or regional anesthetic.

An uncomplicated meniscectomy will resolve most of the pain fairly quickly, but swelling and stiffness take time to resolve. It may take 4-5 months for full healing. The patient should be able to bear weight on the knee while standing or walking, immediately after surgery. Crutches will be necessary for 2-7 days after surgery. Rehabilitation to gain full ROM should occur within 1-2 weeks. Heavy work or sports may be restricted for the first 4-6 weeks.

Complicated arthroscopic repair of a meniscus tear requires that the patients knee be completely immobilized for 2 weeks after surgery. Followed by 2 weeks of limited motion before resuming daily activities. Physical therapy starts right after surgery. The patient should be able to bear weight on the knee while standing or walking, immediately after surgery with a brace.

The patient is expected to walk with crutches for 4-6 weeks after surgery. Rehabilitation is intended to control pan and swelling, achieve maximum range of motion and full load walking. Patients with a low impact job can return to work 1-2 weeks after surgery, drive after 4-6 weeks, and return to heavy work or sports 3-6 months after surgery.

What Are My Treatment Options

How Long To Recover From Knee Surgery

Treatment for a meniscus tear will depend on its size, what kind it is, and where itâs located within the cartilage. Most likely, your doctor will recommend that you rest, use pain relievers, and apply ice to you knee to keep the swelling down. They may also suggest physical therapy. This will help to strengthen the muscles around your knee and keep it stable.

If these treatments donât work — or if your injury is severe — they might recommend surgery. To be sure, your doctor will probably have an MRI done. And they might look at the tear with an arthroscope. Thatâs a thin tool that has a camera and light at the end. It allows doctors to see inside your joints.

If your doctorâs exam shows your meniscus tear is mild , you may not need surgery. If itâs Grade 3, you probably will. Your doctor might choose to do any of the following:

  • Arthroscopic repair. Your doctor will make small cuts in your knee. Theyâll insert an arthroscope to get a good look at the tear. Then theyâll place small devices that look like darts along the tear to stitch it up. Your body will absorb these over time.
  • Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. Your doctor will remove a piece of the torn meniscus so your knee can function normally.
  • Arthroscopic total meniscectomy. During this procedure, your doctor will remove the whole meniscus.

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What Are The Benefits Of Knee Arthroscopy

Knee arthroscopy is an effective tool in diagnosing your joint condition and for confirming treatment for knee problems such as meniscus tears and cartilage wear. An arthroscopy can ultimately provide relief from knee pain and improve mobility. Maintaining a normal and active lifestyle with greater comfort is a key benefit of this procedure.

Learn All About It Before Your Surgery


1. Waking in Recovery Room and what you can do

2. Starting to get the leg working

3. Moving the foot first helps move the knee

4. Getting upright and weight bearing

5. The important points about taking the first steps

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    Manage Pain And Swelling As Prescribed

    Pain is a natural part of knee arthroscopy and the healing process. To minimize pain and swelling, take medications as prescribed. Sometimes, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory are effective.

    Medications provide relief so you can move your knee to aid in the recovery process. Icing and elevating your knee as recommended will help keep swelling down and minimize the risk of complications in the area of your incisions. A few days after surgery, Dr. Absi checks your progress, examines your knee, and begins your postoperative therapy program.


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