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Crack In Knee When Squatting

Is It Bad That My Knees Crack When I Squat

How to Fix Knees That Crack & Pop When Squatting |#AskSquatU Show Ep. 7|

Q: Why do my knees crack when I do squats? And is it bad?Will P., Chicago, IL

A: Joints and soft-tissues can make all kinds of noises, from loud popping noises to grating sounds to quiet rubbing sensations. Most of these sounds are categorized by the term crepitus, which essentially means joint noise.

Much like when crack your knuckles, loud popping noises from your knees are most likely caused by what is called cavitation. Cavitation results from a change in joint pressure that allows carbon dioxide, which is normally dissolved in your joint fluida.k.a. synovial fluidto come out of the solution and form gas bubbles in the joint. This createa a small cavity in the joint, and when the cavity closes quickly, the bubble essentially pops and makes the familiar cracking noise.

In most cases, this is nothing to be concerned about. In fact, the theory that popping your joints will lead to arthritis has absolutely no support in the research literature.

Now some folks will notice a grinding noise in the knee joint when they squat. If it’s not painful, its categorized as benign creptius which, again. is nothing to be concerned about. Many people experience this throughout their lives and never have any problems.

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If this is the case, physical therapy, or in worst cases, surgery, will be required to resolve the condition to allow you to return to normal activities.

1. Make sure you have normal ankle mobility

2. Make sure you have normal hip rotation

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Cracking Knee Joints Remedy: A 10

When you take the stairs, is the creak of the steps followed by the crack of your knees? Do your popping knees get knowing looks from your co-workers when you sit down at your desk? Most of the time, noisy knees are nothing to worry about. Of all the joints that are prone to making a cracking sound, the knee joint is high on the list. Our 2-step 10-minute stretching routine can help silence your clamorous caps and relieve muscle tension. All you need is our Midi Foam Roller and Stretching Strap. You can also use yoga blocks and a towel.

Cracking knees are sometimes called knee crepitus. Crepitus is a sound or sensation that comes from the friction produced between cartilage and bones during movement. Knee cracking happens when you use your knees full range of motion. Activities that involve bending and straightening your knees like standing after sitting, rising from kneeling or squatting can all cause popping, clicking, crunching, or grating. In most cases, knee cracking is similar to cracking your knuckles its a sound and a mild sensation that isnt a problem. If you experience knee pain or swelling around your knees after the popping occurs, you should see a doctor or consult an orthopaedic surgeon for a diagnosis or treatment. There are some schools of thought that believe cracking knees is an indication of rheumatoid arthritis or knee osteoarthritis however, there is currently no research to support this claim.

Also Check: How To Strengthen Your Knees

Why Do My Knees Pop And Crack At The Gym

Knee pain and “noisy” knees are two common reasons that patients often go see a physical therapist. Popping or cracking, and in some cases pain while or after performing knee-dominant movements like split squats, leave them wondering if they should be concerned. The answer, as with so many other things in life, is that it depends.

The technical term for popping is crepitus, and there are a number of reasons that the knees may pop.

Sometimes the popping and cracking is not cause for concern. The knees often pop when bending and straightening, especially during weight bearing activities such as stairs or squats. The popping is usually not painful, and is caused by bursting nitrogen bubbles in the synovial fluid when force is applied to the joint. The technical term for this is cavitation, and it is what happens when you pop your knuckles.

In other instances, the popping noise can come from the joint. The cartilage on the ends of the femur, the tibia, and/or the patella can wear down, and this degeneration of the cartilage causes rough spots which may pop or crack with movement. Many times this isnt painful but, sometimes it is. With advanced osteoarthritis, many patients complain of pain, as they have lost the cushioning of cartilage and often feel bone rubbing on bone.

In some people it is very loud but not painful, and in others it only makes a little bit of noise, but is painful. Pain may not occur every day.

Natural Home Remedies For Knee Pain

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Sometimes knee pain does not always require a complicated procedure for treatment. There are simple home remedies that can help ease pain and provide relief. Such as

Assess And Diagnose Your Pain

Consider the type of pain you experience. Is it moderate or severe?

Pain from strain, sprains, minor injury, or inflammation are easily self-managed, however, persistent pain requires immediate medical attention.

RICE Therapy

Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation are applicable for knee strains or sprains from twisting your legs or falling. Raise the affected leg or feet, apply a cold compress to your knee and wrap with a compression bandage.

Do not tightly wrap around the affected area so you dont cut off circulation. Keep your legs and feet elevated.


Daily exercise can go a long way in promoting strong muscles and mobility.

Physical activities such as cycling, walking, swimming, and yoga not only improve your muscles but also your overall functionality.

However, rest if you have an injury, severe knee pain, or a flare-up of symptoms.

Hot And Cold Therapy

Heat therapy helps ease the pain, while cold therapy reduces inflammation. Alternate between the two, but start with cold therapy for the first two days. Warm baths and showers can help ease stiff joints.


Research shows that several herbal remedies and ointments can be as effective as some over-the-counter creams. Consult your doctor or physician before using herbal ointments.

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Exercises To Stop Knee Clicking

Prior to beginning any exercises for knee clicking, you should always consult with your doctor, as some exercises can make your condition worse, for example, if you have a tear or misalignment. If your doctor has given you the green light to exercise, then a good place to begin is strengthening the quadriceps, as the muscles that run through the thigh can help better support the knee.

Beneficial exercises for quads include leg extensions or static contractions. An example is quad-setting exercise, which is performed by sitting on the floor with both legs straight. Bend your left knee and put your foot flat on the floor and place a rolled towel beneath your right thigh near the knee. Flex your foot, and lift your heel and calf off the floor. Lower back down. Do not lift your thigh off the towel.

Its also important to have equal strength between your quadriceps and hamstrings, so if your quads are strong but your hamstrings are weak your knees could be feeling the burden. Hamstrings are located at the back of the thigh. To strengthen these muscles, lay face up on the floor with your knees bent at a 45-degree angle. Lift your toes up and press your heels down, contracting the hamstrings in the process. Hold this for up to 10 seconds, relax, and repeat. Generally, the quads should be only 25 percent stronger than the hamstrings.

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What Causes Knees To Crack And Pop

If you find that your knee cracks and pops regularly, there could be an underlying issue, says Bert Mandelbaum, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist at Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute in Los Angeles and author of The Win Within: Capturing Your Victorious Spirit. Typically, it boils down to one of these causes:

Knee Cracking When Squatting

“Cracking” in Knees when Squatting | Overtime Athletes

During squats or exercises like running, knee cracking is rather common. However, in this article, we are going to mainly focus on knee cracking when squatting.

So what causes knee cracking when squatting?

When doing an exercise like squatting, the force propelled through the knee joint can squish carbon dioxide gas out of the synovial fluid surrounding the knee . This can cause popping, or cracking sound when lowering yourself down during a squat, and sometimes when you straighten your legs on the way up.

If there is any pain when you feel your knees cracking, it is wise to replace squatting with another form of exercise, until you know the cause of the problem.

It may end up being caused by degeneration of the soft tissue, cartilage, or even meniscus. If this is the case it is wise to stop doing squats and speak to a healthcare professional, as they can help diagnose the problem.

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Looking For A Physio To Help Manage Any Concerns Or Pain In Your Body

Primal Physiotherapy offers the best physiotherapy and rehabilitation for your needs. Clicks and pops are normal but as you have now learnt that stretches and correct mobility rehab exercises can help reduce them. You can visit us for a further assessment.

Book an assessment at your closest location here: /

Primal Physiotherapy

If My Knees Click When Doing Squats Is Something Wrong

Knee clicking, or crepitus, is a common occurrence. Although it sounds abnormal, it does not always indicate cause for concern. A complex interworking of ligaments, tendons and muscles support your knee joint. These must support your body weight during normal activities and added force when you exercise, particularly for high-impact activities like running.

Video of the Day

If your knee pops when squatting, this does not necessarily indicate a more serious condition. However, knee popping and pain can be a sign of injury or underlying conditions. See a doctor or physical therapist for a diagnosis if this occurs frequently.

Read more:Why Do My Knees Crack When I Do Lunges?

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How To Stop The Cracking Sound From Knee

There are a few exercises which can be done to get rid of Knee Cracking. These exercises are:

Calf Release Exercise to Get Rid of Cracking Knee: This exercise helps to relieve muscle tension with direct pressure. Simple stretching just stretches or elongates the muscle but muscle release technique actually activates the tight muscles and makes them more balanced resulting in getting rid of Knee Cracking.

To do this exercise, sit with the affected calf on top of a tennis ball. Pull the other leg on top of it and roll yourself up and down over the ball. Once you identify a tender spot then stop rolling and move the foot up and down for about half a minute. This exercise need to be done at least three times a day to get rid of Knee Cracking.

Hip Flexor Release to Get Rid of Cracking Knee: Majority of knee conditions and noises that are heard from knee including Knee Cracking are due to some abnormality of the hip. In case of Knee Cracking, this can be addressed by a Hip Flexor Release Exercise.

To do this exercise, take two tennis balls and tape them together. Now, lie on the stomach and place the taped balls beneath the stomach. Now bend the leg such that it is perpendicular to your body and swing the leg sideways from left to right such that a strain is felt on the knee. Swing the leg as much as you can tolerate.

Repeat this for the other leg. Do this at least two to three times a day in reps of three to get rid of Knee Cracking.

Should You Worry If Your Knees Crack When You Squat

When You Hear Your Knee Crack While You

In most cases, a little cracking in your knees is harmless. Unless its accompanied by this

In most cases, if your knees crack but dont hurt, then the noise is just crepitusgas bubbles bursting, says Tony Gentilcore, C.S.C.S., cofounder of Cressey Sports Performance in Massachusetts.

Sure, crepitus sounds scary, but those gasesoxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxideare just part of synovial fluid, a natural joint lubricant. So relax, youre fine.

Another harmless knee noisemaker: Your tendons may be clicking back into place after shifting slightly out of their original position.

What isnt normal is popping accompanied by pain.

Some guys push their knees too far forward while squatting, and that puts a lot of undue stress on their joints, Gentilcore says.

Over time, this causes cartilage to wear down and lose its smoothness, resulting in an audible noise when your bones grind against each other as you bend.

Worst case? Youll tear your meniscus.

If your knees hurt, its probably best to have them checked out by a doctor. You may be told to take a few weeks off from working out to let any swelling die down.

When you return to lifting, check your form with the wall squat test: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and toes touching a wall. Then squat. If your knees hit the wall, try again, this time keeping your hips back and shins vertical. Do it right and youll be rewarded with silence.

Also Check: How To Relieve Arthritis In Knees

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The Importance Of Physical Therapy In The Treatment Of Knee Pain

Many of the millions of individuals who suffer from knee pain will visit a physical therapist at some point throughout their pain-relieving journey. A physical therapist is a highly trained and certified health care provider that treats a wide range of injuries and chronic ailments and can help rehabilitate your body after injury.

Physical therapys main objective is to enhance your everyday quality of life by reducing pain and enhancing mobility. Physical therapy will certainly assist if you experience discomfort or trouble getting up and down from a chair, walking the length of a grocery store, or going up and downstairs, or if you have been avoiding some of these tasks due to pain, stiffness, or weakness.

If you are located in the Greater Phoenix region, the therapists at Desert edge PT can assess your strength and range of motion, balance, and functional abilities , ask you about your objectives, and then create a customized treatment plan to reduce your knee pain and restore your mobility.

Knee pain can be treated with physical therapy in a variety of ways, including:

  • Joint mobilization/stabilization.

Contact Desert Edge Physical Therapy to help reduce knee pain with a specialized program created just for you!

Knee Clicking Should I Be Worried

In squats, the knees are put under pressure.

Knee clicking, or crepitus, is a common occurrence. Although it sounds abnormal, its similar to popping your knuckles or back and occur due to various reasons. See it as tiny bubbles become trapped in the knee joint over time and then burst when the knee bends or extends a certain way its kind of like popping bubble wrap. Overall this process is safe and not something I would be concerned about however if the click is chronic and happens regularly its a bit of a different story. So if you are feeling discomfort, pain or instability we always recommend you seeing a physiotherapist to identify the underlying conditions.

Knee Osteoarthritis

If you are in your 50s you may have Knee Osteoarthritis. Chronic inflammation of the joints results in cartilage breakdown, causing arthritis. As a result, you may experience cracks and noises in your knee joint.

We would suggest seeing a Physiotherapist to best identify the best rehabilitation approaches just to be safe due to age and the condition of the wear and tear of your joints.

Osteoarthritis cartilage Physiotherapy

Knee Injury

Your kneecap can be injured by falling on your knee or in an explosive moment from pressure. Under these conditions, you may experience a knee crack while squatting. There are many possible causes for this condition

  • Chondromalacia patella
  • Patellofemoral syndrome, or runners knee

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Rubbing Of Tendons On Bony Structures

There are many tendons and ligaments around the knee. They help us bend and straighten the joint, as well as keep it stable.

But sometimes they rub over the bony structures of the femur, causing clicking

For example, some people feel crepitus on the side of the knee while standing up or squatting. The iliotibial band rubbing on the femur may be causing that noise.

If its not associated with knee pain, dont worry about it.

Change the position of your feet or hips and check if the noise changes. You might find a position that wont make the side of your knee joint crack.

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